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March 20, 1896 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-03-20

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Time Table (Revised) March 1, 1d6.
Mail and Exs--450 Mail-______8 38
N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Special.... 7 30
Wastern Ex-..10 1 N. S. Limited... S 2
Atlantic Es 7 3 Pacific Es.---12 15
. N. Ex press... 5 40 Western Ex-__2 01
G.It. Eapresa ._11 05 Chi. N. Es-_.15 1V
G. R. Es---- 5 57
. W. RuooGEcS, H. W. HAYES,
1. P. & T. Agt'., Chicago. At. Ass Arbor
Time Table, ,tan 1, 196.
7:2 a. m. 7: a. m
ni:0 p m. 11:46 a.m.
4:15 pm, 9:21p. m
All trains daily except Sunday
Trans rn betecn Ann Arbor and Toledo
W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo .
Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895.
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., 7:10,8:5
and 11:00 a. m.:1:5, 2:15, 5W10, :45, 9:15 an
15:45 p. m
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40,9:15 an
11:0 a. i. 1:15, 2:45, 5:0, 7:i5,'9:5 and 11:1
SLeave Ypsilanti from Congreo st.. 1:30,:30
:00, :10 and 9:00 p. m
Leave Ann Arbor Jncti n, 2:0, 4:00, 5:30
7:00 and 9:30 p.in
Caro run o city time Fre: single trip 1.
' cents; rond trip tickets 2 cens.
W. F. PASKE, Spt.
If youswst good reliacble life israscccl
on Fr edT McOmbeor, o1fc N. 1, S.
Forth asve.
Skates Concaved.
Experimental Work.
Chocolates and Candies
20S. State St., Sager Block.
Large Line of Fine Pipen. Tbacos an:
15 Washington Block.
Call on them for
Fine Lunches,
Fine Chocolates,
and Baked Goods.
Try Our Lunches.
Albany. N. Y.
Makers of
Caps ngons
for Yale '96,Harvard
'11. Prin~eton '96 anc,
we odd witih pleasure Michigan '961

Good Tailoring
No lottery sebienies. You pay for what you get and - -
SCASH saves you 25 per cent. Every garment fittedl m 1
ansd guaranteed. Tliouosnds of students are amnlglst our M°-n~
cstomers. The largest line in the state to select Qn ¢ a pEVt
from. Full line of swlpes at te Cook House every lns o
Tuesdaty. It will will pay you to see the line. *0e
AT THEl GRlAND O(91 hA IIOUOP. 1010IN t'IIl'5155 1
Thi-os ho ihaove0sticicol or rei:Tos le Disrbedioi Ab.sIooltly Pre. This Olg Seepig ar Line betwen To-
ld ad Columbus
studyiiig Shakespeaore wil eccogizea00 -. Ths Oug Sleeping or Drawing Roem ar
rrsectreclt in the noiiinilc ier-it of ilhe-[70s:-tie ileters contained -(lin thec text: Lie betwen Told, Columbus and
appeosarncec octhile Gracndopera 13lIuse M"1'iioii Seed'oo (rw' :011(0 Iormsas Mariita.
here tonight of thec Haonford, Spencer mwr 101 d s as yo0051 001, isig Ithe le: The Ong Drawing Seem cr Lie between
Tledo, Columbus ad Charleston,
and O'Brien Companylos-iiitheir sp(ta-oees e lith~loe bacwurdo or forwrd, 1but1 V. Va.
cuslr iprodcucction o "Till' Merchanto of dotus0 a'liiy 1lett-r in sme oo rd oul limn Sleepers between Columbus and-
Veiiec" M. ltilf~iic 01s sllocle-11011'lilocs01011101 0110050 h 'M-iiI ITHE ONLY LIN with4 teainssecmhiwy dasly
101101' here wsis tiS ,l:sul:ing 101300Seed (ols C For 1:e lxmleillC::'wod:) I beween Toleocnd Colmbs.
