Time Table (Revised) March 1, 1896.
Eantern Ex---10 18 N. S. Limited.--- 9 25
G. M. i P.Na -
0. W. RUG-oLES, 11. XW. ilAYEx,
G. P. &O T. Agt., Chicago. Act. Ann Arbsr
Chinese College Graduaten, NOTICE.
Ameeting acal for the pulils-se of
[Yac Aieelclyl effecti11 lll'aicls'inant orril311.Oiilliof
An utieres~tiig descripotioof ao visit a Good Ovrin'tCit fth ii
to Shanighai, ('hulna, by ColesJTonXW. vsiy oft' Sticlo~gain wvll cc 1eld in
Cckerill, inl which a curious inciscia~nt RoomlodC(o0113cilul). tiiliversity Bail,
is relsitcd conacerinig ishpairy of len Tusday a'fternon, ilarichi313, at -t
Aimericanuizec. Clhilnanieic swatai. whomo'clock. The club will ibc constltut-ed
a uiniber of licem Nutiosial League of
lie cleiilis apecirec in the New York College Civil Service Reform lo lbs,
1Icraid. Tsv°o of the n i load. g-od- aous Ilc-illcts w vilisbentitled to
ialitc'stfronitYale anld thircefrom ai~sr- comotlle(for 11e $200 i i : rize1s
v:rdl, iwhile i-li bid btlo n elated i i otereci by lice etocgsc 'mf- esasoi
tti ColedStaes.('cl. ockril s~s tll'tniversity are ecrdially isivited 1to
"Tbe diner ici st e liiiiolcilied (a-tic be ciesent aind become ch'arte'r lEioiii
iiese friu-t., ci-withaci esrt coorse ~is -ra sof lie 011i1s.
RAILROAD. the Ilihdle of it, not less thanultwventy
Timr Table, Ia..01, 15011. virtceties of foccd being oii lie ib e
7:22 a. m. *7:40 a. m. ct the scilice time. Of co'lrse' we 11)111
'12:51 P. M. 11:!0 a. m. sikMia tbr lctsu, cilli
4:15 p. m. 9:21 p. 1 "1 ik isad utni ol ln
All trains daily except Sundasy Nvithi endlessiprepa~recld ie-tic' to;) W!0cii-
*Trains ran betneen Ann Arbor and Toledo
only. R SclecOO),Aen eflil to even inqiciire libout. bOr
W. H. BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0. 1lbcnc~sebiencis iiot onlybspoke the
ANNARBR &YPILATI T. Ybest of ItEic A, bolt thiey joked, toldc
ANN ABOR &YPSILNTI S. RY, toiies aiicl ssecd oiling sitht t tieret-
Time Table, Ott. 27, 1895. cst faility. Tiey eult eil other icy
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 7:10.,0:45 their colic-ge liniclnIllo, chattect abccuLt
and 11c00 a. in.; 12:45, 2:15,5:00, 0143, 9:15 asnd teit si, ftevitcsAiet
Leave Ann Arbor Janction, 7:40,9:15 and cn11i Isi~e 11,oeo lenIe
1130 a. in.; 1:15, 1:45, 5:30,7t:i5, 1:45 anad 11:15 ciinlvrti' 111oi c ienc'
.M. SUNDAY TIMiE, gvtted 1veryililletiOiat iho' aci loot
Learn Ypianti from Congress st.,1l3aO3i-30, beeii cble to intr-odcce fc'ctboli to his1'
:00, 6:30and 9:00 p.m. . .
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00,4:00.,5:30, 1 C-ccIujnl -uena. A brcii ts'i'.sallil.i.11ii3re
Rastes of onae faire for the roiiiid trill!
svill be made for lice iieiigau Chris-
tian, EndeaivorOCoventlioni at 101111,
Alieh. Tickets sold Apcril 1 and 2, 11111.!
ited to rctuirn nolt later that Apcril 4, 1
- a°Va 4
The Onlig Sleepine Gar Line between Ta-
ledo and tnlumns.
