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March 20, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-20

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of f t4 *PIrtj, The Grand Opera House--Only once.-TONIGHTr
Publshe l~lly(Suday uceled duingSpecial. Engagement of the 'Distinguished Tragedy Trio,
O)rec: Times building N. Main st. oppositeptofie
Supported by a Select Cempany f Twenty Finished Artitn in a Splendid Scenic Revival of
EI>WTO- - -n Shakepeare's - - -
W. W. luicse,'98, XV.XW. Tisas'eo,'l13L.
R. L G>;aesoue. '90 L . HAtS, '?. THE y /r ^"7 T"T T T" F .L eie 9 '.I']C i3. e 8_f g1
G. B Hniersa, '9 L.Seats new n sle at Watts'
G .Hliiil,'6. I"With the' single ecepio o tHenry Ir- Jewelry Store. "There ae beni many productions oc
[ AGNEDTR InIs's production everssl yearn go, ''s 'The roMcirchant o Vesce' Is biss city, in-
iMiAIt liTl serhant o Veice' never had o Ietetious -- - -- - eluding tatisfIicard Mnield, but never
J. F. TiiIIM.50.'i". or worthy a to~ting ass a Detot sasge s that ~ ' one eter equipped rsenily or eter bl-
-Igieni it lby le isniors, Spencer O lien aned asoo the acting thus that o the Han-
ensuo tA ldlt Comesny a thii eroit Opra hose lat j cl'ord Spi'ncer OBrinCopany lat sght'
L.0C. Wasani~, 'Oi. ngt"DlntFe rsMrhut16 5,5G CAD$, -Wasisngton ot No. 1, 1 0.
C A.Ptral, '00 G. I. lest, '00 lisa eesi held sdrinig'the seres'nex- ~Age'iey.-Hsufc't'n Agnicy. 10
S. It. Smith, '90 L. iB. I. Ms'tlesisy. VtHE '~~ CHO
F. Simoss, '9. iH. B. Gammon, '91 M. tendig over six y'sars. It wosl nthorJl3-2.M-Si.
F. A. tFuci,'9.0N. DCB. tRo, '91. bsliI liaytasuk to pikels spro'bblle -'srlnesihip.-ILeisses. 10 ?osr,
The snishnriptisis piceofoltiso saly lioa xiisiFut'r. Msci etl sl'sinoss si b1'i i-iuh tihasr ~ l~i .siibt'n&-le 29-lly 10. Mr. liliglis.
bees pdedcito 1.25 ini deaise userbe r ti rosdnc'sb ii sriiell irless ust'd ig ws'it],Jisie 2lti snscontinitgi bailisi. -toless. 10 hours,
oh the yeae. Le've su bcriptionsnat lie 'olie igt wees, iieiles sili'the ss- lse1.4 rf ~issoi
Holy Ofie or with P.5a. tMsyer U. nfill X's't bpromiise's to be a Oigsccess. Jl 1:.Po nwtn
New Sea. hi un iisl eenthain eoc bi' ulsty 'ot' the Deparmnt o Lsw ill No ills 6anti Notes.-Norussli'sBililiin
The hefloin oroso nstl- -1 nniual lection frtoe HltDaily 0111esil'igreat iposrance'l'and t ussel sfe h floeli oile f sniic ot. 1 rhsr, Augtb , -2dlr.
ti. Te wioek Xwiiieonsstntista
'or sntfrof Ouei ubra iltie nser' iniiotstnlhere livn's'hsn.i
bintsoringhot far olo..Qtite n liiltilb-S
lies'alre'sdy soispsig for rt't'iiii issl c'les neton nbl ofth laveg es'inedsit teci'aslilllyaidn lt ibitsiy Iitii t-Le
slton, but there instillromifor uir. mriisisl egi'.(ls'o tise fthe whonn. sleint eviewellil iil lt 151010 lly2-1 rf
L'osciaily ciii '97 w ithicbne'd. ar-ut of1' i osihl ie ct''slies, furbus'Iiii hoslsr't sint lls'iTloi ll
fist:hn's avibescpX'e b ra oefoi tes' s fsi'lprpb~i~M ipar- ' lisly Plli'adiig. - linmsiisi'
ocenlasi's i tonipitiulisbciiibe 5o19l- s'ttghanso lain's'ab'i'ii aliliri'iifor
aledi oiy eeinlg at the Holy isffice. l i('ligaoiire't'sirttes''. ThiN i ii ies ioiie'tXiiiiii lte ' 1 ii' iieadig.10 1hours, AgSt