THE ONLY LEd wih Setraos each wy on
ssithm Booths andl Biarcc-t. Sinio 1l c rth 1100110,.oll oo':-ls. 'etc. 'T' o i SndysSeteenToldo a nd Clumus.
hc i~i is'c' ledin 11111 tol 051:0 ooroolog loogeoolot loiiolce 1 worosTHE ONLY 11NE with 5 r0101s0-sob wac dily
he hs ben eadig mn fr J111aforuin tingret~e~t umbe ol wods, bewecn Tldo, Bowling Cocos and
Moiroow. Sjcoihiu of 11:ic ece~l isilo 01: ioio~ inll~cli-l wilTrHE ONLY LINE with 2 trtness Soh vaydaily
THIS betTHEONLY IHEI~Told dLE Sbbcioweea ,Toledo
>IHousethe b rc FrIes''c5sBalo: 'Will or the:'next. liegeso .it wec osillgiveo and te Virisis.
THE POPULINE115 bewen Tledo, oo.
i e Single exceo of ctlienory ledolg's $22115-0111.forot'e llie\h, $22 in col, ca, iloyrs, trnille ad Nerkir.
produsc-ionihcric-seral -oyeas :agoo. f11lor 0:1:1: Of the extill-)1l hlnoc.,cl Full Inoratio rltiveoatooeos, tlncmof
"Th Alvoliu ofVeice" nverhad1li sothe- oill give-r-$2) In gold1:.. I-111ou riseroe., wil ohcherlly luriohed by ny
"-re 1orc~cut f '~lSO ulorloiy Agetof tohe Ubo Centl Les.
S01 jll'llti~ols ortoorthly 00 so~lu111(7n011leogodoilat1 owor]l oiLig %$001I0011l se- MOULTON HOU, . P. A.
l at I~etroit ostage."'i'sl 0001opanoy Nisre a,0010 l l pr 1:ic:, a-i.-rhooononTOLEDO, OHIO
o u 11seo' inely :a oooloolof lwautoi-1Iiio aI o.inteinolgivinina hundr lo~iedo
rii li 5:-encey, icinlg pracial igol- 51010)ia lre-s 10lod10tol:) .0(7 il l iemIV!ONSIY L OA N EVE>
dloles esc, isuh putic0liion. (s sl-::an~iillgooe Itweny 01e-ords lOnl w (Oils Dolotim ods 00 Ols ioile
PRIzE Fot SMioCT SroTY. \ I -yuruuuo lsto wr soseurty. 55 atelh1 . Di00:: and5:00 l
(l0Ii11)0nl l l e0:1 (loso ll o-re, scoo- 1$ fr ,l .t 100001' ces 1:0000- d o
The '96 "Iseste" Bac-1' ofer ottcr I'pllinn eeeado i lt andoic preo oliOOO y..
00 0nt d." 0010tp or'a, co-:ooooloi'loiooo 11p : 0(7, DOffce 01 t,0l1i:y resiieic 3 . ;:o . IOri-y -t.
I cashkrieof $23 for' thec bost shiort - Ih-urs o s itos .o.,l0to 3 and 7ltooep. 1..
Story oil a legal siibject. onribu- O oinSesir.gots 1Ghi-Atbsnssrcl(.~fdn~ai
tionsfr'ooi1111departmnct2s aec invitcdlu:-oilos twlos-i-s-:-ll0-i-so the:'lbiesi01n104J C.WATTS.
ansld theMoerd resevc thcc ight 1to011.:-ino-, poplar f~olo-iwes of01101 erusoof110
oll anuscript stbmlittced. e ri e ie 1
loabiiiioou of pi m'cs thios sword c-nitesl ryt(±
FU'INNY SKRI cIES XANTEFD . soultlo:e-elel llly :n0t1 c0005ieltiaalsly UNIVERSITY rti O r flDp 9iilhlf
Hlaving decidecdlto oit shlot, pe-0 ou, i1c(, oaiolis solly frte Ii pur-COO irUh~h
soiial grinds ins this years book thle 10:0' of furteieiio:ouli o-lt , irso-cos Opposite LAW building.
-Castaiioin Botedis dccsirousioof goCng , i nelcitreslill'. 'ou t rill rce-iv:- Ill:TERMS$3 FOR THE REST OF TE YEAR.
