Guests Entertained by Eight Fra-
The guests entertained by the eight
fraternities are:
Chi Psi-Mesdames Page, of Bay
City, and Grosh, of Toledo, chap-
erones; Misses Eddy, Bassett, Rossnan
and Wright, of Bay City, Misc Ritchie,
of Toledo, and Miss Duffy, of Ann
Beta Theta Pi-Mrs. M. J. Gross, of
Chicago, chaperone; Misses Carpenter.
Gray, Freund, Thomas, Worthington,
Fenton, Goodrich, Smith, Holman and
t'andler, of Chicago; Starr, of Rock-
ford, Ill.; Cady, of Detroit; Kanouse,
of Manistee; Cooley, Savage and De-
vine, of Ann Arbor.
Alpha. Delta Phi-MesdaoMes F. E.
Snow and Charles Fox, of Grand Rap-
ids and C. Al. Spitzer, chaperones; and
the Misses Field andl Mabel Field, of
Detroit; Gould, of Chicago; Pierce,
Wheeler, Ilentig, Ball, McLaren and
Barnhardt, of Grand Rapids; Walldby
and Stuart, of Adrian; Austin, of
Toledo; LeFavour, of Bay City;
George, of Ypsilanti, and Hubbard, of
Ann Arbor.
Psi Tpsilon-Mesdames P. It. Ketch-
am and Howarth, of Detroit; Rich-
ards, of Jackson; C. L. Grant, of Ke-
nosha, Wis., chaperones; and the
Misses Edna; Loomis, Blanche Bssh,
Newberry, Marie Bennett, of Jackson;
Foster, of Rochester, N. Y.; Ethel
Grant, of Kenasho, Wis.; J(kephine
Csrr, Marie McKay, Georgiana Ketch-
am, Florence Hayes, of Detroit; Cora
Lawrence, of Saginaw, Helen Douglas,
Nin l'addock and Frances Wilcox, of
Ann Arbor, and Mr. J. It. Yanlorn, of
Sigma Phi-Mesdames S. B. Cole-
lan, of Detroit, and M. C. McMurdy,
of Chicago, chaperones; Mrs. Edward
Frazer, of Chicago; the Misses Harriet
Long, Ethel Page, Elizabeth Palmer,
Abby Wagner, Louise Marsh, and Ger-
trude Springer, of Chicago; Helen
Miner, Emma Farwell, May Swift.
Edna Norris, Lizzie Fletcher, Alice
Ives, Jane Ives, Susie Patterson, of
Detroit; Grace Haven, of Ann Arbor,
god Messrs. Will Williams, Henry
Keep, Rob. L. Wagner, A. M. Muir, of
Detroit, and Lee Sherman, of Chicago.
Zeta Psi-Mesdames W. R. Burt, of
Saginaw; Walter Buhl, of Detroit;
Emerick, of Alpena, and J. S. Gfinnell
of Chicago, chaperones; and the Misses
Bessie Knight and Helen Sinyser, of
it. Wayne, Ind.; Eva Hill and Cit-.
tenden, of Chicago; Marion and Emma
Burt and Lucy Burrows, of Saginaw;
Haud Baker and Marion Tousey, of
Bay City; Donna Dickey, of Marsholil;
Harriet Hunter and Clara Henderson,
of Kalamasee; Bessie Whitehead, of
Lansing; Comstock, of Alpena; Mabel
Lindsay, Smith and Comstoek, of De
troit; Marguerite Douglas, of Ann Ar-
bor; Mary Young, of St. Joseph, and
Messrs. M. Y. Hyatt, C. C. Hyatt, C.
W. Begole and O. G. Plenties, of De
trout; C. H. Church, of Alma, A. F.
Maitland, of Negaunee, W. A. Gil-
christ, of Alpena; and D. A. Babster,
of Lima, O.
Phi Kappa Psi--Mesdames Hawtin
and Bradley, of Hinsdale, Ill.; A. D.
Gates, of Indianapolis, chaperones;
Misses Irena Hawtlin and Emma Brad-
ley, of Hinsdale, Ill.; Myrtle Goodrich
and Mary McHarg, of Chicago; Welch,
of Aurora, 19-.; Elliott, of Austin, Ill.:
Emma and Fanny Atkins, of Indiana-
polis; Howlett, Noble, Knowlton and.
Deker, of Ann Arbor; acsd Mr. Ialph
Bradley, of Hinsdale, Ill.
Delta Tau Delta-Mesdames J. M.
Fallis, of Toledo, and F. A. TInker, of1
Ann Arbor, chaperones, and the Misses
Susle MaKee, of Ann Arbor, andl while the stand taken by the other
Mess a Charles Castle, of New York; four is defended by W. W. Drew,
Elgin Heamses, of Detroit, and Fred Delta Upsilon.
Hutaff, of Detroit.
Xi Psi Chi-Mesdames Charles Bab- Wrinkle's Saint Valentine number
bitt, of Jackson, and Lawrie, of An suspasses al- previous issues. It con-
Arbor, chaperones; and the Misses talus some of Wagner's best work,
Helen Hunt, Winifred Potts, and Nel- and the front cover, in black and
lie Babbitt, of Jackson; Bessie Slav- yellow, and the middle page of this
son, of Bay City; Anna Knox, of Ran- number are testimonials to his talent,
dolph, New York; Bertha Hatch and The best prose selections are Contri-
Alice Hutchinson, of Lima, Ohio; buteel by A. M. Smith, '97. The verse
Pligcon Goodale and Nellie hin, of is by H. C. Ryan, '93, G. R. Barker,
Kalamazoo; Turner, of Cleveland; '98, H. M. Bowman, '98, and A. M.
