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December 07, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-12-07

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,- (s tillxork out in practice, wiii give
"'' ' of " ' te onittes to the bevst men, irreslpec-
of ______tive o1 wire-pullina talents.
publishet tIttils (Sutedayse ceepteti) taring _____________
hr Calme sraeThe setitor tmedical class is get-
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION tinp valutabia experience thtis year in
leIwip permittedl to anestetize
Sbci tinpe, ElaI pcirtyear, invariably patients far riperation.
it)advancentr lseivhent. bci
bone smay he let tt t ea lite athe I0 toe, The fIttin s-i ic iers txerr electedI
tit tittlet's, awitth any ovi hreedi trseor lb-te. hrtila oit t t
a he at ttivtt 'last rieeting: lPtesident, Mark
aceommunitiosal houlad reate off v itcer b ay s eti-rstlttI en
7hclcitk. m. ifthetitrto apar tthe testSadve-rsenf..Ba;
-try. Atddtesill mtatt er in teteorpubhiica- secretary, I). 0 . Rleottcorres-
tiontttottthe atiagitt Edi~tie. All btttitnes )otitg setretary, W. 1I1. lalts;
tommutiationtishouti ilit-he et ttt t-hitch~ critic, 1G.K tiler trecasutrer, I'.
of-4ttntier. hatne; nmarshsal, E. 1.1Johntsotn.Ihe
THE U. nf M. DAILY. society trill give a public enteraini-

OIftill kitnds fot Laies attd Gentle-
Tee ocrsett .
$PECIAL $AbE.--~enlbV63
WAGNER & CO., Tailors and Fumnishers.

EDITORS. GadOaaHne 1 $N S Michigan Railway.
E. . lt t i a Iit. t 1tt let Saai- tl . _I-
C ) til. i . a 3, s-i. seaititeegetd hs(ll li l t) ae2
J.. ( . 111\; aititttetri shaLtttillhivit-lirsshphleliageNit1_xlii ii i -l,
,A . \'0 :St. t i;R . I 4,1 Nhtti1. ). 1v lldF i, .etl r 5{. I-.iI Ait iaieA11l1.71 1111
11. itE 1 d "l p il - - --'. tit ai ii It"' t - 11.,1 it iv i tl-r liiii tt il 5 N h e llil tip tltt - ItIie L Aotttan natn ti in a . ta -x i - ii a
a t-ll "l bitrli. i x l h es u t ste s theirirst al pIeate r- 'iii ililill r lial til1.r lvtvtianitt tatet aitviUiit.iIll
.l 11 1. l . iidvrttiir eerarali eltietvdidi
it;)1. ti.Flo er ). It l N-e It 1;11 1' sx liv broes rs iite l e stt altl i )eill- I n iiict li sat ir e te er; ant g tilih gte a te; . Se itiIisIii '
C,.1 t tvrt 4:3 J Z A1ei1'.+t isttl la tfitottlimid terstt h ii tlv al vto; rie catrest ad ia e ireeptithons; '-
liitie ti thl hss.al teritnll [atM e'D }1 oe haetrt'er o meca rautsinget v 1 ' a i l riI P1111 ...... 1:3'i. ~
AN E U ATO A C N E ~ h.mte .II u treveyce e ad;shr $3 00,grdute $400.ue $5tios;NIt4 ald ut tl eti t.......t...ti 'l i. it.
huts- ti_- -4dicv t itlc tt h til thiui ed ntig h 1101ey ll- ait'l h n i , I ep nssV H 5pr tek n rvaef me o i t ' Ii 11111 l~tiitlt I t tti t Sr. it ir vi1
barett- asha st-lisefticesansie antdirtIP .CERPe. cei~a~a ie
honersaapreaanjo1speciaititsioflMessiris still --1a4[1t v--li-i--lim-lt-
thedre=i a a. oe tr I 5ittssel orWd. t , ltitet :tadrite tis artuntttA111t lo IW
rilier illutritatedl ly the Ilrophosced teatitiheE tI t N ,~i i 01t i) t
Gu- ily rothtertsM1itnstrels twill iaptpeir W ~ t & Fie . l.IkNJ "' t .ttlEWU
eitallilimenl iofi'a 1thieological sco- t ithIle G(andctitt l l h ous I lil p Dot &_F ine 1. 1 1111a.1 Arntt.oalni AL-Ct.
bidse fairli t itlgroiv the holecs of its ~'STE kNTiS, SAX EHALFI 'O1ZEl MON 1\NI) Ill
most sangittiiC fl-iends, is antotihct
examplle if te same tIedency. I.tstr. A ladies, xiatcli elibiwith ll ;iii- - O IK -
has uecoi anthKigsIDatghters rose
Whi' ICeithetirIle propdllt- tettlog-p ttac-hed.- Mier Iletise ritutrnto ii23 _AT I 11
i-il scI tool notr ite iSchool of :Music ' ivitsiotn. l4-(it
twotiul havc allidirccti conntechtio°FOi1lt.-2S ll'1om hompstnt'street. l e. 1 11etIST U DE Ilb LIIt AJ XCIka F , C)LLXILE C)
wth iithe t - ii raiiy, lithe tre l liwi ll n ah .1E(ll 'Cccl 'Ii Tr:I- lieR ie taitlale
ailcicittiti t shotist noatice swantetd nowi-. Fislt
mutiC lat tIr -ati isand5t ffitt1x hl ieu ieapont ttt i-ittilthi
evea t fIromth e l nii v11 lt iitha tetnts tiill hfill]illtithe listacoi-jL P1I JICCII0 1
the Svltool ohfhIMtsicstil l iitill pcie tittithoatiti;'gprocer fintotiatwnIO ES L Ihh(
thse blit of t-e it-eis-ail - ____
tu isiecures a eat il. - ~I o ,~~