________ _ ___ i insill dgre1tlt'enimbre i iliislsililii l r xxindXXls 3-li.1:410l1.Dwy'.
('omniiislii'tiolst hose beeni reixe'd) sbiliy f conetntis xihlienetier ll sl'sisi lsiiigi ii tt isst'i' '-'ibi'xiRishlcds T'heor' f Ixv:-
at thie Daily oficee xx'ich salhouglh n- ii'liailisi'.Letiitt'sthtirilt'ls'nlsise uu 9.s~ t'
'''1tinalil tesenlvets, allt ioibex'iistsliu iiie ls utnXo bs it
obsuec-loolis ~~~~l University Bindery. Wielh e'sx'i ii siisy tsinistois ~sx.boseotm
wxiithhldsbhecn i'snt hi'yale ausslylllollill hi eiw , h pr~r CntttinlLwCoe's111
xx'rils'r'feels l't'oicastt sit iis conxic- full opertilonlls iproing a rges t xxiiibei'treasls'sinilsichia5wxy'si ts Agustt 3-21dlb.tDwyr.
e psliesinu be sasldesfor 1snliestioB, j timiiinis'd ctit, liii' saig ile lx'si 1 luussx's'lgs'Of cesl'alo sibsjsei 5 Of't' thflert y'ar, andithelii're-
bu te ea nmemut eknwnto {oi rqure tom' binsding sp booskof tiel' sa ipasrt of a liberal oil- sosinder a reiew's'xof lihe ledinn nub-
the tottr's.Ilils isl ekisx tat are11 in't' ailyd - - 5s-suh ition. F-or Ithee, we resilnesttfls'etof thescon y(ar in ie cgat
s-ent resosn xx'iy thtildery stold151 silsirly bus'xxwsrk i lcrenimisiousin iibhe Deliumtls't b0fbLax.
The noe prtusrle iniitle orastricl hsaxe' ti'sn t'sblhbsl buTag lago. 'i'le LwCotrct Bills adsMub er Pi- The coire wxil be bdiiedlinto txo
i'csontesit ri-sthlg that blere be no flitt hat t is loated inhe blios.'ihsn thal iPropuery, 111hd ttContistuinllacsses--one of lis ya' stjcs, awl
aplahsuse is to betiee hhiitdsd'Th'ler of te libisry builsisg Histesadlof 111 Lawoesfscodyersnx't.-fabu
is not t' slighilest ntiioa bthat 1110 uhe ttise'iient of lbse1main1builig, 'T'he wos'k nill cnosit of sdaily i'ei- 125 hoiseac;ot' r three hiousrOfit
judsgesasre illusenedby sxcsies' uib-'Itat ist lni'ttesl, is a greatImp15rve-s' btiasuf roiitet-oks sinid of ie--csass-ho0silxxwr pr cday foi' eahrls'bso
planse, bnt tie abblausi'etsreltOlu-s mer'it oesr bie original ieu.r'the ties. itdurng' he es'thit neks. Thesecssei~ss
beconie usnuisance1t ipreciobis otcts I litroip'bihling is, ot ourse',the hplie The text-booms used, fl:thie whleiintII'-ill Oe arrangs'slso uere wil iebs'1n
and has mae theio appreitioishion, xxhre ib shouldl le for he xtratmo- tevrossbjecs ill be gvneionfeslit of sujrits, ansidculit iwaiy
eveltnhenoreal, seemilratheir ftsteiutin lg of boos savedi mkeis'sa isrge Sld the membessOf the faulty hum- elect 5uh sbjets as lhey sli'nre 'iitI-
y oliitihog it s-itii'ey every onstest-fielmi irte sours' of ut year. lg churge of them are a fOlOSn: iout limitain siexeept lsoils'ntill bc-
mnt wil be mosde to feeal equaly 'ab The is'ndiery is iiicalrge of Sr. goi- leienlmly Law.x-mliiis Iement- Iallwxesto tHkes'wore tai t t'iy
