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March 20, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-20

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NN B CYC ES. ill ORTORIAL ATTE TKESOne Will Be Organized Here on Audience Much Pleased by Alfred
Wetdeoreto oet-s otletlitwr eLACE TONIGHT
propo e 1o make aki)t id frPLC ONGT
Nil9$ loree ti tkesonooweVrThe comititee apoinedi at t- ie- Ii spite O l1:1'C(diagreable wi-ather
hart ksecured Ike icoscy for ithe99N The Decision Will Be Close-A Good
DA TO i xv -~' 1Contest Assured - The Alumni cnt mstutti ttultdllfor tw ir- ot-tf latonigt a flir sited ttttn ite .t-
i ltt-y Mi-te ithais etrie a 9Medals-The Seakers. 110ise iofiCoideriig te tttisaiitiy ot-itiletoitii-eti tthleiirei-il gien
higtwreptteuls tde ote $if0. e offo-uiiga Civil Set-it-e11ttrttitr y Alired-t ilttad. tbatjo it ---
test tti-I teito a tforpt-ho Se t irer t etcottrttgeteartady o omn
BBN HU Z It 0welde-veopted itertiotitrttory at C tgtteiltitri tiiiiiirct u iisM- -ra~l -stt
999 pttu~~ iittt oei-ailiti ie t ie 199 A-ituuiaiuui iitii- oi o 181 i aturtdt a yit ftMtrohlrgtti8. t Iruz t iti- it-psl his-i- hi-i-it r it-ti-i-id thellt mnt-t s oh
tied $100 yotitinittt. e tls p lihte C it (uiago Ahl-uMtdal tut
sltte cLI I-PERa ie to er ittiittheifthetttii-Unirilt fihoset. lHuoever-, sthat t uduincte
p9A9 yotmetts p p @ i tis is be gis-ent tuiittetai to- ies e ti- totgu iuti li utt lii itttotti tl esry ittiir it
p THE MARB IOORGAN ~iYCO., iii isa 1 bi -ti-ttrl~ i eigttofuht t ht sut ithenm iittlntutu iguti-dutoery- itltlu tititt iti
S. MAIN ST. cttntest of tet UtuisityOit toritcal orgtttizaiiott too natrrio a sope~t. A seveitalt-si-us tcalltd ftr. O)1 hipiy-
I Aouttlttitt. T is tiuiti oto t--o ga- c tstitii t ills-ttalotibttoffi-it-dtfor lug ,litlitr ottbeiid- etoit-u hl t sti il
S IN G L E Dlr Lou rs A ulSc ivn, ut the ael- do tin.T i tlub illtobeu affl it edo be sid oiter yiiti thato he 0111
In anf th C atolo-ertiseiritit e at on i Le gu , f olnt a peri. It wa i de d aidl a
1)e wortth u0 lor tn a etiltuu uumn tine1ali-ii li- rfor li the titititiliii huttoextrtsst-tiaItetiretoimetithrnerii-ttedtuwaits swondeirfu. u thei-rin-t
of glittctiig gcuerulities. Very ves-i~tltre ucuou, shsii ihlitbei-luhtatdu it is ipuobtable tht it- sill uititiut ufithusi Mr. Falriututo to-uh
ovell ii situ t-ut lii- Citliigis Alittiuul livegi-iit i- i-iuiitt taddrues. Tubi 111 fi t t-il ch iqueiid t sitongutindliulviuatyu~
The le SinglQTe IF act tu"'-tu lliiio if. heeditw tl, chumou uttiui si1iiiieitttr tus n tls uutgu url stt
tola t t ul ndTheiodore liuuovult (c11u1tforurdtu. te layttt-tittofSt-iittitt-l seSuentae
that I wsih to huuipesso1o4b tut1 this u-ca t ilthlisl nttlumbr oitelit
yitu- r ind S ttI huave by llruugratm.iNew Books at the Library. showeds i-tiicact-tuy ittsaittnlg tndufinte-
farthe ofitest liute o u ofNttlitiutiu lii ut ii its- 0 tttuutiouithat wllon1 hg beir-
B Ic y E s tutrationt - noguuul uuoue shtuuiu tun fiet-euiiiti-t;it teLiii raliunti ng uur iTthimpesin it-ul.anoisf
o ut tigit atutu er i-l t t ii- ithtitb l tuti--rl I'lii itost ltim otat t t heii li hit~ith iuuotrumentutandu sef totul onluy i
iut Anti Arbor. Rablers, 5tsinneurilliOleiiNor.theltrn 0iiutoili-tfollowig:s ritt -ttuCultuttug ti ou~t, tuit utontstto uuli-Ik-
Watoothue, Etagles, Wiitns, Leatge. iTie Iprogamt suill hatglu T. B. Adih;itii:-1 ututitutu1-tlvuatfs
Monaurtchs, Lmuintiuttit ltmlutst htb-t-Coit-It-ti 1ur beidthe i
plenty of losw-cu-priced whoelos. uu-romphtly at.uo'cockiian-ktuuhost ot ini Aleci V. I. Ai-len i rigi-ti ittfiT-tutbtust i. 1-uritutulrendereduh i-i-ctuIiuo
Out- 1.,i-f M. Special i h til i-It-ttuust6ituuttu ti-tr.tthuut iruu-tuuu; l rutu (ChpihoIuia tutanu iiituvsii-k
wo-ottlh of its nae -i $100 t emittimitihut ioutsouii~ iidha l111 ibl hisit, iii1- (iuui utuhefliteliuonutheiwyt o lii-e nio-llu-ra~u t-hatiit o usi
Rfor $85.-t tliiaf toterti-ifi tsec.Douor uil bhit ltuutius o ittvlie.Attuoii-lx-Chai-. ift] -s a-- boundlessho.
