THDE UNIVERSITY 01F MICHIGAN DAILY. IGHIGAK GENWAL Time Table (Revised) March 1, 1d6. Mail and Exs--450 Mail-______8 38 N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Special.... 7 30 Wastern Ex-..10 1 N. S. Limited... S 2 Atlantic Es 7 3 Pacific Es.---12 15 . N. Ex press... 5 40 Western Ex-__2 01 G.It. Eapresa ._11 05 Chi. N. Es-_.15 1V G. R. Es---- 5 57 . W. RuooGEcS, H. W. HAYES, 1. P. & T. Agt'., Chicago. At. Ass Arbor RAILROAD. Time Table, ,tan 1, 196. 7:2 a. m. 7: a. m ni:0 p m. 11:46 a.m. 4:15 pm, 9:21p. m All trains daily except Sunday Trans rn betecn Ann Arbor and Toledo only. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST RY. Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., 7:10,8:5 and 11:00 a. m.:1:5, 2:15, 5W10, :45, 9:15 an 15:45 p. m Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40,9:15 an 11:0 a. i. 1:15, 2:45, 5:0, 7:i5,'9:5 and 11:1 SUNDAY TIME. SLeave Ypsilanti from Congreo st.. 1:30,:30 :00, :10 and 9:00 p. m Leave Ann Arbor Jncti n, 2:0, 4:00, 5:30 7:00 and 9:30 Caro run o city time Fre: single trip 1. ' cents; rond trip tickets 2 cens. W. F. PASKE, Spt. STUDENTS!1 If youswst good reliacble life israscccl on Fr edT McOmbeor, o1fc N. 1, S. Forth asve. NEW MVACHINE SHOP HUNTER BROS., 9 E. LIBERTY ST Skates Concaved. Experimental Work. RENTSCHLER, PHO3TOCAPHER! '. ANI ARBOR. MICH. HOT LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS Chocolates and Candies -AT-- JOLLY S& CO'. 20S. State St., Sager Block. Large Line of Fine Pipen. Tbacos an: Cigars. RAN DALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. TOOP & CO..200S. STATE Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. COTRELL & LEONARD Albany. N. Y. Makers of Caps ngons for Yale '96,Harvard '11. Prin~eton '96 anc, we odd witih pleasure Michigan '961 Good Tailoring No lottery sebienies. You pay for what you get and - - SCASH saves you 25 per cent. Every garment fittedl m 1 ansd guaranteed. Tliouosnds of students are amnlglst our M°-n~ cstomers. The largest line in the state to select Qn ¢ a pEVt from. Full line of swlpes at te Cook House every lns o Tuesdaty. It will will pay you to see the line. *0e ITHE GOLDEN EAGLE GO,, DETROIT.,ON 0 AT THEl GRlAND O(91 hA IIOUOP. 1010IN t'IIl'5155 1 Thi-os ho ihaove0sticicol or rei:Tos le Disrbedioi Ab.sIooltly Pre. This Olg Seepig ar Line betwen To- ld ad Columbus studyiiig Shakespeaore wil eccogizea00 -. Ths Oug Sleeping or Drawing Roem ar rrsectreclt in the noiiinilc ier-it of ilhe-[70s:-tie ileters contained -(lin thec text: Lie betwen Told, Columbus and appeosarncec octhile Gracndopera 13lIuse M"1'iioii Seed'oo (rw' :011(0 Iormsas Mariita. here tonight of thec Haonford, Spencer mwr 101 d s as yo0051 001, isig Ithe le: The Ong Drawing Seem cr Lie between Tledo, Columbus ad Charleston, and O'Brien Companylos-iiitheir sp(ta-oees e lith~loe bacwurdo or forwrd, 1but1 V. Va. cuslr iprodcucction o "Till' Merchanto of dotus0 a'liiy 1lett-r in sme oo rd oul limn Sleepers between Columbus and- Veiiec" M. ltilf~iic 01s sllocle-11011'lilocs01011101 0110050 h 'M-iiI ITHE ONLY LIN with4 teainssecmhiwy dasly 101101' here wsis tiS ,l:sul:ing 101300Seed (ols C For 1:e lxmleillC::'wod:) I beween Toleocnd Colmbs. THE ONLY LEd wih Setraos each wy on ssithm Booths andl Biarcc-t. Sinio 1l c rth 1100110,.oll oo':-ls. 