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November 15, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-11-15

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Yf '! 14s ' i'!f4

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Vo,.. lIt--No. :.fh.


PRIcE, Tooso C. ENTS.

ff iriiiiJ~F11 highioider, and hie immnediately pro- A PRAISE WORTHY SOCIETY. '
E R RAMD ULD{ceetojustify it in his "I int'isie ____
on Othello, In the resp0on1e to Good Work Done by the Detroit
he encore to the fifth ni uihbei Mr.i High School Alumni Association.
Eduard Remenyi and his COrN- tcineenviplydacmoitni
payw r, wh eeie. sich itheirwas icinsiderable liic ro tuets arceixow taking
pan _wee __ wl eeie. 1jig i lerfrmncie aiwies liighlyv ouss tthis Ii ii cisi t ixho '
N inun her s and wnfee Encores-- fif 'sci' to in audiience if iliiiicwill. 'xxii]ulhbe imipossihie to do so xi c
The Audience Che ered fiernenyl. It is5inee(less to taridttnat NIi r. iii tfi
it trot foriil assistnegvnb h
and hii'stMeley Brougiht Doii Fevididi t'is it sholniiil Ii
the Hoise-A Past-1M1astei ofthe Iln.sgespar l() ha )Crioil Ii IihSchool N fitiiiiasso-
Iioin.so(*10 rriixor 1, irsw ll caio .T etiristrrs of ttiescfiofaii
is :: iii irt iexf air . ainr r iiit iril tihipfundthiieijIi t liiii i tfi l i umn
iirof aboififrpopl Ila t i iti titiiii t ini their oroisrewill h xyer ii aiii heraftrli iief fir~
? it I iiiristy Blli R i ni gienIectciriier9,ibyZev.si incressary rxprinses o if gradiiatr
xe viliin.x irtiiiisii ififiredi toIilirsifi profe'siir of Sreiiitic a1 i hesholini eaiiiof tfii foiti
ion 51' 01i if s iniicagiiro Univmersitx,'on clisses iif this I nei siti . ~
'imiavra iiiiur n imbris I1''lie (CiintribIutitons iif Seiiche
it f nine on the p'rgrm I Ie iLanu-aixiand1iter'itiii rti is- hih Fir thraidis infthe fioimaeof i alreoa iii iii
rerspondeid iifixve eixrorex, heingIeitian iii iiza tioii." The rcoixcert x1illtelenfcaier'rirfn
callei ak i~ie fter his solo, milst eveninig ix the oixl i niisical to the fiinid as soon as they arable
''axrrcs h iati Ile ntertainmient in h .I, A. after graduation. The niaiies of the R
secondI tinti lie played ai medley in ourse. sttudents receivitng these lienefits are1)1
eluing " Wy dwn ponthe Alpa N Lieray Sciey. intentied to he ktpt secret, for flit
eludng Wa tic ixiipix te i Aloa NuLitrar Socety xvirk is cot consiecred charitable
uanee Ricer,"N"inkee Doodle," i'The frogramneliii Saitiiiday, hot simiply a iusiness trainsaction ar- 911
fi Te if I Left BhtindciMe. Nor. uij is as folloxvs: itMtsii, flute ranged for the good nilflihestiudeints
ft broiighit doixn the house.'lie solo, I r ink i) f inrc; reinig, of the schitol.
ipplanse xas tenrifir;aindlit con-'\Miss iBerthia T.ituirius;irecitatiio, 'Tle money is raised inxteflu o
ta xithi this, the stiudeints broke Johin If.lroiil x c" itisii flute solo, ciation hy a yearly paymuent oif Si
ito chiecisxandil lseenx i waixgixveliFriankI. iece. Debi'te:fPesolxvci, elites hy each aliiimiiis of the school.
gri oevitioii Ikte lioxweciaiiiixmilcti I listStie'atei Shioiultdfir('eisiiiedTihIils paymieiit is eintirely optminal ,,f
ifppreci atixely.for isi 'Treatnment tifiirievate Iimii. hut it entitles the stiinit tiicue'
Th'fe ceiriiriiiompanuxcoisisteif of i Afirmative, S. it. Shlfey aimd IV If.yer'rximeimbhcmxip in ithe issei i eits
ocr rartists:I iliairdiReiuenx i the i. fiticie..Negative. IFrank lf \l.iixais tiiiifrieiiltiissioii toithe anuaxti'toi dn
tar, vioiniist; NlissNMii MNethiot, I and (,'has. iDiiiixr. ftI).If.S. Ieniionit eercsexs'i'idltii ad
soprano; NIMiieiiisi'e Ff' 'loreiii'i' "+ - fthe iiiiiilIreefitiiiii eachIia ID)troit 10
iagc, xia lust 'ixiinI r.J'iixes Iv. EXTENDED THE TIME, soieitiyeixnt, lotthe stiiieiits if jT
NI arsllaixk, fiaritiie._Several the IDetriiit Ili Sciooil iiicliiiltotiirant
Changes xvcre mxaide iithic frograiii i Coinpetitors for the Humorous Cutai xr teiitfxrobiahlys rea'ter thaitiii ii
is annouiicei, the foloigiii iiig Prizes Offered by tne'9 icay sinuilaii scool the siiis iiand j
tic prograimircixderrti Casialian Have Until dlauightirs cif the Pest famnilies of the
I 5uuci~uctixxiil'il'Dec. 2. City.
xiisxMethiit'and SMr.Slaishibabl. Alrimni IDay this colfeey eai is
.. Ss"-"'fl's's igrenaieirx,"_shniiiiisi The Castaliaii of '93~ offers three iAse for January 27, 1193. An after-,
vioin"Entaien thelo"rizes of twevfe, eighalitxiiilie dol- noon entertainment will he givet inlx
-_____ i lie 4' EnstLasrespiectively, forriiiuiiriuscus the iDetroit oerc oue n 1Hn
".Sn--AwsakeDi'iiri'xt Mad llofnur" any'dsrpto.'These cuts T'1 w. Palmner, presideiit of flue
ofissesretxhot. NWird's iFair, xvilsipeak. The corn-
a.5sioii "Noturne"'g isioc-Clumxii may he class Cuts, tiepartiiett t, nilttee also ixromise 'a very attrac-
Mriuf A idiiiisa iiiii. iru or cuts of any' kiiid typical oif Uiii- live feature, never hefore attempteil,
«.in-'fuss lheisiiaie Siiurinc, No. IT versity life and sitable for an in- xviichi will assure a crowded house.''
Mile.sage. section in a college anuial, providediI h vnn h ra eeto t
ug ii(tr eMaiatiihat lucy are of a liumiortiis nature.anhilxiieludatheIgt
MiisiMethot.,Sir. Miieihiuiik, iind iInfantry arnmcry. The inuimerous
x., 5fii-"a nie"i. , igIbi rois.1Denison, Cooler ndAle altiniiof thme Detroit HfIrhScixool
its eieici. till act as judieges an mifflimaterial ncxv 't this University are re ceiving
u. real Dut--Stir lung l____Rieoke muist he in thec iaixds of thme Castal- invitations t heeAlunimi y
iiis Mthi so Me timuilihi tan hoard hefore Friday', Iece. 2nti erents. t hs
l-:'cry'numbxer cin the piogramx1 ' ~ - -
iwms encoreid at least once, except 1892. 'The timxe has heemi extened Ninety-Five's Oracle.
thmc first, the vocal dueit, thereby in criler to give comntestants aniple 'T'he eitorial hoard has aiinouiiceid
exactly'doloinimg the pirogramin opportunity to coiiplete their iwork tust the iime for handing in articles
Icingthu. Miss Metihot and ?iir. iiuriiig the Thiankusgiving recess and in comxpetition for thuelirizes wrill
Nlarshhankxerapplauded after their the nuatesial received xiii he put in cud tonight. Pirof. A. A. Stinley
first effort, hut did not seem to hare the iiaiiis of the judges, imuetiate- has consentedh to act as juihge iof thus
given a very favorahie inmpression. ly after thte expiration of the time musical competition, and Prof. R
Butt Mr. Marshhuahk set things arigiit allovedi for competition. tt is IL. Weeks wvill he one of tue judges Z
i the succeeding numbher witih his htoped that ail inieniding to contrib- of literary contributions. The edi-
-'ite Tio Grenadiers.'' From this nt will avail thenuselves cf thus cx- tcrs report that the conipetition has
tiimie on timecxpany tail full swvay. tension of time, and any further in- heen good, hothx as regards numbher
Remenyl had iron iiis audieince formation desired can he coiained and qualityof articles. Pireparations
before he hiad taken two steps upon from 1HadleryIBaldwin or I-t. C. for going to press are progressing
thme stage. is receptioiwas cfiaa Ryan. ' rapidly. DE

