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February 26, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-02-26

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j:r..hotsto pSIfand hatteries are always "out otftpoacti,-e"' andll nt take
It oother let everyunuder ci.::-s nan was a <nothier way of s ~aying "we ar~e UNIVER SITY HA .L,
Published D~aily (Sooday exceptedl) Buris. lear in nooind thait 00 yearf -on 110W 5010 by ao rliqne for the pnrposes of at da e' " t
thetooieevyery0 tositinin teo "noet' l011 0ill reveneonly."The re: ut was that
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. tone to be 1fil(1dwoi li hlO 10-it ithe clulbo sthredl ou10andl others took
Ori pTmsosoic . Mi t,1 Look over the list of tie le oytres 11 their aes 10o the entire e atisfa rtion ir q
JODITOES i~ooow inl college hId yooi swill oseti-It of 1110 Olaudience anodplared thoclawvII MP E~ B E
everyoone .grao.i tea this 9eitr. Sooif' studoelots: nh1 01 of n vvhreti~etbyil
S. ~ ~ ~ ~ i ink. KaAea,', . hs, to 001011'0 ooil owoing noi, yonr not be con)isyelledl to recd iea1
W.5«,11000100, ''98, . L. ti155101, 'took Chan1ces5 fer iiltlliO the 00ea01 il thlr.soelhorgonll'~tioiis.V I '5 to Clbs',MISS KATHARINE RIDGEWAY
ED~Z ITOI-I -I~iF , follosving;oseason glsou :~l0)ir hn0. but10can taoethem foor so hathley ar:READER.
G. B.11. Olclo, ,'t9S0L. - - -- lrivaoteia' luteiur of litos.
A FEW PERTINENT FACTS, lt ih ubornti~tooIov Admission, - 50 Cents.
1%1: IS SXtING E11I~t I, ll)suhE;°lu<tau l
.. . To10nsAs, '90. A Student Criticises the Action ofa to) weaor the liniversity 11ame10ab1roaod is
Our Musical Organizations. Incllher mnattor. Certain it 1s that lassy 2d Sen' !ester.
LIt. villlt. clitor of the Daily: olnotons Ire iit 1111' nlf oDtos so ho
have delivere d thenomsles of var NVESTyCHO F ACN
ASO'CI TOO u'ITOES T~tiort'alsloaroot in the olitorioll esl-
0 A Patt 'O t. il.loth '5 P Otlios ofyoor ooooroo Moiltay Fb-harob ooinions asto totheonnsicaol tlent Opposite LAW' building.
S. 0. Sodt, '00 L. 0. E. Slorsas, '9a. or lark of talent ostolooyecd toy theseTEM R HEESCFHEYA
F. Simolon, '905. 1. 13. tGamono, '8 . 5 ro 1 ~O,0 c~lllit1101 h b eloanido as to teir right to m-arI Ii1 ERS$1FRTHMET.FTE:ER
F. A. t"aooilo,'tOE.. It. It. tRoilly, '990. jtartet loh t to:' to o-.v' lit (xle otoo

I0,0. o.auldk. '90903I. I. . W alsho, '951 .
C B.fRoe, 't9o ). Susabnnahl iiRichrsson,. '9ts.
G. 1. Sioos,'00.

It luooCl'blos ottol110otot c'.earrtitoloothet
lo''o"Iillt, a t 1' C-oltlorotiiono of Wtsh-

tho'y t'otre0atls o zbtislly 011n01froinol
I whse nterst'the 0'ref-u-irremoved.'O

Tieasubcripotion prieoof theoDally has i il01's Ilir~lttdaon001natuoraloay atol. OfUOOI \NT.
beentoredacedlto 01.2.0iton dvaeaof to th too00Sinoco' tio' writer is isl a 1oooitioon too NOTItE.
of theo year. Leaveo oab-erilttiolls at toe kowoo t' standot 5000111 tho'seO Ottfltti.O- Alnetors0.1s-ltav 'oia
Ilaily ollhoe or with 0P.tO. Moyer, U. of M. Alilmeso 0 wl ae-o
Newso Stanod. tiools11ha0'0e11001 ll nthe fist toooye'ars foototrpoiints in 01109 hobOdoa' sincec
in thisnmatteorhtoo'los it ho oFluty too onto'i~t-i to' unive-trsiiy a0d0 ar1 ittcOl
TIher-e semtos to be a gosocrof Ootil- ash 9youtr foi-be trotlto-t' os-lote c'lotss the'pr'ese'nt intt tte -0laso-will ttle'ose're'o'ttl
onpeaetoon the mdotfclttthe puobieit tnootboy f tlo 011ilsono ftootoph sloaphgaotlry on doat-
gottereslythOlynt 0S il h liyioyltt in:;ott It o'coook sliottp foot
gtn'olyta il oot't stf t' toots orsity. -ttaetiteaotm pdcture. l~rinotou'tillii
admiittecdto the 1l0110 901r 000119. 'J hose
hain heIate 11ch:'g l..1 t Ill 51,05 these Organithrttio 00010rei- lotloos. 11. 11. ST [':tif,
baigtev ilri til~t vs tsitoottototke Islet ilint£rtoliioory 00111l,c o
untderstood thto leseryotne ('01 tend. celi'hrationoof tio clay. 'lieoen010'r0'
For t os-tooho sviti to tako "ollie sponlse ft 0 to'llteo voos a al ttro'stii IS. L. A . C ourse
wsork duorinig thteir-1'ii)v'rsit9' ilS otirlprise IltOttoey', -Inivrity'o0-
01 shlstsiioyooioioi ettj'ctt riiatiolo supptoroted by109 to' stli ts1. 'fllI'V'RSITY'HALL,
as rannlot be treatecd ill a1State iosttt- so Wb sco ootettafs'tol ~ ednesday, Marchi 4
tiontli,c10bible-ct1.iii c~oduc.ttdby' tossoorcltho' obsersoance of suochoaoto1ot
Prof. tooler in Zs'N!be'ors tftltofferswitoutta 1ecotniiry ' roooiolfoti'ther IAi
thte best meantts thtioari.e olOt i.lale at )tit'tt alo r sil' T s' of llto ouldooto'otlII"l f iy
ttri t'sit. Thew ofooltoe attot InIot on, flfle
present. fn aottttr columnowsill be
found otn annlounreooo no f til e oOtrSes 1sket'othi why sotohy11evctot lc ot cotiioo'-O
offrrdffor the£se' -ioct eloo'st'r. i'latutt0t51styilti'110ottiliosioiwssO
__________________ chaorged and the affoir -5100010 be- br h .n I no l "

