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May 04, 1896 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-05-04

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- heCul~nd its towork fiost a iversity 'lt i UPSILON CONVENTION. - ATTENTION JtICYCLISTS.
ilimioti.________If your bicycle neests cleaning or,
- '1 repi"ring Tucker & Co., 14, N. Fourth
taealNts O Ile Ie~cI\\ til the 1liiihaperave., is the lplae to gt odwr
u lished IDaily (Sun day exceptted) durinBaseballtNoes.od.naore
the College vearat soi oufo tteCirit-f Thursday and Friday. (tone attd at p1rices+ that will sulit 1ll..
THE UNVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Beotenrmh___vest o We rettt anti tell wvheels, als)otitte a
O~mTims ulig N. mi t, opsieWis( lsout Satturday, 5 to >t. Tesit-ranul fttll linte of uto-l-datestludrit.Ourr
otoftile. Sattinalw -0opned 1lte ttr-Slts- tu otto it "Lih-e and let lit-:'
_______________________________________of 1PsI 1't)8i1011 will tto held this ox-ok
tLeagtue teason Stlytt yloigt I tat nAnAbr.I ilb iwel Musil-"F.tenir, iPi
J1. F. Tuomass, -. W. 5t. Ta t Y-'. ' J1,acksol,0ti ol S.lt Pho il'- f l', li, teacher of tanjeai, Stanidolin
E,. L Cittttr~t, '05kF.11 - . oist P Ito- Cliasto Naiottntl eatueteamP l and tG(uitar. Ihetstelc t ce7 ollan1t1ti o.,
0. 11. 1las7, '94. IF. S. tiMONS, 'W.ii tiy;Sto terhpter thotse, it-st lttttta1-or 58 Ch. Wasoliiitton ot. 4) liintto
t. 0. TsNDeIAwOna, '9. dehfelatd Clik.go .-..,, University,*i ii ii t i0 t0

C. n. lHARTatttt'96 L.
L. C. W As Es, '90i.
W. .,11"11-1es, S-1 .ItI. OmitS. 't96 L.
S. \V. td)iih,'9f. NV. It. Macill, '00.
3. L. WItsl, 41351. 1i. 0. killssee '98 L.
C. 1. Co, '958O. kaLouieDodge,'53.
B5 i. istitoiiy, '99. D. Corwin, '99.
The sbscrition triedosfatheDily hyat
bees reslac-Aito $.00 in adeance tor the rest
of Di- vsyear. teactve tubsrtptiostat te
Daily tocor with 1'. C. Meye, C. c.1 A.

t-ridaiy aftet-isti.
Pittstbtrg tintd Detroit oas- tile tati-
(1s itn the 1NltioiCI antdi iWeste-rn
Leagicus rt-spective-ly.
dls- Saitursday wvinlliby- a score of
t1 to .t ini a 1o0011' 1l1ayed1 alus.
tIcthv itturdaty 51wa qhard-fottghit
tt-ll-ini-i" gConttst tandt tt')10(scm-11its
first Victor r-t- thet- itrs. Theo
sc(;r" -was 12 Ito 10.
lOthiet'college gaitiosSattirttay ls-

e-'cuing ill 8 oclock tittilic ti-cr~lr)-
cos' 1~~cst 1t ittdswhitchiall ttindito
,en- invited, t-ill hto1106-idn C Cc"Ve-
oily ihtll.tridaiy )fteroriati a s-,k-tit
1tr11))-silltl te- ni-- fld~ittitto DLb.

( ct-ntos. 15S
too--t-Attont tito main buildsitng.a.
lalteis, gold watt-l, o011ifatce, Wal-
tthttm. Ph-asretturn to stewards of-
lire intd receivte rewaird.

