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November 15, 1892 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1892-11-15

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T T T V, i t~'2TT

\. Fi tc
/''\w j y ,ye \... _
L < Y7 Cty' ehot


Discount Salc on all Overcoats at Noble's.

Strinued-- Instrument] This includes even our fine tailor made



flfl TT i
.G3. 1 And tho PH!(,s? 34 S. State Street


Our Stock wgillhe foundCoiuplfete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest.


_ vt _ 'u, N''i ,x" J v r' . Call on Wi. Fulde.tilo
f'"_! ^_'_l ._ ' ,i'dor, opposite the Eawe laillillg, ort
r'110Iliochester,, 'lilt'Ro03ai,11111 Thei' 11 tetiol Stud~enlt La1m110have 0dead- Wiiiialnat., lirst door w eat of State-al.
or-liraleri ttth10 eyie emost perltlr' iuhltof 1111yl111ps11m1d1. VNlhltile te Cleaning e' palirinlg 1011pressin' lo' neatly.
pri'lcs vary from 910 cenlts toX15 r'aclh, they all give th ie {fIbutity11111 hlantI'Suits taoleraa ecialty. All w-ork firt-class.
t (If ligihi.
Arganri Lampl, Nvithl porcelainl shadies, at - . - - - -lG-11gets tt YOU WANT TO
Ited Stalr Oil, tihat b101110witihout orlor, dloes (lot chalr thick. jll
CITY aOl nd111gives a pore whliteliglht, delivererd lt - - -101 cents per)gal $ ,3r ai A arxn Clock
(il1t1n, accordinlg to capaIcity, from - - - - 20) centa to S(1 eaoil
'To ae sto tobelieve. See our stoek 111111y0o1 will he conlvinceelthtiltwe aol lao hv o m1)eICIOlepllioing 4do1e Ca to
the heat Lamlp and heat Oil for thse leasttnuouey of laly houae1in ths city. Wl. Ar ol,3 anSre
144Main Street, South. DEAN & OOMPANY. 'n____ 36__ in__ tree

