qI a ay.*t' f havs', ben pblisledl in t les i.o c
4 rjo*-- ' N-I' t i J, bone of thel-itily:'
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during OXFORD BEATS CAMBRIDGE
the Colege(,ear, at A Magnificent Race Pulled by the
OrrwE: Times building N. Main st., pposite
post office. The(Oxocrd rew o tho 'srprise of
EDITORS atlocst everybody who,nistire uecoo
W. W. IullEe, 'o, W. W. TnAr1e, 'si L. chicto f affairs wonlol 8anturday le
. L Gismr, '115L 0. i.IIASa,'8. ifty-hird boat roecbtweii 11cessni-
. L, Woc, 'CS 11.
- c~ersiies of Oxforci andi Cmlbrisge by
EDITOR-IN-CIIEF ;boit ,athird sef a Iegtt acd it fleea
G. B. ilAInoSOo, 'iiiL.
miollt exciig ifils. eOf the wholle
151 NAGING EDITOR eeiler Oxford Ihs creeltiry raes
J. F. Tios, '7. Cambslriuge wisnicnsg twety-bwo, ts'
B3USINESS OLNAER oait het of 177 makinuptihe toal
L. . WAiseiW, 'ii niiiiber of races bulled. Tick is the
ASSOCIATE EDITORS svne iti year ii ucein Ithat Ox-
I A. Pratt, 'Ii . M. ileath, ' P. ford laoss cefeaedst 'hubricge.
S. cR. Smith,'50 L. B. B. Metheny,'10.
F. Simons, '007 i.B.Gmo, 0 . The iie w tas 20:01 aecilthe cou~se
F. A. ul ac, '05 E. C B. Ro, '108. tfle winiieg 110s1 above Ship Tile at
Louise Dodge, '9. \otik itne4/ ie. Ti
The subscription price ofgthee Daily has srenghicittietOxford. iieei emed
enn reduced to Site5lee advasnce ieee tis ret to icreasec as the struggle wet oB
o the year. Leave suibscriptions at the
Duly office or with P. . Meyer, . o1 A. cnd ltere woas s ucc vigor in their
Necwn Stan. stroke stlie twoa mile looct is at the
Editor of todays paper, stmr. Their sport at the cnd wss
0. 11..IIANS, '9S., sosgiificesi. Dly euponi luelprevios
ot~ sios 11asthis tunelii'2:01 beeni
The Womceen's ncuebebr f tei U. of baten. (Ceoloiicvign 1117, edicthCe
0. tDaly will celms't of tbeebe poges.Dltricki1:5: Oxiforcin ee192, tisiti
Tie sceseier o btelaicedtnma sle cwill i 1:21, sill Oxort ii 1893tiwons le
be liiitedl to 1,1)X) copies. aii, jund- 18:47. Lest yer Oxfcrc aviiii 2:0
bng from lie deemadc for thec preliem-
inairy ulunbetor tscied oii Mlaceli 2, this Cmmunicatidn
edition wiii be xii itel i a sort Nowc that the baseball seasose is /ct
tisse. It.ll riD b:' 11 etable eel ire entes opening, it seecstisn1C' it IIe(,is
a copy at the Daietly ofie, anod at tihe cue illttee'tat ought to receive tle
folowcing stoels: George water (b0thoiiitioB Of lie eia:~geiet of
stores), Sheehans & Co., Moaore & Wet- til'Daily. last sring t te rc waes
more Stite ost.; Meyers es scad. some dtosotisfaettolat ill teak;: tlie
The Weoecon's numiber of the Ilander tobasebfl replorineg evs h1101111 'Cholsre
wii be oi sle about Apuril7. Aers ri.ermirin'cui-aell'.ll l7:ciewOO
-551-essre. and i sols,'CaIses 1ileee
Tue scieice~s of theiBansjo lu'lb, ees donle b1y'"d-tiieisi i lefainit
ce-lieTendteredt twroselecliotsoi Ua-lpralse." 'There ogtla1 te slime
cirsity Haltl Friday niglt is o cssder- cange iitliss; yt areay this spring
ation of lpamcet of tnt' dollar eecd1 i several artlles hcave pir15i'Ib 'r'e;
to thess by the Ortorica Asociain sll 11cc ear-mcarks of tel111 slipsiod
appyiectly forgot teat ini aepeiting iss--llois of ie~ortis. hor les-d;tsne,
meoeney for their sec's ices they placed tlic' ttteieets lsce alpetlet tt
theneselves il the positioni of servants "lilte isterest is siocrec iire15.rac-s
for the tee beisig. Their eeddle' tie, that fewc'tusesihur tse:s" kt., et.
