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February 15, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-02-15

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Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during
the College year, at
OFFaIE: Times bailding N. Misla t., apposite
post office.
C. D. CARY, Ge. 1L. W. W. TxAYtO, '93 L.
S. E. NAar'N, '98. G. 8R. Sans, 'lb.
W. W. ouGHS, '9s, E. L Gesooss, '98 L
0. 11N155.'98.
G. B. HISONo, '08 L.
J. F. THsOMAS, '197.
L. C. WALKER, 'N6.
L. A. Pratt, '96 G. Mi. Heath, '96 P.
S. B. Smith, '98 L. C. BE. Sherman, '99.
F. Sinss.'98. 1I. B. Class 0n,'9898.
F'. A. tc ols, '93 E. R1.8R. Reilly, '99.
R, C. Paulds, '9l1. J. L. Walshs, '988 M.
C B. Roe, '118 D. Susannah Richardson, '98.
The subscription price of the Daily has
been rduced to $1.50 in advance for the re-it
of the year. Leave sa'sacriptios at the
Dully office or with P. C. Maeye, C. of M8.
News Stad.
Itecenst reimarks imade' by Ion. Benl-
tile junior Senator fromi Souit Care-
linalois been reatting the editorials of
W'inkrle's Court Jester.
A dodger a-scirculatedl early yes.
te~rdaly m~orninlg 7purporinig to reflect
discredlt on the Aiiiual I'roeinade.
If t1he persons who pcrptiilrated tis
piece of ctswxd'cesie are stunts their
explsionlshosiruld18'eimadee, isniattcr of~
pnbul'.. t is hardly neces sary to
state that the words "Wrinle print'
aittitei ioDstuspitcinltothe editors of

coining directly from thie young ladies
and tbe amount roliectert franiifilora
iniposed uponD timid 7profess rs wsho
will be derelict in thir duties Os
"elsaperona" will tundoubtedly raise
the iiecessary sum six timnes over.
An interes'tint discussion of the
tiouble whicht has aiven over the An-,
Dual Balt is given ill the currenst In-
lander. Mfr. I1. D. AWiinian, Zeta8Psi,
wh'lo presenits thie side -of thine fra-
terinities, argoes thilt the Jtiiior 810p
oir Antial Balll iias beens condauctedl as
a, private affair antileclorstilgly the
irsarernpities controlling it have the
right to invite 15 guests thiose Whom
t11y9' wish to atteiid, dlenyin~g adiiit-
tillice to othlers. Oil the oilier hiand,
it is cointended by -Mr. W. W. Drew,
Dtallla 191(91.o)1il bhalf of tile otliet
four fraternities, that the Annuial Bal
has8 becoiie aisp('venit above :aiadhe-
yond the natulre of a privtte parly:
thalt it his growvn to be aI Uliver-tty
Tilre is ili~toli1 sullhort Mi'r. Wl itl
miiti's cointentioiiaiid to brinlg forlli all
attillirl'ltioD of the "grit 91918 tierotlglly
Aneleian iil'ienadeiice which prompt-.
ed1 tile'nine frateriiities to lioldti th
Twe'itieth AnlnuliB1a11 in Toledo.
They hlave ilaced tie bail in the bands
of aifim mana~lgemlenlt. They have
ciiduactedt it stuccessftilly for the last
twenty years 1111(1its prominence ini
college life isas been brought aboult by
them. It is 11101 true thiat it would be
irlllossible for 1171 the stuen1ts ill the
tunisrersity to atteiid the bail, evN-01It
they so desired.
But Mr. Drw's argumlents seemi

fnaaterntties sliotfid have alspeared bo- ON HAND TO SEE THE FUN,
fore the Board and niade their prots-st
early in the seasois and before liabili- FEBRUARY MEETING OF RE-
tiesg had been icurred by the nine, or CENTS HELD YESTERDAY.
not at alt."
This has been niade stronger by the Grunt Une of Gymnasium for Leap
actonof heReenss+yeserayin Year Ral-Open Bida for Women'
actin ofthe tetets ysteray Builing-Short Session.
pa.sii'ga rule under wich: the nin~e
fratertaities cain rent tile tynliasiul The 8"sblruaa'yluectilig of the Boar'd~
nextgnt year for a party strictly exclusive Ieg a s held, yesterday. Aftr


