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February 03, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-02-03

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ofga t++
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during
the College year, at
DeFICn: Times building N. Main st., opposite
post office.
C. D. CARY, Ge. L. WW O. THIAYER, '93 L.
S. E. KNArrFN, '98. G.. R. Sumis'1.
WI. W. liuGues, '9s', N. L. Gtus-ieo, '9£IL
0. IIANS, '985.
G. 13. IlRSONs , '9t L.
..F. THOMsAS, '97.

Prof. ''rowllrittgc,
AT director of1 011
HARVARD. JelffersonD 1'lysi-
Scal JLlol'atoly ob-
taind(' on lVedne~sday Iafternoonla is-
tinrt impress bionll u1on11a lphoto ;ra111
pltate by lmclans o h off11'ls. KthgeD
cilalodltrays actinlg throughl Wood 111111
pslli' bon-rdt. '1111'illlrePsioll ha1s beenl
tixIII 11111 is capalell (f giing a print1
u11111 ordlinary blu1111 nt lor 11111r
;cll5iltl 11p11er.
A -cry sensitive Cramelr drly-plbate
abolit four 111c111-5lonlg anot.119111ch1s

gIUSINSS MANGER 'wide, was(lbp110, 1111 side up1, in~to a.
U. C WasnoNvoodll box, hi~llg a close'-littillg
ASSOCIATE EDITORS slidingg wood~eni cover. Uponl111e s011-
L. A. l'ratt, '96 C. 91. Death, '96 1' sitivc plate were laid lavo clear gloss
S. 1. Smith,'Ill L. C. E. Sherman, '99.
IF. Simrons, '9s. 11. 13. Gammon, '19891. 5lp"5, l's ! 1111111 one'-sixtIeenth1 of a11
Ft. A. Facit, 'N) E. R.1R. lReilly, '99. in~chi deep. A spa0cc -was left
IR, C. FaulO's, '9911 M. J. L. Walsh, '90 Al.
C B. Rloc, '915 I. Susannah Richardson, '98. botweeni themilabout1 four inichics
Tihe subscription price of tileDiultyhas b1g1 1111nd one-hailf 011n iicti11001.
been reduced to $1.50iinudvance for tile rest AcrossItie glalss slpsto 10o101(1h111111 i
of the year. Lease subscriptions at the ila a:pta.1ar~ a fpn
bully office or swith P'. C. MeoyeC. of M1.d - il )1 1 arwbr fIil
Newo Stand, 'lsod tive-sixteenithis;of 1111inich thick.
Editor sf today's paper, Thle woocdeni cv('r, three-sixteeths of
(G. 11. S1IMS. 9 an Weili l ick, was then ppishietito
111101'. 'T'hic woocelibox ttius pllr'et
I accordtanlce ' itlt the tusuall eSlstol was99: placed'Itwithintia covered palste-
the Daily will dliscon~tiniue jilbliettioll board box, fill'watlls of which were
for at few days ini orde~r to allow the a.bout one-thirty-second sf ili inch
edit1015 111110to pre'paire'furI'9'111111111'thick. '111' paste-oardl box, with its
110110. Six paige's 011111b' publshed'I 011Conltents, was lplacedl 0110 oc 1t1o0in-
Fritday, s 11th11 thll'readers of tiii' elm fi'oni t111'brightly florescent 1part
paper '0will 'receive alutost 416.111u011 (f tin ordina~ry sphlerical Crookes
newsas, susal. tribe',11111die actionliwas lailitailied
wivth this arrangemlent about two iiin-
All tigs onside~red,the 1annua11l 1111.5.whienlthe tbe'becameil'o0 110
ball committees cannotl rbe blamtedtfor thait the operation01wa9sto51ped. The
111010 raction, if carried't 11s11ali- sensitive p1a110 OIlsthen taken out
n1oun1e01. 'heichaniblge to :ioldin" tile a111dItei dev101p1d with rodillol. Sion
bxall in Toledo is jsot svhtit anyyo5110 the 1)11t w11111h11ad not beein shielded
else wouldt do undier similar circumD- by' the gltass slips begnn to show dark,
stances ais one090which isItheil' u11- 111111i11 ttvery short 111110tle'develop-
doubted 1righ11. T'hey 11ave0 decideid to 1110111wlas 'omletel~d, the bounidaries
1111110the anlbl batll a111 p rivate party' of the0xposedt 1)a1t1of the 1111110 be-
insteald of a Unliv'ersity fulnction, and11 11ng w11ll chdefinedfor lie whitollg1;4ti
it naturally followvs that they maty of t1he 191t1. The imlage wooa thon
hold it inl Toledo or Dexter or "fxOed" 1i1 the ordinary stay.
Topoloballipo, provided the faiculty's 'T'hus -as thll seconid attemplt tiitde
consent is gtained. It is not probable by Prof. Trow-bridge to obtain the do-
that tis latter obstacle will be harldsrelfec vliaCoe'lu.Th
t0o oercome. first attemlpt, made a few minutes be-
UNIVERSITY NOTES. fore, was partly successful. The or-
dlina~ry sixty-volt ,alternlating current1
A nmeeting of the Denial Society will 11t011 for liglhtillg the building as
be held Ithis evening. A its-lure wvill senlt thlroughl tbe pimlary of an 1 rdi-
be delivered by Dr. bHoff, nary coil. The resistanlce of the 19r1-
An operationl for appendicitis was Diary' of tis coil is one-tenth. of an
performaed on Fred L. (Ca1p1).'9S L, ohmn, and of the secondary (6000 ohI&
Fcriday afternoonl at the Unliversity The cui-rent throughl the primary was
hospital. not stronger thlan IN anlpheres. Tjhe
Mrs. A. B. Prescott gave a nmost do- current fromn 1110secondary of 1110
lightoful "at bomne" to lifly of the col- first coil Nii l sent thrcoughl Ibe pri-
lege girls Saturday froml8)110 C 'clock niary of twenty-five turns of a Tesla
at 11cr h11e,110, South Ilgalls street. induction coil, 1110 secondary of which
The floral decorations wete red and has 50 turns. The secondary w-ill
white carnationls lied swith the yellow give it spark thlrough about six incehes
and blue. 9M. Alngell, Mtrs. Heldmgan, of air. Its termlinlals were connected
Mtrs. Lollxlrd, Mrs. Vaughan and with the electrotlse of the Croo~'e's
MftS. Jordan assisted Mrs. Prescott. tube already mentioned.
The Daily will keep you up-to-date The current thlus furnished to the
on everything regarding the Univer- coiIl being an alternating one, the up-
city -- $1..50 UNTIL COMMENCE- pear-ancn of the lube during actoll
M~ENT. wato somewhat different from that or-

