q IY LE.,NTINLMETN TPermanency of PhilologicalSoi
1e0det elelehei ety Established. WSOSNPULCASAN
Hi p its ato rale a h bid ' rfe I M NC N A G S.___
H toy e bu inte;, thiys eto Wve11phe '.o A.P iolgcl S le ,
hHit enrd teageyforte t Leaders of Different Schools of T- .ifi.Pillgia i ~~ Daily Cardinal Suggests E. J. Hen-
litsintioits or ilniiol uhill iosu 1,9, y Y r Niii huh o Dscs iptdnng an Alumnus of Wisconsin -
1p { it Thouht totsouis isouae
DAY :y.1 hihhOtare -t ~iQestions--Comnmittec in Chargelist3d " t id oiwtfhi ais now ifHas aGCoed Record-Officers of
yNle o eot asot assne.of the ilt ttl e l stablishietdis iites-nie o r -If WisconsinClb
Iieantea~nc o h l(giiain'ite e 1illy l ct borsl i 'i hi~lilll laii. w i tl
fatt 11111N10 io tl h tll I tu is tot-e tiVilbe in D leli u-ss s 151 . O lif owail i t ftlilige hCl isttli.
0. t8 hhescR eo~ htttlilth otey i.cosiit.d b
tillit'ySea son iube ln o t ss l ly iiil illi'tlilitgho- hul-- i Iit-il c iii lg ~ c u t uiscoeml. y g i-t ,unl .s fruiil sasielii 1
S rvdtat -tO htl No ellisoni' 10lit if i (lie 1t'ut lu itr l uy be t ugen iiinblc u ea u, h w l.
teiad e.Illis tebt -5 1.1111 1St s,) tIt0iiotid htsaso ts ii ih ;lttf i l sfsiniti- ctit f liiiat ' h lm ost net ntif it
,ll the CL~flist It finei10 i(lll ill 111~tittc stuy.lBynilving
Hj w oH reM ) Vemaeor ltilof thit' fosilhis ifyoliete fOgitii'0tiIn h ls i s .C-r 110 stti ll I -
01f pe e~~dic lcr,,(,sh oeasyI~t isliiinbei tilopptlilty olitbilie itilof tet iii itti Pt If th
STHE ANN ABORORGAN G~eIu.ee k n: ~v tr ntepo
it11ftis( lt 1itl i. i t c l tvalO t fsa siittf '~letOslIItfei xson llile
S. MAIN S Tep.setfr eteninnb
T' 11eeI wl 1 rti i iliiliil 1041 lolisi l.li'lliea
ixoztsiastlitttwimenubwitithhtiittillieloft'ntilts 11111if tt s id entitosif t ilen1tinlti
I~i ei ai Olysiisillii tle OttiO ~itItils tf ii tiloill(i,' oOuti 11lt'l 1010ma1 i oeoi 5n rvlgsis e h t 1110iliti o ilitilshwarlfyi lecuse d e
)f * as stn a- ll liioilOsi "ti it Oln(1o. T emailtilops t tttttt u ioffl il'is 111
o~l i~~~olgtinn s''lig "'h''lng ittg frtri ittite beii pl~ at bx is atnttdltg. it7 h ttit t ittiasitthei asnt to et is ittto
- itilotiloil te outti at all tilt 0tti illinate flet~liilolisClbiiween f"'(11t-tbort
aos iitiie sfotutisitfiat Is- otili la av e iii Iefforts t ra to
the uliiiton entand tey steutc lt' tice t ltts' f ttsycombIine i e tri ltg osne s tiit
for te Seson f 189 . 11111 oitt sfl-'io s:'w ll oe initl i ti e oi ts reheldtotight0ly ion e ltcy teoht'g e olt "Its 111ide i-t
H T ).rmtn, Ln:,lih tur itaau ad itis llt flit'vningi yI tsat 100 , i'. in lr.eIt of lhtit o iwto (t
Se \tinlot fr ii itidttil li-fe.to.onr BetaIn;Jae theArigiadt
iTe-til ti ofstutif clilt'hi ttl sctsl it e " f ist titl deotl- t sa
* it it Iilshi-i, ltuic-tiii tlotilotui us a~gltstatti11 h uttyii' cota - 11
~ e o ~ 1 .1eros h Sl t e t presenl) i thcu nt I- thi rt he sa' 115 is t'til'ihcover te e i e ttitis'tl fitnlr e f he ar uge Lst10 y1 ear M Ititi y fittt ametil ni ihalin
Fulitl-aetofRBasebailiGoodss0fiiifln ti al sf llit oO ll51 t iusI to n i ti-o ig ltd toI. uhegit',"
in uthetSeason of t8u6.(tusitiare' iti i'"lhuws:lPoesient,'Iuroil,. sciencetinuittbruitde(tstnsetctmpr151111
in 'tvetes. I'lhi StmpfliBeCrltiI-tin; t ('Iles ll'iol 'Oituluo'tsshtt (ui lu'luu h e ol gee lstil, adIf. wC s ill
