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May 15, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-05-15

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the . a


VOL. VI. No. 16-1.



' I-L WOMEN1'S BUILl)INIG. tho ' l'Xlrsri Soo irr sospitird os to' MICHIGAN IUMIZt1 hSII.
l We Muhst Move I ~ ofsiT1ai1 t oslit of it. ___
The store we now occupy h s o WorI r) sip-Rpdyon the'hicao'ssld NotScor Agins
been sold. We must seek newt I'll r Z e oexi'se" of tisconrstonsiseiiaf ss Nt tI itSi
_g( i+ iee.Exterior. aigdrn onlnein el u~t'
Wet MVe ui st Close Out ____ Ioyi Keniioiewg t ses'os's's r si( \i- y
ihew r nt ie'onn' x la-l"tl i i it. sits otlssig 000l
ou Ost:^I'5'lof emusic gos lnd0( (ld 05len'X '55i5 555 tbAgell l t s s' st' 1:0ss 3,' iss siliy 1Ill
lI~cycesI-' IX'tr , ' i i s which I s 'llill 'sis is,''i''essiis' osiisiy sissid the ti sssIss' ss i t he -si' gssss fos' ri i-siii'1issicisiise's
ilsll ~oddts if lsssspricesoI1I' r'gs-ii'sto hs ln0r ld th t n
h~ei 515 s'ytlsssstoIsoyes ( V ii tId li,, is niv o-bs niii tosg I nkeotte tof. A. A. 8Si t i ntevieiw5 Il5 illo-
st ts forsssl'n1111i ssuch ce tlillithlds 0 0 iist isslst'i s'lio s
1 THIS BEANS BUSINESS (tillsiiotls' ssts'~.Atssdis'efosrce'sof be lic :1 t 0 l lms.ichrli<slo i
iIft 'lyiosut0 I lS ~d o s t s Iss tIrstss11itt t51'et XX'stlssy ii I 'teioois.
yssl sesst sisylsst o ~inthe (1____________
musi lie ns o r sp issthis (9til uLos ' 11s1stthes' sississ' 'sos sil siss's' hs-Scoe:ss i's. XI itsiii i cn iissos1.
' ek ICiass Garre Unifirnised, ',sss sss sls''isis'sssilhs
#( TlE AN N ARBOR ORGAN C019 worsksits snowssss' ssssststlss swsindte e s lns'gise btwesens'o'98iD fsid"'06 L, slesslily if thIe' srrssrs, Isuil I s' 'Vsir~iiy
S. M AIN Sr. 11 itsr ' Itills i ls' tss('is iOiss'stt 1 i5ssiirl I isiich 1'ss ;s~elsstii't fors'y'sl s'i' i dsi noltl nees'ss thisiitssoIwill. XX'stkins
BYBN UBBICYCLES, I I ofteni feest or iimsrs'. Au's ily oiiss' 5siisfls'rilsoolis's illedsijusti isisi's lii'thbe lipitc'esd o sisigi h bill to 'Asiiito
.1111is so'sss'idel osirtihs' propiortionss ' ! i (-lo';' sf liso fifthi is isiss "isigessssc'sssnt sof 2s:111's; s)IssIleus'Ivs'ss's ill sliso'teds.

It's a [t~tlie Lateo
in thle season, hut ee
still have a
on band and most respect-
fully solicit your patron-

the tssiliiiiigrsisd swhsst it 'N'silliloss.:likei'

rsiiss. At tihi'timse us' gsssss s' 'sos ii' iiles'ia1brilliant tiliiiiis5 gsiiii

