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October 10, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-10-10

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P.f Jr~u
Published (ally (Sunday excepted) during
the College year, at
GisnrEe: Times bilding N. Maist., opposite
post office.
J. A. Listoy, '96, Manaing Editor.
C. 1). CAuRY, G. L, Assistant.
S. E. EsAPEN, '((, Athletic Editor.
IR. C. PAse, ') M, Business Manager.
Associate Editors.
L. A. Pratt, '6. A. K. etrie, '(8.
C. A. iloughton, 'II(D. . Al. Heath, '6I P.
. . Fiarell,'8. i. B. (mmon 'libM.
Katherinefteed, '7. . B. iarriton, '((L.
Commnications regarding foreign aver-
tisintg should he addesed to G. B. Harrison.
cnnectcd swih the local subscription list of
this paper is in charge of . C. Meyer, d6 E
William st.- All other business matters ar
under the immediate direction of the busi-
ness maager.
The prie of the (aly will remain a here-
tofore. 5.10isyear. Ivarably is adeance
noswithsanding the act that publication
will be continuesd unil tommencemesnt.
Theiirt' s'eemed(l list oIllsulbet
wso'thy tof diewsnsion arondis 111e
ansi that sNAS,1111'i-r'turniof ''.iiiiiie''
itaird td ouli' ght55i1y captal~in d quar-
le a-i sck of lasiea'sir els't'i. Froml
tise very it sihiii'greiatqust'~lio ass
place?"'Hils ability to play liii posi-
tiosi.ge'niis si' organizlain ad gesl
erlship andl personatl plarlityr-l' siti
thi layehs-iiandi tis' sshile Vnivsersiy
we'(re quitis thran1:1 s''med('toIsi ak
liais rei'iirs'indiisa'nsable aiilhis is-
turn', wlis'iiAvI'haiiljul 1st onus'r-
concitiles lo5) ng hill),1111 5iobtly grat-
fyng. It is as if sss' all feba it ine'
1101(1oil'victory i. 2.
Quite a nmbr of stdiens has's
handedl'Ilini their nanlas'stIstCe atata-
log esior if the tily as caiidtates
for a Iposiionoil oithe sasf. OOut of
this nuimibtrlhoweve-tr, lessahats half
lae- beeia doing liy atire work et-
tingimate'rial fo' till'pape0r. It is aii
isisvariablcesulthaoost n0ste is given a
posiionl onBthe tboarsd wiioutsinltd
eingBlh it in1 comnpetitioni. All coi-
IS'litio5il imsst b(sneg copy 'tisthe otice
at least Itwicca-ery aweek or they
will not lbe considlered. 'fher is risan
fisr aiiotliet'esiisi'fro tiiliiiiig Ce
woestue n si wo as isistat ma-
ag;ilg editors d aiediitors from te
engineeringiandut loieoirtluic Ielalit
bnens. Nisety-seen len isri also
wantesd still.
Fire Protection 'Needd.
('be subljet of ire escpesl for the
lassdepalrtmen'lt wasusdisussd r eo
sislerlily lust yettr, ut noinisg wasa
acceomplis'd in the maittler. This
year Ctle subet has been idisussed
somewahat amionig(le mlemibers of (le
departmentx, andelt(e matter aill be
clled to (le atention of tho regets
by the faculty. Wheniathe letue
room in crewded, s it inllurig so
great a prt of (le time, (lesdanger
of acidens is very great, because of
the poor exi affrded.

_____ JEOPARD~Y.
ATHLETIC TEAM FOR '9. An Embabtrrassed Merchant Seekse Re-
Number of New School Athletes lief in Aim Arbor.
Fron- Chicago and Other Places
Here-Will Appear in all Field Tosands Sacriiced Is Say a Dread-
Day. eP Cabastropie.
