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May 04, 1896 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-05-04

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TimeoTa ble (Revised March 1 196.Theedys of walligof Soes o '. na. pe tin of cns i to cooeltis
FAT. or re sre,t0on00ocrooks", tipped stitiibeautiful d s i ., 111 ")1id -isle isThe rpS/
PtM. A. M fsios, ltet fancy, andlthereoae othet s,.c t ,o 50 . s lpice-todeel
MaltandtEx--3 50 Mailt-_-.-.._8 N ca ssand clubs.
N. Y. Special_-. 5 00 N. Y. Spcal- 7 0 O & OdP NY
Eastern Ex-i- tO1 N. S. Limited-_5 25'
A. M. P. M. 5 8 and 60 S. Magin St._ Furniture.
Atlantic Ex -__7 0 Pcic Es -1155
D.NExpres...5840 WstenEx'x-%00 _______________________________________
G. R. Esprss .1105'Ch Nt E- - OU NE SP NG AD L S
G. . & T. At.. Chieago. Aft Ann Arbo fros $14 toiO. 0Pasfromto to 5 612o.I
______________________________we__kow t h s lat tte csan please iounsd 'twill pleseseyout to lk tour smpec before
buyigs iingfrtisins.
FJ. Glen, The State St. Tailor,
. ____ 20 S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MIH Commencing to
RAILOAD - Yule Wins in Debate. Arrive( ft1
Time Tatle, Ja . 15156. The ,YtIilIlsl id'ttrltst -itNew-!~ LI
7:2tt:22. 505a.ventsi Frisay tigt wass won by Yls'_ Is only oe kitd
:2am., 0f, om. o ae id
'1:20 p.m. 11:100: t. Thils i s ls sfirt itry over Ifti- sfarr.Iitl
4:15 p.mto. :21 . trS. 'ie'o-itti' stitssiyis ii I]eexmiine teD
Aul trandaly escetpt Sunday vr.Thetnessporeihen-ct whiheitwill V 6
'Trains run betw-et Auto Arbor tend Toledo til'oftiss'qsisioiss "Resoltedcs la lst sitow teo
W. . BENNETT G. . A. Tledo . sstuldb siI s'tltlilis'siSy theIts nSitedlt-si[HE IRA E
AN R O , PhA T S ,R ,Saes Itsi (ritfBriltini. lTse sit- EiL 1. (E
AN ADO°1YSIANIST1B. 1i ot~sf flist'judges nto woo siltce (Sly one of 1120 Washington Bloc.
tiistsisiistts1o1s. itany prts of ___________________________
Time Tblen Oct. 27 195. jttu lte Yic Newtsisss of tis swheel ilhat
Leave Ypilanti from Congress st., 7:10. 8:42 teSdbt: lllliv. osokcs itsbyetii
and 11:001 . m.; 1:45, 2:15 5:00, l6d5, 9:15 and St liss: "ls if'i''stissstlodds fte
10:45p.m. fthisSU'ivies'rsiy useissmals'itsl 11111s1i,,--
Le ye Ann Arbor Jutcltio,7:40915 otdBet$0Be lfr$5 ,
lit3 a .i. S:15, 2:4, 5:30, :5. 9:45 and 11:1 ftlsstlly fetittnd i i st'14,way which Lists81 188CY 1 i 1.8
tUNDAY TIMIE.conictfo its'gs'enr ly re'g tt'sis's O t'e.SDsnts'fal to l:tand
L ee Ypsit'anti fraom lCsngres st., 1:0:30, 1150ktrit'riotns of a:11ttil _It-5''s5" ill- see ossr lie'sf wheel
;0,:'0 m:015 prm.unto,20040,0let-fttlily. Yalt~oaisdettttsens5t- lRememb~er see te te only erwl'st OsBe- This saeis reserved.
LeaveAtAbrJnto.2 ,,!1sac
700 and 9:0 1p. t. '04058 ise'lnIs s iss-litsiitsined roldwithtts-le le esr it tsesounty. for "the "Grand'Opera
Ca rnon city timto tart: sigle trip15 Doi't bhsaveytisisicei-totosdo bttbuy,th
cent; rouad trip tickets 2 cent. stis's-ss;isS t i'ioet'lsowast efts ledis:ell. Btintst tparettr Trd.Bityle
WM. F. PARKEnR, Supt 1asfalfiled nt il'Sltlrvis iisillrls Dons't foget the isitte. House.
irt1111si)(1slo ie of tvic-s't'or Iie s s eni ri p
Jtcsleked th eteflt t'tsit,; istoittlt:- Tuke& Cos Cpl OJ poIioY,
gooswat ai reltile life insranciie call lug inlilsise on'sthngs itielisl'Ietitl
on red T tiOmier oles No 1, S. tlas t, s'nig's tiilsoryiso rltivltheil' n r or ±±b
mositortit ore.tim oran een
Bicycle Repairing, of ftse' 'rat 1aytt"' l sn u UMRNVLIS
eBicycien Enameled and all kinds Lie of Sltis-pees at Irices fromts $405 to isv etafi tc f - Wast Ses, Silk
ofmciewr.41 n 7,ae-tof-(li.'' rno ehv eafi tocktost.%I a edheater Belts
of ciewr.O)5is i is0tt-IO all sorts of Silk Cioselas, "U.
