e IhGNTRUPIi) May Inlander Out.,P C A
- I lie it y Inlaindler offers as a front- ~ ~ ~ J C
(continued fists F4irst Iloge.) .a~ o i'Vtsl LU~ ~ilP ~fP
'sulblied Daily (Soonday excepted) in.eleg basei on blts, btttieheastthCre !froiiiai phlotographl takien aithlt hIU IIU
tli leollenear, lat 01111nlretire(d in oriler. TeV irs t lteo edfeenl. H.A/(l i s--101R-
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Ciegl voht wa maey lr rei fil re nl. 'l. . cars
OFrsim. Times building N. Alis t., oiiposittschicla's "inothis 1W111]<i3.iTe tyfit-o ni lsteroerdeTgi.FNidayand auray May an 1
orliergt' i Iho ioitg. he ~lie Thie'contentls of th i tlaliter lire
post ofce lt .as m de y o wn li he e Laies'ltstotwiTopChroecKidI, Stiletto
p11cc li Ie ~. followis: "The Developtoettof Mich-i Toe Ice toe0 $439.
EDITORS elli-an mttAreltaesol'y," Harlan I. Sillth; Ladies' D'r e d li Rvtis'a, Tailor-Slade,
J. Fi. 'rl()tAS,0'9"1. V. '.. TfisAYeR, 'l9diIL. Michig"an taddeud Iss ettisn s i 1C e 'l)~2tuCerttoy, lace 3Siteo x1.9
I. L, tristriti,'50 L 1-.:11. 1,0ttoIStt, '15 ,"Tapls", hid "1''1'}11Silting to 511' Ladies'Chocolate (Chromo Kid, titehalt-
0.1.3 is . I I.S ttis,9 ilil, X tllii c1 11 ul h lltsee,''11. H. Itosytutil; ''Afi ronyi otf dolorit toe, button, Sto 5f)
it. 1C. CNE~oliit '11S. center' beyond Iferoehbet'gei'. Tie ~ «~ 1 f~ '~ Laies'I Ciocolate ViciiKid, Touts toe, Out-
is tA Dl011 fIIT~i lhtler tiut-ew illIs1-to w 11 oto tho tmffs' itA 110"(1-tr 1 1 Ldi( Chiocolate Vici tKil, Tolido toe, lace,
G. B. i111110115, '15 1, liihe 1ball 1and( Wtkilins scored beforee'Poetry," byD~c r. S. A. "Tones; "A Ii o- Ldoies olai~e Vici Kid, eazor toe, Stit-
1 USI NK;5 iS- oi A\tA411I tlii lgs were slriihlteel out. llolines 'Naceint iedagotgy,"lby Mbli ol-i3islodies'Chocolate Vici Kid, racer toe, lace,. GO
tli; Diii' if ayt i t ~lerutyEt'u11thlts- Ladies' 3 Bot ton o thtiToe, TaniChreotoe
L. C. WALisuat, 'II. Wh'< 1'3 r lit 1base' oi ilballs nt.111(1 1 0010_ Kiiilosoelireors'1(l *3.f0Ito Sf0.99
~- to sil hi1is," 1)} fliss illetlle liool; l1ui1i'1 ' iuS ' 011 iuule ZXiciiKid Oxfotrds, taeot
ASSOCIATRE DITOtS lii gisstc Oiti'lltii uiSss't5 etli," ii Wa'e'Waurreti ,jIeOs' C(hoesate VlilKidtDOfords, Phila-
4V', VS is, 'i S. 5. K.Smith:i.}'( L. ilond. Aliillos tiadto I makle a ifiotblei 'dli't''. lilti 'o ls' rt ,"'i,"'blie' Shil's:t' deliua, cr OIera e $2 cSOtoi 11.11
All t ,l.eiira ts'd 'deilut. Prices & to.,
S. W. siniiii, '11. AV. 1'. SI ireill, '98' hiplay fter puttinig sill; ilooli1tigsioii, WI. smithl; 111111"A Ilalf-Voile," iy Roiebeistier, N. V., thu toli-cdSiioie iticlis