Thbe followsing is ini article pritedl
iii (lie('hictigo Tfimies-tlertilsdrinig At 30 ],. Ilroii t., nearly opoie
Che suiesr: Che iHamiloni block in this ciy there
"'flu' atltic ilipariiiei-t of the will be pst oii sale for seven das, be-
llns-irsiiy of -Mihigantilsil be Igising Saturdaly October 12, at B
stri'ngteul Ctiliatall by sComl" lrioi-olockt t. ii., a large sock of men~t's,
isimigyounig atltelis rout te'Cir'oi-asboys' ad h culdres's cloting, brought
high schisols. Thti-imatjority- of Cule froiiit(le sarerosins of one of the
boy3s compolsingIp(ll' aill-ic t-ealls iii lagest asholesale detlers ii Deroit
-1111 stirions high schools grasuteid ls't'is, cocrn, forcei by 1111'hard
string. ansi a consideraibl nsumber of tmesswill sell oftoa portois of their
these sall eider thie' Uiisert(' of sotk at reail in order 1o meet pres-
Mliciigtui. Froi th le SouthibDivsoistslg oligataions. "As oeiersons loss
hipglisholol ath~letlictieami (. iS. Adtas is aother's gain," so (Pis sale affords
111' capt~ai,.1Jo11n1Auer, .J. Pillity hutd agrandl opploruitys 'to(le peolebs'of
iIt. .iilly go to Anni Arbolr this fall. AiniAbor lullviinitiy to lay iii a
"'liii-South i slaollea nt he ias11 11-sppiily of switer clothing cetapil
iPdoor lchampll~ioship tinspitng, and Goodels ssill bs sl flr less ithasthe
Second p llices'i1111' outdoolr chaion11,i- cost 1of miaking, een liss anau40 cents
shill gamsils'oil IJune' i, as-il-lillbutitith le dllair, Ii ordr' to realize iioiey
fouir f liii'high s1c111111reclIors-iri' huick Northinig inie uatueof bak-
fas' firsts11o11 f a~a ossil sl-is-. offerdforle ls, bittthe labIestodts'
111111' ailtisr. asills a irecord f 9 fel ilaose, made 1t'11ll iiilihe sost faslilou-
8 fiilh's. Wilthiia;irsgulalr trainser h le 110syls, aill be solld, iandtfos' 11s0
asill l'asiy 'lerilteIssiflIt,w-i-ilsliasill be thaniCI'the-actual cositimaking. Ever'y
abot ont 10aipahr ithli hte' work lof 11111r artices-'old asarautrsi o as-prsnted,
sols-ps'e-vaults'rs. Adamsisar11lso doe and11oasy out- prie Cs eeryoneil'1-
2 feet liin's ill thi ue high u.iiJohntllsalwigpare ta fl-asprices awhichlisows
Auer asona (le high sc-hoo~l ('chmpli-howllls-seiouhs is our siuation.
s111hip ntihl'.10lilyard daPshlinlitill-good0 ]fill' IIs'uslistroi s tSiiheie sts,
time f 010-5. - -Auelr hias Pt-I-tiruni- woCrti $1,$21anst $2 fo $.7; sleni-
inag ibuhti sas'wmohis.Il~e hiss Psat- diltcheioIt sils in single ansule~ill
(11151 ssIuiPIrfulhy. 11111 s-isisakenin hbhreahstd, $4.7; elegnit NsIthinghah
lhndtby ali expe~rt triruw sill ni-itwhassP, 1chaupl tat a,at $.95. Sill
dIuhtlIl'mailkei'ailnamel'fol'rihimslf. miixeud 5wos5t'Cd sut 011111 eerywhetsrs-
Auer ,oni lhe 220-'trd rimi in (:23t .at $8 and ;2(, for $1.5.Ianulsonule
whIic-h is wsithin aiscontd'lihand11 a frae- taior mlade sils at $8.90. Great
(lout Iffis'collIgesco'lrdlt.Ii as-ilbiu'stormn usters. highs oltrsadtrl ta)
a prlominetil ufaistor inusthe ilshes ii thI' 111ng.asirthi $4.111and 1. a $.8.
classafheldfaths u fash IC AllisAbolr.('hinchillhacos-ver Iovercas, sery su-
Polkis15a 001111 'll-aroundmalleite able,'.aif$4.7. Ieay (slled cassi-
aslhia urecord of :, 1111 4 inhe~Is ini hisrthusre overcats, aorthi $20, at $2,112.
run.i Riillsyasont11hel-( it I tlashi at
ihuse liil i inor iirnruiItsih nes, his1511C losin g O u iI~t
plays itsva11111 utto a sprintr55wit gooI
taitning. A niumubusr of thes-o1111r ighu We hav eft a fair stock of
01c1:1101 ws'illie repriented at AnntuAr- all sorts of
blurb Pa'hill-s'(est ciihitI'."WRTN TA L S
Besidels thlcse siis'therurt' tsuhei
promlise o1f hleclruiiittvaluale hl'for te which cam- be closed ot as
tlacth eamtil, somue frontu C'liuago an111 follows:
sotu frlloiliter lplacss. -V'.1.-eurril, MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C
of Aple~~tii-Wis., ihas5eI-diedtcl heGOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP 3FOR IOC
phressueutical'repatmient.sHe'agepa-tGOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC
Riponmilust ye'ir'asd5wia5s cediedl witi CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C
a hiuhndred yardls PushIni hi4-5 seconsds, BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C
withs (le wleis I is back. C.T- ra- WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB.
