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October 01, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-10-01

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Published D9sy (Snday excepted) during
teColege year, at
Oisi: Times bulling N. Main toppoite
pst office.
J. A. LuRoy,'S, Managing Editor.
w:A. SPcLL:, 'SiL, Assistant.
(3. B. Ffiiauxss i'SeLlin Bsiness ahagr
L R. Assne. W 'L. Assistant.
A'ssosiite ditoris.
L. A. trat. 'S7 Carrie N1: Smith, 'o
C. A. oughtot,'Ii ,D. IA. oth,'11-P.
C. H. Farrel, '8. H: B. aumon OSM M.
J. S. Finlay, 'S. S. E. KnappeaM'9.
TShe price dg the Daily will remain as here-
tofsre,$2.1'yar, inarilty 'Is adickode,
notwithstanding the fact that publcaton
will be contiued until Commencement.
olir il l ba' te li g of' the'Daily
bord tomibrow nght at 7:30. All'
editors' itst e oti'hatdor thelt
paces'wil'be coisideied'iaant
There are a number of v absucles si
thet edtoxa' stat of the Daly; which
wil'heflld'atetoneftdslitho best ap-
picantsaiabi. Uiatdiditesfor te
vacancies will i' set t6 Wdrk atd
those Wiub do the hbit in'oipetton
will be givenx the plh'cet.. T"vOassist
ant manhing e I rs ae'tetted, an
athefte eitr'tt& e p ll' twosor
three edltdrs'roin -the nidical dipart
ueft. There I& rotten on the staff for
good me~n front eerydeprtmnt..
Aiyat one to te managlfl tttor':
There is 4 dan o 'nih" o: brod
woi'ers in the btics'asd p tient
of the Daily, and those Who Wih pran
tical eijetliehsof thu 'kindshold
apply to the bolitess anagsier.
The editors of the tnhtslder' are hard
at work on the first' numbe r, wich
will ipper about thi'tiftee th.' Te
contents of the Inlander are trnshett
entirely b those connected noe or'
less closely with the stuent body and'
faculty, anrd in order to ineet with'
the fulest sccess It must' have the
snport of those Who hats' ability aloe'
Iltera"v 'lidek.
Dningethe' psttOY4ionthtthae
stoetdl'hgh'aftngcol lage p'u'tcatlott
andwitthe'baokbaig te sto'deitirihe
are shl'e t4 gve it, it oyiss to stand
at the hat.
One diiculty istttlng'o1t te hbet
work Seels to' be in the fact hat those
who write te best both in verse and
proe are often very' diffidnt about
Thl'ehlll1nbt ' bksso. c onttltl6Wtno
addtlctssd1te tbIstIandtb< 'ill recelvi
thdea' fulcoii~tderstdtiisof theO baf
whch'cnt1tst of thee seijisip to
junors and two facuty mebra
( The ComP 'Union ill' met at
F'riese Mehorlal MSI' th evein'at
7:30 sharp. All personts Inedig to
join aeir'svlted to be preseir.
iTO'avett. ctellheit~ted' Ll>4ii e'
papr e' a'ia eAveops to nt.h
Room and board at N. 8<Foret