Gibson & Clark,
(Roger & Gallet).

Rich, haovy, lasliur.,
1110vfe'y latest pir-
fnuics. Usually sold
in 11oz..bttle for
$1.75 per bottle.
We offor it in butlk at
L1.0 an Ounce.


WAe beg;leave'0too colflihe attenltion
of 1110' 9ou0100ladieos of thle IUniversity'
to the fotct that they9 fhave ot readcing
tonotconsuiltaonlrootIfitedttp ts-
110('11119'for tlileir lise. Altttgl lti
boss beent frnitir for thenot, they
stetni to haot'elapproptrialted tilerost roll
of 0110 hall joust betwerenthtwo 000sttir-
ws'. A timtid 10101noust 'eithoer boar
the tortulre of fpusling;ftissvway' throtuph
tlefthron~gor 'too bolttots closoes.
Ouattenitiont has htrot c-atlel to the
filtctota t-ry fewsnew ss' ell or 111-

ailsoovr'to Illis 55005 tthttatt~ilothl"thor
laws"s'tner iiesitioto'd too colotort 1 toe
ocltbs iiit'very ' lioi'r 9-yetl t'efp!'oOlt'
01n01stutdonts cared olnore for ot fewsseso
letitot's fromoo theeou9'thfu~l iiitsit'iins
thaon for oaltto othler exercisebs of the
11019 ando if the elibs Oappteaed it 0001110
toe 0101'y01n payml~entof twventy-fire tot-
1010. IIthoteijud es swolboase ollc-d
1111; coniceit, hbit we soitt let it poastoy
thet nitdct'desigitot tion of "010ilinte
} S' otllSets's of 'supferiority.'" Tho'
irommnittet's felt. nitooblr to dot oitlout

ig ot for baseball pr tt-cin l the rho cloths otnol paid theoxorbitiant fee
Gymltnasoim. This shoolfoeve-moe'died ldemanded101 uter fprotstt.
as soon as psossible for inl bo-obatl Too5f1il, nsig01as9tttto
wsell at, ill foootbatlsot'ectonootIoto'av oc, hasy expenlse inavolv'ed ill securing, a
sneeroof5ol t ooonllo tlr' Oto'i.~v featter, these societies tdemndedt
compeftfitonfor 1t0he iioo'0'0. As th i I t110000dollars to sin~g anti flay' 00fews
lltanalrillent lhas stiggeuhed too f plan of of tht ' Iiees owicllh as'e been ht-rtl
leainig tWoO tamls this 9-tar,0every'100101 by Unliversity audtientes since tile
sho00u101comeO (ot anlotry' fotr tle to- dalys of Dr. Taphpan, termted by unouc-
serves as oel 11isfor to' V5'tary9. essfnbl anitdates for positions0 on the
Soleibr sonethintiforyonrcologoono orft'e othter of these orgralltatiolls
and wve shall soon have thle spirit that "chestnnfs." Thle sonmmlit tees took the
Yale is so prouot of. position float t110cebbs weore Univergty
Sevralvaaltirsinthetoslk upeforganizations andf as snob :it svas the
Seveal acacie in he nake u ofheight of arrogance sndtisnosbbery for
the 10010 this year mu)0st boe fibedIthena to refose to take pao't unless
Now men mlunt be found for Oboe entire poit for if. The "clubs ilonletiately
oot field as well as tbhe posiftion ofI notified those in charge Oithatltey vere

Admission, - 50 Cents. Suibscribe for the Daily.
Elisq The Tailr
Week of March 2d,
The biggest line of Foreign Novelties in
Stiltings and Tronserhigs
ever displayed. A guaranteed saving of 25- per
cent on every purchase.

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