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November 16, 1892 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-11-16

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TO THE STUENTS. 21--T 1H wwo 0S-s.-Zs
We wish to (all 'your particular attention to the fact that our
Stock, as usual, includes a general and complete line of high class Are the finest in the world. Examine or new line of
clothinig. Yourng Mlen's FlUL.L. DRE SS SH-iIR.TFS.
made up with all the detail, care and skill wichl characterizes the ". YO1JMANS AND KNOX HATS -
best merchant tailoring work.i
W adhams, Kennedy & Reule. TH E TVVO SA MS.
Anm Arbor Savings Bank!I PATRONIZE I:M STAEELEP,- Excelsior Laundry
Ann AborMch. capital0tok, ra~w OWEN 'S BARBER SHOP! ittEAt'-UR----E0'
surplus, $15,0F. oa -
Organsed unde the GenralBanning Las o No. a4 sr ON5 1000SRETit. U EVtI W ork00a00nted. egod caldiot
of this state. Receives Depoits, buys and (zE .E' ant i eoett. A. F. COVERT. lrop.
onuls exhange on the piniat cities of the ___________________
United States. Drafts cashed upon prope--THE ARGUS,-
ldeHI~rex AN ACK FIE jZ p IN N '11 W W shigto St. 2] Years in the usiness
W. .H RIAN, sVice Pes..a05 ju sCITY LAUNDRY.
M _t. urc, Asst.('o'.lt. ATLIW Pir.. 1ate..s. . iK. San te,nr 4 NFourth St
--EL -- 4P 0 55 11 Served at all Hos In ott lttttttt,
Fine Shower Bths,. New Porelin
w , a,: . 'TTt(z N cW'tsit'on St. 2. t. TtteAtOwsts.
.ND Att, STUDE~N'S StULIES. . I S tt ii STAiE S'vsEiT. ® n , tI1~ Iag "
U. C IF ;.1.'A1ENIIAl't. BUSINESS LOCALS. Cap'tal, $0,0o0.__Surpasttd Posts,$1,hti'.
/" / Not ces. t iocie clty. G(to C '. A :annarId i tth e sti o es asgnoal lianing bsiess. Pays ii
I 0tcres tt Svig Depoit. Has saety
U,>Nov .1- iit'tttt I oralto IUntit itontear l atO 0 gtteo, o oil, saptfruits, et. Sti- epitox"ieotoenHot.
Nov. .Hgt Coa Uinrlert ti ouits Kiltlfinitiitistmte niot asOen- i. KEMPS, Pos. F. H. EthER, Casiter
____________________.. tto 3 -RtpttltoCi tootsl gtrotts oointttown.t Ban 00en Satuda eenin
DA'NTT-\AJT Nov. 5 nineotttt'it ocSitity, elctintt trslt-Are youu gttiiigto orerta0sit o oeo-
Ntv i- Vre lphi Li tit' oettio t ertarycot this falli f sis it will pay iouvo ti s 8fl8C C .A ii.TF R'tslipitstt''
musial po ra ane debte. ee 1l1r.Rose of Che GolenI 1Pgl, it 6 I 1sE shntui~t
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. Not, s-Nm.cooy-si itiopottlttI :u~'''' Ite Cotk hohse, tt1 taa,16ftiinsof
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS!l oasueoitro'tor~t tt iotobtiut'. OturrovrSoIle~lw patterns jLus'tt-rit'ed, eif
Ntis. 1-ilesito'ltirertoro' vt Obletttst'rli t e'lte S s tlgndnewtuti ol enCs.$1 Yoni
30 Eo t H:ot sSret Noe't09Adlesiote c'' opti c lop by getting1QGoodsced "&Sons.,
Q aseEARDito AN groundttt, Dilion.
I1\t15I 'Clie theat Sie itt Overioat anti
,IvTAI1I Swits at the 'rieeo Sants tt one-half TAILORS.