1ttost,\'~---sl.Ita. l i. c,<eil-rlcmaaieBan nsqerl lce ~irullpe,
- I 's th i s toryg, fluy ie.aItulu t'; 'tlll 'it iu ti'tt'ii tltAt~tu-il
b. h a n o tfo islit;i tutia t.d I Pro- 'l; .Btun, tlotli -c-- et'ulutli fdenl'i'tltuIu,' ht t-ouhecti ra l sie.lathe nil-
Ie c n ;Iuuli utlg - n , ri e on o3.-tilt-u- afit- l y lr s f I lu uuiud eli t' U s lg ' sf 'u s 1 u' us io o . 1. t tu i, 'ht,
S T A T E 5 T . 1 1 1 0 0 , t i u t i stt hb eIt u histetl il eauh e l s s t ifs1 1fr o1- mli tigni ' 5 1 5 a l1iit t l t i t t lI a s i t C f_ aI Cwif ' , "nh u
~~I~cIT o Lt fis th113 otuf Vttntl'o 'by tihtt-
The SL eaigt ailos.1 Ph illla taulley-MatI of iti rklg e ntitertAsrsedilu' ius ~ tiiti l Ro cnuiuser ill hu'Itlub Ihavettbeena
sod nlydirct I porer n th ciy, nigversity, ______IhuiutselWt-oraataePiloegerNekl, t-lIA ltlstasf 101;
ha) ser'e i ed l lt en i e t ck of L S T C A N E O A Y ' h n ' t eg lrl etielf l e t e dIt P restli datI en ie ut . ie ub11. o
Foein ndDoesicWolct o
S pri ge nth a u mer '99, at nries for I n d o o rsĀ° M a et Mt B ege y w ll l e e dtlu ir. ( oerou i l tios }f,; i ctaY rt e side t ,iii lieno of b its Rtu
In by Tonight. 51a') at bhoe rgtlu i itne ausuhnullel gin;seer 'liii . ti.itie a-il hefci;L;oiu
NO .WSHT ONE ST. mnNEAR MAIN. DenthsolnPo- yProf l'tC ltitala"e i ute.entf 13'thesue r.7Ogi en 9I7uL. lt ttdu
Full ressSuita Spcialy.uTeventies orfteIsdit',"tubbluse
1suubut hlt-hall11511 ssth'l l Ity Ic~; 10- loieneeoen As'istS -helsu 111111and uDEDICAe tTE'A E Wsi T WO SutallT CE.
I PO ry d yI S N O IC . cli ttlt a iItoCsitanbrooeuh 11'hlO tl e , p1.nstu'rf'indatill eecu' Ile lby'Prof.h
S113' bolutnPiladelplyhuBeeir-,t ft-it rehmngalinnCube(rts' Sa, ci ealdW'ill:BeTan
Statiou"cryTry SS _______eta.
~ . till;tide.1111 tulbitioaleIot-;Susloe t- fests to h ttaPi TuheP thi r an nuailc 'ISl f he
b~e cn chw f~l al thelatet esseeitllI uluirmlill he tigluii arilI h~llts e e t fratbett ics hetiOr Meigo tltcBad
Tints, adito all or theLopopnlr szeadli Watrdr,'uty11105i'ttttiin at- iedo-emcf ~guer vl b ed1ar Qa
aviti nvlops t m tch fr haa' hit itohat 1111 s fsstfine i frnuapaestain g -obaliet ut't N 4e'lhe .Anic imr rat igi ths
a d tries dand sGentmenstoli ho-Id eho beysAit-llNhE TODAY eeTeoreaoturegylarftleutroat t hor ris-th prga 'wlbeheddaio of
orre pndDoetc W oeg secatalto se.i onrofte n
spring an Summer 6, at Enties forindoortMetlMusinBeclitt 'wllibe helhlomtrtttfifll.~
dig ttittins rcetin nd loesfrin Thed nilghl ibclt. e-da il) a go Seteu rB utbie cuban lced ier h ui wl efrl
vi2E.Sit INGTard S TNd AingMeIN- aiuesProf_______esnsor lsslntian lresten a lp-bylteE'ia n eetr'bs Banuo indtol n hc
ogI ressuis ad adre iest. Pl T eetisfrteido etcoe i lb ae n axagZi
printng. W tak plea ure n ig Btan uetl of '0 ms e n by o The Bat ive by t e ditl lyeD iy as sen a Inre-nil e
toihe is lm bnut o ltlf rensrso n d hmCoeei n loot thneaen istailet. s eriosy l
ii gpp} B O ST R S haim e vito he holistd ttasn. hterfe'ist rpds et. On h c-uso n
Pit y ni h p en is s o er Lse aorni g.'Alres - enr y on nt wst a remu t e wi tlt p eum oi al ande hs e toi a n
PeTss ew Twe oafueAts ar te numbe01riilbere erSaneA aige urouaish int revimeets la ely.pbisconeditioni
tel em~t absbineippsdbeoceartends
Ite tatstowy 4 Nl teMate t c-ittftuusDoutef.town. fctadeneitienday.ve r pecrus