The Onlg Sleeping nr Drawing Rnnm Car
Line baetween Tnledn,Columbus and
The Onig Drawine eonm Oar Lice between
Tnledo,Columbas end Oharleston,
W. Ve.
Pullman Simspers between Colambus and
THE ONLY LINE with a traine earn way daily
between Toledo and Colnmbus.
THE ONLY LINE with 3 trainseacen way on
Sundaye between Toledo end tColumbus.'
THE ONLY LINED with S train, each war dnily
betweccn Toledo, Bowling Gbreen and
TEE ONLY LINE wsih 2train, enc: eay dailyI
between YToledo and Charleston, W. Va.!
THE ONLY DItIECT LINE between Toledo
and she Virginiat.
THE POPULAR LINE betseen Toledo, Fonsto
ria, Bucyrus, Granilleand Newark.
Fnul llnormntion relative to re, time of
trains, otc., will be oheerfudly farnishod by any
Agent of the Ohio Crenaines.
Rtesc of 001' anid one-third fare will
be made for tice G. A. It. staite 011-t
eioiipmi'nt lat Sa~ginaw, iliehi. Tickets
sold Marcl; 3(0 ald 31, liimitecdto re-
torn April 3.
One slid once-third fare fccr rounld
trip on thae eertifica:te pla~u for the P:11
Ksaisia Psi traternity at. Clevelaiid,
April 8 toB1.,38106.
F-oriitheStIts 'robiitcitOmi ('olvola-
' 7:00 and 9:301 p. m. 11011 citt Lcinstng laite's of cc icc 111 fcci
Cars ran on city time Fare: single trip 151 w'iiea- cshkec oiii~ iia tncvet fell 2Al l s trlasilsciiihe ic Idt ctl
recta; roand trip tcketsa 25 cents.rtnlt-i il1 Iid.TcRtssil
Wee. F. PARKER, Sopt. Nssitt, iil, 11, Ohw lltey dd1islll pritll15 a dstCI, liiric :dt1 'iic li
000=0Ihie wacrm s ciii Slit As they bcpt ltccis- April 1..
If yon want goosi reliale ile insoransce call p-i-_____________________
on Peed T ShcOolcer, office No.1, S. htl~ar iletl,thsey 51103 lhicr cctlegeOnYa
Fcorthcfive. 9(5lg u-xvth ll cais 111:1 vels e. .1111c slice ON SE 1 1Oa " N EID One IN6Iore W\eek.
tl:,i t ess i l at sild Ilc1se thrilledci 01: atcites, tDitmonsds, wh1eels, or othelcitvl o oor
p . scatiproperty ofl vac- clt ,ter iley10 ce
Bicycle Repa ring, ocmtclshie' bente licc1rci scor Mcctigoiaiii security. WatceDiamldsonmds and el-ce irs. A. F. ilickcat,.
5 o'iiiot s rfllCclricc11Ioit viicc 'tticc ';~ca o f ot enliling eXeetied etl y ndece purotly.yocung trancetrciut,
Bicycles Enamoledanod all kinds tec' ogc~ htYicIlaoli05,c0 yrodie.d .Ittt O ~ oaveicilaclchtr if
Hlcors 8 o 1i1:,m .1 icc 3 a:d:sto1091 .thle sesvsnit aughlter,.
of machine work. dsi sv.,'All business5'Orlitlyeccit fdcmii1c. a ' tcce,:mcc sith isi l n te-
'J.C. W ATTS. a e uosed:tktoilcifsc--
VjrSTice sltter of t1i0'goccclden1Eagle i"cland ioit,ciltl10114
HlU NTER E OS .. l-:lgice ( - yordcorles'lilt -,
N o. 0 Cast Elbeely St, ( lotlliic.. Cu., DctaiI, svil lsbeit t etic:r stors cleaffir,, i s :nd cci
Giocsch boic W'nesi~iy, Aicil i, ts lit Q2hde iei :1 0001. dlisoeiand
(1 (otc S ld ct c1 fi in i i:: ieiscttells if lice
RENTSOHLER, olcas lttns1:c: ocal ro UNIVERSITY SHOLtOF DfACit±oeyulv stu r
2 to 8 p.iil. I32 UuL DNCIG ' fa e, aloellseyour
iwoIcoesTsigheroclcs, uiobt fTl'Opposite LAW' building. lions and givesonaes.cIti s walt-ki
Twcag sn lioilstabefrfct thatonly a seesh ncltctooa ,l la it
ANNX ARBOR. MICH. snilte.32 S. Div soin 51. Aveil, cin predctfture evni-sl. Ion't:Ifailtotns
I-TERMS $3 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR call uon this lady. lIccti st9 a. n:f.itoit p.m.