dtinarily 'scribed. Tfl orescenl'lt ef-
fc-s wieieles sharp~ly locl'alized 11h111
casual1. blolinth('e1150sv ithi soli-ti t l
blhotogrl10etefect as obtainedl, it
ts s 10retlly ne'cessary. It hiip-
1(1-1)-lbto be at 1111111andlitaa. 11er-
totee d. b I.t is evsiden-tt that the 1111-
tpres'11uonlotalinedt 1)11the 191a1e0 is
Wha'i~tever the catsis tha1111t ptiodu-
I'l the effect, it ce'rtalinly wo1rkedl
tlirolglatil-icnss of m~od wic- a-t
111ilinch. At othe'r places till thick-
1115oflthe'wodenl -111)111 'vals 0111y
1111011 one-eighithl (f a1n i11h, butit is
s-eiy difficult Ill listillgtish 010 the
111a110 iih' 1)01t711at1w5as5covere'd b1y
till IxItnI thickntess. It 1s eviden~t that
91a1, (covere'dIby the Ixtl-a tiicknelss.
'lhave bee-11 produtced" thrcoughI 11100
than11 (111'itichiof solidl woob.-blltrval'lI
If ibe cathode ralys are 1lght riay,
tile-y arei appa:renttly of the slit called
Lt1:rougth a. prisinl are' refralcteditmire
111a11 lb'e1v01ol tyip (If ordinaruy 11111
tigiuttsvrltl-s trot. lalsvill 1-1. 11all, of
hfarvard ts the New York Sun. I1 is
awIll knoswn liothatsch rys osist 111)d
1he ai'y 111 effect1ivei'nil lotograulhtii'
lbottbh0110rteyes a110 incapable1110of ;gel-
Ilii1119'any 1sn 11011 directly Ifromtt heitni.
It need'lnolist urr1'50its s 111111111111
thuere' are ultra.-v-iolet raiys wlhich dl)
list re-adily h)11i1trat lalotss, as thuert'
'bothelr 'I-Ill 111199-lurays,90111011 (o
not pbenetrate glass. Thue surprising
chattucleristic of cathtode rays, as
toelblirl has foitudth11e11, is the tuti-
torm ditfticulty the~y have in. pssinlg