J. L. Waalli, 'ID l. 11. 0. Shill ilrti, '085 L. s editi this sale.
13. BI. ltliclpy, 'is. 11. Croil, fl. mitrien ot: out1. Ilillistritilie a51 Klafsky a Great Artist. JACOBS & ALLMAND,
TTil ofthretilaun- otthe ailthainlt'h'' hlisetitDi 1iii'l 1it <g'' 'Ibut 1111el'sl'ill'liitlt litI s i is snasofethe ClDailyltxuhas hll,
of the year. heave "iflaiiptilesa t iitheVo(",s ul ,Se ' lt nnlly i
Ne ti'Thedif'dliea ili l he s111111') 5ANa ]liiIiEaIIItll 55. 'li'i'i' are ingiii5 1 U11119 t
10'. le' '.I' .lA I It, i'9 L. IiAll It 1li1i110 A. 111n1 5i1111111' is 5o11 if the (1r1.11 li
_1 ili(,;ls)Is,, :b1.--1110-1100-i-i--I1 1 I H0lt A 1 ieatlis' s('ff111') o ut 111 he1' lii 1
Oltililll' If 1111'-isoi-5 0 I 110 C 1 Av I 551 liii+fiii t
C.f'it l\ Ge en.lli ). is Iii eei tetutu i l i- ati s , ;-------. 1 3 p h 11 .i.5.i I lf y vi c liu '
fha'ifolli hsi uifest1.' ID--iii i- f4 0 51 1 1 5 05h e ill 53-d11 ear'titil fitiilI'll ii5: sub
'h e lid l.o he pee t olg liei.c uf-- 'ii'-- I 'lu-i.-----ul---' is 1.1 iunr1111 0le l0i''f4l '0IL h L L(}IS tn I III h fI
1e"Indf"' 11-11 ul i i huh uu 2- 9 1 ti 1r, 11 cig fIclt l
so II 0517-lit 'f'niPO AisFtisi.lii 11" beaut~iil in I it itf 111 li
tniI~i~e liill-ll-t--_sllu''_.-"ui_11' 0 0caseeerHea oo 0Tl 0 iu'" s, is ' 1t 1t 111(' hudigiyiil ,Ioi-' NO 5 . L1[a C ISS
A(ull'. ioud,55hit --t4lii0I1 ill
Iltit't ufIl~fie~~i. Ais' lf~' lili' 111 I ll~h 'r-eitil 1uifil--ss. li}d1y I2iu )el i 21If1'ii e ff 11
DuiiilI5 ul't11'(111iiialfi u1ttulf 'h55l1-'''l l'i'ltall-If ii' ltol ffe.11-ooua 'st1 ~lfl ~(
sity f Iendiiinaue is l 1ture of 11si I ls-' 1111li Iibil____ ilit___g_____ 'a itu'.1111 15 1111a1 5 0
houul i ss ' 51 iii e ifi. onIi f ---51 -11115._ 'liii 0 1 f 1tf 0it il it' (i1h1',1 s l i. hii s f f fle o D t o t wil m k
Voi 'al liesutf nd it i lhlful ' is l ling ii k51'i'e ll. i 1rf1teifg h'_isil_-liI_'l-f''-l---' ll-11:3al,5 lii'hll0t Out1sitios'il} lof s-ll gi- f i
~oihi 1115' s~ ihiigtt'iiiilsiuliiiihi~l Iisis tulihs1'. 'lltlI s uiiI 1 f 311 1 11' 'land lh 1-;f'ill '' i. lio'e1f te sitylena s t i ftu
ho sf1-its lu-u',1 1 1 11sfe buir i' i Iil'}truii of''fuis'i Iil i- eif i tiltlss il'f t'uees r u
tNihuhu cni st ile lishll T hf l) Inkit1lli. j 1 s2iulal3it-it i 5us 6uu i i' 9situ lut 0 ?lt 11 1t11n t't i. N
le f llt titl(. "I h e'fls resi ortedlii lil I oiei l' to l l w iIiifeir -ltohisfI IlIl'1f i' i es' '1£)1-lslh ffl tti t.' isa
ever'uiticki' ahilo 'l tct u ilos in i' an, ilitii'+ ~ilt. hk-lt t1 iiiIlti 110 i=ill ill'do h
Iosv:teiA tutule laiit: lui's lulosi c- 1110 liuu'i11u'li' e tie 1)nd lie 1ut(lrt utish (, N , 5 W 1 B PT ST
eUneri'i ahus e eiliit oodlly Tie.illtitaS( tlh '<[1's1111Itelfel iitii l nub tuot, ithclltl 11111, h l ue eaInffrtg a
PrssteltnSoia. tioh.I uutildotis srb dhiituge , l'.hieuotut 5
theas elcanhf' uts goit tvas itt pallshThei,' ' -$ o (Lass rvalry1whill$is I
Ihi Itesh'lieiltl hiistiut I~idfluv ehusil itu etisiouuse at~li fut' Io lsloti ltuaIIerae'b f 1.of th l
or Societfy SIill lthu ea souiaeiuhullltr iIl-
tent iiltith p iorsofthe111'urci~'hi hf-
101ottt'ain ssill hbe give-u. A lotng list of
spcialhfeattutri'olhas ltu'u'ttprepaureid
atd ll coice ti'ttsilluu'luls will beonot
sale. AdmhissionlIdo cets.o
S. CA. Officers Elected,
At a. speeluth elecutinast. evetiitg
the Studetits' Chlristiatn Aosoel-atiott
elected the followingtg w'ssiileestsoI
fill ViewtliltIsh tGeneral site president,
W. II. Montgomery; treatsurer, .. V
cortie of thei' tu11111115,'thiey-f' liuliif
hairlI, lethiniigo, Tu' so1iiphoores
atallcihe'd otat fre'shmiani's rootm., bill
wvv're held It bI ' lntil the ar'rivalh of
his clutosutttee, Alioteliur '1)9 seetms
to htave 1111dl t'elestcf it so fuar andt
thteir btatnqutet totnighit sill wvithout
dostbt be a vt'ry sccesofual affazir.
Progratt party at thUnPilversity
Schtool of Dancing Saturday evenitng.
Hlow catt I keep up witht the tintcs
for Th.? Subscribe for the Daily.
Litte of Bicf'les at prices froin $40 tof
$50 atnd $7.5, are u-to-date. We ret
and tepair w'heels.
Lost-About te wain building, ut
ladies' gold -watell, opent face, W~al-
thiatm. Please return to steward's of-
fice and receive reward.
Lasot--XN- arwieK safety bicycle, 'odiel
25, No. 3,626. Finder rtutrn to Psi
IT Douse and receive rew'ard.
All freshtnan independents ate re-
qutested to meet today at 4:15 p. i.
to effect a permanent organization.
Repairs all kinds of Gold Pins,
Rings, etc. '-'Call sli/Id see. ^y
The Daily for the rest of the year
for 75ce.