the . a 4% VOL. VI. No. 16-1. ANN ARIBOR, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY. MAY :15, 169. FoLR PAas- 3 CENTS. ' I-L WOMEN1'S BUILl)INIG. tho ' l'Xlrsri Soo irr sospitird os to' MICHIGAN IUMIZt1 hSII. l We Muhst Move I ~ ofsiT1ai1 t oslit of it. ___ The store we now occupy h s o WorI r) sip-Rpdyon the'hicao'ssld NotScor Agins been sold. We must seek newt I'll r Z e oexi'se" of tisconrstonsiseiiaf ss Nt tI itSi _g( i+ iee.Exterior. aigdrn onlnein el u~t' Wet MVe ui st Close Out ____ Ioyi Keniioiewg t ses'os's's r si( \i- y ihew r nt ie'onn' x la-l"tl i i it. sits otlssig 000l ou Ost:^I'5'lof emusic gos lnd0( (ld 05len'X '55i5 555 tbAgell l t s s' st' 1:0ss 3,' iss siliy 1Ill lI~cycesI-' IX'tr , ' i i s which I s 'llill 'sis is,''i''essiis' osiisiy sissid the ti sssIss' ss i t he -si' gssss fos' ri i-siii'1issicisiise's ilsll ~oddts if lsssspricesoI1I' r'gs-ii'sto hs ln0r ld th t n h~ei 515 s'ytlsssstoIsoyes ( V ii tId li,, is niv o-bs niii tosg I nkeotte tof. A. A. 8Si t i ntevieiw5 Il5 illo- st ts forsssl'n1111i ssuch ce tlillithlds 0 0 iist isslst'i s'lio s 1 THIS BEANS BUSINESS (tillsiiotls' ssts'~.Atssdis'efosrce'sof be lic :1 t 0 l lms.ichrli