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January 11, 1896 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-01-11

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Dung,,the recenit "wasa m li"the
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during teagernies so wih hich the 'daily press,
the Golle4b year, itt
TH UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ':osshtliniformaitioni andicinters iews
with colege pofesso s pstarticelar-
S rnacE: Times building N. Main st., oppositewihcleeposorw
post office. ly notlicealble. Corre'spoindentis of the
nDtroJS leatinlg 1papersi'atiitheiimore iimportant
C. DI.GAilY, Gr. L. J. F. TsJiuAS,'97. col"tol Se aduiveit'ies;il, 'hose life is
S. E.KFAPtEN, '.AL .LS. I~tM. 1s,'99.
I%. 0. Pe1 s.'s j.' sot 1by a33l11y515ana.dally i'ounsd of

fecaturo of stssdent lifteliss recei at-
tentiloss,ev-esnto is billiarldiroom asnd a
safe where luncheles andi soft drins are
ser edt.
The loot's of the college muitsical
clulbOsare list alwaysstrewnswit
cos 1111n0 lankisnoles, as She miemibers
of the Missouiri inio'eriiy lrib;,; cani
teosify. Darin;(g the holidays 111y)3-is
vadedl totnsars and the notcs sthey left

ar , w e d rxts H:,lTT(1R.

G.0. 0.AIsiiStIN, '00 L.
L. G. W'LKERti, 'i6.
L. A. Pratt, '06. 0. 31. lHeath, '0161P.
G. A. ttoughtos '01 10.OSsannah llicl'dson,'O5
W. W. Iiugts, '98'. E. L teisoer, '98L.
R. G. Buck, '00951. It. It Gamno, '00011.
tF. A. Miner '1906I 11. .tcitdy, '90.
0. E. Sbeeosasc '10.
Thte subscription price of the Daily has
bees reduced to 0..30 its advsstce for thse res
of thse yeatr. Lease subsceriptionso at the
Daily office or with P. C. OMeyer, 0. of 01.
We regret 10 anntountce the resit--
lion of .hiss Kathierinie heedl, '7, as a
iine erof te EditorialBosarsd.
(0. E. Shlermanti, '90, lhis been eleted
allassocsiteeditsor to fili tsh lls' of
Si. B. l5s'ihs'siy, '), 'sio is lesipor-
arily absnt frolu hit'Uivesty.
The conneisclti of Mr. 1. A. iLroy,
'lx7,, 'sub tile Daily ceaissum-th ills.
los)'. 'fit' stsvaiis's'titilels'Dally 1111
nmadse sdsiill:; s'h11p151tithre's'ys'ltrO su
is influne'illitrollt iu og'iletltlidts
of this'Univs'rsity , lass's'been inlgr0c'ai
mleasture dos'to lhi-, etnergoy. 11tr. Le-
Rtoy has lprobabllly sdones'iiore 'sworkoll
the lDaly hlaly 111'otiter last 5or pres-
s-ititelnths'tofthi tlaff. . 'l'fatitht
the1paper ipulislies miore' itooss Sts
is It'e bstsi tsillollisll to his atilly.
'flisre ati'Seiveral vcances,loon 1111
Do~ily' Boairsd,astuside'its de!irilig 10
comptle for looisios catllobtinsdi-
15041005°tipoin llltlliclsiiollto1s tte 11111-
aging e'titor. Accorsting to the scht'e
of rept'tetsettiont shtlinledi'y he' ll'on-l
slilisliolt of thie Pulishling As' -ociatllol
tse literatrys delartmlentlisetitledstlo
fonrt' tsilial etlitors 'sho 1111y' te
chosen f-otis 10113'clsss txcsl'9.D.
Thle lass', itmeial andilst'l-iiteriitg sic-
IO1t150110nts arc'nsot fuolly represe'ited',
tselattler heing etitled iso liir''e'edt-
lors% Thie Dasily is Ite t'lltcersil'
nie'sspapoer' snotas such it itsto 00fur-
nisli till til es-, not 01113 of each de-
pllrtinlt,. hutlof every- organlization in
iany so-ly eonics'lett 'sith the 'tnts'ers'ty
or studenit todty. Thte attentionl of
lll'lllhtrsi of ite facilities ansi officers
of clubs and ti sdel organicalions is
called Isth ie fart tiat nits eissi' s 1
nasde for insertionts of notices in o-'licll
studebnts tiretdiretly interested. '1Tese
are solicited anti 'sill he givens publi-
cation for any lengthl of 11100 desired.
As it qnornum sas list present last
Thunreday, the Fre-shmsan Banjo Glob
will hold another meeting Monday in
room 24.11