Gertrude Loder, of Port Huron; Pow-
ell and May Smitli, of Marquette;
Blanche Cooper, of Chlarlotte; Daisy
Burke and Dillworth, of Ann Arbor,
Smith, '97. Edward Ferry, '96 L, C.
B. Parsons, '99, M. W. Caapau, 'li6,
J. E. Lawless, '98, and the Detroit
Evening News contribute clever draw-
ings. A' ticket to the Twentieth An-
nual Boi is given to each purchaser
of this number
Fallis, of Toledo, Florenice Tinker, of and Dr. Hawley, of Wiilliamston.
Ann Arbor, Jessie Tinker, of Jackson,
Babbitt, of Ypsilanti, Bessie Dunster,
of Ann Arbor, Seawall, of Cleveland,
O., Eckels, of St. Louis, Overton, Ito-
quet, and Alta Blue, of Detroit, Jones
of Kalaisazoo, Bessie liarr, of Canton,
Guests Entertained for Ann Arbor
As far as can be learned the visitors
at the vas'ious fraternity houses are
aie follows:
Delta Upsilon-Mrs. Darius Avery
and Mrs. George Fuller, of Detroit;
Mrs. W. J. Drew, of Grand Rapids,
and Mrs. J. H. Drake, of Ann Arbor,
chaperones; and the Misses Monroe
and Botsford, of Detroit; Wisnifred
Higbee and Alice Fish, of Port Huron;
Hsarguerite Mercer, Nettie Brand,
Blanche Brown, of Saginaw; Eit it
Powers and Noraa Barnhart, of irand
Rapids; Miss Truesdell, of Battle
Creek; Harriet Bingham, Helen Allen,
Boyce and Allen, of Ann Arbor.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon-Mesdames,
Omer Farrell, of Little Rock, Ark.,
Alfred Hoffmeyer, of Chicago; Chasles
Flowers and Duncan McLead, of De-
troit, chaperones; and the Misses
Grace Noble and Charlotte Thompson,
of Saginaw; Mollie Ssnith, Alice
Prince, Mary Candee, Lillian Lucas,
Harfiet Arnold and Marguerate Hick-
ey, of Chicago; Josephine Clark and
Cecilia Gilbert, of Ann Arbor.
Phsi Delta Theta--Mesdomesi C. H.
Raynor, of Adrian, S. C. Bradfield, of
Grand Rapids, caperones; and the
Misses Preston, of Detroit; Thayer, of
Saginaw; Farnsworth, of Ann Arbor;
New-'land, of Leadville, Cola.; Eldred,
of Climax; Bvsnell, of San Francisco.
Theta Delta Chi--Hesdames Sut-
phen, of Defiance, Ohio, Hanks, of
Lancaster, Ohio, and E. A. Heames,
of Detroit, chaperones; and the Misses
Geiger and Florence Geiger, of De-
troit; Martlha Johnson and Kathesine
Wells, of Chicago; Vera Haggert; of
Charlotte; Edi-te Hanks, of Lancaster,
Ohio; Minnie Sutphen and Bessie Jor
vis, of Defiance, Ohio; Oive Eddy, of,
Toledo; Jennie Morrill, of LaGrange,
Ill.; Irene Sweet, of Grand Rapids;
Current Publications.
The current number of the Inlander FUNNY SKETCHES WANTED.
which appears today is an exceptional- Having decided to omit short, per-
ly good one, and worthy of especial sonal grinds in this year's book, the
Castalian Board is desirous of getting
as many humorous sketches of Univer-
any particular, but same of the arti- city life as possible, If you know a
cles are deserving of more than pass- laughable incident or amusing charac-
ing notice. ter about the University, make a
"Before the Ball," by Shirley W. breezy sketch and put it in the Cas-
talian contribution boxes in the main
Smith, is a bright colilege story as is hall.
also "The Possibilities of the Mother
Tongeue," by Nellie F. Anderson. The P-IZE FORtSHORT STOItY.
The '91 "Res Gestae" Board offer a
editors of the Inlander are to be coi- cash prize of $15 for the best short
gratulated on the result of their ef- story on a legal subject. Contribu-
forts to bring out the story telling tions from alf departmnents are invited
ability in the University and the stor- and the Board reserve the right to use
ies deaing with college life are im- alt manuscripts ubmied.
proving in quality. NOTICE TO BASEBAtL MEN.
In the verse, both selections are All candidates for 'Varsity Baseball
worthy of mention, The Minor Poet .el m must band in their name, posi-
thon they are trying for, and depart-
Dying," by Maude E. I aldwell, and i University. Hand names to E. V.
"'the BoNer of Morplheus," by F. I. Deans, 44 E. Ann st., or Ed. C. Shields,
Daniela The cover is a very eleve 38 S. Thayer st, immediately.
design by A. . Za'charias, '99. ED. C. ShIELDS, Hgr.
Statements of both, sides in re'gard Latin Course 10, Roman Archaeol-
to the annual sll matter are ivmn; ogy, will be given at 10 o'clock Tues-
thy, Wedfiesday, Thursday sod Fri-
that of the nine fratersaties bieisig set sLay, sed emesTr
day, second semester.
forth by 1t. D. Whitman, Zeta, I si, F. W. KhLSY.
A Genuine Professional
One Ring show.
The most costly and complete
entertainment ever undertaken
in this vicinity.
Circus Canvas, Circus Seats and "Circus Lights.
A correct representation of the exterior and interior ofa circus tent.
A Big Side Show. 42 Foot Ring.
100 New and Novel Features 100
And the best one ring show you have ever seen.
Doors Open at 7 p. m., Performance at 8 p. m.
Matinee Afternoon of the 15th.