Y 1": S , We have tholl..
And the Bristles will not Com1e Stringed Instrument,;
+ + at NOBLE'S.
CHIC lE of a window full of 4-in-Ilhilds, Tecks and Puiffs for
34 S. State Street.
Ant h~cs 34 S. State Street. 148 cts.
48 cts.
48 ets.
48 cts.
iniversit x'Text-Ilooks, Miedocal Books, .Law 1iooks, lontaillBooks , Sttdel&,'Note Book"', Iltoik hittoks, Statioltor-. We ltaco a ilarge
Stock of INeuftel aool Esser Dii aft i g In4tmioct.
Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices~ as Low as the Lowest.
. -- 'Ilie llo(-Ieste'1, T1e tRoyal, 1and( The Perfeetioni Student Laimps have dem-
onstratedl that thtey give the moist perlfect tighit of any lamps made.itOWhile the
1.00 riiprices vary fromi 90 cenits to $1-5 each, they all give tihe saloe (ald>s and (10a1-
Nrgand Lamp, with porcelain shadles, at - . - - - 61 cento
lRed Star Oil, that horns without odor, does not char the wicke,
LARESTSTOK I TH CIY! and gives a pure white light, delivered at - - - 1(0 cenlts per gll
LARES SOC I T-I CTY Oil (anls, according to capacity, from - - - - 20 cents to S6t eachl.
To see is to believe. See our stock and youl will. be colnvinced thlat we sell
thle best Lamp and heat Oil for thle least nioney of any hIouse ill this city.
-- 'j- 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY.
I THE CAMPUS. tFrank Hwe 93lt.ns ivn
instrucrtion in Latin, at the chemical
We Don't WTant Much!? ! Sevecratlosaws have gone htome to laboratory, on Monday, Wednesday W ATyu rd nl"ui tt.adTusafo oSp .
w b5 rood1 siloiforicv tnthus ady mcsP.0.
VAN y eil olS ser tntiana repulicians meet tioday at frc t n eis
miii i 5 211A sct oftPenalm. CttuntyPractice
I larvardl andi CortnellI llay todayixreporrts have heeni donatedt tol the
cv IN arry -slich a stn I is law(' i Vlibrary byg'Messrs. s.'1 . and i.1..
N Whftat itisr'an F5i tbleuSi I'. 1K. Janette, of the Di):,NotiterJohntson &F'Co., of ihiladelphtia.
NoWa Mr+'o Wn Pia'ns 27ta. '.. .~c ndoatlliet', fittisImnIDetroit 1115butsiness. The ti llers' sotict in' s this
1re15. or slon tisy 505 Cnentlo ale's teanm will lractice behindutprogram for thlis eiiningltg iS o'ciock,
'P111 AN Aitl~itOtitAN Ill ,clilsed gates thle rest iif thle seasion. te5lla htc f'h
SthNil t t ' .Manaer, lWorld's Fair'': '"Layit"Piesfrioii
511111 ltit 5"l'-"-t.Mr. IHaskins seas recently elected Pie
presidlent of time freslimait medical 1lVallkeslia Spriings, "''yhE. . V Ktsri-
-- c 1L lss rans; "Surveys anti{grades,''IV'.
LAST p.14. WEST ft In 14000 seats thavehecis erected for
r--e-t-----a-- tarnardhiganleSatcSpring-7After a few incidental remuarks by
N5. S. Lialiti..- tlt3 N. . miT_ uii---I-------- clci.>;thse.dean, on l cass elections, yester-
a m. tbtogsl1soet's I Judge Cheeer will addr'ess the dy, th1uo aspoeddt
II. N. Nsxl-ess --- > to 0.I. sxpress a50 o ac ntiuininiy-a s
ltic Exiess.eot.7 0Amein;issExp _-Nis8IProhsibitioln club at tile 1.. (. 'r. adotacnttto n ylss
0. c si. CareUG -- It.IT.ant.oHl'mEm , Iall, this evenin.week from Friday has beeii sdcter-
o. P. &'r. Agent, Chic-sga. Agt- Annl Arborl. I.L emnduo o h lcino fi
II , tgner-, senioar lass, de- lie P~ o h lcino fi
FIRST NATIONAL BANK livereld a democratic speech atces
01F'ANN ARBOR.Crellohmrstitre
ispital, $100,000i. upi's sana Pros, 0,000ta). t Blridgeswater, Wedncasday. Crelsllolrs citric
'iiis'acenea lt ball in bis nsit(,fr- Junior lawes' football teami wo0ld freshmualn elections to tihe extent of
eitcoeiieesotl,lettersofncediit pemcuredJ
li telers'-.abroad. ~~ W e ic I lrnefragm o a good deal of damage to university
55. W.GL111KON, ishier.110 afternoon, swith some good teaum. property. To avoid trouble andlto put
GRAINGER'S Xpgdn shopritd thme class in as -favorable a light as
11AIT A p. hs.haten twhe denstalani-possible, a lengthy class apology
~ ~llO L tiPUJIIU.llu theatre ssas carried bodily froml thse was submitted to tile faculty.
10th Season, October, '92, to Xay. 9.rom Chapel at Neswberry hail Sunday
q_)URpoN~wnHALLs entrllyts loateboandamorning will be given u1p to reports
evsryscovso1150has be aet rmt h ofr forptrons. Therere01'stoairo tn the proposed code of rules gov-fro th
to mount5, te dancing r00010beingeon5he11rm thedelegates to summer
groun0dfloor. office atacadem, sMaynardl-st. erning senior class elections atscol.MsPhpS ellrot
C Send $12.', $2, or $31 50 eor tr rnctnanmnaigspehe-r Geneva lake Y. W. C. A.; Mr. Van-
- pie Itetail Ben by expresof forbidden.TaslGeva.M.CAan
Pot sp in elegant boxes and ,AJ.Sastitypr.uialfofomrywtliMrLvend th itrainl
V PRESENTS. Express charges fI asb formecerlsetrliy r.Lveadtefneraioa
repali.Refer to all tChicago. 94, haYbenoeecedrecrtare at Northfield. Besides
TrP it once-Addresa, teconferencebofth Lnie
fl. FheRepulicanclboofetheinnvrr-these Gen. Sec. Boswen will speak on
WE CHItAGO, ILLINOIS. slY o 0hiao the subject of summer schools.
Call on ue. Fulde. th
'Tailor, opposite time Lawsv Ililig, ou
Williami st..filrst door svest of Stalte-st -
Cmloeing'repiringOandprsing clEoleneatly.
Suisioorereaospecialty. All work fist-classo
B3uy M6A1ar'i 01003M
or base some Repirin loego to
'WfM . A rsRotJ, 36 Main Street
Is shmowsimmgmmfirst-class limmeo lf
IDress and iimmlsiness fimitinge,
il'ousrimgs iitndItFmnev Nestintes
form Fmilililtnd inter.
42 South $tate Street.
Is time1111ce to go tor finel Tmilort"-
Ite lmas thme mosat select stock of
in Smitinigs, Trouserinogs, and Fancy
Silk Vestings in the City, 0a11
woudd be pleased to hlave you
call aud examinele
nitakes a specialty of
Full Dress Suito.
No. 2 E. Washinagto-St., Ann Arbor.