Fhitball Will Be Stated byt5 One
Friday Night.
At the first meeting of the board of
directors of the Athletic association
last night, it was decided to hold an
athletic -mass meeting next Friday
night, probably in" University Hall.
An effort will be made to secure speak.
Oss from among the prominent Detroit
alumni to stat the ball rolling for
football. Tit. nass meeting was held
in 'the la~W lestne rOom last year, but
that was toghit too smalt for the
llurpOse and it. is expected that t'niver-
sity halt wilt bieneeded to aconno-
date the croWd this year.
Athi~tic ssociatio'n mesbership
ticiets are now vaon sale at the renual
pritce of $3 androag h e obtainei front
any of the' drectora W*ith each tiket
this yeaqr wl g6 aneat buttb'n or 'stick
pin, ax the hlder mnay' desite of ado.
sigix d teined uponby the board of
Among thle privileges conferred pon
the melibe rt of the Atletic Assoia-
tiofiis that of adission to the gme
at hatlf' prie A seson ticket. with
six admnisslonss Willlie soldtomebes
this yeltr'at $1:5 0.
B. C. Rich, '96, wasc n' tit last
nigt's me~tinig to fill oe of the c-
caltieis on the bioard.: The' otherswill
be filled at tilts net seeting
Detrot Alumni to Organie.
Aftet' the meeting of the athletic
board last night a nustiuher ofproti
neat' niversty nmn got' together in
Room Oto dscurss the formiton of a
Detroit brasnch of the Auni A ssocia-
tion, st~ii 't he Very active birab
in' Cicag&. A commi te was p.
pointed, coh islir of Dunane ,tuart,
clrrri'if. and Ga~lord Gull~ts, of' tle
Psi Upsilon fratersity, on Condon
and ary' Niehol, of the leia 1 ap-
paE spion, iobert B1ilai d and 1liuiir
Si n , of tteAlpha ii'elta PIhi, ad X.1
D. Itcaiictt tf tofihO Si i'Yt. iht& This
ermfe illnettrori3ugl'odecide upon' futther seps" in' te 'mat.
ter. A' cont ittitee c'ssisietigf toof
the olestand'best' knownr ailsmt
from sexcll of the foit' fratrnities
nafrnlts 'e twill1 e'appolintd ta ke
cliargtt. of' the laer'inerit
Fall' Feldt'DayV Coumslts.'
Hveh't thg early date, the do'odot.
for track aileics next spring is ope
cally good:' Mostof' this old nmen at i
back itV thet Uni'Oroty, -affd' a ltge'
usaher of ew'msn lwth very'lpo-
isiag rtsortia hare: ettted, stile la-
ticlarli good' men' coiing f'Qfm ntthe
,Lhicltgo" hgh selools.
ft is the' inttniorof'the trck com'
'mitto beo1014the: aintlafall feld
dlay in about ttvowek, dat' to bh
esnlsuged inO a' few' dtysy'a (ti
Lellty' hs appfointed'D. Ht. Stut of
ast.'y'awr'sticf tem, as ig assistant
AM, 1'Mr: Statbwilt, hve' charfS(of
tilt woetis lSfl. All' thesneWslod
ld ic ~l'e' relihet&1ts' cie"ot oh
~he trackefr' twok ese aftron
utnder his direction.

Mr. and Mers. Hoss Granger annousnee Gunther's Chicago dandis'af A. E
that their classes in dancing Will om- Mummery's Drug' Stoecornec oh.
mence 'Saturday, Oct. 5. Th cases ave. and Wa bn 'on st
for the season will be formed f ol
lows:' Gentiemen exclusively, Satur-a,
day 10 a.mi., Thursday 8 p. m.; ladies 0 1 u
exclusively, Saturday 4:15 p. i.; child.
ren, Saturday' 2-p.in; advanced clas- We hate left a fairstock of"
s, ladies and gentlemen, Tuesday' and all sorts of
Saturday :15 p. m.; juvenile advanced WRTN T UL I
'sill be under the personal supervision which can e closed out",,,.
sif tr. Granger. 0ffice at acadmy. follows:
LOST.-A "Manhatta Life" note- MMAT 0 AETBE, 5
book with laundry accounts; also bill A MT20AK ABE, 5w
from Witter's Laundry., L. D. Carr, GI0OD0RLED TABLETS,lOG PP3HFR IX'
25 N. State st. GOOD WRITING' TABLET 8-
All students' supplies at Mtummery's CRANE .LINEN TABLET, - - 150=
Whisk Brooms for 10c at Mum- WRITINBPAPER $Y THE QIRE-OR LB..
aery's. This stock will not be replaced.
Fine-toilet goods and brushes of alt Come' quick for first choi'e.
kinds at Mummerys Drug Store.
For boarders 'advert ise in the' Dolly Argus Prinltinfg HouLs.
Stodeisa Lcture - ASSOcito
er r f rrc OF THlE
Ten entertainments by eminnt stattoien; Writers, citichl
ad musical artists
Reserved seats -for entire courso 506 eatra. iLok ot' for' pros'
pectus of the course and announcement of sale of Tcket:
Look furthe Swan in EveryShe
ft y~ni~ paei~ ha a S ant in~ i, Yfii& Itif
a ~6A, onet k lr

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