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February 15, 1896 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-02-15

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Ta enough for one person to 1NM'4'4 T " tSrLBLLDN IS NNA 6PO 1FIELD IN DANCING PARTY.
ON' play on at one time. One OFF SMOOTHLY. 00THE GYMNASIUM. Leap Year Affair Which Will
gutris not eiiough, how-11 Eclipse All Other Balls or Promo-
y ever, to supply 3,000 etu- !{t___ ___ nades-To be Given Feb. 20.
dents. That's why we have :4Music Furnished by Schremoser's Plan of Four Fraternities Partiel-
N constaintly in stock SeversaI Bonds-1M1emorial Ilali Prettily pated in by 100 Couples-Music Arain~eixEntis are belig 111ad1 by
dozenls of guitars of various ~Decorated--l50 Couples by 19t11:eilment Bland- the 1ladies: of thie Woliei'S Leaguie for
makes and prices. 1" Present. Dance Till 4:30. bolding a grand fLeap Year hall ini (le.
IlA literloall (yilliasiouilon tile after -
1ETRLO TOR S Till T'Nelietl Alnsual Bail of the Tile fealteellit los who s iite~lli in
II 110011 noni'of ebruary 29)11. ''tie affair
I U. OFM1UTR III pilll:t~lll frafernities, (Ailiift, Alpha file Annuial Pronlleuade gvell last promises to.to'easueereseful as, well
S It's good a itsnae 1H Delta Pbi, Sigmna Pbi, ZLeta, Pst, Psi nlighit at till' trma YI'luuitl'rnla as nolelonelni.thehliesar
as name. iBetSThat, iioI'lI (1110,ae ocintsifl t beIroid.ofsteare
THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., tpioBeaTeaPt lt il l110' l',ol l I 11(1 ftieI-('rlkiug iarllto1(1tits eidl Miss,.\May
S. N S Psi anld.Delia Tau Delta, wasg hldis110of tfiet iflfs. Tiles:' imferli- te b ie11(5 l lag n
h44 __ in Memni all, Toledo, last littties.,fDelta Ils~xoniSiglia Alllil 'l>ef)- oin onitshaebe
_______________________________________1111 as littf'lded withi.lu th e ssrcialshln, Pfi ltia, TbeIti 1111ffTiefa apoitedtoact udrhr
1896 1896 Ollfl1050 110 if lsita10b11n('010rihe'eto- Delta t"il, lsoiil'(f by tile two (lealli iaeo slllt(eMs ucn
fore.IbTheball 10.15Il lalllglidI'l'litaf- fra lenxities, Delia Sigilla IDelta , l is erbMis('lie'
Si EON0 SMETR 1111 in (iryditil n11;'1111iil1115 XIts Psi Pfi, 11an 001a1' Ire f rll R
11:1 S ASTR 5aprejto nolke if asbrilliat a as.Inenindpde enlltf'1iunderl('tlo lel 11(1 'ltti(al MS)All'b1, M

New and Second-hand
will be sold to stu-
dents at special
reduced rates
,A~ Sheehan's

of coursoe largely due toy tile AWflkof let 111 ort he10 (1'111 010150 Iffli('etifol-
th10e omiltteesl'5ff0111th .i l1t(15fpa1'tf'p (to11stf riay nigiht it (was ihoped
i1'rllies is foilW1115low: ha .oesliprolllise m~igiht be ' 111(11
Gieneral cllaifllla,, Rlort tL.Deanl, o'iftill'e otillol'fraenlities an~d thi ll l
P111 Kappa Pst, of ('iiego; ge'Ieroill uiiht unlite ini a.ball 11(1e itthfie (Gym-
Invitton-C'. If eald, ('1i1Psi, thleir ba11 ll Ioieds, file 011111'four 11'-
.Arraiogenients-A. Ii. lIliti, lpim snot 1 1111f IirtIundertaking11may be 1llil11-
Ps1g181Upion11; 'T. . yste'1, IDelta Elappai we(e11int''ervenedbefore till' night f(I
lhnil:'IIIl': E .. ei .1etaPi.5 teabola.( Ne've'rthe'le, thley 'eali~el

Progam ll 'Ollittl'l' hiss Iteid,
Miss Plnleolll,Miilss Thomplisoln.
MiS ('ollift('e-Mis11111, Miss
Amullseentlf 'oinitlee-'M~iss lBr il-
ly, .hiss iRyanlI, is'femlpe.
('alloassing (olllitftee-.Hiss Me-
(i111::r, Miss WNlile, _Miss Wetmlore,
Itissi11111, Mios Younllg, us 1100011,
of 1111 regentis will let a110herons't1.
Th'ie yollllg ladies ill i1111-i 'h110g~ll.
of lily kinld will fall upon111till-yllllng