'etc. 'T' o i SndysSeteenToldo a nd Clumus. hc i~i is'c' ledin 11111 tol 051:0 ooroolog loogeoolot loiiolce 1 worosTHE ONLY 11NE with 5 r0101s0-sob wac dily he hs ben eadig mn fr J111aforuin tingret~e~t umbe ol wods, bewecn Tldo, Bowling Cocos and Moiroow. Sjcoihiu of 11:ic ece~l isilo 01: ioio~ inll~cli-l wilTrHE ONLY LINE with 2 trtness Soh vaydaily THIS betTHEONLY IHEI~Told dLE Sbbcioweea ,Toledo >IHousethe b rc FrIes''c5sBalo: 'Will or the:'next. liegeso .it wec osillgiveo and te Virisis. THE POPULINE115 bewen Tledo, oo. i e Single exceo of ctlienory ledolg's $22115-0111.forot'e llie\h, $22 in col, ca, iloyrs, trnille ad Nerkir. produsc-ionihcric-seral -oyeas :agoo. f11lor 0:1:1: Of the extill-)1l hlnoc.,cl Full Inoratio rltiveoatooeos, tlncmof "Th Alvoliu ofVeice" nverhad1li sothe- oill give-r-$2) In gold1:.. I-111ou riseroe., wil ohcherlly luriohed by ny "-re 1orc~cut f '~lSO ulorloiy Agetof tohe Ubo Centl Les. S01 jll'llti~ols ortoorthly 00 so~lu111(7n011leogodoilat1 owor]l oiLig %$001I0011l se- MOULTON HOU, . P. A. l at I~etroit ostage."'i'sl 0001opanoy Nisre a,0010 l l pr 1:ic:, a-i.-rhooononTOLEDO, OHIO o u 11seo' inely :a oooloolof lwautoi-1Iiio aI o.inteinolgivinina hundr lo~iedo rii li 5:-encey, icinlg pracial igol- 51010)ia lre-s 10lod10tol:) .0(7 il l iemIV!ONSIY L OA N EVE> dloles esc, isuh putic0liion. (s sl-::an~iillgooe Itweny 01e-ords lOnl w (Oils Dolotim ods 00 Ols ioile PRIzE Fot SMioCT SroTY. \ I -yuruuuo lsto wr soseurty. 55 atelh1 . Di00:: and5:00 l (l0Ii11)0nl l l e0:1 (loso ll o-re, scoo- 1$ fr ,l .t 100001' ces 1:0000- d o The '96 "Iseste" Bac-1' ofer ottcr I'pllinn eeeado i lt andoic preo oliOOO y.. 00 0nt d." 0010tp or'a, co-:ooooloi'loiooo 11p : 0(7, DOffce 01 t,0l1i:y resiieic 3 . ;:o . IOri-y -t. I cashkrieof $23 for' thec bost shiort - Ih-urs o s itos .o.,l0to 3 and 7ltooep. 1.. Story oil a legal siibject. onribu- O oinSesir.gots 1Ghi-Atbsnssrcl(.~fdn~ai tionsfr'ooi1111departmnct2s aec invitcdlu:-oilos twlos-i-s-:-ll0-i-so the:'lbiesi01n104J C.WATTS. ansld theMoerd resevc thcc ight 1to011.:-ino-, poplar f~olo-iwes of01101 erusoof110 oll anuscript stbmlittced. e ri e ie 1 loabiiiioou of pi m'cs thios sword c-nitesl ryt(± FU'INNY SKRI cIES XANTEFD . soultlo:e-elel llly :n0t1 c0005ieltiaalsly UNIVERSITY rti O r flDp 9iilhlf Hlaving decidecdlto oit shlot, pe-0 ou, i1c(, oaiolis solly frte Ii pur-COO irUh~h soiial grinds ins this years book thle 10:0' of furteieiio:ouli o-lt , irso-cos Opposite LAW building. -Castaiioin Botedis dccsirousioof goCng , i nelcitreslill'. 