lsustre, s'ere' ke'pt at 111011nervons beinitd ite esi'-rcnot all of lte itost
1111d01nsuntil the general ptuhlic 's miiisical natlnrs. 'T'he Kansaiii, failest
ostisfid tat thee Monroe slocirine is t xrs prvlo isuiiu'c
not intterniionall la's'.site of tlhsir laigest auisiences intihiI
A pleaingslalte consisting, of onltI twity-foir
A tt1slgfeature of entioths'la t }fioot-
ball easo s theby'-pe1ole. As a consequnsce the Oils-
Wt oinof 'a Oil'l ttess'i arlioird13'ssttn'hsm'sere "stranisesd" in a s13-ic
WeolI'oiilof silt h th IlroadN'os-thy of a eartoonsio's Haliet, intO
sls'vent. Alths'imilitary -ac1'Wlscty its
wt'ers' eoillelle' to rsort Io tll sots
ttsllllssioll fee is s-har'ge'sdto thie gameiss, o ok'stlt 0gloi fIi liei
5-zpniits' tmtont'y'for' sisililg teams-o he-
o e l'1Iofit' hotel keotoolo. Whn1 ttoey
lug s'liss'st ty stih'tritisotsby tib-ers t ittally re'acheo'd Kanisas lity the sltiho
Isisfad ~es tou'sexto-In gliira cisili' by siitgiitg impirovisedt soings rs -
ts's of $211 'ss re'tirntedtstndthtis gen.

Sal., Jan. 11, S p. mi., Unioversity
tBallt-Sir ?MihelaclOeyelldorff, '70, lee-
lore on "Runssian. Prisons and Siher-
ians Exile."
Sal., Jan1. 11, 8 p. ni., Chris3ilin
Cistrs-Inland Leaguie series. ('on-
cert undetr thll oirestion of Prof. F. IT.
tPease, of thie Nornial toilservatory at
Fri.,-Jain. 17, S p. 10., U'niv-ersity
H~all.-Chloral Union in oratorio of"
Aloit.,Jail. 13. at 4:30 p. 11n., too-i
24-Oleetling of FreshinitBan- oGlob..
West., Jan. 22.-Rtegents nieet.
Wed., Jaii. 290, Granger's Acadeioy.
Fri., Feb. 14. 8 p4. in., University
SHall-lion. Henry Watterson in S. L.
A. conrse.
Fri., Feb. 14, Waternian Gyinnan-
inns-Twentieth Animal Ball of 11117
Palladinnm fialernithes.
'Thie '00 "lRes G eslae" Board offer a
cash pize of t$15 for the best short
story on a le'gal subject. Contribu-
tioins from all de'partmleits are in'vitesI
autO the tBoasrdlreserve lte right 10 use
'sill manutiseriptl sitittest.
'Thie Castalan will offer eiter a.
csh prise of inot less thasn ten dollars
or a series of hoobs of equansile-aic
for the best ptoeiitsnbmttied on or
before Janoory 13. Potens pertaiing
10 college life preferred.

