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October 01, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-10-01

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51 ~ f1,
IL _>wjs~zsf EoiL]L _
2 9 ~ Lf7L. 1° 3 *S TA 5I 3
yw kL$ SJ N
K Z09 LJ ...l L In..
5095 9 IFI L SEl1U
Li Li Li ~[iiII
' JI1' _" a > ' WL1IMSIYA~ 4L:,ai Ivc
lJ > I <. < ovC-LND 4ZEETt
. }WIL1 M < 1 axx;IF
, C "to '= i ,4ZikZ , '

1 Michigan Central Depot
2 Toledo & Ann Arbor Depot
3 University. Hall.
4 Law Building.
5 Medical Bufroing.
6 Pharmaceutloal Laboratory.
7 Civil Engineering.
8. Lfhrary.
9 Museum.'
10 Engineering Ldbor5iory.
11 Physical and Hygienic Latsora.-
12 DentalBuiilding.
13 Homneopathic Building.
14 Anatomical Laboratory.
15 President's House.j
16 Observatory.
17 High School.
18 Court House.
19 Post Office.
20 Opera House.
21 Harris .Ball.
22 Baptist Church.
23 Episcopal Church.
24 CatholiS Chiurch.
25 Congregational. Churcb.
20 Methodist Church.
27 Preshyterhan Church.
28 Unitavian Church.
29' Bdthllehem hLutherani Churcb.
30 Zion Lutheran Church.
31 (Genfian Methodist Church.
32 Homeopathic Hospital.
33 S. C. A. Building.
34 University Hospital.
35 McMilian, Hall.
30 ttiscicolos Church.
37 Gymnnasium.
38 Thpp a'all.
39 A. M. E. Church, N. Fourth ave.,
near Beakes st.
40 Second Baist Church, cor.
Beakes st and N. Fifth ave.

Climbed the Matterhorn.
The following is tbe copy of a sp1e-
cial dispatch seit to the Detroit jlapers
frot Boston August 23:
Miss Annie S. Peck, a famous molin-
taineer, calies from' Zersnatt, Switaer-
land, that s3e- has 61limbed to the peak
of the Matterhorn; a feat for' wichrl
she be'd been in trainingg for years. St
is said that only ttro other women
have dlone thia. The top of the mnoun-
tain is 14,7& 5 feet abeove the sea level
and is most difficult of access.
Miss Peck is a native of Providence,
and a graduate of the. University of
Michiigan. f6i year~s she lies iieen any
enthusiastic mountain-cllntbhr. Sn 1887
she rode 4,000 feeit to the snow line if
Hotli t' Shasta, and th'en climbe~d itfe
remaining 14,000 feet to the suiliIt:
This ascent" was the first made of that
montiu by atw monan.
Newly fsurnishied f ront suite to rent
at 4 N1.: Fith avenue.
- - - - - - - - - w y

A IWquest.
ltdadets of t*e Daily Willcon-
fer d fator on the Editors by men-
tionatagthis, pdper 10hefl dealing
C.with ifitertisers.
WV. 0. Fatmoer (tormtrly with :F.E
Caliis), has. succeeded lBassett &
Mason In the Drug Ilasiws t i46
ATEiZLA%1W1flr CO.
'igh Gloss aria;Domestics Fintish.
E. S. SE9RVISS, Maiiager,s.r ~ r A
- The iibd ern stahd-
]s aidh Family Medi-
cine: reams.the
ilis of humanity.,

Reomovedl to 10 5. State St., Sger Block.
Hot ond Cold Luuchis at All Hurs.
Suting, to order 155-up 0 ergeats to
order $0.0 iiTr asersog to order $5.
Cain yenPressing and Eepairing
Merc ant Tailtor,20S. State st., Ass Arbor.
T.&OL.0C4.Ry. K.&MX. Py.
Solid,;through: trains between yotedo, Ohio..
and Charleston, W. Va.,. via Columbus, the
short add only direct route.
Toledo, 0.
Fsidlay, 0.
Seritbi, 0.
Columbus, 6.
Athens; 0.
Middleport, 0.
Pomiery, 0.
Pt. Pleasant, W., Va.
~li~no d. Va.
FeteP~ebiirg, Va.
Old Pornt Comfort, Va:
Newport News, Va.
N~orfork, Va.
d'. algrsouteatr n oita lent
For further informatialloon your local
MOULTON 14 OUXrG~en'Sl Vass. Ag,.
Toledo, 0.
WA. PETERSO, Michigan Pams. Agent.
Detroit, Mich.

Time Table (Revised) May10, 1894:
?. M A
g..ali andDix.-3.501 Mal ---- ..84$;
Y. Specal _- 500 N. Y. peei,... 710
Eastern Es.__1034 N51. 5LImited.... 95
A. M. Pacific Es-----i1157
Atlantic Ex.7,47 Pan.,
D.N. N'prees6.. 05 Western Ex:--- 00
G9. R. Exprtess ---11 05 ChIR. E .10x-
D. I. REc ns H.,V. HA'kES
0.: P. TAgi., Chcago, Agt5,, 4nn.srbor:
1Tot A.,A., &.N.ot. RY.
Talg effect Sunday, April 1',1014.
Trains lsave Ann' Arbor on' Cent ral Stand=
ard time.
8:07 a. m. *7:14s;.m.
*12:25 p. m. 11:0 a.mI.
4:153pm 9:00 p: m.
Going drib:.at 9:1 a. n.
tGoing .00th at 8:11 p. m.
Trains Snnday rcoo between Toledo and
Bamburg Junction only.
*Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo.
All trains daily ex sept Sunday
IV.. UB4Nl NTT O . .Toledn 0.
Time Table, May 28, 1895.
Lave Ypsilanti from Congress si., 6:00, 8:0p
acrd 11:t o .;19:45,2:15,5:00. 6:40,9:00 and.
11:00 p. m.
LaelAnn, Arbor Juertlon, 7:010, 8:30 an
11;:3 a. in.; 1 :15, 2:49, 5:10, 7:10,10:00 and 11:
teareYpilanti frm Congremsst.;1:MI:7
*:00, 6-3Dand9:00 p. m.
aeave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00,4:00,5:30
7:00 d9:M0p.m.
Car runon ity time Fre: single tripl
;nts; roiid tl ic etsif en.
belivery; Free


& e sitalefot trOortllse a
mom nposms4E.Wlim Lalspeerd

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