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March 11, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-11

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vatu+good scholarsip is not eooimnemorated
----tos. According to the ('ritic, Mr.
Publishesd Daily (Sunday excepted) during Cuaine 'had no taste for study, and
the Col lege year, at
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. preferred baseball to books" The
DOpuna Timen huilding N. "Main at., opposite "lited Bladge of Courage' is Certainly
post office."a little massterpiece," anti evens a su-
EDITOatS ntiial reading of the book giveosis
W. W. rleoneo, 'a8, XW. a'.. TsisrEo, '93 L. distinct inalression of the anchor's
E.L.it.DssunoIt'508L 0. lANSo, '9..
3. L. 'IALSO '55 11. 0. E. SOPRaIAS 'as. orilginaility and. strong power of dc-
JiDITOR-IN-CIOEIc lineation. Yet his abilities wonld have
G. 1B. HRiaSOna, '9t L. besn developed. along monre careful
rXNAsa[NGEiIDITOR Liimes and. the grammsatical errors
J. F. THOMAS, 'at. which ',ass be' founin i Mr. Crone's
n~tTsINES MANAGEOS "Ied Badge'" without the a.id of the
L.0C. waLKEto.'to. Critic's watchfbls eye would. laise beeni
aIvotied iniall praubability if hlii'11(
L. A. Pratt. 'tO 0. M. Death, '96 P. bsniiir baoah iiii slet
S. hi. Smith,L. Bh. t. 0. Betheasay 'aet. work. Bait Stephea'n ICranse is a genius,
F. Simos, '90. tH.IB. Gammons, '97 M. iaot sahdoddser anid the ciharacteristics
i. A. tI+aci, '598iE. C 1B. Rsc, '981D.I
af genaiswereaeentuaats'atinisi lilacs-
Tiese atsctetptt a pri'a' of tie laitly lass lage life.
been redusecd to;01.25 is advassee foar the reft _________
of the year. Leavec suscriptionss at theac Prais fur Dr. Muoshr
Daily osalle or awith 1'. t. Meyer, . ofsi55____
Ness Stasnd. 'Tiseeurrenst susisler of thes'Otloo~sk
Editor of todsay's hsppr: eatains the folloinigs'compl~imens'tary
F. AI. I"Oo-MtS, '98., . noatice of 1Dr. Moahar,unuder theacsails
'The Daily tPsaoAltso, of Stasntard.tnTac ea'iesofMiitss
I iiversity":
ivhersity,isritedi assix-pasge anmber
"'The astaiointInert of tDr. Eiz~a, V1.
in cairdisasi, lt'e Cisiers ity color, to Mse steDa fteLtrr
cs'lebrate atsesdecision of thle SupremseDe'rts'stoliaMelgsiIuae-
('oirt -wtich h iassfilsly settledl the
5113' is ala issur which seaisbt a
lonag strusggle isafavoar of lMre. rttass.ti~reonto o iewokd
for. t wllbe eiehuerd tatuasts'abyg'the very ,sirit of a'aalaeras-
thsere was ;5 reat sdangse r, foras bslea, set
ttsan andisl eneroaily--cosssea'rzstion to
tse lass of the Sttanfotrd, fortunes'ba'-
lihes' il'55tssltan almobsot ulipal'alleleal
casuse'ofssa sit luasiglit by the lisls
eusesosity u in h ses' of her kllaavi('dgs'
Stale's gove'rnmhient, bsut it is niowa thou'-
ou yfasr'tise besneitofsat s-oesi. ''lTeas-
ogsys's'eeandalr',tarctl Cniversity mnp I astru)lotti hl
hasaohintlg ls'ft to hindesaics i esslev'op- ]tsssgsaafi'X'li
nwsnt. After tse travegl' otitr r'masde bi10yr.iaaaar
Mrs. Staifosrst fsar ase iltertls ssf otil- whose ssrtls ifcs( l ~l av
flctl.5' wiith is tesphlere of ises'in-
ers, sheand.theisenstitntioni she lias tlttne.,
saveilare Xvorthy satmasttsincere' cots.
"Dr. Mlasher 2'is as grasaisaste of athe
g ratuiations. ssslalseallssllo i'Ustsat
It is a inater osf re'gret 11thatlt of Michligain. Shse wsss graduastesinis
1? ii'srsity uever hus adssielnusisspirit 1875,sihe're'turne'd ls toih' ,iiasily
to give a. Greek tplay, and hslet tlisthtes'osily av-0i1st115nshe tass'slly. lt'av
honor stssy 115ahe wesst X'wil l'X'eerail Xve'lels Isaac eshas so tisorasigh s traitis
lustitiioiss of a qusarterher sItse iniintpftr asiquisse and resisonasible' last.
asilit of issuibers. The Latin lay,, tissn as Dr. Masher hsasa had. tac ihas
"Thes Meisetisi," whsih vrts giaven hadstthe isesdicasl ailietion of aaosis
herie a feXX years ago\avias s great sac- mscsed haininstitustions, of XXisiely silt


