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November 04, 1892 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-11-04

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GENTLEMEN:- , T r=== T O
AWe wish to call 2your particular attention to the fact that our I oisiriencicig Novrember I-ti lii holyv.
Stock, as usual, includes a general aiid comnp~lete line of high class
clohin. yung1lei'sThursday, Friday and Saturday any of theiiisew sImpeis of Soft
~ ~ ~I ats; Fedora or Alpine lHat, costing ;8 . $8t. (hoi nd $2.5
miade np witls all the detail, care and skill which characterizes the This is a Bienefit lHat Sale for then Seain AT THlE TWO SANIMS.
best nierchmmant tailorisig work. Reinenmber for three (lays only.
7~-r ~ c ZArrar R7 ~~ HATS--X1.85, $1.85, $1.85, $1.85, $1.85.

V V C'.a.±±Canli.L6 i±±± L.y u& '.L1Gul IL.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE'
An A~r ic.CaitiStck 5551,OWEN'S BARBER SHOP!
Surplus, $,00,000._ _ _ _ __o !
0rganized underisheOenerai Banking Laws I No. 54L.s ii sTaNs sIts-U o
oi shis ssate. tieceive8stDepss unysad ______________________
Fetis exchange en the principal iteies of thei
Usnited States. Drafts cashed upse propere --eTHE ARGUSS- 1 Wahigtn t
dentifieatian. Officerss:
Cen[iscit NMACK, Pees., f!1MI Z JQI1 QtF 1l"74 1 1 i
W. D. Hsax'nsNa, Vice m'es., a- s a 5~a
5.Jse CHAS. F. Hiscocim, Cashier. AT'rLOW PICiES.
at.J Ftr, Asst. Cashier (.
" I t'. O SI. ('Ei;NsA I'l.
No 4!! lis r t1'. Dow, lit 'or, lass been
- I Nov.4-Adelp i itv asssss ts.
No. 1-Inlandsi c-Isea'soal a tlizsipts apts i t linstructor in history, assd
~'...III chich. a ~ has a:smctl Iis sissies. Sir. Dow
(fl''Cabo sa ac sben teasching isntGrandi vap)itS,
a.iistss tMgrCst, esa sst.whetnce he tosases lhere.
Naero b M-asss. Witnesaysi and1sot.
Nv5-'Nis -tire t i i sesthis at 9.50, roo D~r. Abel ws (r ives as ovastions,
sNv.-.-Chian lS oietyaai, 55.A ssst Css ne it. yesterdayv,lby (tie titesical sttsdcltss
socal.whliIe appleared Ibcfore the clays
Nov Alionvs ofAl tt ttllt~tc. icll. n tera eutcs. It wacsIsis tirst ap-
Cs-cv sas-sitg,5515. Sisit 1 iearance ibetore thec studaents sice'
N. -Sea.l" . SCilit ,s s orete- Issrtrafotsltrte
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! isand5 esststh s'iinsl.' 'f ts SI. A. .,. is is a vary sass
30Ea 5stHrneetv t Nosv Usity~ltits o. lesnsssssssnssinssssW
isCii 'sssac im, es,'is Mic atstie A'. fsetaielerstate eJustat1rc t. Iulo
sissy iii"iseietic" trisserSic ia as snot Iseciseen-
iniA5' 5555.5 s, Nis. i ii 's s~ssss lisiisi i, .N 5, saseslfor the winter lby te (ireci'
s-sAsTION I itsss iiMi a sssssi, toss, ascs 'itzpatrick, the osutsdoor
Ftu5 > P5C55';t s'ssc. - - "+ItrainerIsasesens gtivetanasuinlimsitedl
0 OU T1D THERE ARE TWO SIDES. fleave ostasence. Membshcreo
sotL~T ivislentlv existesdansitihreatena to
E :on i h ~fl- !leave it. usatters are not seesdily as-
s.Op CsesHe s n Te Quetion uf a Ghi's tian Asso- rastcd sc-lile tiaelRsgbsy teamo say
ciation Causes Debate at thteywonti: plasy till thse isatter is
Chicago. satssfaectssrily ssettlesd.
'i"alie i' tisa .sstdsentsts o te,eaifttof e ttcltsi(tegt iiHatt wshirl 1'tsr this's

t '° ,


9 i
f '