S R.1 THE CAMPUS. f Buckeye Club Cutha en STA F FO
BROWN'S DRUG __1..-ognzdb telwsuetwt
R~enienyi layslrnaaviolinlvble' Il. laws a tlu rimeljud5111
\JflJJ You Loo'. at $7,000. Won. IFadera, clothk:f'. N. Iailloy,
A new 'class ii lrectro cr eul saherifif.ll
At 111out 0' ow iiiWindowIt I ellatics beganl sorkyesteriday -The 1kilgillin11soc~iety 0 ill 11o111
its0 1151 11stall 5 abouti ( TheICjuniolari w1110 iler') iiirstlay its election l'ria yr-veoiing. \lhat
e1eninilg at 7:,;o. ill iithe 1315w le)1110 of thosea enitiledlto avole lias beeni
ANUD TARr. Il palti Il le'aocita'ah11111e1 tofA I T ("""
51,11 .I hr. tagle lola li1Iti~' olCli a'main hail, lit builiil- ~ '"~ ~~~ a"
PR I C ES. I demlontrtllinal 1c0urse i otl-
11}: A-\ .tiNARB~ORt01)11 A N ('0., uilogy.A ieglleii 11K'iitt010
;101111111 11am Cloret. The secondi district of Nebraska feaerlISe I. ofI'll tii gat racilil 15 111
baa lecerlt~a'id f. ercr, aov ggregaltedl $1',200. It look jusat -' )il ih-1
M G IAN 'Sfi, to conogresa as a republicaa. $1,00 of this tlo patlairidue's Dross 111(1Bllsiness
'tineait eislllI l ed) OIJane 1,09. T mriwcacigux ese.orteseason.
Eai C-IC- Cpi ,1 00,, .11 WET.am, i onirrolt is College IDay for caii xese o l Trousoriuig andlitiFancy'
laIly ______ 4 '5l Oa ChiaooSr e 'ia l ibiat etsois larse. Tue students of 1110e iledical lie-
NY. ,t10 __1.111 .45 N- . .imiced -.)1 50 Albion College wsill 1101d1 spsecial larm n liti her iiul aca, o' al il W rlr.
Niagara Falla Op1 ie pm7 1. .Saturday eventing, in-Neswberry Isall.
It. N. Expres.. . CeGOCR.Expom .5 60 eciss. ddresses oere msarde by Dra.
tilantic Expre-5;. I,4) Americ100 anEp IllVI The junior lawssdtefeatedlthe tni'
11. Napoeas.o-hI 0417t'aciic Epssa_1fntit 0auiat, ombarcld, it lreakey I42 Soutth 5>ctate ti
II s.ltri;sto<. H.Y. PlnES anNomlsa Rgy by a ascute an r i sn.~
ladN rmIItRub. P.h'&'. Agent, Chicago. Ag). Anin Arbore.an 'M . ro .
of 8 to fi. 'The Aornoals claini this
FIRST NATIONAL BANK scrsfle T'he IDetroit brainch of the Aksso-
IOP ANN ARIIOII. ciatioll oh Collegiate Alumnsi votedl G H I
Coapital $101,000II. Cm-lan ana Proaits,$4C1,00C. Calptain 'Matonilt allot '1an111r $0 fe~olt slti
'trransnei- 1a geneiral anking business, tar-$5,Stra afeno ,oasitn
,10g tnCaexhcigeebol,ra. et~terf-rdt rcue aenxirous tohse all 501,1 building the co-ed anne0x to the gym.
C.P. Canal ACItloone. teamil, aeaxost ae l TELtl ''hey also discussed plansfor the
S.W C 'KSN ashier. Y fa1l
GR~NG~RS 11113 tlaylreprt tttetiiat once. hfurtheranlce of that project. Iatlpactogofrht
GRANGER'S Thle dents itad a little fracas yea- aliases Carrie nd goiefDanfore
II 6IiI! totday afternoon at three o'clock its citertaitied a comps~any of friendolOI lie lisa the ttost select
i S llOOb OF flI J.Itito rear of thse dent building. A
l Ots Season, October, '92, to May'93. ryeei- at their home on the
.Jt h0 -~I non-lytot ti vr ~ ilyeeii ALADWINTER
)II Na:T avr AIIis enralyloatd ndfew coats wr taken off by force cortier of hillatid Tpasyet streets., AL N
-<er provision has been inade In pr10(1111 thean A aceylsom etd heli-
-.orniont teo If noato. Thereare noastairs andeAllarbc yellsvetaipleted teei1r0(1
i mount,th~edanning 00001 Ceing oisfihe 'rhoam.cpti Inl givell to tllC seisingt
grIond flo. Offiee at acadiemy, i Mitenaral-sl. gam.tedical cilass oiutahlga, 'rlOvlSveningS
'Thceetitetliodof 'ssonlesrviding Ca150 Silk AYeatttta illtileC
send $125,n$2 or V30 foram- rsevigby Dr. and Mrs. llreakeysswas a very ootdb lae ot
pie hRetail (tox ay espressanfst s as crvn iefciei o ewudb ae oh
thenBESTeCANcIiaeintAmson-IC enjoyable affair,.'Throughs the col-
Ix tictOyi ls' a Suitore te nes. 'lie gentleiman swbo cl ntiaie pr.unssof the 1).ii~v thc class desires cl n xmte
PRESENTS. Express charesodarews'"numbcr one'' last Saturday t xrs t prcaino hi llksaOlcat
priepaid. tRefer to alt Chicago.t exrsitap rcain o th r mksaseily
Try Ii oce.Addreess, found tn-o ros'sgone whlclen li re-efottomkthc-eiga stttlDssits
CO .tGNT1051, Confectioner,efottomkthevngaos
! C2IO2tat lIstr, sentedt lis seasontsticket.1
lilt12 tateSte"C leaant ut.No- 2 E. Washington-St., A


;s licelo f
e 'Tailoring,.
stock (If
anhd Fatie
2ity, anal
sve Y111
Ann Arbor.

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