'ou t rill rce-iv:- Ill:TERMS$3 FOR THE REST OF TE YEAR. 119 illy iumiorous sktchlcs of Unioe- lbiggo--o tl 0111: 11inlowevr Sestoolvoer _______________________ city life as possible. If you 1k11000 00off-1.e:d1andbsloes it$0001arcc aibl to: - lauighlbe iicident or amulosinsg charac- 111011e 01goodoollisItooords :ici oanseradOea luo tee about thoeUnivs'ity, miak a iloo:1010l1-youoiwill sadollol equal-001:1p010 ONE NGIIT1 ONLY. brecezy sketclh and lut it ini the 4Cas0 loorluiliy to seculro a1 vdlualerize11, talian centribution bossin Oicthe ma X ii~in Veintendsp0'liing :1large amoout, o FRIDA.Y, M ARCH 20. ]roll. 70r0110$ in h ti tl: olsloiuloo:of 110pr 11iz.e0s00cinlo Student nmembers of Itic Poiil is 11o0eo11s. NV(' b-he youihat.iou$111 Science Associationl can gel tho' 1p:0- lriol oder wih ui:.owill b:: imos go-oi- CHARLES B. HANFORD, licotions as lthey'coic out by c fillg f{-i n. ell:' youir 11:1:1:' :1: ily ando ELII-IU R. SPENCER. at roen 11, Taptpan Flail, at 11 :. 11.senit.ols01aloy 010 100 sibe. ANDNONCRA O'BRIEN onm any day except Saturday, lFie IN14loloss, 1 ONON SEEDlCO., lrsm fromTtln plo is Uetroit w10 bin g ot loo mmooo)adB.rttine lot: i numlber's are 0nowy out anti a sixth, oI:' Atonoll 1B1dg, (Chicaogo,. Ill. prodctio of Ivoted to city gvrenent, is piningi, iruaniiLTsi ~'nri ermbershlip, which includes thub- M 3iss fhar~lo . Stowe, gm'ntcal llt VIIbl IUtYiI ications, is opcn 1o all stuidenls t $1 pist anC amolocomuloolis. 1101100 1ar03 a year. ongagementi1s saisfacorily filled. Ao- CHARLES 1. C0t0,EY, drss No. 4 S. Universty ave. MR. HANFORD, AS SYLOCK, Treasurer. -.______ __ MR. SPENCER, AS BASSANIO, MISS O'BRIEN, AS PORTIIA All canididates for th:' freshmin iti1T basebal tesnm will hanid ltoir namoes and positions s tio e manager ,it onc. Price, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1, HARR~Y 13. IPOTTER, The Daily has been doeliseed for Mrs A DC Oo I:T'ele1w styIes hae sc's-ral weeks to all nmenmbers of the th od:mlyfe rrived., Opea Crooks Universiy faculties w010ore not regu-I ee odagtro rethe thingi. See OUt' lar uscrbets. aT i, oasbeen done tesvnhduhewinndows. without tany epneto tbeoom iniorder" a ctmand b-kltgftof seeODS IlIlI to how thei(lie value of tie Tou /( ooo sio.osll1:01 --LI '"SOE 3yoor whleh'lifeo ________________n-_____ ae a Universty newspalper. A olioi- i smo 10lle.tlomdonmm l lt ir-.'tollof b I - tor will call upon each profes.sore who I't tec lss loveson THE KINDERGARTEN BLLIARD HALL '1- ino-orrot'. tls if tho has been sent tbe pprse ~ 0 or ms olssmo regla an tosehes I al(, lve elsr ou RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS~g desire to become regolar stibscibeis lucly bys ant oes will bie givenl on opportunity to sobl- tionsme olgimet nmes. it 1. it WIO-iown MONZEY TO LOAN O(55 PWS1AY Patotlotolyca sewtnIs doomte'- 5rn'e sith(NL t sc'ribe. Otherwse, the paper will b em imeanpr tcftutmre -cis. lon: toilto FBO1'EkI5y. ccomlosiy llmosea mr.Ooo S pos. Odiscosnlnued without any harge for,10c'.'0:' nd 1(0 Lbck charmt freeoal ;ahool' cale CigsTocosndigrte mh ubr elvrd vi-bg a full readiong. Is thos city o-c ~ mr.Toeco oeCioekr l1 enubrdlvee.only'ro__________________ Wasbur Guta fo sae, rgs Pivae arlrsIt Uit BlckN.CATERER,, WahunGutrfr oearus Piae alr2a0nt lok .HRN SE Washing effice. 18 I Fifth ave Walk up stairr. Room A_. lllUPGJI LII I t on t.