same direcionso to the debaters be- hors'he lacst lucithleb~crlec nllli~lllv
fore rthe commsencemeent of the contest hrve beesn cv-r tee re itrly lee Ihie
wvunld hove been offiius even if the. gysonaselic.
msi~c oncthe sslogram lad eensgrat 81cicl1 carelessiecocaesdliunfairesss
uitocsly fureished. arouse ill-feeiig emong
scen who re dong Ilcoirhest aid
Th1ccannosual smeeting of Ghee. of M.t spending a gat d:a of tme Rud
Insdepessdet Associiion, the1ipubih strenighsfor 11cc Losilr eof eli t'irer-
ens of Abie U.of 1-. Doily, n1et 'he . Asy li-ardlfeeling ,b.'r'vei'iitwoi
hjeld he'u'day, Alril:3, att 2 pii. istueilcit eerlssiatsisssis i:i ; hin1111;
Newvberry 11till for the purpose of but to get a reputstons for lack of col
eleting fle E dtorial Board for the lge spirit, sueli as elese :rieL ilcii
next college year. All tdup sub- surely gtve-cusu in othrs colleges, is a
scisers to the Daily-,are miemibesof mschciwcorse tinig. We aesose
te assoetion andt re entitled to too good a namle noes, one let us5
vote at thin umeeinig. Tie fallocwingulke it nmsy eorse. Z
amendmsent to the ons4tieton wii be
prbp~id:The twenly4-eeond annuni ueetig
Change Section 1 of Article VI. to of tre Michians bunlh of the
read: "Tis contitution imasy e Wosen ' Board of Mssions of the In-
amusd at any general osceting of teior ucis held in t'ot Huron Satur-
'rs he asssoclatins by a fhrveforils voteda. Mrs. James B3. Angelsas elect-
of sit the nseeul~soed presen;klvses dp'seent for the enau'.g year.
thtut any mneiimnt proposed elicitSubscribe for the Daly.
A UNIQUE SCHOOL. I her lbass a horse of islirsl.n of iicis
Southern California's Foothills tho ' Likes tie fuell ellr', andS ie ussal,
Home of the Institution, ots,) door c.Cpl 11)0(10 go osethrusgh=
a. vwitier msonti--eslis.btal plying
Ossl e foot iills 1f elsee .' .osa ileg:' 55 essin lieslsi-; sd eol iif. The
iii sociteli.c ahio lla, ovediokicelg slelIs just the ill,"' for sir y so-
snecof the icist pictuescle little vclii- o odn ' oni h i'r
beye of the toleis a. eolleg:' 50iti 0~ 'es ii; sndCElit1es eof ue cst 51n-
,stoy shoo ofimiue uil ete. l~nvilis~s ss'e no, lhlsceaver (.('ieet-d at
is knioun ras Air. Thsaclioe s School slt thle s-hool;alIl] gIla cars' is e'es-
taca di hI'ldra Baesoli theccOja t - tt o.v o, f -l('ir
scs elelt slig 01the'bale Aofugoihwelliy'
cou~y, isy l~e Yle leshot\\eib.a.-r cd ihabis aliesi-l 1 is not1a
Mrl. SlseressloD. '1'lsesehr, ia greli-slaebhns- lwnat ~r
ate of Yak lii8t83, aed of tes'Laceo- a esn wo'aemd-
