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November 16, 1892 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1892-11-16

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A Fresh$tock OOD $TJNG$ 1Discount Sale on all Overcoats at Nbes


FOR Pit roiot

L owey ~ Striged nstrment This includes even our fine tailor made
.1 nat rec nived. They are the fittest
tin Arncrica. VVILSE 1'S, gam ns
C,.A L K IN S'. A itrtz w. .ies 34 S. State Street.
U niversityV Text-E ookes, I1led( ,tl Books, Liaw BI (is, IDentali'hoo k-, Students' Note Books, Blank books~, Stationewr}. We hiaNe a iarye
7Stock of INetflel and Es ser DIrafting instroitets.
Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowdest.
SQIA.. VQ1: Y OAV N.OUI IE5S . Call on Win. Fulde, thec
1c-Tailor, opposite the Law Building, or-
Th1ie Iocliester, The Royal, anit1 The Perfection Stuidett Eatips htavede- William-st.,first door west of State-st.
onstraled that they give the most perfect lighit of ((fy lamps madle. WVhile the Cleanug reaiingand pressingudone neaty.
prEices vary froinig1)cenits to n each, thtey all give the samte (duality and lJuanu-istos order aespeciatty. Atllawoi-k Seat-cshea.
t((F (PRICE~S. ity of light. 5cetYO WAT O
Argand Lamp, with porcelain shades, at - - - - - 65cets IFYO WAT O
Ied Star Oil, that burns without odor, does not cthar the wrick,
LARGST TOC IN HE ITY! yand gives a pure white light, delivered at - - - 10(cets e r gal Buy a6 lr Clodk
LAGS SOK INTE ClYh Oil Cans, according to capacity, from 2 - - 11 cents to $6 each.~
To see is to believe. See our stock and yout 'ill he convinced thiat 'so sell soraeSoic eairing doncgostin
tine heat Laip nhaid heat Oil for the least money of aiiy house ini this city. Uf A oi
t - 14 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. I'l, r;Ohk,36 Merin Street

I thec address a reception wiilibe tein-
Lo k le oard of Regents meet today. clerced to'Mrs. IRohinsot int the par-
W t]]J You Lo k r. 1-1. P. 'Ball, of thse '92 dental lors.f
tlass, who is located in Alhlin, is The Schsool of 'Music htas laiel-
Aft our Show Witloavl It K us visiting frieinds in the city. purchased a Iars &- Voley imanual
is (owlsstory abouitt 1'The hUiversity of Ahisconstit organ wsitht pedals anis i(5stops. It
GUITAR claims to2 t students this year.,ite is a very neat in strumnit, and has
GI lTA Sargest intber esver enrolledi. asimtucht solutme as manvy-moah
t~~i( 'hie young pseole~ of the l'reslsy- larger organs.
PRICES. terisis church will give a social at A list of officers of all law stoci-
"lI IANN A1113011 )I1f.1 N co.,di Mcillan hall, Friday evening. eties antI cluth courses should he
itt5Soiti Main Stseet.( Iharies If. Towle, lit '92, wvho hainded to U. F. Ilickley at once, to
HIO N EN _has beets campaigning it Nebsraska, insure pusblication in thse directory-
_______ ____ lasa rcturnetd to take a lawv coursc. of the iDecembter nuttier of te Lass
Tie.."b e evsed)isuse i, 518:.ou n l
EAT. 1.arm.. WES. . M Mr. Cltas. Deane, of Chticago, isjortl
Mail. -----.._npe-(4iitgCahiesgotiy-sialitli,0. w. There sill lie an extra reltersal of
Na. Lissot - -..5 5 5 x~est .hsedn afwdy wt .g
\. a. Lisited-It .> N. S. L it~iA 1) ua ones, oif2 North Itngalls street. the Chsoral Unloit, Friday esening
a. .aaFal - is.tiS-assPepos. , -i -Iesalt rdorl ris73. All those active tmembers
.>. N Enxsres. - ---> 6it i.its teess,_ r)it
sitiitte Expzre-.-- -4r (R 5usetan Exe5i- le iepia deuritettit f w sshto failed to preset-ittheir season
t's~ ti-ci them dcld p riei i ,i
I iv > vi 5,((ci, sisiting the scentes of his college tcesa eesl''edymyd
it.P.tK.At. Agent,,.Cisic-o.A,-i. Ans Artist. tcesareleslTeda-ityd
________________________________s o 1-richny eve-iushat recis ete
FIRS NA IONA BA K utsirricts sar) isa Os-sinIe admnissiont tickets.
oFi ANN Avary. 1C. .1L -olit 9 Ihsseehcclit
at,41S'i) . Surpluti asit i-ats, 3tiifit. ltotti ti lse afternoontilt, suit-
iransitsa-, encetis aningsuis i ffsica ,- 1 d ur, is hpctIt ii -,-1oiusteulinstructor i oi t at th ef
-~~~~~~~1 B CHi Sitsr~iq. d tilgitag itsfoot -acesa.tev1eilis 1 ' Ir
e.W. 0. ((us-x ass. a- M______ l, ol t, it still tie icuscastic o citook
________ ltr. . oubist, of(the-sli coil.~s- s Iiesi o
th rzsI oiga h nulGRPNGERS Isited '1I1.r. Augur yesterdiay. R liica- ii scosulsclt
.Dobbins i akig a tosur of colleges
io u U F UIX I "one of the hest dirilldmn i n sthe;
I thtSeasonOctoher, 92 to say 0't3. Ittratctt'oshii csls. 'iatiltart'" itsthe Isso-csity
itt NEW AsLaius cen trsity iss t t~and i :f-aculty of the inIis ersity tif The recent S.- C. A. cetnsus slhos
suits provsions t patia toirotes ithe ya is lst-
, eis istt ourCatrSons isisa tsiCs IPennslai aedecided lt ac- that the religiousomenmhership atad
it mouni tu,teanucingessisibeing ontae tie ok ne oCllegrepa
ground fir.it fiecter at scsidem~y,ti MiySsrdst ceptT str os n p p referensces of Vt of 1T.students
SetdOatarm ac s~-in lien of certain stork ini the Lu-ae sflltt Ntiohit ,8
t huei3ySTi2ANDIES inAkaerina. uh earmnt reshyterian 370, Congreeniional,
Pat up itsetcegat bisandai pscpl Iat
stitlty paire. Sui rtabfr Miss Jane vhancroft Robinson will 7,Eisoa r3- atitz1
jp~t5N35 Ep'essoarCicias rsg heWmnsLaueooh.ntain16 oanCtoi 4
g - pepaid Retifaai ises.addresteWoa'277, nteUntra 36 oa atoi 4
Tryt neiAddressriinir, --dvantagea of Women in Foreign Christian 62, ILutkecran 3 hi
211 Sate street~;. I Uiveritis,'' Satuirday, Nov. T 1 IAdventists Y6, 'Mormons 14,total
I CHICGO, TLINO OS , 9'number canvassed, 73

Is elivinga firstt-chss lite it
Dress tiandIlBusiness Siditig>ys
Trouiseritngstasid lFancyi-vVestiags
fot- hFall IitulWinter.
y42 $outh state Street.
111 +WP"! LT1OL
#Is the plictouutntgotfor (use'Fafltti-.
Itlists lhiii iutt st-lu--ft ti-il it
its Sitiiig. -Trottcritigs, amth:Fa-ste
Silk Vestiiigs iii the City, nasl
woutld he tulesed to save you
tall aisd examinse. the
sotikes a specialty of'
-- Full TDrega Suits.
N'o. 2 E. Washaington-St.,Anra Arbor.

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