HiU NTEI~R.B ROS.. oaes-hreair tt'ieels. WRITING oT1ABitiEkens
N. t9 Rast Liherty S t.osS inie res tthees for Nationalt s'' M
lnclI'i rvwhelsforwhih w ar whch n b ft ARNOLD'S EWELRl' STORE.
RENTSCRLER, o'ns. Fiesithesls, lest iesosds, follows: coe u s°° °
anit hoistsustassntieal conssrutlin. A ICCTII MlTERDE CATERER,
' ° Sissi5flit & soi. 1223MAMMOTH 20 Eu' T.ALET, t II5C MI'20IEVesing-
ANN ARBOR. MICH. host-lsir lightiblutsese glsves GOOD RULED TABLETS, 10O PP. 3 FOR DOC_________________
It S1sssisYear Prty Fridasy ilgst s6tGOO WRITING TABLET, - C
Jet eeeda1,11seidEi7:tot S 1's s5Aaemity. I-'iissisr isisos's' CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C-
t L stno Rcie ageadEeatof NG W X t't'liireiurtt 2 1 S.5CiisioaStit. BEST CRANE LINEN JABLET, - 35C I . GnlmnI1o wn oSv"WIIGPAE YTEQIEO B
Hot Lunches, Chcolates and isoey ossito 'rs'iriiogcessltottA. ni tc iliith elcd
EoLBev tty, 31 N. tlin st..just lbelotefilie' Coinequick for first cefioce. ~M 1 E~Oi ' s
R.j O LY & tot ofics'.Alttworia hist (51s50. I iltitArusritig4Hus.
soless 0 cenf, hiesvy oine 0 tents.Agnpitn os. k
N0 S. Staie St.. Saer Blockb, 1 tat-Ts'o noto Ciii'tt'iit
'I b N . fA T itt Finde~r tllrrie retstd ip THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL IF- P tn
~ h t og a 1. er )-7 fooiel lseliotsst ofCotisise's OMONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL Oios -'0 "
to~s~'. isti. PROPERTY. ~ ~ i0
15 'Washington Block. <Aroils . Itt't-ltttwilltte0 te(lsd- tWhoealo Ciars, Tobacos ansd Cigarettes <.,rot a c o 400
TOOP 001 PE JEWEER (TheOnlySleping ar Line btwen T"
TOO>& S. STATR Losf-Oin Inigalls sf. oititonss a OPERAin' HOUSE JE ELR o ad oubs
RRyE'T,.t i+Waftenn Isdeatloifotiitain tnlieuttsr Tim Oli5Sliping or DrawinglRom lar
Call on them for pleae' rturn to fhils offie andstre- Repairs all kinds of Gold Pins Libitwen Tnled, Columbus and
Finn Lunches, ceve retward. 122 Rings, ec. Call atd see. Tei Ong DrwigRoom ar Linbtwn
Fine ChocolatesD tata tt igirdat- Toledo, Ciumbus an Calstnon,
and Bakted Gfoods, cycl e at o lgaetut'sa price? il atD0l . H. KBY'BS.1 W. V.
Callat ailyaiv lyPulman Sleepr bitwen Coibs and
Try Our Lunchns. office. Chieag.
2 Sem ster. TUE 1ONLY LINE withntrins eahiwaydlay
If you want fo ent good wthee''ls, betwetn Toledo and aist
C OTRELL & LEONARD, fromani hitionr to a full tweek, callel atTH NYLNEsp it8tran ea Nd owno
lbn.NYfisO osnosdeo 1'sUNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING THEndys beteenaTodo n Columb
reasotuable. Also insrnuftor furnishied. Fi ndly.LN h riset o a
Makers of i o r nnedo nlig Opposite LAW building. TN b Eitatea a s echtoy.dW.ly
If yo are n ned of nythig inTHE 0NLY DIToe ECT LINE beween Tnledo
thp l ie ln oYpotn goods and watt if TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. H $~~lenn.Sis
acleap, call at te Daily office. ria,___Bucyrus_____Grenvi__lIN lowTe ador.
Gws Swan Linens paper. for office ua. For SleIteSigIS grade bicycle itt firtFuI.llforaton reativ to rte, imo of
t~ rinet.,will be herfully furnished by sy
forYal'96Harard Ripn abues uredysepsa. ls conditoi. ut be sold inafw Ago teS bsOho Otel Line.
fo, r Yalet'9arard )anTbtScr yppi. dy; 'Mutakes if. Isyer's ineta MOULTON IOUK, . P. A.
we add with pleasure Michigan '91. Subscribe for te Daly. sf'and, 46i E. William t s._ TOLEDO, 0141

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