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January 11, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-01-11

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the tt. a

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VOL. VI. NO. 71.



T RACK ATHLETICS BEGIN iop for comptetition five years, it will WEBSTER M AEN BANQUET.
GUTA e u i hetopyromofte y.-NON ALL MEN MUST BE PRESENT AT Oslil. CThe winner of the cuip Loot NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS FOL-
Nii O s nE uhfo n porson to O ONCE AND REPORT REGULARLY.. year waeIttul II. Veroor1, '97. LOW USUAL PRECEDENT.
00 play on atontie One t +SLISE OUA NC Toasts and Good Fellowship Sup"-
t~1 gia snteoghow-I~ll All Coaching Necessary Will Be ___ plant Deflate and Oratory-Cart-
ever, t supply 3,000 stir- l Given- Many New Features for Reserved Seats for May Festival Loads of Legal Lore at Pretty-
dnsTatswhy we have ndoMetTeDK.EPrz Going Fast, man's Last Night-The Program,
constantly in stork several l Cup to Re Competed for.
il dozeins of guitars of various of Residents in the neighbortiood of the The baeuet of the Webster Literary
makes and prices. IMl Both '98 toil '99 starteit the track Scliool of sut eeketaaelast Society at t'rettyitn's. last night was
BETTER OKA I thei esi eoedyatro n igt by the crow d which gathercit for ton event lontg to be reieibered. Tjhe
DLI LII D~ll Off iheir tieetinigs, aiii work will be hi- the sale of reserveid oeato fur Ciie'fMay ocasion of this wit the costt that
imt UOFMGUTROlniiCegitaimnxMo Ia' teotival, openiiig at 1tt o'clock titenwly elected officers iiiist otter a
It's good as its name. l111 No call has beeit issueid for a niieetilt oroiim ig.Te stetsloif the bauildinig treat to the slicicty and the lately
-H TH+AN+ R RGN ofu canitiates for tile 'taty trailk were filled at 1tt o'clock last iitlit anit elected officers exceededl the gnrst
S: 8 MAIN ST.iiibt rate -iea ackhtst S o'clock this toitrig tero were of all the pit by giviiig a banquet to
,.61 "Cati'L~ywilexet alsch o125 people in line. lThe aiivaiice sale the eiitire society. After the literary
retport regularly lit the gynastn has beeit very enicouragitig aiiitre- tirogriii it the Aebister Htall last
isiDNGYSfrthnwOot. serveit seats have beeut rapidly sie-iiighit the sue ihudredl ieiibers at
Theg~eera~lpln o wok illbecured(, iiotiistouuiuug lihe'fact that oiee went lii tPrettyiitai's;suit were
AcfEduati5na: :he iiame tslast::year.Allcatididates the soloi sshave notbhen'ii tuauuui'id ushered into the banuquet room, where
Sovnr f , slarlfiig oii the rouning track. at least '07 Law Elects Officers. rymskiuug
YEARS~ ~ 11 three times a week. Distaince runnier., Thes '97 law class met e sterday1anhulthetrsdif iescey
INitnd watikers will reptort to MIr. i t-le-'cctdofficers for liii rema inder'of of toasts aniditaiiies of hose restond-
A complet set, coastpris it Bseti ill I ",t-lpttuk 'it least that iofti'n anulOhe will the 9year.,f its, tig will be published in full into o-
balensiltndhGol pip r-ada. iyciti tlltli itach ittiie lieu'much work 9lr. B. T. thileyof .15 day's issue.
Stalteortanada uponttthelue ceiplt os10 to itdottntile track. tHuritlers tnd electeit pri'esi tit Mu'I. Carl MIr
A. G. SPALDING & BROS., juimpers can get practice of courseio' s itl iciuigauu, secrettiry. 13r. T. Hi. January Inlander,
New York, Chicaigto, 'hllailslihluu. liiittainiiflose of liii'gymnlasiuti. A: (teorge. of lichitaui ,wsselected Au -interestiiig Seius itt lettut's 'or
Lam.est Iii suae tat es of Bicycles and Atlit-
etcGosin te tworldS. vaultingCblitik hs ltso bsett'nitpitied itanaget-ofIfieldlsipirts a iriti D.Mi'. I.the presenttthlietic situatioit islbting
HOT LUNGHES ATI ALL HOURS vautliti ave' it for use at 1119' lilac Ititeiite~y littethe et'litoiof theItititider.Th'tlii hipoeiot lit-cits-
Chocolates and Candies Inti bashot, tii willtieewitsnd stititoffitcecstprsiden'tfapponted alciin, Itti-llbti itisots-iaisi ait opo sei
JOL Y c s etitet' for the shot pitultnlrstctice Icy. iGeorge, Wti' hlt tnd iDoltiit .tii t'litiey 'tte I t~tr's Weetkly
255. State St . Sater Botuck. liere. ctinfit' withliii' coiiittis'i5from tti' ("Aitoit-'the iises which still atipeil
Large Liue ofinme Piples.Tobaccrrs and l Mi. l'itrl~psitricts is iniliii'gyiliasiutit othser'lsaw clisses tot i'ang h r- signeteosthe siticli's ar' lust. tattit-
Cigars. fromi3 o'ocon i, stitit It. Lieoy will g1r1111ftr the W'sitont itlrthday e9- XgltrfItt', rs.1tto ii
Sbe then'eievery' dsay froiti=1:30 tsoIt. eccses. Batsi'bsll Minsugu'r Shiclds, IAu'. Lu'ttoy
Cae I o i e . C . Adonhis, reack iaagtetrliii '99 Engineering Society. and other.s. It will he iiini of thte isost
anl ~ e INo i e td T. I7. Ilesld, track ittaiger tot' iipo, --,,, ,,,,~t ritl~i lt i t