/I \
'so'- - Th
_ -


S. W . Bwwrcl-aield 'ss-iss'i rompeted'is's.flssoiisrea155s'tisll i liii'e soreisi's' 1)0toii7 ii a fsiii'ii ss-icl indu ii(AIis' l bisssi is" chli-
E. Huron Street. its'jusitisbosits'qusalto thast ofi ilhe I lth' dental freshmeisnanditif ithey fissditigani's uonly erruor 'ss'ss Liosy's iss1ff
XW stsrman ii tliisisiaisium a r oiifsirssi- bisis pisrs itt'iI io fiisioi iss'e 111ill')isig of lllsiii''thirowXX tIscatsiii-i i lssil
AD T IPRTANT NT ICE. isis', aso i fsisis isirsinatl1ls sf (so-isisyiss 11111iig 1111'ore111)1's' iisssiiiihe5'itosososi siisii tiss 5-t n555 s'iir' iii2
otlsitiss I nd sili rsIlsiti't iill ds'issiis gis osu'sdis hi avss'ss'-mei'i'to iisemsi. A's lieSs' 0555''.
with theliis ptesens'st gysisislsiolsi. th ill- Ii 0-'s. hos'sever, lt'e push' ws - I - Iliisls'r ca' issii' to Is' itsib bus
- I I 1iLAD, ide us tsiinsgsoiulsd tii a5mst.t isi- 'dasri'iioif. it \X'liibto piaysitMoss- opeingssoof bhe gamess, sido tosiltsibby
The Leading Tailor, psingss.ob llstrcue santdallii51555'iii itsissy sat -1p. ils. sndithi innes-ssr if Iosi- liii'iftisba its chedbsiss. Des'shsiiSto
sold ooiy direct Importer to the city,,biss'Usniv-ersity ossilsus Altliosglis'sisy's gss'ti-ilisissy '9),'s(( ifsrsdssy .Swill 'lisswhooassssssilicto fild'iitbsi
lists list roceived Iis entire stock of tisere is snot enosghs isonesy act'iully Btlli gsilusili isbet his'fsair isiossisl. olsit 01isi' e tlisissy osui- l <i prt-
Foroigo sod Domeutic Woolenfor sbieds'to i'copletbe'tile biling1iis k'fiss'lis osf use iisii's--ei'tsss sh-Isi"1' s'ssrifiise 11111 XX'atkinisho111 ltsl
tlrsig soad Summer '90",at sasndilsbut ist isape fsr Ust',10w'orwloh' 's'sili tie plasysiedsi Ssstss'idsy thss'to centers' lts,strsgtoiil''sd
H,2E.WASH]INGTON-ST. -a NEAR MAINPs' pus1hed sight t iog sisistssmusilos-Is3sd,2:liel iss'b's1's ' ndll s l rs y'sysDIeans. IIoliviesbuntoots-iliii' 1)s11 issi
FulsrssSut-nSpcily. p ssibledoe itIlla i 10N, iliinerIhsiac i ffisdvncd t siilto Iis ti
rolfmeuSit peily. uooiiesiisGiirl'''sssi so w ss- ill's'r eRtfreshmsns -ed rwnis's' 55l L owi~'i steuiy's 1styos's'
I S irsWilSuv Rfen'met.
pec aTihele w'l ls wto ssittltse rasei, thseroof Watkins scored. hutoiso as
put oil, Oandi sll of lt'es'xtetrior, i- I.'Xiilli' tpreparat'sillosiars' 15'lO5put slit iat isrst by atgrounderis s' ho srt.
Baseball Supplies, L.awen os'eof the boilisg nd so tbsslissiho is-'cessdisiffs's'afte he Mas' estivlliAdiisossgist 1ahiss' osissals asnd
Tns Rackots, Lawn Tennis e'strsanceeons ~teisorths,twitlb i t hsissi t'icon't'itso iosoA 11111 11hasie'sbtus reaschesd tirds, buitlis' died there',aso
$ple.Sotn God efTihoisportioss of the wosrk illoi irob- g4i'ses ItII)for thi urorsse.(tile willtMcenziis' gsathered4 ila hot ldri'v'
sillytie compsletedl before Octobter, iibe a tJapanses'rom,. anisitheoheislsfroiss t'ts baoit.
every description. thsoug ogt10definite agreemsesnt to tthts ti e decosrsate'd riththe l eru'ssio No fusrthest'r ~ing wa1110done- uisiil
efethis'sbeens isasd' 'sitththe cons- lhlic-til'svitt i nlsy lenttib' Mrs.use fiorts.Nichlstoreaesd third
SEE OURH STOCK AND PRICES 2isetors. tousins. 'Tie decorat'insg is unesssr thss'bos' in the thsirid insoiog, teut Asis-
It is hoiped that itefore coilegeop0100en ss agsessnt 0' or ils s lceist. It toss strucik out. Blooissiigstoishisithis
'Wa SbA nthe fasll sufficienst foods 'sillths'se t siss'opedthseefforts ''sillits reissirsl-,baii out for three biss itheis'nesxt
beii raiued so that the 'sork Imay ibo eud by' a liberal ptrtsoge 1an11 sigodly'linisng asloshSildossrifiedslto righst
tUp Town, Down Town.' iiushed aloog without delay anid worktstoinosy be adtded to the fiiod for for moothser roo. lHollister 'sas given
sUnleatostwess,spsitesCourtlHouso eodPg.
20S.MaeSt 4NhMintS. comsmencced on the ioterior an sooo us tse Woomein's Boildinig from tis lspsi. (Continued o eodPg.

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