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November 15, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-11-15

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Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College year, by
S ubeer iption o price .5'0 perr year, invariably
fo dvanceeSingre pica 3 cents. Subscrip-
tions may be left at the oie ofthte lILe,
at Stoffiets, with any at the editorsort~
authorized tolicitors.
Communicationsasoustld reach the cffice by
7 o'clock Y. A. ifthtiey are to appear te text
'lay. Addreaa all matter itttended tar puiblica-
tiono the Managitig Editor. All buiness
communications should be teat to the B~usi-
oes Manager.
Ann Arbor, MirE.

IN another columon we give tic-
scrvcd notice of teIDetrisit i gh
Schouui alumnisiAssociation antd the
praise-worthy work they are carry-
ing forwartd. Two graduates of that
schltiarc sow being rnaintaitneidat
tis siiivrrsity by a scolarsisip fund,
andI the prospects are that the nto-
her will soon be doubled. It is too
often rihe 'ase that state oniversi-
tics arc neglected in the establish-
ieti~ltof scholarships and felloshoips,
yet see see Michigan is being favor-
ed. TPo use that expressive senti-
nment, old aisd trietd,'"Let thte gootd

Mhiall kinds for Ladies and Genolic
men,"of oturtts
$PEACIAL $,AbE.-Novernber 144-9
WAGNER & CO., Tailors and Furnishers.