Excelsior Laundryl
'. AS C ill1itON STiniET.
0? 1 Woc-t csssissssslssst it-. sd; islltdssc
asss diverssede A. F. COVERT, Prop.
2] Years in the Business,
M. M. Seabolt. No. 4 N. Fourth St.
Fine Shower B ths.Now Porclelain
't01". . sis1sissoslctitTsJ. . .t .i'555 555-
C'iitlst $u,isstalS. ahis mssasid 1'satits, $Sittias.
Does a, gisiess ssat 11111 islsaillss. Says ial
t(ti- on ss HsisistDepossits. ins s esty
iesiit ttosea s'r eist.
f5I. in I MI'S', i's's'e, . . i. 51 I,5Cashiesrs ,
iCshank mSs tisissay ,issings.
K nItS rf~r CA .5. s aaiTssRssissss
IGoodspeed &Sons.,
I N1 PltM'lEIS
19 5. Main.
GoodsTeed & Sons.,
SF18E 'ft11 NEW ('IRXZ15
''A N ett hhtAts'itsUCmtsR.
tS1i'' tNGs. ("5555
17 5. Main.
Goodspeed & Sons.,,
15 S. Main.

' I

IChiiogo findt tinnyirobles to is Nec. .:tots sts-lsrssiay, Fniiac
grapple wvitt. Onseosithtses ithsemash Saitrdiay,-anuy sittime newsetst
sotisits, Fedoisr or ktinsi hapse, 'oat-
*EUL O R Dforsmatioss of a Christiaasesicociation. imgs 3t.50, 3.s00matdi*2.50fosr i1.5'lPis
* T'his woulatsetem sits easy isatter to is a ibenef'it II st csle fsor this seasons.
-- 'T'o ('ntable this stsudenmt votes-s (55 vuts
secparate Si.tanti \'. C.A., ttthirrtecsective hotmes on tNosv. 8shm
wehile tse other, whtic-hiincrltdisl time T' 1'. A. &t N. M.itly. withlnimaea
Speial ith sceaunst sitsLaut Lookiss-ste (if I ?'e'sts se'r-miute foat.inso
sistesm, lessst imii At fue rsiy satny of te Cfact-il a ccosit of sems ii))iii- muosctso tiny 1poit in tm '(
-the ci eat siusccss of cos-eduicationttra rsu a'''tiie csss'ssmtioes'rritors.
I extito t lit ha gi iorgaizatioasat Corsnell, ansi the '. ,('si t5sthi' l Sftiht' f I-tmssmtssss
of \M.swishies tstoss-ceitt S. 0'. .. -.. -
+'naln'nS Bot11 ithutasny sdistisictioniss to 'ss'esw.esi'ssm Dtit~ti
NOIR Thrt.is 'alsoa o vesss-mtnt tos Iaac-asithUeopetri a use sist MShsIsisiy s'velit
S 1LUi~ ±::n0k1thewsocian abroad basis of Ma Ihvepeetda ieetr
iin theitety fisis cns . Agenmt fistactionsnwhctha mtero cedhatte}pidiififty tandshsevestys-fivese'ns
s isrSttswstisiIitis-viip~lay se very smsall isart. 'Ihse man(5555es to 5seIto belter ssoswthasni
I~enfel Ls Matematcal(its ci ,te issbingispesenstdust the operat
uets. t'ndser prtices sin everyting. resusltcwill beccfitecrest, as time pre-huses this weenik.*'issa ftm oie
iiien (lite I -' otC. saddedi tohpmii's Mtay hheisses'siii, is usvery lists
Conlan h ,. of M il saeeatiess, tatu presensters'psrts tonspun'-
Cornllans his I SI.ccii iaacfeetiois. Shii is sumpports-dibya ifine
STORsz ES . muca isti n letis's osisalier intstitti- eommpniy. The Messeniger iQartette
South State Streetanod Main Street.hse isethesfiesteevrhar.-ucpr
(OppsieCnert hIneel. I

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