_______________________ _____________________Ie , e.nd'l$1.00. Lsck charcmiicreeeto alih
latliciedaLrg nt lcrn his Wotisui' mbte~cr 1:0 ttie T. of Private Parlors at Unity Block, N.
Line of 'w Pipes!1Ii. Dctilyavill occcsist of tcvlv lk.:ges Fifth ave. Walk up stairs. Room 8.
HotLuche, hoclaes ndTih- niimber'Ito b:s'11,htosa cle soil
Ho ohn, holts nodbe liilic t'610,11(11) Cophiesn, ush. iig- THE KINDERO&RTEN BILLIARD HALL
RZ. B. VJO L..LY-'t[ .00. lg 111x; his sis-ncctl ch ci irt' tcrelitl RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS.
YET ~ililry iimberticd--sotisci ccii Mar. hi 2, ltis
0S.SaeSt., Satger Block. MC~c~nn IONEY TiO LOIAN ON PERS5ONAL~
O S. State N seditiosn ssillbe ixttaiitstc'cli111aci cltir
llt. It ssihis:'1)eottit dhe ll s c'ilz
IV S~0hy li ths' ~cih5- ili e,111t l~ ti' Shoim sale Clones. Tobaccos and Cigarettes
RAN ALL. ownving stors:oreWlr btl
Ph1otograph-er stores), Sileei>aul & t'o., 'or ~t
15 Washington Bloek. ilututre, Sate At.; 1Itt-er'rs nesosi sttiuctd.
__________________________________________The Womn'els nlilisdr of tihe Inlcandes
-- - - - Tlhia qacso.paiirp.Qcieara-
TOOP & co,, RE A
Call on them foe
Fine Luoches,
Floe Chocolates,
anod Baked Goods.
Try One Lunchec.
-- Albany, N.Y,
Makers of
-Caps ;t"owns
for Yale 'S,Harvard
'96, Princeton '596sied
we acid with pleasure Michigan '56
Tta.eXV0Ini(-n's numlibe'r of itaestt. of The Wolic-las numbaler of the U. of
51. Dacihy aswill consist of twsveatties'. iM. Dalliy owill colnsist oIf tseveepuages
The niumlber to lbe tplacecd 1oct1ase ili The num~iber to toe laciedl on sase avill
be limitled to 1,109 iols, scud, jug- be linltetochto1,115) copies, aand, ju:ig-
log from t(le. deia~liolfor the hcrs-iiln- nlom0011thac o1Cain~dtfor Ste irelimn
ilmary nummbIsed55 on1 01 inire'h 2, tills unary linuber isslued oneMaBrchi 2,th.'s
edition, a-ill be exhitustletd in ao111t ed~fliout avil.hbeexhauistediln a -shoot
(ine. It wsill be obtilcdin~alat live cealtime11). I illbe oistaiitside unit five conts
a eopy at the [Salily office, alndl it thle a copy atth0ccDtsihy office, 0:1111a0 the
folios-ing stoics: George Washr (bodo following stores: Gteorge thr (both.
stores), Slcehian & Go., Stooiee & XVeI- stores), Silehla & Co., Mloo-ce & W~et-
nuoce, State st.;t Meyerec noasis rhaid. nmsre, State Ot.; Me-er's news( ntond.
The Woenn's number of tile Ilanhder The Women's numober of thae Inlandec
will be on sale ,about April 7. waill be on nole abont April 7.
for the Grand Opera
Perhalups a "U. of
M"spoon or pin?
A hnndsome line
of suitable novelties.
rnrr20CAE RER,