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November 16, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-11-16

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Pobilahod Daily (Suadays excepted) duriag
tae Colege year, by
Subaeriptionprice $I1.50 per year, invariably
iena~aneo Siiglecopiea 3 cecta. Subscrip-
tiona may be left at the attire 01 the DtA,
at Stoffatas, with any of the edtitors or
tOhnmuncationo should reach the etfice by
S lck Peh. at. if they are to appear the coot
'lay. Addreaa all matter intended for publica-
aioa to the Macaging Editor. All busiaess
( ommonleattonsoul0) d toe sect to the iBusi-
coca Macage.
THE, U. of M. DAILY,
Ann Arbor, Maieb.

representative student organ. Mr. "FINE AND ELEGANT
Janette has accepoted, the positiotn tf ,
managing editor of the Copper jotur- S13:0OmS
nat at Hatncock, Mich., and resigns Otfall kinds for ladies and Genii-
his p~ositiotn for that reasoti. mteni of course.
from the milof the snor law .... W AHR & M L E
'ike place is opeii to complletition to ..5SOT AI T
mniholers oif that ciass. Anyone
wiskiiig to c'oamplte still hand his P IA14 1
naet n fteeiosadcei A -N v brwill 1)e given for all contrfihutions. BTJSINESS SUITS.
Competitors nsist begin at once as a
chloice will he made in a short time. WAGNER & CO., Tailors and Fur'nishers.

EDt10 '~~,TaO RSMaai ol. CO-EDS ATTETIO. R . Toledo, Ann Arbor and Nort
.J.Ori A Y, . '9,Mngn dtr . I.)ioN, Lit. '9NiAssisant. 1 {M ichigan Railway.
We.R. otiovLt'95"iSA ssistant. i Arranginents Making Toward thoe ,.II~
Assislo .Organization of -Gym" Ciasos, -y «-,, 1iCa0d1n)eft Sundy, ooNO)Nlll.
L. C;. Oliiirsaissa, Li. 10, tBusiness lMcaar. -1 TO,. o
't.I'' lleosovo tt 00 slo. 11 c1o-eols Nhowish.i itotgo inito 005 s)'-Co.s4 Ao000i"'
.1. ~ ~ ~ ~ t II.lr Aton. oic'i.ia o ac(lIl ire that grate andiO
<0't. I . vorrsi . 1. fskill thtil i ll nlake lthemoishining)l))) o'Arm
1.5 . '. .ivo , Ltaos'NI.. N o <3 Iasi Ann 'osse o os'. Uln(ci
W . A2222s,0.. ii. lih
II. I. lO~m, il ''. 11)10 0 oilooent bling; nlns teachesa; laresesnsdnce;
ofni :LIi~i LttJ aterialize'lo 11h1ve lieir Ilhanct. good (oOse, ohies,"uperior work; well suppliedl reading (lOIN). SOUTH.
l:. l.,l,(owl., Lo'..t room; doiyocetuoea; cSaturdysevening receptionsaI
0.11)0 .Siol I 55Carie terr y 'epS of 'l'iiledo, open heni eye ar; 001coosmercial groad tesin greet No.).'- Natil and11 O'asert'.... 3t.n:
:1 3IE '# ) it. (}T ldi naIl') s h.ootad gradutoeall aecuorpositios; Nod . :tail an~d sl'l')'00 ....... 7p n
f.'00'N.)1)001It'io'i'i ":'3' .i t'exsewVs$2to V oci od Llweek in drivate ai- No. 1. Tleo o 10)0)11))) i 01ti.1in
p'rNincipalNo o''11 ...~ of Phlpshlp s shool for phys- loes. F o s)'~ ~(#la ndi ~ tdnsa o- No.10. Paoled n' Sunay011001 :)1) ii
Al~it~tt ir: C St~i ,Lit 'l.i bkolyoitiooa bostwo'k o e's, address
Ct.)10100K. E1'. ) , ieoi.3 al 'cultu~reis ab'out1)1 to llrgall1 e P. R. CLEARY, Pros. (Centrol Sta n~ardTie.
NI 0.1)10, I"i o)000)Li"l. , " ' Dai_______________________ 'oly ecep~it Sunolay.
Nloo1sol'o~' mo,1.0'05. lathes slasses at ille'.\l o illan IFall'os011toltl 0)
N urn ti.Shea wishes to InSue e'e' all ladies "S !$2.00, $3.009 $4.00, $5bwossooly. Redud))FaIre).
Ii.. . iltov.loss'91. f*rins3' dr001)' between Ann l t Acl'o'.lt
-~~~~interesteol ill tile subiject of physica s;(ls ~d Vtrne njTan nlai\ xetsnlt
(leve'loplinealt at Mlc~lillan Etall, N Every Way. I OtheroHint alily (wep50)lot 0)05)11
~a E . t. iBENNETT', 1.10. 0 ill N NN c 10
EdtrA'eto! Thlursday at fouor lp. ll.Only ladies S loty & Finer. (leoi. Pass. Arent. Lo0)101A--ii
are iiviteod. Aii are ovelcoteoif1)
Mleet ot l io or offoce tomlorro at wihatever age. .\)iliss5ion freo'. ; STUDIENTS, SAVE HALl" YOUI MON P AII Pt)[
one o'cioo'k sharp), too sit for iboardl i