011r'olghi bodil's of tiffe ret u 11111'0111 -
Apparetly lloulbg( uluidstituchless
utniformulitttillths particutla.
Leonard roonts to consider cauthodle
ray's a15ol thtil'samelO unature wIith 0011-
11111 lighlt trays, but of miucit Shorter
Nvave'engotigh. Ito comopares tie oh-
str-uctiont they mtil-e in pa'sillg through
air with the obstrutctiou ordhinary light
has itinhssinlttiliulghil a.)s10ce1111011
avithpatrticle-s of a setusible sloe, dulst
pa~rticles, for itustanuce'. A serious o~b-
jection ts bhh 'Iviewvis the fact,reod
I'lecrd 119 by Lontard lhimlself, tilt cthoilde
rays :are tapplarenlhy deft~letdby :t
('lech-icily is deflected,. aherons 0011-
111011 light, thuoughi yielditlign19someI
wvays to mhagnetic Influetnce, is not so
aff ected.
P'rof. A. A. 'Mih-
AT ('1901, oftheltoUni-
CHICAGO. vernihy of Chi-
cao, is oxpet
unonting ontthle recettdiscovery of
trot.hRotutgenl, of Blerlint, in thei "daurk
light." 'he t'Berlin s-icuibist sent 1;
co'ltetdellscrip~tionulof his aworkt11
P'rof. 'tichlsonl attd thlat1er10-is5try-
fig to verify it. Ill connecthionu with.
his assistatts, 'Ites-ss.Latiutu a1111
Morllrisonu, hue has bee-ut lxelriuheltilig
for severtil(days anld expects to rc-
l por1111'erestulsof his observa9'ltionslill,
a shout timehl.
Aecot'diuig ts Prof. hioutgetto loller,
he o k 101 difterenit sub1stances05 anit
lacedO('l Iluoubetaen thellt-auys of the
dar1k light andflue object, a111 thie
rays 11115511 t11r11ug11the sittstaticos
andllrcachedblue obijoct aithiout, beitig
reflectedb or rtrcted. H ound11111 lb
sraule results itslusinug suclusuubstances
as paipler-at volumte of 1.100 pages of-
foritug '.oarcrly any obstruction to tile


Your Money's Worth*
The editors of the Daily desire to call special attention
to the fact that the paper will be issued up to commence-
ment this year. Subscribers who leave immediately afterj
the examinations of the second semester can have theW
Daily mailed to them without extra cost, This arrange-
ment enables them to keep fully informed on University
affairs during commencement week.
The Daily is not a class publication; it is devoted to
the -whole University and gives the news of every depart-
ment. It -is the only medium devoted to University affairs
covering everything of news interest relating tol this insti-
tution and happenings in the college world.
The Daily will be delivered at your door or -mailed to your
home adldress for the remainder of the year (until June25,
1896) for $1.50. Leave your subs-oription at the Daily office,
at Mey'er's News-Stand, 46 E. William, 0or!'with any menmber
of the Editorial Board.

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