D~e'partmeent iss the elase of lSitf, a fo i ies esece-lere. 'T: associeslion 'f
so fte latesPof. T'l'hcer, of Yle iN.~hr n uisi il:d~
tookitpsi goveriselehil laihi of I ies1-co tsiehyoi',-lse.'lson f
fieds-land sixty acres cusmosg these plclsnd 'ienly ne Ilse sirs flo'miigoeth
leevsse s ceruseisLiltgos el-sel c-c-his
a se'rupeopleb'are chie',heit on-
ago, pllnstell esreige('tries, asset sfts-e tuhr iicio o er s sos
e year or tieersceive-cIll so uluels ln
a1 fees boys wcooweisi-sito plee-marcfor 'Lie:'cuircehesim islt . asd, bht v-
isehiege. ri -o aerelisg to hi.qirents ~hlii50
'ise'ptater'graleeesly deeloiped11iiutii,117.ct sets of p1,u' ho eary'iIto-
it as oinItait ellappintd es' That thee as~y is seriosuis huh
colege Iriuleesoory s.-e'lis. 'Mr. tie iir-stittiocs ff o'lure, Is lttlse
'1lsus-hee's bothec-r, aire. Williamu L.eInfyire-ser scholars o ef olli hesl, 'riho
'Ileiut'Y'~ie 'S7cue I Mr. IEwatrdlS. iee's.haoe beeneuiseYeih"andeelahlrv-erdS
'ihaehiei, Yale '72, sie 11115 -:;soeeieiti1.1l ihites Cliforn 'a lisiesiy saet
witlhs hireli lhe seltioui tlheute is- s'helre.
iesg, on ia ueitlibosr!ilu lueacr l ietgiv- -Thee besteiu~s andiltheie' d'(oeD5t-
hug oecsionel instruostionisisusetoidry wereewsholy iesu rsye- hy fre le:mt
awl.ii end. A gre-codes-.' eof Harird, Jessie. btehthee selopeed sue 15uceal
aniee g'ritiutl'of Obeclih, . .laeiinih eu flu'fll !iinew-"x tiudamplehr iua-
ter,ceri cwihii ie-'e'sse'teovenieneices
K. iec-tcu. si~u cI 'iilu-r efcee- us apspltars tee hare etlred upho acu
heutry , eisslst-e thee'oreseriof ti'-'i.ecu tfumoce'eap.dt s'oxc-si.
'lhe numieibr of seluolcrs hees neeri =98IIASEDIALL lIEN.
teleli smore tlicseccesie.-l Alt canduidiates for thee '18 fasbasl
'tlil'lift' of lies'pulicei e1 i'liu i'. sf0 aceu'eseted10 riprt ate the.
'f" lu- -isuute umiakcesssiesdt-- us()els- gyuuusuuiceenev 'ey afternussonsat 4 p.
ofldor life tlu ccaruu ehl. hEse'y ile. GPt. 1+. 's\Oil11t'tI., fait.
0Wo believe theo Wellitnes
100-Bicycle to be tholest $75.00
wheel mde. The fist one we ... -
409"'tefeived we sold in les than "
dtwvo hor. Everyone is delight
ed sith it. It is made of the "~
61- finest 1~ in. seamless tnbno'v
0- ~abjutab'e handle bs, easy
0 - f. saddle, finest steel bearngs, h
____barrel hubs and yoke, and ma
416 -roon enamel. It has all the .
0 up-to-date feares, cud you ""~
').) ci 1 miss it if you don't see it
tefore you buy. Price, $75.00, "''
p,.,. ~Ladies' or Gent's Model -*
zzThe Ann Arbor Organ C.
~ 5 1 S. KAIN ST.,AN ARBOR, MICH. as'