Editor of today's itter, siet,. otta Otitr .11cS1Y
O. H IANiS, 95, f(cGtinnl2;_tHoly Cross 9, Atit-erot 5;
____________________________________ Dallrtimothlli1, Triitly 6; Wiibtash 18;
'rTolittlei-tetntiottuhas hsei tail 1S tt tttlt-t-4;iltintuttli ill, Knox i,.
inti-r-(Lsos alliletic sicoes treotftore IC'iltago easilytttfeatettt Northiws-f
andtIhlii-coimiggitnicoto did thiserniStdayrit- tby a scoettoftt27ft5.
bastebtall staitltittistitttaffoirid aiin isox i- h tiiagti plhye-rs iittde- airtecordl it
ci-lt-it opp~ortunity to remit-dy tiio la's. tiv-nty-seves-til-iltases,atdist vn-si-
It-sr. W5arsity tilayccois iti-vetoptedtlt-lnitits tntd werei altlowetdfoturteeii
fistm tisse clalss gtiiitct ntittt ltiis aott tallo.
the iclass ceithia~smii dit-velttpedItHarvard-t, Yats- aintiPtnnsilvhania
at thii-ei cotet-s atroseoso a1 wi-eid-featieitS-tltittday. _5iliatis
lairge-r i-titttsiasii aiitd itierest inithei- Aewotifrttii tarvarsd by 2 to 1, sihent
'varsity :g'its. The clars schctulstlofiteldtitg ol on ttih sites trevenitingtmsre-
uitarly arraiigettdby Ite'varoityinian- of 0tIso1, anitt (tot gettiwli idefeated-
tiger, alit this is all that salt reatsoiin'- Iittolytsaiia,.1-t to tLi.
ttbly bits- ctcestfroiti hireith tistiln Theisocori- tf last yetat's aitiiiO ith1
ti-I, btit Italliieasily bts-carrieditfuirthitt ilOberlin was 1 to I ini Misctigan's
bty otllerofficitals. Si-vitaltotmbhirsof Itfavort; Watkins aniti Voorhes--p itchted
thelth ilils'ttsti d pear to tasetenii; ttii -arnedl tun:,a si-is-ttt Ity
lit11".01i.roto dslthtan tot least the tdig- 'Michilgatn list year; the stlts- bast-s
lilly ofCthi is-nes totletties tintiii ithe '95 gatme, wi-ri -Mti-gati8,
tit attindthe Iltcetigo of the hoard. Obtirlitn 0; struckot, "'95, Dy Watklinls
'tihr s,-tldtatstetso e ites-ot i, 1wbyVoittecro2. PT':'--igre i
tos stir utttheliin tes-t whiichitlese in-ttitt iii echii-i iass-Obettintisaveit itself
ter-ctasscotsts souttidta-wakent. ftotttbeitng setthtoe withiout ttocors-
-- - thirouigti itnirtr on stir pirt.
This-'titedty Clusthoutldtstreci-eotl
auie-tce- it its tteselintti of «A Otficers of Engineering Soeiety.
Sc-rapt ittPatter," May 16, swhichi will IAt the iiieeltig oit ttit. ng"itt-rit
asotire- tis- permnenicy of the Ctittitas Society tritlay nfight Pit.,:1.Cartit'
a Uirsity irganizeationl.Itt is a cit- diten-it aiv-ry iht reo.Mng loctuire-
toiun I a b--it tinxy collt-ges to maikle oilt the Itoetgi-t Rays. Itte pectral-
~II cs-ielt similar to this a sosial affair od somins ltru~ctivee txptirinii.it stwiti
attis to gis's- it litberal ecoucttrageent thie Crtokes tuhes andt exhihitethptiioto-
alndt sultort. Thierei-sloi-try resonti gralio tiat tad heentt tkton lby mieas
wh~y this sholtttltbe itoneti tioisiost- of tie KY liays.
tutioni. The mtembier's of the Clstb titi After the lecturi-ttie etectioll of otbi-
present a caretfally reheat-sod enter- cesc for next semiester wasit held atnd
taililielit ini thIey tine catpahle of tre- ttie followsilne oticers st-re chissen:
sentin~g it swell. They tire goinig to President, C. W. Baggott, '97 C. E.;
ciderabtO'Ile expense in tih-irIpritpara- s-le e siident, L. IP. Coutltilr, 118E.
tion and svill give all proceeds Is the .; recording secretory-, C. WT, Whit-
fund for the Womnens Building. The ney, '99 M. E.; correspotading seere-
eotilnane e of Ite Clubh after this year tory, 0. t. Hall, ':38 t. E.; treasurer,
dependsImterially upon the success It. it. For, 19S C. ti.; lihrarian, A.
of the present organization. 'They are Blancthard,'98 C. E.x alhr f9
Technic hoard, F. E. Tickers, 'J7 E.
certaoinly doing (heir part and (lie pro- Ei., C. W. Baggott and 0. 1. Hall. The
fessors and students of thle University two other maembters of the Technic
should show a proper app~reciationl of board will be elected next year.

trttit, iait an ietcursittlin tieDie --c ThsetDaily still blieili-restfotsr the
ss-lh c'ttty ~lticti-n~~ lltit itremaindtsr of the year for $1.
t'istpaimrofsitlatlits tutSi-tott'ing;, 'sits"
at this hRu scll hlttliti. 'Si) lt it it
11111 - ltleiiit i of ittlotutio11), i l 1)'-
tt-tni,.oeleytitt ni-tchi of lt We have just received a
frtrilit lytill also lbi-.ii ttt a-,-e. second lot of
Tickets for Toledo Ecursion. M t a-r h
tilllltlii-ilst htatebnin i ii t
for thit. "ltdluoCae-s"r' ssoliii N
at Tolteito. lit-ests list'stboienIp1 iii itll-f-
Sill st iat 1110 sariotushiookstores andi
tthot lls tetIPliter llin hrgsefor thieSh rt
wom'stnloegs-. itor tront ottices-ofp and for quick s-ales Will open
Ihe Oraltrical Associatioti. Tiht'spec0-, them Saturday at
a. i).1. ri-lti.11ing Ii Isro siectios, t-,i $12 5
Witi hthie isvof gitillg otit oftic Itti 1 & (j(b
of liii tiltycles 01) thinditat s~t'ritict- URNISH ERS.
tris. EboricI'tiIiars- Co. 15) 21 MAIN ST., - ANN ARBOR.
Iii Yott should see our stock of (T)ANTD OI NS
r---We are obliged to 111055ftonm our present store soon
and bave secured 0 nosye location.
ToClose Our Stock
We are offering a good mandolin at $3.95 and a tine
one at $4.45. Some better ones at $6.50. 'These
are rare bargains.
- GUITARS AND BANJOS during this sole $3.50
to $7.50. It will pay you "to look.
Ann Arbor O~ran Co.,
51 S. Main Street.
£W WeZSell Bicycles. a

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