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December 07, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-12-07

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Allmbw 4 df& Aah",

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VOL. 11. -No . 5 1.


t~ic +:, Teisos, LNTS.

WHAT WILL IT BE? tion and as far as in you lies engage A THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL.
__ in its activities. -r
The Question of the Reorganization 'Tius you ito sotnisi- with, is; That is the Next Educational insti-
of the S. C. A. to be Discussed *at tution tn he Established at Ann
Tonight. pronmise, trusting i the iso\ie d Arbor.
-race of Godu. --

The suggestion of a change iin the
miiembershit basis of the S. C. A.1
has raisesd great interest anmong the
students aiit the variouss proposi-
tions made tiave beeu thorougtsly
discussed itprivate ant isthe offi-
cers' meetings.
Thei forimal discussion in the As-}
sociatioiiolpens thsis evening. The
changes proposed are not nearly as
radicat as sonic have sutpposed tit
still are of great importance. T
tirincipat ctsange, in whicth nearly
alt seem to concur, is to attosv mem-
bers to come is on an individual
tiasis anti not as cthurcti members.
'rie question is as to what require-
ments shatl be niade of candidates
for membership.
A commuittee of five, representing
various phsases of opinion, wvas at).
pointesd by the officers and trustees
ant illsi subiuit as a report, the
Preambile anst Pledge published be-
losv. Heretofore only those whso
are iuembers of churches recognizedt
bsy the Inuternationlsa Committee of
tir Y. 1. C. A. have been altowvedt
to beaictiveimensbers. 'This change,.

- 4 +-- j Tir Cliiirch if Chsrist is takingisp
THEY FAIL TO AGREE. j steps for thse establisimemtof a tio
__________________theo- logical seiniacr- at Anisi Arbor. -
IThe Junior Laws Fighting Over Resv. osing, tie tiastor of that tie-
l Mere Technicalities.
_______ noinas-tioni here. itiibistene oss-
ticece is a bittcr partisansiglihlt svcntions rccentlylsd i in Nashiville,
helin icagt in the jutnior lass class, Te1 nn.,svheire lie piroposed certaiin
has viisoos'gin ins a miere techni- plalccs whichi he and some of the
catity hnot worthli noticinp. Lasit Ileadingimembhers of lis icongregation
Friday, it wsill be renmcimbereid, a had h-didnu conserspation focr sonic
miieting of tise cl-assi-as hield to week s. His ieis set the hearts-
elect c otumitteceen to act wvitsthse-ippirosv-i of the consvcntion sait reso-(o
senior commsittee to secure a speaker loIttions ivere una-inioiislsadloptedil
for Wsingitoss's birthidayc. fasosing the measuri.
Its the absenic of the class presi- The idea of the le-ing members
dent, a niember of the senior cons of this denomination is to nsake this
nmitee called the meietlig ini order a seminary second to none of its
to effect an organization of the cons- hind on the constinieit. They expect
isittee and get to wsork. The to endowv ti-i theolongical chairs for
questions of the illegality of the ee- several hundred thsousancd dollars
lion was raised, hence the piresent and that within a fewv monthss. Rev.
difficulty. T'he niajority of thse Noung anti Mr. Moran, of the
class wvere satisfuidswiths tihe origitnal Register PublishsinpCii., a fesv iays
conimittee, aiut see no reason whiy ago niet son-i of the larties inter-I-
they should tiesdeposed oii a mere eited at Toledo, aiict1[r. Young 'I s
teelsuitalityr. It is clalidl thiat poll-thas poise toIi ndiaiiaipolis, this wecek,,
tics is the cause oif the trosutble-.'The l- ii ileetcftecitrsic i
outcoeon of the struggle is awvaited mieet a cosnvenstions in session at that l
ivwithicoissideratile intecest. pae