EDITORS. Isor o n"Toledo, nnArbor an North
~~~~~~~~~- --F. E. JANXTEce, iI.'93, Stanagitig hlilisitoat re p y ' . n n
E. J, c- O'r y St '0IAsstn.Michigan Railway.
C, A. iltssc, is.3'as3Assistanti. atliUin seasoin ticketslsehsire thse 3!U fJJ;5'i
Wv. Eiiioti as, tit '"i, Assistunt, ciccsh ns Teos f tei , - 4 letbaslAs "i
I.. lti iss~iisT o 1, 1it.')5i31,I Nttllies i es.'1'. ' i _7 k 'lil' o risi t A mSisiil 1ix3r
W.5. V 55' I~t L~,ii '44,AFssi-isci. aisee,'i if im~l(aslssissioiinsre pad, it'A.W Ii Pi (t , w'9,Asssln.OW 1 . 550
.h5.iicias, sis'iiAsscisc is- 4f.75. he cot ii a seacs
C.W 1K"T,,Lt 9.itIiet admistng io thse csx enero 1 'ii cIii cc 1"'t}-'-t3
W. t Asi I. '55-is;;' T, '51 . inisicits is bust is 2. it isc' sIter- -s 0--,
F 5 . iosii. lii. ,Li. ':;rl/itIjegFA.IIGSCHOOLccOF BUIc ESp S .'-ce - o . .1 't ne bl h '11)....1 : "
-I tsrlcc s tils; c'nirse is t jl 's t Is ts IieiliiiitIilic'c; Ilii iechs ; ilarge;i'ci'0555's e
muicastlisle ostesed iis LCiii si,,,nhc -tre.yer; solmiisissiti ycriiates ion S 7.0 N ."- Sit iiiIis and i .ii't5.i
5'. "0lli "os' s- l."'s31tc ril le sitlsis Irss ri ;pal;sssoscs-, iictist sudcg~ sxsl s eocrepo lsitos; N "t. I Sl t c~pr 3i . In
C. .. P. ii. 11
N us . ious o sis nite e sl nt , ,))si rit sts _____n___private_____fami-_______o._____
N c1itt, Ti Si9103. ScItiisxcicisN1RNeoss toes A Aise Stud75 et oS e 'isss ssss i' cil-ssslo'it ii
-AtG R T '.''~lLt'' - 5, -nS ane , an I e , th a~psttufai ~ criY iCLE R ,F'e. I lteih~rISciildsc,I l l ss' ss sse.lic i
IPC.K Iiw stsisisCs c 5. .) ty -, i 'astis
Tliiic yearsve slave the opposrtunisty F inr*'1 'oeJL nly di'Sveet ci isisissi
_.of lseariisg thse twcosest orchestras usn UFOR F=NEf' SHTOES- se.]Ii. iE.NNPT, itit. Ot I:-mvct~ ii.
EDITORS' NOTICE.s the country, Tiseodore Thlonias' and TENNIS - SHOES - IN - STOCK. Glt. Puss, otid. lsOOA5Oew
'There will lie a specially imsposrt- thse Boston Syniphony. Etachi clainis T jlTS AV HLF'(L M \E'NDIY
alit mneeting oif tse Ds ii~v sard to- to he ourivalled. Thse first orcises SIDNS AEh-" OKMNYAI U
sight at 7 shsarp. A vacasicy is to Ira will csien thse Choral Viion ,_ M -, '
te filled sue t uher imortait hissi- series ois Moiiday evelsinig, and a f
,sess sell] he trassacted. rare treat is looked for,.-AT 'THE--


A s usual,- the asnuiss hosl uit girup
frios.lbton tshrioais osver tI_ . ofi.-
.iiciiiuii'l lie 'it bitis Colts ge
correspondeni't t'or 1 Det-roit Sundiayi
itasler mtaks e is'liwcii c -assection
ini regaruitotice'le cciit 'sin. utofit
\I L azsue nii ourith illet is'field:s
'"The 'NVarsity cl i'e ws '''''
mineilnot too ieC Aliit scoe n
ini tiheattemptlito c Iareyotte ln
lilayeli alssoest itse idenltica'SIaisse Io
whlichlthe rlenssheerinediccby
Captains.Stalley sivo ye'r g. h
correspondent thlens dsels igif11
casitly:t "It is priohable thast seversl
ofl the lesi players wsill ise1unabsllsto
Ice out for piracticesitu 5505 s shits
si w el \lic liss itt ypahz
a timeii foe. Iut iii I cittiu
thiat thse wseepingis d ' 'isicler
wh'leissictoryiwsc expetsesisiaIiioinbe
ac ciuintedifo hinioneiway15or anthteis
ut, toispseakb stuonilenitially,1 lie
-slilggilig' racket is getting~ stair.
Iniseist somsethinig iesw.

Iif. L.J nlslsosn, Idig'tonIhs s
rtrfri om issellni tie -Soos' and5ii sll
igrain tabciii sisilege isork.
Aitss. Dirt.NVauhacn sitcrtaiscs'
fnes lais s' 5 the s sine utteslitil
clas son S st scdiy oilternoosn.t
-4"57 l' 5 7

Cut'c'tilte companyIlic'lI cied IIill ~ 3"~i 0 4
11ichsip;rt ofcuI Ameig. i tsrccca' t 'ae fiall.
01(1,' "SIlli lipries thse Isis-c ofIi e 1pr1551
h's'sills a't~hl and1 every'5'stie if thls'in
Ish~ing ti-Ill lon~g idenstlieduithi the1' NO. 12 'W., HURION ST.
I begitllstP otge. T'Cismmesll'cofthlt
playe-s r ow iss hgeisGR.AN D OPERA. HOUSE
(Gucsstave llcrmscfi'.Flore'e ]'rwill.-
1111 11 15, i'"') Il ihiiSoia Albtit, DIliIh Vs' Xl 115
liuslsslsI Issis HaIll ,l'lIllt NiidyeTuIi ,2esdlayT,No-v. 15, '92.
1 d i lullrls Cliillitigtili ituRobeCrt h,A 51,1IAs'
! Dcuowilli 5115ome sso thesl i( l c ochilr.
hlist' N us I5, Iwsutl11e'will1hi sl'Slii1 BER13C T 102iM1JY".IG,
hallit(Illsceic prducton o d -
' '1 , its t15' ill w5i -cl t I l
Al: i iliii . ic. e , tssu' ic,'s's' . is' \155555ii'. D15. t1 <
11(w s tiss M i- cs -t i 5. II. i~ocsniu tit h ii cii
- - I i'. itCharest. list si l t s 1isi isclS o's
Gu s utiol'. I.I. u s ses ii's'sism a 'o he
'VII t -1lit's' ctii stiss[' c nI isssi I So515 ttcA Isot stt It Isusstti(_(o lt-.
lue tticr.'lla sPrices., - - 50nc, 75icand $.05
tec { }. h li ll e uth riz (I tax I Suts iisot s t l xtI'o s-s c 15cN' s taxuc l
((s.itto e coltisesti-ilfromciti 5'c
Itisil ni ofthe etasts. "lit SiItbes ii REIN 'lSCItIJ..ER.,
tf the tfootbll traitshuscesbeenisalt JZto p e
IR. IR. Is ii, L.. N-liles( t lct c rt
s usl, 1'tultter. jI O \I :;is I I \ t IN ~ ) I [I 155

1)1-rlts is's,


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