THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. f f fp + Wrinkle Out Tomorrow. WrIinkle will1tie onsle agoin ts- miorrow, said the usual numbner of ox- e ublished Doily (Sunday excepted) during trditioiis hove beerl trinted to soil tilo College Year. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. iply till demando~. 10 llslilllbl'i'; U rricx: Times building N. Slain st., opposite l'cosiderably 1101o1'111h' averagigll j poot office. both airt an(dllitary matterI. EDITOR3 The mIliddl~'lit'h edill Owlln1isly 1iss J1. F. TnNAs, 'ill. V. OV. THAYEp. '05 5. Ainy tColliirr, a11d11st well execuitedi. 9.5. LOMEsiri,'ill L F. iM. Loomo, '55. walecoltitsth(ruCvr 0. If. lixs, '93. 1F. S. SPIOslx, '98 lt7llll0 til rxi o r It. C. UNoelIss'o, 'II. ldraw0inlg. 01n1'of till 11es t ralwiligs ~ ~NA5ING DITOR Wrilki'lellhasitiblislied thlis year,-a, 5.. C.OAER~, 's6. 1111111 by . Y . Ite-salI. tOthelr artists ASSOCIATE EUITORS whswokapasItisnnbe W. W. i1i I es, '11. S. It. OSmitl, '11 L. 1(' .S ilT ' 111 ''.I. 0iif' S. W. Suith, '11. W. It. lIorrill, '110. 0(111lleex ellnt 011r1' is 10o1l ibtllel, J. L. ItVal, '931. . S~ kllma, '98 1111'hebest of whichlis10"Till'Death o 'f C. iB. Iloe, '118 [. LIs1e Dodg-e, '99I. Bi. it. listheanly. '99. II. Cormm, '99i. lists," bly A. Mt. Smlti, 111d1"Love1 The susription price of1t10 v~ y has n h 3wrx yG t akr been redauce1o 75 ets ill adevancefor tile rest "1111'e Alliuoli kno1w Stormi," a. wealther' of 1110 yelr. Ljse susc lptoisOat tile Daily 01001' 0or11with P. C. SMeye, C.of A1. predition ~lfor tile'liay Fes'tival, is SNes son 1. also contributted tby Dalrker'. "'1110 Editor of today's paper, Rao, sb .P iky It. t'. t'Nt)EI.IWOI), '9S. "Itttile's hosroscopte" is aclt'sll- ill ho'y I1illj-solt5 (If It. J. Weittstelii There is 1111cotraititoilto the as- I.'.[. Sl'lto'r 11111 It. L. Vi'