ease. laudcts, an exueriened book tiuiier, ary Luw. 1 hours, Jne 29-Juy 17. hours per neest nuhiout secil per-
nvitim n assistait. be is fully esiitshesl Mr.Smith. hisssoitt the faclty. Steties nill
Alog reIf(,ofiuceairg nt net ithi tble, urenes antI the oler lleneuusisyieal tProeirty-Bac- be allowelto elect xwormithilsoSuii-
limidebtat iaoubbeesir iesou.eItncesnaly nmsueiiiiery u-akin all in stone's' Colulentairic, Book l. 15 lier Schaool of the Litessry Depart-
isad thath ourldeaidsoit.iesr-all, allintiiutionl xhii sfills mu place hon urt uut 3-21. I. Johlno. mimet,hproised it doe not itefre
ithttefudeaigsceisr-that iieoles fBlling. Contrcts.-Ansonion Conracts. 2 wiihi their wokc io this (deparmineit by
range at.seidule of debates sathlatd-hus, June 2-JulI 7. Prof. ieoc-- pying the necessary fee.
each soety shoulsd debte' tho other Adelohi Program ton. During the continnice of tho Su-
thire'e. Thistplais wold iiiidobtedly The Aselephi nwill tpresent tie folowt- Crimooinal La.w.WXahbirn 0on Crini- oer School of Law the folong lee-
stinmuate the debating spirit llirotugd- lg program Sin Rooii N, Saturdlay inuth Liw. 10 hours, August 10-21., Cres and entertainments will ho- ginen.
out the entire 1niersity and result eening, Marh 21, at s tp. In.: Piano M. Johnson. vdhillxbe free o alt stdnts of
also iii nuiierieal gains as wiell aniun- solo, Miss Minnie Cldwel; ortio, Tro-'oe' slieu fTrs h uiirShol
creased readiness in sieecht fus te Oliive Crontwxell," . I. bHan; cd- 20lois, July 20-31. Prof. W"1ilgus. "'The Jud~l}ial Sysen of the exts,"
sou'ieties. Probibly it is too loe f or bosie, "Recsolved, T1ht na iepbian Domiestic Rlcatios.-Bronxne's Do- Prof. B. I. Tomlpson; iiPfle Trial of
at scesdule to be arraiiged f or thimi foii of governent would e litter - netic Relatioins. 15lous, July 27- Jesus, from a axyer's Stadtout"
year, but tie socieiescral take the for te Rusiainpeople hine their urs- Augustb . M. Hughes. Prof. J. C. Kinoxtlto; itgus Char-
natte in hand mnd apponb commit ent form," afirmativec, Mess. Personal Property.-Smiths Persoin- ta," Pof. H. L. Wilgus iThe Rigt
teen for coiference and arangenent Tihomas and Stead, negative, Messs al Property. 1 hours, July 6-24. MYi. of the Teacher Co Inlict Corporal Pu-
s that the plano can be put in Opera- Holaind and Rice pontaeus oraor- Snith. ishment" Mr. E. I1+. Johnson.
ion next year. hal contest, Mesr.biemuo, Hr! omnLwt-adn.-hpuns On rn ut,~2i.Oesnl
________ son and ti'rhe; resentaton o omnLwPedig-Si-ns Oe rn ut,$.0

Tonight will witness in University lprizes Mr. Olson; banjo solo, F. A. Common Lane Pleadiuag. 15 hours, room 75 cents. furnace heat, light%
Halt the hardest fought contest hat Paynse.J August 3-21. Mir. Dwxyer. and bath. 20 S. bngualesst. , 136

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