Xvonsen, but soyasts're are girls piiysi. ELECTION NOTICE.
easily asnstmesitally iictalbl' of hash- Republicans of the Cniver'sity of'
lipaclee(aisn.D.M.i' las iichigan aiid of tihe Ann Arbior ilish
mg colee rax~ig.Dr.A~-s'le 4.1sSchool are nstified that tile annual
taken the msessuremsents of over sixp election of officers of the Utniversity
thousand.,avomsen and girls livisgugnl Republican Club will be held Friday
der all social condcitisoss. This esgicils.atsi 7p. us. in Nearberry H1al; that del.
isest. to aviihl are aiddsed tse r eraeates to use Amecrican College Rtepub-
licans League awil be ehossen according
sat a lsov'sly avossanly ctlra'ter, Dr. is ths enrolsitent of the iRepubbeasn
Moser carress back to her Alnsa Club; that oils delegate wviii be cihsseni
Mats'r to lut at the service of huse six to floe ntoisal Repsablican League;.
ihunstredlassiteistudesints at Miriiusthat uione maly asiceavho baa's not rep.
U'nive'rsity. Site eters upoDnlharn isea redaith ths Club, and. that the
coinvention avill conisider such other
sdsthies in October, in timise to direct by moaters as msay properly coins before
cousnsel tise erectioni.ansd eqluiinens't it. C. LINCOLN iteGUIRE,
of thss' new gymasumni to be erectest FRIED L. INGRAHAMA, Secretary.
sst tile l'sia'srsitv." Presidient.

Mr. Sayford Appeals to College
Thle isaetisig scondiuctedabh I1 t. Say-
t}rsd in Ns'abs'rry HahlaLsot igist av is
qluts -i t ltsts'ssis'a. sattiaaili itse asili-
Ies' avas iDot as isirg7e ussr lisit been
ass st'e intearestof tIllservics'ses'r''ss.
Xh%. SasytasssIissee stnsscs'hs'e Uas's'.

Wainted-An exiperiencedifdote play.
cc. See Mr. Gillespie at Ann Arbor
Ogasi Co.'s store.
40 Cent

ashy Y. Ii. '. A.. bsit lie tsoffihc~itlly (c a.ra mi-els
connsecedslawith is sssg sssizatsssn.As
lie asys, hits iassimple.ahu iarcshaseass-
lair, Isyisig lao helip seisto hadas Chris- Are twice as gTood as
hamhias."any 215 cent Caramels
'The' srviceisist nlt w xas PtCD siup
to asisspilegspsi talik suet it tld up- you ever saw.
on ahlprsentsss. -Tr. Sasyford si a 5pIlami,
strighttfsradssal lers''1x-isa ussa'astsl
estlly reasizce's frsssss shahep xserleisce
1lise reasliruth inch oa-htof the hisss-_
slg e, las'hrt ips. Tlisrexv' a ilasast, CALKINS' PHARMACY.®
rs'fs'ssiIsglasik sitths'sietls tan senas-
tiiiis'ital piais' istast sas ssslssa' sils- ~ ~ .~f"
take'nirs'higlsus aworkers see ocoasi so ier'esar l neiI his tis "''"-
a idrhesti- i tscas fli PHOTOGRAPHERS,
Mr. Sasytordillihivto's' tsit 7:,0
in -Newxberry iHall, this"Csnfidsential 12 VW. 1-1u.J ON BT.
Talkto min- -en"w~tch as sp-CATERER,
pounhhce'd, hay msistakes, for last Sundsiay HA N (1TFRFFR is20F. Waxshng
afthernoon. I ~ton sat

cess, -and thecre is plentyyoaf ability Is
acauspliah the greater taska of pro-
sehning a coh55'dy or Irsuge dy in the
onriihal Greek. P'rof. D'Ooge wvitnss-
ed thessAhitigonse of Sophocles, at 'Tor-
onto two years ago and 'IXvotld on-
doubtedly give this benefit of hia sup-
pot and experiencesio tho project.
The sso uore siasssaini Greera are
nowv larger thha ever before atud There
is ass excehlent disusne for ':3S to show
its stirit ansi sciiolasrshtp 'in this af-
Students wvho are overburdened with
coditions in thseir stutaies ntay be
able to get somse comfort ot of facts
which leve been brought to light
about Stephen Crane. This young
author, whase "Red Badge of Cour-
age" has brought hsiumhuts prouminence,
attended Lafayette College and. Syra-i
cusselUsiversiy, huh his reputation for

fircuat classes and.s of aa'iss'y sdiffersent
alms. She vas thisphsliciani in
elsasuge of thue Massacisusetas iiefsrusa,-
tory for W'Iomuensfor aliiseaud lass
been thisphysicianhinisscharge of ths
aitustents as tI'assar College andI Pro-
fesasor of Hygienne. Her practee in
Breetkiyui, awhere shelacisbleis etasb-
hislued for ausnumber of y-ears. hiss
giveun her a very great rausge at cx-
perience. Durigthe years of her resi-
dce in Brookalysi, Dr. Masher hiss
respouidedlho ev'ery cash hisside upoauher
tiuie ansi service thiatt he deunsd of
private practice permaitted. She tois
been the phsacian of this Young We-
umen's Chiristiaus Assaciation; this Red
Cross Society Medicat. Director; she
has givena talks in the avorkiug-girl'
clubs, and lectures at Pratt Ihstiute,
thie Missionary Trainsing school, and
the Girls' High School. Dr. Muosher
believes in college educautio for

The Daily will he delivered by carrier in Ann
Arbor Tor by mail to 'any, address in this country
until Commencement for $1. 25. If, alter the last
nuimber'!for this year'is issued, you feel that we
have not earned $1.25 this amount will be refunded
to you.
Your attention is" called to the fact that the
Daily is the only paper publishing complete re-
ports of University events. It is the only medium
by which you can obtain a r .cord of each Univer-
Ssity organization.
Subscription. may be left with any editor
of the --Daily, at the Daily "ot!ce or at
Meyer's News Stand. Subscriptions. sent
by mail should be, addressed to the busi-
ness manager.

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