H 02ii0.0 THE CAMIPUS. irite beins tomoromorxs ulning. ivery
05r51Fx nc. 0 ttRDE-- ver'oat antd sit in the iotse will bie
su'ttt~tvtnt Bills iIISi llt)t ulttIttr the ol sitiid tat u-it-halthite rgilar prie ot' L i )l R E lS
7/i 1I 1 stekittotder t itake roicsflot
E A ~llh1& inflnugo1ftee.t h rcnc iiact ss, ote esw'Mriah 1anti i'itg anti Sise A''~'
, Opp.Cosolh Departimea.sj Ave invite every tis-VWOOLE\S.
OppU jiou/stt iusee. .Itsti lt t i ths crity tatisi s e t of it
lit.uBt tnettehis posi dt h overcotr su titi t'ieniall, EverooyspecgaSns.
ediorsiip of tie 0 ois to ac'pt a ietut st ttal price. Nie reserved.y
fposition oil thoetlditorial force ofthe Ur. iPose,tf te' GoletEal/e, sill 19 . MAain.
tute s isittie('Coot I Itse, Wetnesuay in
Copper jotral of Hattock Miic. stead of titesutay, this week. g
the effort of asr. t rown of thetilp tt the ('ttt l tous, A7itn Arot,
*November llI, 1, adIt 7, leisay SHOEiS.
I(OK ST[ORE.Tittes. irst assistantt meatagintg nTuesdaiy, Xwetiestl'.y, and Thussrd'y,
etitor (ttaat scceds thtmattd the atd examis u liiilsflilue of saples of SEE 'ti NEW ('RAZE,
te latest metroplolitsn styles of ldies'
other Stwo assistant nmanaging editorso tIjdgetieeru ti'wgmasiutis usnising, TAN C('. iBLitiRS.
-are ttadacd otso position. !!asd other sporiitg, dascing, party,ande
street shotes, slippers oversoes, and'tiLhLtLAhiE Ot
I Toe C.niversity of -Mintnesothas ittbbers, shown-siby W.P. JLiington,
I~istttttttil Itse ook tsu tle rtgiy cianpiosfsp]o.Sie F (eC., iDetroit. Among ' NOIItAN s&O IlNo.1s}li
Specia.DsoutolLa 'okwo h Ngycaortwshn tip ortfesrsith a1e the celebratedl lye Foot- ~I
/ledioa, Dettal anti All1 tniersity orhswest. Nrhetr Uie-tr' itt dositle sosle, rssset, S' i:rNtl SHOtES.
Tex-koks.Tie lrgal ly'is odissatisftoud wit tie r'lt itches'tfositer.
'Ix-Ios Teiigs 1Ibt,55Ste'ESStrt. 1Tsats'isRs aaiable 17 . Main.
theoy claita that tilge ithsothemlitIt short totices wtedet nos. Fisk ______________________
Iwsas0no onl onthe110 meriC of She ecers' Ageny.lll Wsbasltavinusie,
U151 eatrs. 'Elie correspondesay s,' Miss Ietitia 1. Bliss. teacher of te dped yon.
"insteadi of claiming he gamie by Gitittr atiti Baitjs. 7 So~th Main
forfeit, Silo Northwestern team is street. C -s-3-l0t HATTERS
in thte city for i-7centsoAgent for wligtop Siyte gatme ove 0n0' heFitly perabts Htsfr e$5.0,Slrthstkockonly.ANt)
stilin ply CteOpea Iosse Brbr Ssot aset FURNISHE RSi5.
Keuffel & Esser Mathenatical Instru- neutral grounds, wit a netral en- Bth Rtoms. Ticets trtsnsferable.
msets. Under prices oni everythinig. pire and rfere, whetn to oppor- 37- 4t C. J. Shetterly, Prop. Sole Agents foi the ''Mfiller
tunity will ibe afforded o shosv AGrisger'es DancingTiket for ale II at. Fie Le of
favoritist." As for is seescre tie- chelip. Ettcliire atCis office, t Mackintosies.
STOKER~S feated and have no conpiant o -
SuhSaeSre dMnnSre.make, Lt him who0 Ias won it Dr. Wood prformed anothee im- 15 S.Man
olpoete(ort:Hotos'. ha iepal sotrsr. I orant laparotomy, yesterday. Main

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