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VOL. VI. No. 90.
YYEUJE1 Princeton and Yale Met to Arrange Organized at Chicago in the Face
t ANULELD WILLY NOTSI BE.for Them of Oposition
Is enough for one person to i HELD IN GYMNASIUM.iu oa nd ir dsa mvehs e mdeb
play on at one time. OneI Decided at Committee Meeting lllrsiiiir-fIk icloild Ardcacvehiliiiiiidly
gitar is cot enoogh, boxw- Il! Saturday- Secial Train to Take Yale I rak 1 las leld a lisiel~il ili1081 ilileri--dilliisaitig aI capter
Np ever, to supply 3000 tar- I~ Party to Memorial Hall-Decora- Ntirt;rklast eveniinig to w ab- ar- of lieiSt psUiilo lralm-uily iitliie
HN dents. Tlats why we have11 tions Will Be Elaborate, cicesiets for aihetiec oiisfs ie- I liiircr-Ily of C liic-igo. OI i 1ia
constantly in stock several _lx ccc lrincetoa, id. iilscsilly inigtitwntyrcuiIllago ahiiiiiiiof ie
lpt dozens of gtuitars of various ill ll ig f ii ilililllbx - nasl offaitheTiic-r, ci isiilt-iiilalr fle asci iiiiiiiwh
makes and prices. NNitoling ilii iriieniethAiinual Bl
B41 TER LOOK AT OUR I f iiliiiiti it oilsdiiicitd o girlie riclicaiiIal thiiiebrsolr iiigsi li iig lil ttesli
BE l a lieiiiliwerieo iillia axi iceicit iie(lie iiclig, but tht(o i t~y miifae ofCite 1fait, ilh y loe
t bill t, 7b l cisadlofris hutiiai
111 tLU OF M. GITAitscaine I iu deciion a notiiiai-delitii ,as vry iob itatle bad tcthe Ime en rifused Jchtby tiofnea
Itsgood a tsnme x Aocolieofifutin .fat at -NwHlavein. flilternity.
t~ THE AN ARBOR RGAN1CO liit resulted iii a idecisioinito liild tli
bill bill lire-.billtheli na loe xr ia . hleg.toteU iesiyiii-Whetwn uto xsem e er
S. MIBS . tixir if iIH i il ir iecuni th ck fteaiiubut if lieiwe smtI- go, flere xas rca pte~iilr f Psi l psi-
all ulilorif iiiiig lii uiiiefi tur allutde ciude Ii) slaki ucaifter liiir lol.Ti ala niiuiof Ihat uh ipier ake
ities which griitblholasfrfis year fhey uill uontlf~bale iiii invte i- giindis llcharter stlliibeulongs l
ciii i- -si-u lit lii U ~ toiicililiefe. Yteaeruluys(Chicag 1 li rentcxciii iirsiy f I uiu-g, iiiid
scut tiro icy ioiichasvlng a vo-e initfribunue. ccuruiugly pioceedo if ini liliae fle
thei liiiii IA luiill(!u fal. Tar and Feathers as Discipline. Betutn;ta hi-dlgtswl
le saedl wihout troublue at fle ia
heldisfaEe 5.ll Ft0d sayiaceueincif Aes-] tioal ucsvent iiin iiit p ig.
P L U MxSu 1-lllyux-ulg Iul-Aiiiit thrty ighlilutlu-uf uuirlia. Anotlur iteresig feuliae f Itle
rcatry 14, n Muiouriuu 1 1Ball, fToledi ho x reuiiill iihe roc-es if education l thrucuiusi hiIo fiiiiciW
A pi-ialiitrain xwiii eave inn Arluor yI'onitg Suciury Kngaoc, I .tlcfloxufA.Sliiii
iiieic the Anni Arbioi ailway af 7:3011 t-ilcalleud neoini, liii liii- ilglul of lDe-x-
AT olockIthal iriilug. treetcia will 1 liitlull- 1011fet a i-af-lliwas iulu-c srire amhng teinu- itiliaes ia d.tiiii rfib
lii- seit ttdptailn fli-ii1it ifToldi Ih i :IIses-hi aveiaxi elnccii ajinlf iuluiy -Iuitia-i aiicc rou nni Arbyiiig-pre-
out ixi thflpirIyi tol t he ul At liih ut ciaardlsgeisatlonh-,oflitctgngcIuul ut
biliiit Icubcuuc.Thione:.ciTseo~riouidaoi
lose of lhe ball ii spi-i-l anaulsrll -entwasdsial.liiis luuubu-uul xuill clii
J a o srtrn Io AuuiuArbiuiu-all(] iii iarralgiliiii fiN1iaf 1nienifo fle fil eil ix is isiiuxfly
as iibiuiii--ialiis nu 1111i- , l-ua-l. thili-bau-d the at ii- s t seii
1.1 (...out(.ass h, liof iii-brim-ii xas iniru bb i--llnanthIeiexhpelledu. Yales Representative
A.. 11 1 d , as 1 shi nbs of I -tiiit uave beeie i iii indaufeathertsis isi-I- ol i h hlnxI.ofitr ll huahii
S l I is uuiuisu 111 tiisiifat lii ~ uhtuitbtuu hh ht uex-ssuruh nnluu H en-irii yall. Ia iiiite, 'llix-ha if e
moreeluboirate111:11 huhidbenu-x-ii aukucli uiuinte cinduf ayuugut a
AWahi ofuns In hilcliu. IHie wil lsc
uhhic - ive uua uadd uas lit iluth ( C hi-gl
T a k 1lie I iii pi-ihiouuugfraternuites swil, iham e ailly Ibenevohle, Clot] 'If it s-uii -uhhuultll-u ii uhbu
VaeNot ice" ~olcide foeo h pe
of ucI ll u ll lo ba ii ulil i to ilfhhiti uuiult-aybe el-i disiiguisedu. Theu rouubh-
______________ithelubll A rnumo xsCir cuul I hul ulhg u ibtedfias iu c luixii s i A ii caniuu ufLibu lert
In ordet to oreduetie mlastfckof resterdauy bl h Dlua KappaiulhEpsiln fromuuuhis fellow udtsfn us15ully iali-t uxli fWlhuii1
Fall roolens, I xiiiofferall Faticy Wouuldh ntgo toi foledo, tb uxtI.uiuieo ui-ihixrxuuu uuttheyi-rf-im Ilu.Ie . irsauh uu of l i-t lh i uirT.
