P~r~TTT'~r ~This is what you want. You have been wait-
GREAT CLOTHuING~ SALE. ing for it.
NOW(OM M AND0 TA)ElAlo ' A N'A6EoI 01
ALL SUITS ATr OFF. Ieoiunio Wednesday, Decembier , for ONE F WEK. ('110ce
_L SNG EfANISaTlill oir'Stiff Iats and(1the popuilarsp 10 FolrilSotl I s (o.
AL SN GI ,IAN'SA ?( 1+ mn'ts, Elboa and Sil verinllOs0 excp1td) that soild r l~~i*
X8.00 aiidl5. 50-,yxour chIoie' duingit& this saile t
j $1.85. $1.85. $1.85.
See these bargains before buying. 1We' havoe lots o l',hin t the eary uilv(stomeors will have the h est ti
Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE ] /. T~LPExcelsior Laundry,
Ann ArbO or tc (Hotl Stok, f50 000, OWEN 'S BARBER SHOP t .'0 ' 10 0)00 oi iFItT
C o a l tODe01010. rl t ntI.111 I . t:ll 111for
Orgnnldenr pthu 110 1 Gneral BoolecLawsa No.1 tll.sFiHUROIN 0S11EET. II m I lveI. A. F. COVERT. Proi.
or 0 thiFte.eceiet bepoits, by a0110
hisleecan peon the peicict 01 itiet oi tie. H R U , v 2 e r h u i e s
'tD1 etes.)raftcoolead 0)pon proer eH AG~ 11 q1W . Washing ton St. 2 CP nt~~uiee
Iooobcato"n fceainx~ MtcoKt'res.. . INS jog iO CITY LAUNDRY
w. D. Hooolsiotl. Vice PreyoCZ0T 0 .M ' ~t'e t
00.AC 0.;_isuoIIFOCasoher. N LdlF 13ii. re.m,__I____I_______o,__4__N________th__St__
11. J. Foo iA. (n1shie11._____________________________
tic 01 ,:-."CServedi at a) Hos. I IlIrs itI 1ave1'ten rF '1l ~'ll ;11OVlF ii jlF
(nto~fit'c l.;i)1 3 ('A L I. Sllllll gve 0 w l15t al c
m 11 cio'.tticl « ) ceie to)kee the tg ttl1 4bl~to.1 iltys 1)1
'1110therlcSF1115 0) frst .11 l Ii )FFO) 111 01511c 0010t10. 010 li tO
State 'Stree11111SIity 5)t So tttild 1 .lt * l1 8.AYI' .1F0
FIE P O RP HS. J ea ifS!FFsllrab 1, i aifi$>)nl 1cpx rf P }t ',/I,
MILLINERYAND A~i OODS U.(O0MU NAEl 1shoiuld iveaiwellristke.as00SECA SLS
Ill Do1esly gtelilral110000 y Is tito fir 111 ito I llies
hoci tv.111.111 e1 casb i.S reyn n
Y0 N l111\i
3byI ithe dotuoiir111itis Isli dble111 111 vol i dedF I an altlt 1 1 its t~tto J).,rd
nEe 'i01111 irijell it loti ll00_ii ot tt it P I VRIIIs O
Iice. 10- oMh t 1110,C { il, ,to u tto iett ii ii( ll itOF' y
titorcsPHsoTcOtRAiPikS, sell 01. I fcr so1111e1 iw ilttay- sa otultl 110
W ah rINEs AtNte ARi lGOODSit titemu I Ellilg 1110 tkitiunirto o Arieihel saits o SPc'IAL SAL ESII -..- .
so11)1 c 1011:001110 g'r~ lirolluuie hid c, ifu 1011110 tht )1'oay oldlikue tilt
Inculod ler o itatoutth ite 0110 t th10 1 e 'in san 11o1rlogetantle l 01 I'll) 01vENT
nA p :te n- 1 thoIa oiitao hosea r o ath estut y.0110)1is0fulato to ladest.' swSIA
Lsta ~ o ticketilss thero 1.goodA. ii c oue4T hesecrtclolnt o ftic t hFt peediug tii rls . 2 r l SIL'
a ii i~tl i r as ltg atnweto nsiderlths plan. l J : n 1,11)01TO 'l
i~~u oi :thcubodst ilu i deot akeii tetit itbotttehord ta
(11n u on t e o t ll iularnbs: i t h11101 uti ntaruut to r d ani5OO
B 0 K S TO * N r. Dai,. umhesotolliti onb10 tssni all ousble. ougtt, c
SOLICtTEDi tile a'acon sitreso 'us t ove r, s oey fari asbe
0iei~ ~sluuto a'io t t luot i 1lnscs i in getyef th erwd lteord lo wtslet thetih liolde
Oppt-. Courl~l h getun t I gitleHouaely utanrowr. It s . eo' o'r hail howemanyiVOruty ovict
dotoTheao otrt u iu atthep lar t ltieavsialeiia ve Each til cke
.klooe tere satecveyck~ soalusx e yset it he hrousei t(]or e Ji S IO '
](y/. ltcI' T S+ ebtegrtiets teni i ck100 ~ing ote cute re tsw o e nouWy oe a ke TA I 1)01.01 1 01 ONF
UL~~U1LLU 1~Vt~ .DU K! tiorie ltach oleilld,10)0. ba1 , i t ii ots oini eanywa'y t io agieithiegii..
tae a iogehr o at ~ tief ne that i init rofVt)tie ait ilalogeherat the0,)K-1'A It'l l) T
1 tect o et. A et t the tbernih votisilsecfr ea htue I 91.10t 1,0,simi 3,ar lan at ee4b e ads 9T
Kete 1 ot'1.ieith nr imeatdthes sarde o oa h jet eiu the cto tureceaydwing heyrd i-Br0.
s th Oe uchrawi oulg wo or lie sol tbe lrecealeti frtui 9 to i a;Ta
ntut IIethieeti r'iyllig ascess, lfSthe1(cou r ii, tl'sti alTh es rret eoera s itgheorat s ,.7 N L ' O "
nOfethne iirstall ohtdc ne usaii'disusseodayttand i the a e tiesorad- rtac . n
Medica, Denal an All nive ive dawlair al l tsytal ing ofeot) allus oniket.tLet alvate,1 f o O D P E
SothStteSret ndManStee.i'nyiin e tlemnlob net r.tu It a teveranut ajillty wan
O)1)oit' (ut buo ogtt111icItwovnotreteuinehertetlitaiee . v . Ifo teh . rivrltxr