anid plivatle in its mature. Perh-alla

much debate it Nvas, decided by a. vote


amiicable a'rraingo'meist milit hlas's of four to three that the iyii1nisiuni
been perfected if this matter had beellIsiould be granted for tlle Leap Year
biought up earlier in the year. dancing party to lbe given by mem-
itut this is all pest history, tPor the bers of the Waomen's League only on
future, iii the words of 'Mr. Drew' "it paymnent of thie feeM of $100. Thlisinat-
is tio be hioped that another year wvill ter was reconsidered, however, at the
find a iiew organization of the affair afterinoon session and thle use of the
upon broadt liberal ixies, and that tic- Gy'mnasittm for this occalsionvwos
best intereats of the Uniiversity will be grailtedt, ithiout charge.
boriie iii mind iii its formnation." The bids receis-ed for the conatruc-
_______________ tion of the Womiein's Buibding were
Faculty Gun Club. opened and referred to Ihe builithg
- . coiinittee. A trophy 'room, also- to be
Thelpropoed ltfacu'tylv un 1crltb li-s
ulsed by thec alilletic board 115 .t.Iplace.
berinea el'iiiiet ogaizaioi. -Ifor holding their mneetings, was act
at mecting hldb Satuirday tile follossin"
asirle ill the (4iilllsilii. 1'rof. Roeife
officers swem'e elected: Presidemit, Mlaj.wagwtdlevofbsneeclet
Sotuie; secretary anld treasurer, Eale
year. Anmotion was passert to tire ef-
'it. Dw; 'altliil 1) C.Worestr.feet that all parties heldt intile Gym-
It as reierttha th elib liolidillsium isialtld close bys 2:30 a. in.
be know-n as the "imn Arbor Rhoidanld
(Gnn Cllb," 011( lb theli~elbei'siip ha's Honor System a Sucoess.
bee'n lilmited to thirty. Weekly shoots Thie exl-liiiiltion 15nl'hysioiogy
will be held Saturday-of ternoons lat given by Prof. Lonibord 'ftesrlay by
the fai' grotund's. whl}ich 1atest 55115 inad~e of tile1601101
' lie flrst shotas hldb last Sator. systAem, was a success. A numser of
dlay "afte'rnoonl withla 11theiie mebers studen~ts exloresseil thlemselv-es toe that
ipresent. Thiosr esoritg the 1110t1poinlts effert.lifter the exainliationl181antd~ t
wsere Prof. Doss, 1t) olt o-f a polssibiie interviess'rd, seeied muchr'l pleased
25; -second, trof, Mctlintock, 18 0111 withifteresult of thists ril.
of a possible 25. 'T'he next shoot swill
be gisven this afternloon at 2:(0 at tile New Mazurka by Mir. Jonas.


Msost of this attacks directed agaiust itllselt admlits that the junIior' ltop
Air. Caspar WX. X'hitley by wvesternliha~s grown to be the miost impolyrtant
nespapier's alldt colle'ge psubications social event of tile college year. It is
seem to lie enitirely' too sesere. A recognizedtras a 'nis'ensity affair out-
grealt deal canu be said pro anld coll rc- side of University circles cilt is so Ire-
garding 7n'ofession.lsm in w estern tported in all 0055'ptahierO 5 whiolL give it
athieftos, bee any suggestion that Mir. Ially attentton. It canmiot be clainied
Whitney has been guilty of piatisan-i- thmt a disbarmiient of 7110 foumr frater-
ship is certainl' umnjust. That he is a pittes fromo p~ariielitio inim this ba-l
high antliority' iin miatters athlectic is 011 the sole groundrtha~lt thicy ore not
universally conceded, anid no caretual eahilble of tatting partsvouldi be any-
reader of wshat Hlarper's WXeekly has thing else tiaa a rasnk injustice to
publishied under hits sigmnatture can atr- them, Thiey are zas active aind as able
ruse him of attempting to distort luat- in the social life of the University as
ters.MAr. XWhitney Is forcible in his are the Other& It is absuird to saiy
articles, but above all ie is fair'-miind- that 2,000 or even 1,000 students would
ed {and hioneat, and considerable cridit ever seek to attemnd the bali. The ad-
should be given him for the higher mission of the petitioning fraternities
standard ailich aestern athietics -iil to a share in thinanageinent svould
take next fall by no means make thle ball unwiel4dy,
________________ and this would give tile affair a Uti-
We hmave been pluming orselves versity tone as wvell as a University
in a mndest way because we are sble name.
to hold two "annual society events on Htorwever', there -is one phase of the
the samue evening, but the further an- question concerning wxhitchiMr. Whait-
Ilouneenient tihat we ore to have a ma-n seems Is have ahl the right onl illS
third wil bring a blushi of joy to the side. He says:
cheek of every: socially-inclined young "As every year before, the Junior
um at tiae University. Of course Hop committee has met every weekt
there wtll be a five dollar note for the since :November. Preparationa have
been going on for 11111 that time, and
fund for the W omen's Building in this was within the knowledge of this
closed with each box of dlowel's sen-t four fraRtea'nities, The Board of Rte-
because of this party, while the profits geits also met every montih. The font

Fiounil oni State st., triday, Feb. 14,
a Purse. (Oswner cxai has-c same by
callig at 0)8P.tUniversity ave'., :andt
tenmtifyimig the prohperty. 95
Snbscribe for tbe Daly.

Jotlrlllh, of Detroiit, gisves pulicaltioni
to ai hess' malzurkta1by- *Xr. Albserto
Jouas. The cover page of thiis issuso
shiowss an excellent hatlf-tone lieness
of Mir. Joinas.

Ellis, The Tailor,
THE COOK -Houses
Week of March 2d,
The biggest line of Foreign Novelties in
Sultig s and Trotiseriugs
ever displayed. A guaranteed saving of 25 per
G ent on every purchase.

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