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November 15, 1892 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-11-15

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We wish to call' youlr particular attention! to the fact that our I
Stock, as usual, includes a general aud complete line of high class Are the finest in the w=orldl. Examine our noev line of
clothing. Youne Mcii's F LL ....DRESS SIi .FS.
SC.=rro 2 .2_T= O Z" oo Tz ISOLE AGOKNTS FOIL'
made upj with all the detail. (are aind skill which characterizes the " --YOJIVAtJNS ANVD KNOX HATS
b)est nicist tailoiring work.
.Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. TH W A S.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank! PATRONIZE zM. TA LE 1T 1
Ann Arbor Mich. Capital Shack,555$50,00,OWEiNSBARBER SOPI xcelsior L .aury,
Surplus, $1:,.00. SHO .11W-ussiii Eussatsi'
Organized undet- the Genteral Banking L[set1 No. 4tEts StReONSeter.. rt t scsi-c Ussrilsisd. I 1-5555157Psi
-f this ste. Recives iDeps-its, beys andi________ __________ il iee. A. . COVERT. ceepl
tseechatngeon the prissctpsl cities ofthte
Uttittet Sitts. iDrafts caisit suponpprope: --THE ARGUS,9---
ldntsecssion l Offi crs F [j 'eTc SETJV
CHRISTIAN MACKIUO IN~lN~11 Wv. sr~.iers, tJ0 I1 J " .Washington St 21Yeas SinthBuies
es-iL its ci rstc.1s. tc ht TLOW )mIt E;. 0 70f7~is L i
., iis. ed at all ROtire, ef.. - .s-, -,

I AND AL it. s-s Ts cc -ti:. s ~ .ff..S
C . UP0 1 (%X1, S AL IIA I. 111 ttscrtt trt-eiiati. Mr. IDowntings
} j ! N igis citt st;27i;i epgmLoire thissecason compr ises The
i ., te.1 -tc sea bo l Unsion hcc l , tr(" iatolstt, 1)tsnssstandI Pythtiss tlitiS
Z Nov- iS-- hisisscingc ieyeeto o 5 "wr I gm i ioii n w
ceusnewpltys, Thie -11tirsti, a comesdy
Noes I8-isteltii Literasyst-p si tst iLiterary, dtamati ndtt( IR ttichr, The Dionu heart;
I-~ i Fx A I I~:w us~ isco-isilitirssip t tite te s. four ' M ~ r. I S I etiss itp riutte In siur
11 1 ._ ..L 1 .LJ . . Aitill i i isatyciindend n s-, ct. Mstser Sw e os ws
NoA.19-ANl mp tt NuI i ei ti oics. erlit. ctetl Vil mtill ayrwhich 'will be beivets
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, o.No. s 'otalies 1. t t sctbttincbrin. Oeln.t here ilt its estiret y stutltditevery at-
MILINRYAN AT GOD! ov24S--citd Cornei-game-0 D. Ik. -st jitendosasregrard-i stage setting, aind
MILNRYADARoODSNtmi&, Detri.with [tie entire cop~lttl.y in thest sast
30 East Huron St e ;,mtle is ptsnte d. durstintg Mr.
I Dawning7 as Otheloti. liiDowniig'ssuccewssful eil)-Igetientint

MI;iii. W .iir~eliS J. l i sSEstiiis 510111KIs.
Doses ieestl usntg Itiess. Pas cis
teast sitsSaintg Deposits. Has saftyn
Dlepoit BoissesfSitentet.
It. .100,11, Prets. Fi. S14. SSSLhER, Casiers.
Stanik isesSatsrdays-evening.
Goodspe'ed &Sonas.,

-- -- tt-it Ii1.si i'th led sit llst1 thes,"il Ii Postiii itV, ii is-si (( lds e~s
is i-i t sfsi sic (lIii ii i ioli'r .)7\1 i1 ttil 5555 iisis- ii (i 4i c is opsi. I A
0 5'0 Isis sails. stil(5s fI iliroysitil lls iiE' isl O hs- I ct BUSINElSS LOCflS.
I t ( '{ It
E { q ilSils l isis iillSh . V 11 P iv.s llso iit. 1. i\ ill x I ,eslt .5 1
; - Iil -ls{ tt t slnt}Ol ssO 15 1n t}I i swl{i hw o1s ~l sil, fl-i, (Aii. t-li-- '
0 elh halal})ellr Ii -i isi- t.1 . d l i lI . s- ltit le 1 11 { ll" ts i ,i si scl -l 55110
S -z i ~ lplic~ns tofl11,fs 'c Ild I lit i t)(us Pi II eI w I ltsts. )
I ls..- s _s I A i l {i ls' S {i ci , i 1still" or o Vii
;I f~S enl ls t Iso i ilp y ot IO\I II I ? 511t Iisti}' ;I'L.lsI-istsl is ii\N s N o ,Issu . 5 (5 i '..s ,11/ ,;ti _____________ . _____
Lo te5 illi t M .usW h 'I,t-isile 55P5 tii il stit(ItsIl Hou tsei ~ ttl~~ ic ii~ O to r~~t
list' i isi It Ic 5 sush iii 5 i/i "Iii slt -l sill /5-ll so h jl^i Iss it t rtr . o n .
l1 tsan iiiis)I' iltil ll l i-alstc ht-i sis i--ie - iOviteilrsOlsit
ii t l ~t is t ii l li ( iitii iltlii 5111115 tl e i it('s1t .-It oIi tioln. oli
l tiefet. e i ci t Vit-tisSit s- an 1 i Il lin tet Silthei orretsb tyle iI ",-NL i t
e u- iitu i tt irel115es suit i~ <np i e llias l i. si tti ll ti0 to .$ tI-) ons it S HA NO E S.I t I5 i
lliac tor iwho slts i uti iss-t hitt'slis- o P-ilti ti t ttti l r.itOil ie-is- till i t
ta 5115cC ero asil his shown I i tiittist 'esiTwo it t t t l l r-ii ti i'
llg li t Its -c le i 5it- l ll s oldatItle 1- It. ie ula--rce I'o U II I K O
tes I}ti i sliis t eeu' ti JOntT ioin niSh o S01M FfNT~
'SpeialDisount oil-La Boo"1 Ie d srveiis a li is tl ii I t-ILt i}(lrtclt. W n iet"
sI~ iaD na u{ \f lnv r; t u b i '(11) tise is 1iI in i i~ ats sill tl l h li-ia I n lft" o 11 ~o~ t;{ )i {l. . 10]D
e3- {1. 'l, alnet 'Illt .esn ls{)h loi ls~lt ln:a ~l o. 'olysI es 1 Mis .
KetltiOt -st ~ltitttutitt It-- t Dt i nlolItti i .sitt lt Viiosist-tII. Xl.lt i td lii t I I sli ii lt lsl t ill I R I E S
tiettt;11'e"iiit II to 4i',tiIieiiltt) litlit } tu ~e;tu ll{tst) sli1 Iii si I -'ti'lt551-li7I }i is I
OD;t.te -toltliSi hititl stusslt-tsssic' teat ciii s--s v tl IIltt ik tt ttisiBo otintIeIlit- e ti-lilt-I,-wll- iivo t I -e
South State Street} and{,Il Malts Street.- t If T
lid -f'Ic5l{?T1 155. M';3 in.ln 12it} Se L
liusm lsstu 15i--i titol the ii- - tctc)(' I i l tit l I 'T il, t - - liii Iii , ',lt I I~,A T E R

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