f f fp + Wrinkle Out Tomorrow.
WrIinkle will1tie onsle agoin ts-
miorrow, said the usual numbner of ox-
e ublished Doily (Sunday excepted) during trditioiis hove beerl trinted to soil
tilo College Year. at
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. iply till demando~. 10 llslilllbl'i';
U rricx: Times building N. Slain st., opposite l'cosiderably 1101o1'111h' averagigll j
poot office. both airt an(dllitary matterI.
EDITOR3 The mIliddl~'lit'h edill Owlln1isly 1iss
J1. F. TnNAs, 'ill. V. OV. THAYEp. '05 5. Ainy tColliirr, a11d11st well execuitedi.
9.5. LOMEsiri,'ill L F. iM. Loomo, '55. walecoltitsth(ruCvr
0. If. lixs, '93. 1F. S. SPIOslx, '98 lt7llll0 til rxi o r
It. C. UNoelIss'o, 'II. ldraw0inlg. 01n1'of till 11es t ralwiligs
~ ~NA5ING DITOR Wrilki'lellhasitiblislied thlis year,-a,
5.. C.OAER~, 's6. 1111111 by . Y . Ite-salI. tOthelr artists
ASSOCIATE EUITORS whswokapasItisnnbe
W. W. i1i I es, '11. S. It. OSmitl, '11 L. 1(' .S ilT ' 111 ''.I. 0iif'
S. W. Suith, '11. W. It. lIorrill, '110. 0(111lleex ellnt 011r1' is 10o1l ibtllel,
J. L. ItVal, '931. . S~ kllma, '98 1111'hebest of whichlis10"Till'Death o 'f
C. iB. Iloe, '118 [. LIs1e Dodg-e, '99I.
Bi. it. listheanly. '99. II. Cormm, '99i. lists," bly A. Mt. Smlti, 111d1"Love1
The susription price of1t10 v~ y has n h 3wrx yG t akr
been redauce1o 75 ets ill adevancefor tile rest "1111'e Alliuoli kno1w Stormi," a. wealther'
of 1110 yelr. Ljse susc lptoisOat tile
Daily 01001' 0or11with P. C. SMeye, C.of A1. predition ~lfor tile'liay Fes'tival, is
SNes son 1. also contributted tby Dalrker'. "'1110
Editor of today's paper, Rao, sb .P iky
It. t'. t'Nt)EI.IWOI), '9S. "Itttile's hosroscopte" is aclt'sll-
ill ho'y I1illj-solt5 (If It. J. Weittstelii
There is 1111cotraititoilto the as- I.'.[. Sl'lto'r 11111 It. L. Vi'<ttix'.
yet titll n itI acmina'tO ie l''of l the O 'P''a l- bu h etil t'hSie Tplsix-"t
Potty l n 'ill tiO 5' ileo ld' f loC P1 (ll5, ttnIn''lte t"t byltllll I'x .'' o -
11dv1111sab le, .f1osllilas a sI erl' ('11100 5111011 '98"DeWix.
Ptityje oil lftilioral esreft r - ~ 11 l'~tl i l1't'y IiiVO ('11 il' 0110001 s
sona111ono1s'te hertfore prtoxl-ell C.ll 5. 1111 enl'(01), ad. 'f.iM01100 0011
bucos olifdatmiof i lt'ere llIbs- In Ito1-ae1. l le( c'l'eso
this a r1111510 111111 too'sl minilslit 11he1'dttll'al toard.i
has eetohoit"fotthe 511111'.lich'DWins.ltilI''11
take EietPark atd C'sioil ldo , fyotrthieyeioneedse elesunii on"
whichel a1i01sel5Plttll e'r osring Tuceker' & Co., l8 N. l 1 itl
lust se'asonl for Michigtan peolel~O, ooill,' a10e., i10tie pllace to gottgoed work
tbe oltenid Sundaoty, ,lay 17, 011 i00111'al 110dniln at prices thati; will sulit atl
of llllgtlilli'ee tlllt'lltlIllet ev'en ;by117e ront antd sol00111 els, ills') lhave a
lteio1sf celebrated wterinig lalers futll linle of ttt-to-date Osundlries5. Otti'
of the east. motto is "ILire and lot live."
Sith~e liPalrkls c10losed last fall, NOTICE TO SENIORS.
titid ilmpin'g the grosit and ililbnild- tionls51ar rqutiedl to 1le1ve their 01'--
tugs.landtIso oo'll htiiihe o 'rkIbeen eders for theoir at 20 Forest ave.'on oil01
pelrfotrmledtha11t it is niow o'ncltldedl' to before Thutrsday nlight,,fMay 1-4.'T'he'y
be the moilst beautifoul resort onthe110ooill root toll ceits aiil'e.
chinfla t ~kes. G. I-. MoILt'TLEN,
'l'Tie fslilt~t'ig Ipro;ralltihas boetn sr. Clii. InitatiotiClotm.
rangeO'ld fortlt the opeing a11111 oill tIe Lost-Abottthe main btliiding, t
fr'oe to Ipatronls of the Ai i Arbor R. lll'gldo'tl,0111fcS~l
I{. i'xeursioll. thiai. t'Iosioroturittostwad's ioOf--
'Th' fsiootto lrenchi Aerial Artists-bo ice iondreeiveorewoardl.