cert.his that city.
lsnoo'hettgt'nt iss theis'nvtestmtenst of
ihils shmin a ctupi w'hich-itwas ltre.-enls'st Students at Harva
to the Hharvasrd inet. 'lel~rericillgi
Ti' I lnives'rty1 of Ch Wt't'ld 11115hassoust bens'nsuoes. t, ifill
'o ;,oing iforstlltionl stil
is astorisy foirlt ' folo'sietgstle- fl5wethitg's' hs'sscompltare.d 'ills
mentS: e'irollenssub)lished'd 350
"It is ssitshashllS llore loitnce'ss'fnh colle'ge..........
fralternlity- pstitioni 0'is-I'lee l cil) i 4iltihiciSol......
fr'oii this' 'iitrsilo of Wil-.onsiiidur- llrltotsslslt' Schtool ...
hog ts'elst hallf-dhozenssiyearis', thaitDivinityOls-csool...,
frttms tlsmost ainiy oshesr scolls'ge. D~ir-.a' elo
in- thait pesriodt.ZIa IPisitsst'fseds'tt M'ichal 0-ishooh ...
tree petitionis frosis different hollies otftDental Schoolh
pos'itionrs; Alila Delta lIii, thireo'; D. Veterinarsy Sdrool ...
Ii. 1+., six; site lbsing frtts ~i l'l tal- usyIsltitlte.
rea'ssdy mtembsters of ti fratesriitsy, 55110
shotly 'efleroasso s resignleot atnd I Totl ...
floissedt eilocal sotlih11110 l-i re'j'etdNaes iserted'lotwbise ..
toy Psi1psilois.
Weasritdop'rhaslsbytbs re'ite'r'ationI
thest thee firssIoeshsge ntespapetosr shielt Subseribe for the Daily.
as, ed'iitet'i tDartmotehs ith Danie55lul
'Wtebster is editor-in-chihef ws s ealis " jO'At47rlml
credtitble shieS.t0111' Wisotsi l Daily
Casrdtinal triligs .fostli et brandotness
"hnter-olhs'giesie." Itsoill tillouittesl0
taetishIighl railskswithe ioexchsasige'si-
itors of college plooicationls, for illisas The editors of "th

a5 ills'eci-
[or 1895S'-196
'he is 1i11cr-
131'i i all's
10017 1771

310 341)
2.30 2S3 Professor tHisdale has jnost esstered'
300) 48 Supon, hihs astnusal series of lectnres en-
40 41titlest, "The luisence of Christiansity
43 Upi S~on Anitesit anot"Mestiaeval Esisca-
0023 Lioso." The lectusres cosme'fTuesdtay,
'Wednsesda y andiT 'hu~risay, at 3,'Q'clocko
62 55 at Taippan Stall.
3295)360 0)1) uitlar for Sale-A Gieandt Cosscert
Washbsurn Gnitar for sale cheap. For-
___ fturter particuslars apoply' at tile Httb,.
3250 3()0O)3 ansi 5 E. WashiogtonS t.
Ads-ertise isthse Daily.
ie Daily desire to call special attention

felse eas this'fos-sler ansnounicemnt Ocost-
5crimlii higei's "co-cotssatisol tntfr-
ternsity"' whilchtgave foundioto othis
'ne'co-s's'scstiosseshfraeithy solicts
hils fort'ithe carrcie'd on e s otcigiling
o'xhteisce s It the t'seiss'csito' of 310issli-
gals, hess.lbeen g[tien5up0on account of
tloo-stcd SHonston thall, she otudents'
clish osec at the OUiversity of Pensn-
sylv-ania, hias jnst been conipleled 1a5
a eost of $14800. Otils comsplete in all
apoinnments, andS gives t-'ensy Vaaiila
a. mieanss of prIomnoting its tundergrsid-
uiate spiritsohichi ecannot be snipssed.
Es-cry convenience is prosvided. to s11ee5
the soants of thse sttidents antl special
privileges are offered for the paylent
of a nsall fee. In addition to a gyin-
sosium, asseinbly hall, ele., space is
provided for 1110 atletic issociation,
mnnslcal clubs, college jonrnals and
other student organizations. Every

to 1 he fact that the paper will be issued up to commence
ment this year. Subscribers who leave immediately after
the examinations of the second semester can have the,
Daily mailed to them without extra cost, This arrange-
ment enables them to keep fully informed on University,
affairs during commencement week.
The Daily is not a class publication; it is devoted to,
the whole University and gives the news of every depart-
ment. It is the only medium devoted to University affairs,
covering everything of news interest relating to this insti-
tution and happenings in the college world.
The Daily will he deliveored at your door or mailed to your
home address for the remxainder of the year (until June 25,
1896) for $~1.50. Leave your subscription at the Daily office,
at Meyer's News Stand, 46 E. William, or with any member
of the Editorial Board.

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