Manufactured for the present season, are only sold by us.
PRICES: Suits from $15 to $20. Overcoats, from $15 to $24.
E. & W. Collars and Cuffs, Cutter and Crossette Neckwear, High Class Furnishings.
/ Time Table (Revised) May , 1894. Ninety-Eight and Ninety-Nine Are I
EAST. WEST. Getting Out. Ini order is give our subscibers te Readers of the Daily will con-
. M. A. M --- lest service possible we have liaceil fer a favor on the Editors ymen-___ 0Mi _______ :
N. Y. Special__. S 00 N. Y. Special.... 730 'Twenity five Niieynitsiuenitlidthe-los'ci l celtio i iielads of tioning this paper when dealing,-
Aatr x-- _01 . M. Paime .. 9 25 ~-out last nigh to start tie seassn for S' ,. u -uio with advertisers
AM. PcfcE-__ 15711 P. M yr an wecn nwAtlantic E_.7 47 r. . the c-hss football teaii, lile freshmnAiiipes-- 4 etr x .00u ue rtnt n eulrdlvr
. R. Express __11 05 Cli. Nt. Es.1 io s thus beouiing Ile first inl le ield. FALL GREETING
u.RExa.. .--5 52 ar mt a eoe e prr of Ialers. (Oer list lhs been roued O ,RGLS .W AE, ili*t Ye 1.DU;GtT'O} i
G. P. & T. AgC, Chicago. At., Ann Arborcatinlilaind RlphliliNorrliiigtin t- all(1any failre to reCeive the pper or Order #t, t up Trnu intsodri :3.7
iorary tiiiitigt'r The irs t liciee chaiige tf laddress anciy be reporec d t CctentiiDyeing Prissigand blpiin.
Ann. Arbor Railway. wilillte tdaytit ll4 ooc 011 Onthe el-iteesuss tiil 4iE iliiu r FORDHA.Iv & GLEN,
Tkinc effect Sunday, Apili7,189. pus. Afie i- r st tiiiiii fwdiys tilt' lirit- titlie Dail otlice. It is sly itroigii tiechnt Tailr, 20 S.Stae St,Aim Aber
Trano leave Ass Arbor on Central Stand tie will te oii the newly wiiaikeel ou _______________________
ard time. tec-prto f or sberbr
NORTH. 00UT. rouuis aithle athletic hl-d. h t~li ii t iii slstht
8:07 a. m. *7:152 .m. Niietyeight is followig close after tiitw lreideoulitawr ig e
12:Pi.aan htweaeal t c~etalrngd-E TA 11:30.
4:15 P. m 9:00P. nm. Nie'ty-iiiui' ianulhis tcll'(d a Metetiig iviry ath e We ctic t. stiiiftilitiioii oK R
SNDAY TiiMiS, Of liii'foots tc iiiifor liis f tiron- rliii irtglhrdtl(ve(ry. All iaecs
Gingc~i Noii: at i 1 a. m. it 4 oelcli iItoiiii 0. Someii of the
Gongt South at a t, . i. shouli le dlivieredl by 1. oiclc iutn T. 0.& C. By. K. & M. Ry.
TriiisnSuidiy run betieceiiToedo and 'Varsity ien will le itiihlnii toitalk.
Blimburc nuctup11ciuy. tduraicitiiwl i 'f'tdft-siubsriters utlig xpieittiieir palers ta4 P itlidirciu Is b e teeinToeto, Oioi
Tooian run between Ann Arbir adTcid n rgnzto yilb eted --flaor ultcianedr-tec hort aiitoiyrct ute V.a(oubth
only. liii- yeir. ?- re time l ayit a01 - nhte eev hrtn o ietrue
At) Trans daiiy exceptSu day -- Agnt---i--tuibutlETWEN
W. I. BENNETT G P A. Toledo C, No Harvard-Yale Games. Tld,0
A . b u d v l m f t e a l S aAN N A R DO R 8& <Y P S L A N T I S T . R Y ['lt -e f ol wl u ig is a Vsite dl tere us4 iit -- a e i o u v e -I F in d lay , 6.
_______ 110-i ftiui iii~iih, iatelcompl(eyelres. ofW e ar ofic- etl r- Renton, .
pathro__stndteO Is: siyety s ehve efctda-Colombua, .
Time Table, May 26, 1s95. '"Priof, Amtos, huturiu iof the lr- riniehts eiabliig sbserrbers who Athens, .
Leave Ypsilanti from Congeess t., 000,:00 taruld:athetic enilitliti,1:tat uivnigkepailtogthirn m rsbudM deot, .
and 11:00 am.; 12:5,2:1,5:00, :45, 9:20 and glive-out le htuitory cf ilti'fiiotbl~li el Pie i ioer ihtles oms id ertO0.