St. 1101111s. thii'111sf t daringli fe'leap-
ers in the w0rd;110; D~lreamfIl auty ttipans Tabtiles: gentle cathartic.
---A sro'il of ltritlitity, Dianatht I
quteenilof oleetrieoil in e onde1111f ulj lf'
hite of 'rllllrlse & Wttt'cts Mtilts', 1110
AIln&.C 1sf, eleitticllmus0ica11o1100
e tty; ,lautde 1t111oey, thelo' dern0i'eal
girl;tLynteti&-trot-oil, society coilned;
sketehli 101110 '1'1f10.sonlgs illusotr111te
and1 Olrcestrat.
'Tr'init~iroes .11An 'trbr at 10:25)a.1
ttill0' tgra'slaes.i'T'fledo 7:00O 1). in.
giolig l'ev'ti hoturs in thie city.
genltlrelt-If yst ou want to sav
tmonley 01otlsool' llsriliitcall 0n A. You oughttt 1 0011 5par1 01
ei'oy, 31. N. Alain of.. justbtlothe tl
hosot oi'e. All Zooi11st class. Lighft f K olored m Shoes
001'S sO cents, hosrostiCents.
Atleltic gooids wanlted? Well lt1! AND KEEP KOOL. ALL STYLES IN
Victor Athilettegic s~ 11O 0111 tttitKALF OR 'KID.
Dalilly office lit a gtiot discouxit. Ij 'PA 9' ' Shoe
''legraphiicrpts1l1t5offltegamneos 8.4 Store,
wtill tbe set to the Da~ilir tmet. 6 N. MAIN ST., OPP. COURT HOUSE.
mlatter (of themo't'sfsiit soldibti
1111011 Olitt e tftltliler to'-tand
ols ersha0 oft 11001t If tdilllll [le
gb'ottshoul111be1ptbmisha 1edoby the
A comblllliati of fralte'rnity 111d0hide~
penden('it facetionls 11111 of thmeOenilotr
and jttiittr classes -w'ld b trilmg aboxut
tihe pulicaeltionlof aa Ill lof wohich
blt fhll' ligl1 scitol faildto SrI'1
afur lime l'igillt.
1. 234 5 ti 789 111 It
',,8D ....1041032t03 2-16
Iim Schmoll 1) 4 22 2 2 0 0-14
'1'0'l-tlliO' llts-Bll'i0, Anlihm, Mari-
till. Thller-basS' hIts--t'o11tlxsl('l', I)xtf-
and111Platt; Itighm Schol,,Seitimex' 1an1
t'lrli'tlil. 'T'mm--2:30. (I l1re-
To'day's gamelliCof thin mtr-class 001'-
moo otmlbe plahyed at tat letmicifid
at 4:15, be'twe'en thex'"ilimar'mlil-0" 5110
Te'96 Castalian
Complete accounts of each department; the
Classes and organizations connected with them.
350 Pages of..M.atter
Fully and artistically illustrated. The best an-
nual ever issued here.
limo teamlIfroillthme freshomam nlileall
Series of Law Lestcures. cas
Hton. Dallus IBoudeianu, of Klaai- 'Tioeooinner of lim it i w oili l raw
zoo, dtelioereod a lecture yeste'rday oothx'985I1) to see wooliay'soith thie
eo'eiinin ithei'aleu10e000 10151 0n1'9,o . Tomor'rowvat. 4:1" '9th aill''lt
"Time Lmw andithe time oylr.." Al leastoolpay ffiehotftesem-
t110i1n11 m oreetuireowill bt,' deiveredl to wl lyoftefrto h ei
t- lawso ttidents before commeilnce-hmmxs
ofn thealste
Nfteste. ti xletdta hsLine of Bhoycles tlprices from $40 to
Nextyearit s execte tht ths $0 and $71, are up-to~date. We rent
line of owork ooill be 0on0 of tile fete- anreir'els
lures of the liiw course, and the fuac-_________
ulty will enudeaevor to secure at least With a viewy of going out of the hi-
one lecture each month onl eubjects, of o ycle business we propose to dispose
interest to the lao students by proin- of the bicycles on band at nacrifice
int lawyers of this and other states,, pricoes. EberbhadHardoware Co. 1160
Monday, May 11th.
- - $X1.oo.