Sitiuosatcost fot csh ant ik-ie fuseduit heur o uhlrutuor debuit-,lumaterluiu ufliiituno hileiuio, hauxxu o 1luuh
room for Sprinig Importations. of__'__rade._
An eatrly call-xil proit you, At -tigliuchu iuu uuhiu i t slluhguContiueus lbug ini ou-u ithu
foul icion.iI Thifle sineifrumortill - in. "Organizing a Gun Club.
G The IL.D lted Zl elta siuth wa is hikOld Football Platers.uSeveral members of ble fautly are
diem asticfar as fthyuare ceredu. auivfiely ciiig iuti oru;uuixing a gullu
TeLeading TailMr, Delta. (!1lihDeltaisugmaeDelu-Iad Al ut uuk \u'. -galh-lI lu Luspalxiii-
a E. WahigoiSi,..Near iatti. h aeteotid rtriis ls nklh'hilex- iu xrinlig i fle gt ii-
I Pbi ire suilsxti- huuufnuuiiu-in it Nruas dliuluhutl h imitheii memuu-
UNIVERSITY ~~~~hah s beuensosideable ahicxuia- TJ f. Dor iconi'to L xxwhouuplayetd yhotealStura.Te ee-
UI1Ivn~II1 OF iV~tjflURI~1tiou ini regarduto h le axtouof the ftill--thue posiion ofutatckl, is palicinglauhug it f u nuuWs iidisiusedut uhnio
ILLSTRTIV c~~s cxt ini cle hihuitrIf lconset to gu i thiriciinxili. 111. IL1111V CSS lc wa5eidedlunuon . uuuIt is expc-
-ON-- ot of laowul isntefut ite studentuh (George B. Tatgrt '95 .Ii linuieu- eilftIhie-orguaiationu will be tr-
(( heumauter xwill le i hble snle sute s hg uhfrIn TaenuiilWaush. Ite fr- tited this xwexk.
P[DR flIAIL IJUIIDLUIY at ist iiely illed fluefuaiioc of full atlu _______
IL~JIJL II I~Ii Chicago Defeats Iowa. tilalcs H Suuilburc former ceter Prof. Scott on Immortalty
Selected by Prof. .Levi T. is empu~loyed Iiiitble macheItositatl ii Inst.Scott atlnuacseul au luige ucci-
Gri~n of he Lw Deart- Chicago and fossa camhe together the dpartmhet of pblluanhay at Pt ece ii NexberryHfalyseda t
met, Saturdayo a fternuoon at the faiirme Townvsendl ash trnoouu shaaiculuuotillhe "thuial
~ V~ ~ NI A LIE plac in fle second iiter-colleiae Horace L. Dyer, '15 L is withlthe flue oni f a Belif ii Iniunhtiy." I-t
N W O SATiP game of basket ball between these i- Wabash Railroad andt is practicing hisreuuilfuergiensavceby
-AT- sitciocts Chicago was successfultprfessio at t Lous ihu an oice eeulssaulut leble naftr
its lieand r, gnv reasthesbelf ving howtur
XTi iF- IR' S p dfe ts opponents by a score of at the Union Trst buildingHw lie ean xvueaonshoig o
Y 4 to 15. This is the second time Iowa formerly half back they can be is.futeut .Pint. Spaldng
UTw. DwnTw. has lost to Chicago this year. T , MNCMN h will adxdress the meetingcx Sna
Universty Bsokstore Opposite Cortous s Inou
as S ate St 4 N Main St Subscribe for tlhe Daiy. Daily for $1.50. atron