11:00 p.m. -t-I-1- i-hf 1 oey,
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:0, 8:0 and nigiitiations bestween Harlard-arul :iil - a tre ue i t .itt iiiilo tya..
11:0 a. i.: 1:15, 2:45,5:0,7:1, 10:00 and 11:00- Pt. Pleasant, W. Va.
P. mn. Ylal, iiiii-hiof wihelihiss lray ittni'Those wshi s ireso- to tikec:auvatage Richmond. V. -
SUNDAY TIE, ptilitshiiid. I lis stit-inint Priftf this offr should ioify thut busiess Petersburg, 4a.
Leave Ypsiant from iCogresSt..:2, :0, Amotsusacitiilit- hadl writtn a lette:o mnae tlneildPitio frt a
:00),6020and 9:00p. im. thet liailigtr iofutheuY.aOldhPint-c)mfoit, Va
Leave Ann Aror Junction, :00, d;00, 5:0, lii- lttiiagr otlii- uih-to th-euihDailityiitamsurg Va
7:0 ad :30 p.m.citiontto 'iithe c'fuut that theeilte-rid S~~~--hiiis iiti'11i~ no e e pr e s a
ara run on city time are: single trip 15 lf tan esStnwthaci NwotNes a
cents: round trip tcketsu25 ents.lbe']iou uoii't ei t-ii iiihe coilsget hueortWatxy newsPARKiR,, Sith.2orfork, Va.
Ws. 1' ~miKE~i Sup t sai iiise tsins, ither i in stbl::iand cuibeeof this- Daily lboardl ortutlor- Ad d oubutc iht. 1Ign
ianyii oher-iSloiuts. Ite sadiihOat -I t tild Solicitor, or ut the IDaiiy office. drawing ruiom c s on itt through r.iss.
C Ity F ou t e iirmatioial cii yer leeal.
MAMOTHPIPSL lad ieut woul losetheir self-rcspct Putbica~tion with cover heentire col- Tiktet-Aent oruriatie
MA MOH PIE MLif tey coinseiiteduto iplay i iy115sptorm 'riiIts!I M 5OLTO)N HOttE.Gent Pd;;uAec,;
-AT--wuithleii'fteir ale hiadulreufsd iit.oETI Detrgno'au niMih
Ui 0TL.,Y &00's. noeit hutmiiin fotuall. 'l Is ttatstni iuit-ihitely afteir[thespring extiuiil-0tistM
, finiaal SiSpts tn nd to thlehte- lioiis liy Shave thei pape5r lutileud to
Reoedte1mtaeStSaeedok.httio 18eeiYaean la Sit-ainitecsr's ihtl unSet.-'l + ev 'tP5~
Ht and Cld Lunhe s at All 00Sr.lainbeweYaeadItradfrterbneadssuilcmne1he N w M el_
a loug time." iueit without extra cost. The sub- N.2Ipoe
At the Grand Opera House. srhtiontrice reim-ins s heretofore,
TheNS lG(ilbet Oeaco atill lieu- It. (; . vUtDS, .\.iierilcat-
- si-lt "Thus Slascutte Slip to tDuie"'at1the thuistess Manatgr.o
The modern stand-' Grand Ope((lour iuse S-aturdauy eening, fieDl.
..l Oc~~~i~tober 12. iteserved sells';iowyon advrtisenth.aly$80
W Iard Family Medi- ;iile. ____-___ _ -___
CX ine: Cures the An exehauge says "It is no extiav- .
t/) ligaut pr rse ito say thaut thisieniter- Ty e r t r1~
Ilcommon every-day hihi vnet woosievec55r15usedl by Sny w ritery
ilofhmnt. colpaiy that.t hissisied our own.ISN WRAY
ilofhmnt. All students' supplies t Sumlery's YoungISNWRAY
Gy rro rgStore. Men The latest model of the first success-
z Fine U. of Mf, Sttionery t Sebial- .,..«.«..sur aderi e- tlowpietywrer
mentaln part paymen forabigS gade Ame NwIesmrvdcntutobte
e's Bookstore, 310 T. Washington at. bicyee, ,whichwe send tems nsprval. 1N NwiesoIpoe osruuubt
, -swork dne usiI he ccel arrivesan prves finih, and greter speed. Sold by thin ask-
fw 22 saisator. era direct at a price slightly above the ma-
Teyplaatrosa30Crc Young Ladies seme tems uletring cst. end for catalogue and let-
St. Fu'rnace heat. A few boarders ifby rtlsapybyms ewl eo-te written with it.
Adlvertise Your Wants desired. 30 Amend YCLE AMRIGAN TYPWRITER CU
Gfood Board $2 per week; 7 Maynard AC ECYLEARIN AEIANTPWITRC.
in The Daily. st. Try my board. 24 ELHATIN._oo_2,____Boawa,_._.