T'I'[rl:1):>> i tswas ina error yesterday,
itt stating the lplant of sotitig on the
reservetd seaituquestion. The platt is
as follow's: flne or ttvo hours, eachs
cay,1beginntintiptonmorrowe, a tmentber
if the S. I. A. board il il be in the
tmain Itail tol receive te votes of
ticket hsoldhers. Earls season ticket
clls foe otte vole.
Tttm-:hBroswn Daily IHerald cotmes
t us entlargetd, being tnse the regut-.
latiotn sire of college dailies. The
Hleraltd is otte of the niost enterpiris-
ittg of the uanixvrsitylptapes
Turtt:is a groswtng tetidetncy to
make the literary offices of the
classes sucht as orattor antI poet cotn-
petitive. Ninety-six lit htas taken
steps in this direction. This idea is
comtmendabtle in teory, antI if it

vJ of M

I I'----- _- - - - ' - - - - -

Holiday Rates.


Int selectittg your society
badge socantythting in jewrelry-,
weI wan111 5011to beat- us itt
ttittd. 0m, rteptutatiott is this
tightest for this wotrkiattdl we
xsilh toffer yottthin tost tmoide-
tate ptices itt Michigan for
thse best wrtk.
tWoodwatvrdt Ave., antat fit.,i

Forhit' sitills andl 1 ss' ''etic's Itoli-
hits,- ite Toledho, Attn ArbraniittihNorthiI ho o rap her,
Miehtiganstilwihsay ivill sell eticursion ikt ewe l ttoso t i
at ichtticktetsateeshuh,.also Io pointts CI-INE~tl'11\IND NO titthN STS.
til several cottnectitiglittes, ationo11111 AA
otie-thired Ifur fr the rtuittdhtrill.G AIE O R .ItQJL
tiekets still begoodthgointg Dee. 24tH, ANN ARBOtS
25th, 26tH anh l1st. anth halt.1st 111111Friday, December, 9th.
2nih, and1thgttidtretitiifintttil Jan.eth it TwENTv-rIrtEO>as
itncltusive. 4.ltttnl. rE1il,
New Route totheNorthweant. P i n $RI
Ottand tfter Motnday, Noivettmber 12 1+CId~
2.th, 1892,. the Teledo ih. it Arbor atnt VANNERSON & McDONALD,
.Foritihihigantrarilwsay-'aslieu'car teit their heautifltsilvee tript-linart--.ei
l et-u, s,ItnatArbor Nit. I," xvitnthm atke onlygeteen whocatu nsisngle,.oul
il-ti~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~n trtciphi-iseet sometkrscaulteh.,~tsmtle l'alir ivl.ta
andt Kessaunee, sWis. Melsvie andlNiistaitt.
Thisbotat iWill carry freight viiis Flue itlGuy Brothers iinteanud nitt-it- o
-iaiieipaties. GriandutriCesect arae at 1°
lucrocs Lakes Miehigati, tttkittgthis trill 'Ceisei.
in 6 htouurs, so that ttll freight) shlippedh prices, - - 38, 50c and 75c.
liv this route till hue earried ttl-iicigh Sets sletttt1nito0Newset5att.
x1ititrt hreaiste butlk, neis sbeetn
nleessary teretofoeswiitht'freight .I !c 0
hiatntledacroiss this halts. . I t .
-.s this is thi shotrtest route tf theul
tnorthwxe'st it should his Wevll pallonze
biy ihiigain ship~pers. uil/1 nu'IOGRAPI[ER
4-h Jan. 1Ix)1>. '10O.12 W. HURlON ST



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