'00tcz e. 0
No 10)0ye0 s eemos too have creaieod
ally agitatilonl01lon the sujectof
cross-countlry runs), as 0w)asouggestedt
ill tile 11)0.0 a bfywodayssincte.
'his. alth~ough a compllarativ ely neow
departoore 1)1Un10v5rosily atiletirs, is
rapidliy growsing 1in fasor withi all eno-
terprising instittonOs ofl earnioog,
and, 0w)h1ile arrarri, \'ale'aonoithe
eastern oniversities steinl toho' luo)5t
active ill fostering it, yet tile os astern
colleges are rapirdly taking it 1110.
even distaint i eland Stanford hoas
its regular weekly roll, 11110advsan-
tages to he derired from the sport
acerue mostly to the long distance
ruinners illtite regular fiel days,
wcho would reaio abuindant returns
in institutinlg thois phoase ot athletics
isito our own University. We would
respectfully souggest to tihe conmmit-
lee on track athletics that measures
te taken towsard makinog a ruts. ft
will bear good fruit illthoe spring
field day sisorts.#
I'r is withs sincere regret that see
announce thse resignatioti of AMr. F".
E. Janette from thoe tanaginog editor-
ship of the DAILY. The efficiency
and faithfulness of lhis service has
heen evidenced by the continued
success of the paper as a newsy anti

It is reporteod that tile lihrary
lllmuseull, of D etroil, wiul be presentleI
to) tioe I nivorsily of llililigan. Alt
p)resentl, howve r, tile luestion is
bleing agitated, as tihere is some10 oi-
ectioln to removoing theie useumCltl
from D letroit. Mlany favor its re-
nIloval to Bille Isle. It tile I" of
i. riot's receive thlis mauoseumi it soll
prov e a iconsioderable addoitionl to our
aiceadly fellec t ion.
Itt selectinig yonr society
badge or anything ill jewelry,
We wrant you to hear us itn
mlindt. Our repttions is the
highest for this wvork aind we
,vii1 offer yout the most miode-
rlfate prices ini Michligan for
Ihe best wort.
F. G. SMITH, SONS & C0.,
Woodward Ave., and State St.

Gieek, ILail, hrenchIl.Gerniao lid lld iCollege 'lixt-IL 0011an0 No.'.-and
P hotoqgrcpher3 PH OTOGRAPIIR
A, AV. Jaffetis, law' '92, has on complettion for prizes offered b
resignedl iis position as assistant the ,'95 Oracle will enTuo esday
evening, Nov'. os. W. K.:i'oiloo
busliiess oudanager of the DAILY. Managing editor.
Mr. -'erkes, of Dhanville, Ky., wsho
graduated with the laiw'class of i8 77 I ios'c ,t.i.. Noct :.-l1iiorder thato
\t0 the practice (of thse 'Varsily ittay ibe
~dressedi the setnior lao's ono uninterroipteod, the class football
tills. gatues wsill lot b~e playedl till after
'rot. Stanley' sill lecture tololor- 'Thanksgiving. W'. E.GRIFFIN,
now afternoon at 5o'clock, ito roonom l " anageo'r
2.1, on tile program to he rendered
lol' 'rhleodore Thoumas' orchlestra, N unitE-The executive coniil-
Moi-dayevenng.tee of 095 lit loave autlhorized a tao.
Al o~lily eveing.osf z25 cts. to be collected fronmratco
- member of the class. Thse members
ANNOUNCEMENTS. of the football teanm have been ap-
incpointed as a comnmittee to collect0
ORoACLE COhMPETTON.-Thete R. R. Lyman, IL. A. Hlanley, G. ll.
for handing in articles and drawing Russell, committee.

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