Nhein yoii wantthtese ctccpolitansStoles
if ., $4 oc $i Slioes at 50e to-St a paiir less ties
isn Ariiiipices, seed cior Cataisigeii
101. 183-185 5fisn i Als VE..
DETRlOIT, - - MtChtt(SAN.
R Iehmond Straight Qtat.
No. 5
-,are willieg to neaslitle
m.sore thanetheprite
"V chargedl torthe orinary
trdesvTisBRANgeserio find
a lieothere.
The iRichmoeeslStraight
hit so. 1 Csgerettes ace msef romi the bright-
S, mast deiliately fSavered and highest coot
ld Lest groisun eVirgieia. Tis itthe Oid
od OriginiatBreed oiS. treight Cat Cigarettes,
-id wrasibeisghit out byruesiathe year 1i75.
Blewear eormitations, ind oiseerve shotthe
Tie AtLLEN& GINTR Br anch
OS the Amercan Tobacco Co.e

if acdotpedl, iii makeiso titfierence " Iftocu aeteeoebestsieNasfeees ~hsd igna
in ti-i lines of work or tpurpose of TH SEIRLW ME. alongp this line by other senomna-
thte association, but wvill accept any- AdTasc uieso or inbi o sncraoso Unquestionably
tim-i wvhso is wiilinsg to take its pltedge. tance to the Class. they have failed to materalize. I:towo- s ciii 1i.11E STlAEOFu
ix'Nii,5.'Thue senior laws mset yesterday ever, it may be ansnousced withscer- FRT NIYJW LY
Recognizing tthe inmportance of anid transactetd some insportant btusi- tit that this step hias assumed Jn h anetAsrnEWELRY,
Chriotians felloswshtip ansitime strength ness. A collectiosi sas takens up to ouchs defisite focus as to miake its
- - T_1drived frons united effort, wve ere- purchase presents for hosipital success an assured fact., ~O '7~ .''
hsy organize ourselves into an associ- patiets,asounmtimsg to $12.16. Eaths Whets cuestionedh by a isis s srep- s sAtsxA ;
ation wehose aims shahl be the growtlls sensher of the class seas assessed resenthative, yesterdhay, Mh. horan ROEHiV & SON,
of its miemisters in Christians fu is tsventy-five crusts to defray elections said: ''es, it is a ssme thing. Thsect
and fellowship, thur earnest stuidy if exipenses. A contmutnications was is iso doubt of success. All that is I~ ' - - Mu ItcitANr.
the Scriptumres, ti-icleacing of its reath fromitJ . X.llossis-au, oh Detroit, needeth is a little tinue." 'O f course clsse iacs, iv 5' n eas C1,tos
to acceist Jesus Chsrist as thur Savior, statinsg that littwoiuldh gice Iis icc- the extent of the schemnscecessitates
asnh thie promotions of order ansi tusre ots,''Skill in Trials" free of a year or two of tim ittswshsichitoi P. J. KINNUCAN,
msorality ii theCUniversity of I~ichi- charge to the lawv cepartmuenst. 'The, consilete the enterpsrise, bust thur1
pgats W \e velcomec to our msensber- class by ressilsutions acceptetd the substanstial backing it is gettings mun 12D CHAN
siip all whso arc seekine the truths as offer amid a dhate swill soils he pu-en assuransce of endciomenita-smithsnterest
it is us Jesus. -Vie agree to abide for the lecture. throughsouit tis heisonomsation there
bsy thse followinsg constitustious andI ------t"+--- sents to tie n0 roisms for dhoubts as j AIO
bylas.The Webster Society. to thesul.e
Tuih 'le following programs will be '-Noi ( tr >
So far acceptine ther nun of this rendered tonight: Declantation, Tr. '[e forty-second annual nmeetinig ~ s ~'smt' s
association that you can work tsar- E. Chansherlain; essay, J. A. thor- of thur Michigan State 't'eachers'
monioushy with its members, yous do deax; conversational, t. B. Lipson. Association will be hteld in Lansing, 1nI TE '=CTOQZE2>'TS1
promise to abide by its laws and Debate: Resolved, '[hat the execu- December 28, 29, and 30. ' A nuns-
seekits ou wll eerlion of Mary Queen of Scots was
sekisprosperity. Yowiler justifiable. Affirnmative - P. tV. her of U. of Mt. professors will at- 55 'W_ FORfu' r S'r7
strive to live a life consistent with Fennelly, C. M. Dial. Negative- tend, including professors Demmon,L
its character as a Christian Associa- A. Mcetyre, R. L.. Casmptbell. Hinsdale, and McLaughlisn, Detroit, Xiohigau.

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