LAW ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !l ANUd heIiL DU~RI ' " ' - - ' -- - - " ' -1(11111 s will fell bat litanty to to,-k
BARGAINS. ~~~Decoratiolls ii, D. f iittbll, Zeta Otilh till prblem(1 mllst5 e'll'1geiofally frayo h aosuulyetne
BAGAN.1s, Ilbairmlloa; (_'. C. ffiler, tilt Psi; and ff10 result was olle (If 1111 pre''t tos t il'ole 1E fl 1110ll
IY[PO TA.T NOTICE II.'W. Sillllltri, Sigltrt h flit'. f. parties thatl Ann~ ArlibI' has, seenl. ibeefn set sit (1-0111 2? 10 :, th lliilllt to
____________________ t'bbpet'ltI1, Dela_ 'T11u Delta, Contrary 1o lii' e'lsiollat nlt 1141 be11' ~ginl prpl'yp5 bit 2:301, tfiirst half
AL _MtLI _ 11 , ~.1D, Phi, chalirmanll; '. It. treund, Delta 01101(11 abovle tile blooths. 'l'he 01111') (If gulosto bly ill)'ha cillroibs. 'To fuir-
The Leading Tailor. ~ illltpbol ~ ,febli,11"4 e'illle'i'ii h' alr vi)lbil' n jo~~ymen'lt for tills)' who (10 nlot
and m~l diect moprte in he ityUC~silab, ft. It. Gates, Phi Kappla. I .st. intoine 111m1 iiI'sectionls, 0110 for' tile danice, tile boaing 11nd( feicimig 1(10115
has juist received his entire stock ot TI'he patfronesOses are Aies(ltali5 eltapeones. and1 th) o(therl light 11110(5011 u'il'il'l a01' 11ff (11: runimiimg 101101, wil
Foreign amid Domestic Woolens for Knmowlton lnt Patteronm, of Annm Ar- to (lie several fraternities 10(1 tile inl- be' fitted alut withi card, 1able1s 1111d
Spring and Summer '90, at 1101; Doll ft. Dickinsont. I'. HI. fetchi- dependen01ts. 'The hall As beautifully 0o11(erlnienns of a111111s11101t,
NO. 2 E, WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN. ant.1 a111 F. E. SIIoe, of DeOtroit; It. C'. dtecoratefi with a, llrlfs on of yeil11Illow T, fblculty Ltldiey are' tvltiVe amid
Full Dross Suits a Specialty. Af irdly, ft. J. Grass, J1. Al., Fallis and1( b(10 lue utin~g aind numerous(0 iligs filly -will be SlOI 011o tie ll'100-not
_______________________ 1111 J. ft. Bradley, of Cicago; W. IR. ''Tie boxes were oi] cpCae ythe vit1throwhlslaa#,hwers
urof ,llginbmu' alrblgemlenlt of r'hairs. 1nd1 by taill ithlese gt B O ST R .'h: Iltleciiemn inilst 01100 110 cibail-
WAH S__ O K T R S . 7special trai os ilh- Annl Arbor 1B1111s wh'ichi we(01 la.edto mar11k01 thle t'001s. Each lady is 1'I'execte to llrimig
ro1011 10:10 claztil'(d Oliil left at 7:381 divitig liilies, 0(1)1 g-ailzlmil 111111t s tope I ~i t noh11
We cerl supply youanid at the 101west
pies, all 1" in1, andl reurnIed immedbiaeli-It till 'Tile grandlinach 1111e1 ~gaul shor1' lltly ig"~~giIng will ill dioun'.
Unv j Tex. clos-e of (110 ball at 4:30 a. nll, Ill (1100 10 oceloci: 111n1 was le£f 11y ioi'- Tlue prae'ee'ls oIf 1 lie ball1 will go
Toeostreet ears to alccommllodabte the lmll Flowers, '96t L, Sigmla Alpha~i Jig towoto d iuierl'asimg tle~ Woime'n's Gymr-
UU IO entire 130 coulesl we'rel eciartered acid 0:1011 x1(11(1 fiss fllribet icke'y, of llasilim funmd. 'Ile flegeollts 11a00 bee::
for the Second Semester. Large in - y' iimg at the depot and at the ('111ago. exceedimigly generous1l ill donating tIi
stock of Secondhand Text- hlall for (lie (11155 b(0t1 ways. flelllr 0' Th'e1 comnmlittees i11 charge of the g h yl~i~(1l
Btooks at Special Prices. us fteI-nlsaal
AN E IA R .lal ff111 wats inagniiclently deceorated 1151110 w1e10 aa follows: Tiie 10 will probably- be finitol
AW AN M DCA BOK.witch broalt bamid: of yellow' and blue General chairma n, W. A, fLewis, in- ed by thle Univeorsity omelic -s. Tbl
Writing Paper by the Pound 15c, huntting, festaoned front the dfiagonals depenident, Ill.; general freas1u000,er, W mana1gleent wiss, it to tte 51111100
usn Ide. ale ounti Po e an:d diamil 1 ns of the celing to fill 11% Dre. DeItal t'psilon, Gmand tulp- sfood that the to'w11speople are invited
cen_ ter. The edge of the gaillery 1r11- idts, flieh.; genrat secretary, S. W.- a' wail as studlents amid 1111 'siould
A H "S 'nin arundthetal was rapd i Haselen:d a, haid audsn ake the affair a
aroud Ise 1211wasdrased t: laseg, l Pi fhi, t edon 0110. 0nl success. ft baa b~eemi oflthlaly
p Tows, Dews Taws, yellow and blue with large Americat: Invitatiomn CommI~itte-G. ' /. Iil- onnaounceel that no programis will Do
is , sitte SIt>e Opo N. Mama St. (Continued on Fifth Page,) (Continued en Ffifth Page.) filled unitil the afternoon (If she ball.

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