115, caniidate for endllonltheticVaity This stock will not be replaced.
e-een, comies fros(ntCusig Academiy, Cdome quick for first choice.
M.ass., where te mdle gsod recordss it
the pole vault(tand mile wal~ik. Tie' Argus Printing House.
ate also other mucu asho asill be eardl
from at (he fall field mueet ors'lis the THE BOOK OF ATHLETICS
Very desirable light and well ven- AND OUTOFDOOR SPORTS,
tilated single room wih heat at 20IE. NRMNEYDINT IAE R
Williamsst. Rent reasonable. Would Captain of the Mtt aes Team, 1895.
beard party renting it. Call at the
house. 31 This unique ool s i an ahlsetic symposium
contributed to by wel-hnown amaers,. e-'
At 4 N. Fifth ave., very nicely fur- peets and cloiege tem-aptais. Ilarard,
nihdfotsuite roodm, furnace heal Yale, and ther eding conlleges are repre-
nihe fonsented. Fotbal, bsealt, tenis, golf,
and bath, Also (able bard for a lii- cricket, hurdling and tach athletics, yacht-
ing, nkating, bicycling, etc., are practically
ited number. and suggestvey treated. One yol., cloth,
vo., profusely ilustrated, $.0.
Frank C. Smith, teacher of the vi1o- For sale by all boohselers.
li. Studio at the Ann Arbor Organ THlE LOTHROP PUBLISHING COMPANY,
Co.'s store. 37 92 Pearl Street, Boton.

Kersey tops coats, Englshl make, worth
$22, at $850. A large ot of Harisa
cassiduere boys' suits awosti$8 a, $3.7.
tine tw-ild suits, worths $10, at $;4.0.
Childrem's suits, Pbargains at $3.0, for
$1.23. lHundreuds of stong aworking
hants, wsorthu $1.7, at 69 cents. Thous-
andis of hueavy dIeuhm oseuals awithisibb
and .suspenders, worths 7 cests, nosw
22 cens. All wool underwaear 43 cens
ech. Suspeuders 9 cetts. Ittasill pay
you to conic 100 silica to attend .this
sale, hs it is suh an oportnity that
comues Put once i a lifetimeu. Readeslc
of (his arihce asill do ther friendls a
fuavosr by metionhing tis stle o theti
and tie locatiton of the store, awhich is
No. 30 E.II.utron At, nearly opposie
Hamailhtou block, Ann Arbor, Mtich.
MerchuantIsesiring to replenishs thcir
stock waoul sdo aseli (o attndthishssal.
(oolds80111 for cashluuy.
Slifttc'rlY A SC'HOLl~.
(rager's school of din wiclahl be
cnn stricly s ut school (is0 opi~~s
gisveti). We asill confinte oures'ves o
11he simaphle- methodiof instrciont usel
ini ourshol to havatce thepluil a s
fas haossil. tn forming or clus-
cs srict athtisihou asill be givcun (lic
(ersonnechloft he smei. All cliass
comment'sce, this weekci. Olic~e grunt
flor 0I Maynard s. onuebloc1k wasct of
States s- tores, opolshite Schooull of Mtu-
sic bildh~ig. (ranger's Academy is
nost a pulch l~l 3h 8
For the biggest ((95 pags) 2c note-
book go to Schaer's Bookstore, 1 EI.
W'ashingon t. 21
This space is reserved
for the Grand Opera
Gorg's liery and Badirg arn
Phone 13. Good Ihaek= old Liery
alays on had. Esqyuire for Geresa
())1 and:W14 E. Hill St., Ann Arbor,
Bert's Borded sd ascii cared for.
(Goatlie rslolog horses for Ladies,
Tu ll on them for
Fine Lnhs
Fine Chocolates,
and Baked Goods.
Try Our Lunches.
25 CTS. TO $3.50
Jewey Store,
l11ghs Gloss n5dromestle Fiish.
E. S. SERVISS, Manager,

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