I '3
ti siu wathtie tstiil uijismmiiiii taniei
l or si Shomes a 0cto is1ialiair leisIthan
101, 183-185 i'noDWA~n AvF,.,
Qhmond Straight Qcit.
.y __' Noib
ig~arlute tSmskersiwhs
-uS 'j lare ilbinug itosDaalittle
mosuse thanu the Ibrice
'-a chiirg'mbfor the iruisarn/
7 ; trade uxir grttci, xwill tad
ai , f~r Tbiis 1lii ;z7superior lti
No.i 1 Cigantites in'enmadi e fromiticbrighi-
Iiosiideliniutelyxflavotmirib and ihighiestct i
1Leai girowbni iniginmia.Ti isthieOld
OrgnlBado trigh lt Ciut Cigarettes,
wa rught oit cby ii iiui tiyer i8ti.
aririlimittions, uidobsbevethtiuthie
iname as belowc15 aiiivcryepackmbee.
iALtE IN hdN131 Branch
Of ibis Ameuricani 'rbiesoCs..
ibuietuuucux l-ueRichmonduVigiia.
F0V8 rMwi EJBS
trol I , - - .NICHIG.
College IFlags,.Pium,and lmbs Buittons.
=? iu l=ii= 000ii-i NS1)
55 W_' F'ORhT S'=°,

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