119 illy iumiorous sktchlcs of Unioe- lbiggo--o tl 0111: 11inlowevr Sestoolvoer _______________________
city life as possible. If you 1k11000 00off-1.e:d1andbsloes it$0001arcc aibl to:
- lauighlbe iicident or amulosinsg charac- 111011e 01goodoollisItooords :ici oanseradOea luo
tee about thoeUnivs'ity, miak a iloo:1010l1-youoiwill sadollol equal-001:1p010 ONE NGIIT1 ONLY.
brecezy sketclh and lut it ini the 4Cas0 loorluiliy to seculro a1 vdlualerize11,
talian centribution bossin Oicthe ma X ii~in Veintendsp0'liing :1large amoout, o FRIDA.Y, M ARCH 20.
]roll. 70r0110$ in h ti tl: olsloiuloo:of 110pr 11iz.e0s00cinlo
Student nmembers of Itic Poiil is 11o0eo11s. NV(' b-he youihat.iou$111
Science Associationl can gel tho' 1p:0- lriol oder wih ui:.owill b:: imos go-oi- CHARLES B. HANFORD,
licotions as lthey'coic out by c fillg f{-i n. ell:' youir 11:1:1:' :1: ily ando ELII-IU R. SPENCER.
at roen 11, Taptpan Flail, at 11 :. 11.senit.ols01aloy 010 100 sibe. ANDNONCRA O'BRIEN
onm any day except Saturday, lFie IN14loloss, 1 ONON SEEDlCO., lrsm fromTtln plo is Uetroit w10 bin g
ot loo mmooo)adB.rttine lot: i
numlber's are 0nowy out anti a sixth, oI:' Atonoll 1B1dg, (Chicaogo,. Ill. prodctio of
Ivoted to city gvrenent, is piningi, iruaniiLTsi ~'nri
ermbershlip, which includes thub- M 3iss fhar~lo . Stowe, gm'ntcal llt VIIbl IUtYiI
ications, is opcn 1o all stuidenls t $1 pist anC amolocomuloolis. 1101100 1ar03
a year. ongagementi1s saisfacorily filled. Ao-
CHARLES 1. C0t0,EY, drss No. 4 S. Universty ave. MR. HANFORD, AS SYLOCK,
Treasurer. -.______ __ MR. SPENCER, AS BASSANIO,
All canididates for th:' freshmin iti1T
basebal tesnm will hanid ltoir namoes
and positions s tio e manager ,it onc. Price, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1,
The Daily has been doeliseed for Mrs A DC Oo I:T'ele1w styIes hae
sc's-ral weeks to all nmenmbers of the th od:mlyfe rrived., Opea Crooks
Universiy faculties w010ore not regu-I ee odagtro rethe thingi. See OUt'
lar uscrbets. aT i, oasbeen done tesvnhduhewinndows.
without tany epneto tbeoom iniorder" a ctmand b-kltgftof seeODS IlIlI
to how thei(lie value of tie Tou /( ooo sio.osll1:01 --LI '"SOE
3yoor whleh'lifeo ________________n-_____
ae a Universty newspalper. A olioi- i smo 10lle.tlomdonmm
l lt ir-.'tollof b I -
tor will call upon each profes.sore who I't tec lss loveson THE KINDERGARTEN BLLIARD HALL
'1- ino-orrot'. tls if tho
has been sent tbe pprse ~ 0 or ms olssmo
regla an tosehes I al(, lve elsr ou RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS~g
desire to become regolar stibscibeis lucly bys ant oes
will bie givenl on opportunity to sobl- tionsme olgimet nmes. it 1. it WIO-iown MONZEY TO LOAN O(55 PWS1AY
Patotlotolyca sewtnIs doomte'- 5rn'e sith(NL
t sc'ribe. Otherwse, the paper will b em imeanpr tcftutmre -cis. lon: toilto FBO1'EkI5y.
ccomlosiy llmosea mr.Ooo S pos.
Odiscosnlnued without any harge for,10c'.'0:' nd 1(0 Lbck charmt freeoal ;ahool' cale CigsTocosndigrte
mh ubr elvrd vi-bg a full readiong. Is thos city o-c ~ mr.Toeco oeCioekr
l1 enubrdlvee.only'ro__________________
Wasbur Guta fo sae, rgs Pivae arlrsIt Uit BlckN.CATERER,,
WahunGutrfr oearus Piae alr2a0nt lok .HRN SE Washing
effice. 18 I Fifth ave Walk up stairr. Room A_. lllUPGJI LII I t on t.

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