lIt ortier to reduce my stock of
Fall Woolons, I will itfer all Ftancy
Suitings attcost for c ishtanti mke
root for Spring Inmportations.
An early call will profit you. At
The Leading Tailor,
I2 E. Waslalsgton$t., Neare teals.
Selected by Prof. Levi T.
Gfiffin, of the Law. Depart-
tip Tows, Dewn Town,
Unaivesi Bookstore, OpposIte CourtffHouse
It S.tate St. 4N. ai th.

tti'ehInlandteriforsu oe tinit".
re lutturhy to stupervise thie wotrk of call-sttudteits w-as si thCle Enginleerig So-_______ _
diudates from ther cilass. Thuoso whit ciety' last utighut to hoarsuri. IE. A. ty- Freshman Track Athletic.
lustre coaching at the shot 1pu1, tithe l~an's adoiress out "abbreiviaitionuaidth At the usall itt Freshmanst'raucks Attn-
'i-stlt, huurdles or aniy other ev-enittire aiup'oixtitttion intoco11utiuntug7 lThe z tihtm aotut twentty of the clss
requiested tCo apupty at anty timte to Chic ,adduress uti ws utue of Clue mtost iterest- of '09 ttssetithet 9-stittay aftti'rnooi
rtier or captainu. tug giv-cn before' the socetytyhis 9year. ltuisc-uss C'th uostpects ofasindtuoor'
Out view of Chie comttig indoor mueets 1-r. Lymaintitopuentedtthetaddtressuith mtuet. It wsodecided tto tholdi tutu
it is uicesoary liaC altotto tuieutit tostoeuvaluasble hints onu exactntess stntit souunetuts'anyt'eatrualrywiii iotende'tooi
do iulibuigutuutoo couuaettiu 1'spteedt tntconuuuttig stund thenutspokle at
doantin linidorcmpttinorI w-tththCle sophomoirtue clsuss. Tuocuuty-
for Ohio outdoor sworts onitracts or field sametoleuthttregarduig thut' history 5hton sain'ietdiiluett 11.ui
shuouthlbegin wo'is itel tonce. The big utisco-ery of toboetthuls tituSofthue cdif- utt' fus iu oittle h
luasily indtoorutuect wtill hprobatbly' - fb'e'utthistorical shoirt culls itrtodtucedl - st3 col oldys
hueldtubotut theo secondt weeks to Mar'i'h, btyPapier antutothers. 'i-it cnituucnce trainuing at oance.,under
tonl there willtt be twvo or three smialler Stories in the Bulletin, Itztpatrchs. Au apsparatus 'itill hue put
mees bfor tat ime oe o whch The Bulletiut for Janary wviii hein soon so that vauultingttgovill be 000 of
mnay be set apart for sophuomlores sxtS Chit'evensts in the tidnor mteet.
out Moinday. Cudt lilion to the usual -
onei for freshmen.
matter of .special interest to memnbiers '98 Social.
There is a special incentive fer nmen
of Ohio S. C. A. there are a, couple of ]'tr-fv ctipeatedtth '0
to w'ork at the running flight jumtp. Prsiglteayatce, eae nTstiatr tr-iv ouige's iautendegt heJ
Th' .Kr.prz us~sciW5O Chritmas story by Miss Ann tRichardlsclternwreMsteu'yaksd
for the first time Lst year, wilt be caeoswr r.HnyMc n
and "Ranmbles 'round Ann Arbor" by
competed for at the 'Varsity indoor '.W.Sit.Mu's. Juntius Beat. Music wias fur-
meet. The one who wins the running niched by ttoeJUiverisity orchestra and
shigh jump at that meet has his nanme Prof. Wooster's classes in Biology the occasion wauy a success in every
putt on Clue cup and the possesson of wilt hove their senti semester quiz particular.
eit part of the year. After it has been,1 Monday. Subscribe for the Daily. , °t


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