ROW NHS DRUG STORE. kept 1losd d uigitch pitsuuons'OaA Briggs; Wtsiton i Iii ol Byu enert "lixie" wl payeini
IMVPORTANT NOTICE fle ittoiftits sven ttuuinfuuu tutu-ue of inaneeuuuu-. Gustaus Cotut: Deer-st-o ltiluf'aratht- futuf loutd it.Fir
latd tu rnilitiit is slieto asfi t su thth
ti ll o i ott t haveiflt 1Ilvan iltlai i pi n tupt O-tt ttatt-ltu-u u ht i thi (eu-tuturyx- ssuuuihbh-- t-t-t-uutt-uhi t tutun tuuheuuu-
G - \AlJ~z . j lxi eutiuug tthetwouteoriurntrarytill-Il- 9Goldswotrt1. fDickiinsin;uutt li"iassA that suuul li-csi i th-capaittty oft rhea
btttotheseto usitt by dfa lit res Te-r, B.-A.uli-u:udisinhal
The Leading Tailor, futiato: Ctits Smonusi, 'I, hiseill Euttufolu, 1ifA Hinlei; History oiTthdiiproigamtinlifull follhos:
stud otly dinect Importer ini thus city, Aristcrctty; Bif11.Auss, '7,(tis- MdieltuotArt Ft-tullenStill esThuht- Belii hluittiSl4ithioistttttti
has juel received hus entire stock o lu;a tiel ~t Attuiuituouuiioff e tlil -ttco~ lyHase yuty finkedordeSn)
Foreign stud Domestic Woolenus for (juustiuti;1V. i. 1th lx hi11, "hu- CThuirjuw; flit Apostoli gCaln -uu i slu-ltnauil-RiOhndo. itih-
Spring and Summon '96at Ptre1uln -1 A in~cc
diuttiout of Diiuuutcty; 1A hr-hur l- istuiulr; Asectsfoof Pessoimismu, fomt.t aittiotns.
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAINI,'le " ")Auttuituiti ItI.De lt-illoberutt i. Sustihi Choptui-hoiuuttistOut 40 No 1
Fiull Dress Suits a Specialty 'i0L,"hut Laisyer; anduL.-Ii- Ju Shuuuhrt-Suniuaule
0trilt tilt91kIa, (itlfxshtnrg :"Chess Cub Tournament RosstiiilOerture to Wm.t Tl (i-
W AHR'S BOOKSTOR S -i-i rctcor. co-uu 2 o-t outilnloetle irospeatuco)
hri- ascuigtindats~uiltotuctheisiP~eiok-ituuutuintui
Stationery. an tSturdhay sessions, for awh~ileitiiroundtiwetuntas foloshiut: SS otuetif Veu Trdi-selectlo ofrouti11iToatre
W~e can show yiou all thus latestheig foutnthnecessry iiodr to hiat CoolitgbSWhiiuuuouubeat hs- - tld Ltg SynaiaStonhtus
tints, in tll the _popular sizes, getthroughi wifti all ftheraseo holuldt no° dok tu lociusCtlhuiChopi Noctuinie
with sitselopes to malchir, for ,Slc a ~eks tho ienltioskli-2mluuioPilonaises Bril
Ladies'and Gentlemen's Polite tritl fortbout tweny--fie utsescliii- beast1Cmpbutell, Rtussel hi-t Alrigltht, faile Op.21.
correspondence. Wegivespecial side of thei regular ltleAl t outents oet etSaolde hmpo teto oegrv fwd iiayRcpin
cing invitations, reception and whiowsosuldb ilinihtg to do juy dutyeatut uli Of fle sets shicit ser
visiting rards, and making moo- stud ahl attoutueys whota-re sillinut
ogramIs and address dies. Plate ntotfiishe, artiniwon ottettOgmeu Coumptty A. Fiilt Ifaifntry ihi-
priotiig. SWe take pleasure in ty' their casat ti-hflete iitim sterotutcotwlir- St Citair wos-ear atial Ntioal(Guard, i-itthold isairt
showing you. been requeselo ile heIuir namesit5frout Diluniurdt, Ierick ant i Utiier AnultiIPresentation of Midals atd
(/ ! sukithecek:ouhecut each oson a gaue aiec and os gaule Milittry kit-i-t on in uts armtory, SWe-i-
" "' + Pro. Daisthefibarian, ho as as i. daw.juisday euing, April 3. All geteral
. Prf Dvisfli libarin sius -asovasa dtuj officrs of the stto will attend in
11e Teasn It sDow.n been cenlun ed to his home for lbs last -Te totrament sill b contined (foll dres. Thus Ceqaiegone will
UlnIversIty Bookstore. Opposite Courtfleese.-
155s Stae St 4 N Matnst I towo weks with grip, is beter. next Monday nighut. furnish mnic for dotuing.

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