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December 09, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-12-09

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Mall and Ex-___3 50 Mall__ ___H4 Mr. A. R. Rose will he at the Cook House withi a Choice TN .'eil__50 N .5eil__73
Eastern Exs-__15 12 N. S. Ltmilted.___ 9 25 Ln fW oesfo
A. M. Pacific Ex---11 57 Lieo oln rman
Atlantic En_-_7 47 P. M. s
D.N .Express.... 5540 iNWestern En x..-200 EGO D N A L Cini , flETR IT T
eG . Express __- 0 hi t. E-__.10 28 Uli 111
G. R.Ex. . .THE-- GO DE57 L C I
0. W. HIO~r, . W. HAYES,
G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor pine Diesseis it will pay yoo to see the lisne anti compare
_ -CLL Oprices strictly first class work. Up-to-date styles. Low-
e est prices. '
__ Baseball Season Next. At the Grand Opera House.
i' RAILWAY. liTe c-ominig ba1301011 Sea's)on is ap- lOnt of thei gre~atest dramal~tic effotfs
nvOnTO. SOUThl Ilai-ulie iand it is liedithai~t Mich l ldel history is the WNile' lie
7:37 a. m. *0li a.m.ii N~eril -y m1h cspl r
T12:25 p. m. 11:30- a. . ig-:ii cao equal hei spledidl rietord of1 iu e- ,-eiit'bs e twru
4:15 P. m. 9:00 p.nM. Sut-cess iud b stecril lilrllig tnitc
All trains daily except Sunday last y1111. 'T'hi olliteid icr this seasoan s-tiii iaoiwh-to la eie
j_ Trains ran betwccn Ann ArborandilToledc vt h ar~gieto httete
only. R.S REWOAetwill be P. C. Shields, iilainiilS a111d l". it. will bei presented~ at thie (Granid opt-ra
W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. V. 1)iaiis. ieiltiain. C(Snilteis fur thie house tDe. 72. 'flie W ife' is i play d
N~ ~ ~ ~ iiii YS iNIS B.ta will iii all proaobility lie lilt of gt-uli .iiuiiiau ilerest itat eis
it a hotid iiillilopular fasor whitu is T
ANN ABOR YPSIANTIST. B. ilroughli cot-iaes of t aiuiugil the10 ~ i-ioo t 01-oi-iso
Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. g07 liiittili beore (lie itdoit i eil l sotial aid: lisiness foils aid folli--
Leave Ypsilanti from Congeos it., 7:10, 8:45 open., Tfhis traiinig twill c-osist thief- it isill i ler(-si oil ciasse s siotl will lisie,
and 11:00 a. m.; 12:45,2:5,5:t0, 0:45, 9:15 and
10:5.m 1,Y of sli:Iing, staitiug, lundthilrowring. ini ilhs iieloly (f til swhoi si-i it. liii
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7;40,s-Is5adcoeylnet iofa ew rd
11:30 a. in.; 1:15. 2:45. 5:30, 7:15, 9:45 and ib:15 lhi- is snic tal111 of oii Passer --ril.l, liyie~ii s ftis cl--
SUNDAY TIME. wshite Mii. 1-':ai ((1111's tcompany1 illS it
Leave YpsIlanti from Congress st..:30, 3:30, .actionu. (hiciage is geting her "I ciivsedi lt.e reitIss praise for its finiish:
L eave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:0 iiy11(,iii(111leosli11ifltilellaciol11-ri--li-
7:00usnd 9:30tp. m
Cars run on city time Pore: single trip 15 Il ist ie relsgiisiiig to 1t111 of stirtiog is'(lis.
cents; round trip tickets 23 costs.I
Wu. P. PARKER, Sspt. wo11rk. 5IO3E-SEI-KERi EXC7RSIONS
AtPnslaia. 10 V'irinia intl the SouthI Nosv. 1,
SILK FLAGS.d ...-. At __ Pee.nssylvania,0.
Poe the Minsota Gamei at Detroit, 'Ihe l'eilii-anliin sf iteI ivesr- On thie above dates agi of the
Leae orders stith . . . sity sof C'eilisyillaiia says a. ften- w5ords Ohiot Ceitral Lines0 wsill sell Exctirsion
111( li adt-e l'hica-:go c-sme: tiikts at oneC fare foi- the roanil trip;
JO IL..-I~Y & CO'S (If(iN limit for returnl 30 days.
,5S OticSt. Sige Htie:. fli- llylsl 7 If i eligi: d flil~l Conullt 0. C. Agents.
SUlt Sant Cold Lo,,rh. s at All }lours. lie IUnivsersity iof I'icago last Satl u- - _______
THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL dyb h wr f1 o0ttey Toecmeigfrte$5cs
w(inn~inig tie cbri~rdoislilp If thie WsIti prict- offeieiiy the lii astliii for a
WHOILESA.LE CIGARLS 'liie gailie .... 1hard fiiiighlititighoiitt sh~ort storfy of itie niatilfe of Yali- J
TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. aiiii bsth eei-icn'si showsed. gocd teal'i y*1f125 of Pricetonl stories muilst has-c
Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. sr-i, 'T'll Mich-igan ea hiiIls ye(if theii prfoducltions iii Sy Januar~y 13.
Moniey to loan in persoital properly. hias beeni molist siltessfuil, scorinig tl26,41 . T cr ftlftlit'I n umefnia 1(11s is(1
point 101to l hr opponilhents 14. liiie oilly tiress, II3l C 1SAIIAN.
R AN D1 I L [ ,:linie sill lost wais wtithi l:irsaroli-l, Stud-int m~ember(-ls of th IP 1olitical
MiAC KtNTIOSI-IES Scienice Assoiaition clii get ifilie pult-
~ hot. gra 1her twe have seculred the ageucy for 11cat10115 as iliie vchlI olt Sy eillihig
vi1 "Thg rRo11 ya011" Mac-kintoshi Coats. Itf at foomi 11, Tapahahll1:1, st 7.7 a. mI.
15 Washington Block. you n1eed a miackintosh ask us to show oil ally ldly ixcet-- Saturdayl. live
________________________________ you__ 551our stock, they Sf0 splendiid ccats 1uirle- sre 1n0w oult a11:1 a siti, de
Tolf C-l 511( ,stAEa ill hot cost you aiiythiiug to 911 totedl to city soie iint, is prlitilig.
thietii.+ lx Wailir's 'Unisersity Booskstore Mlembder-sh~i, Wihic-hi includes1 the1 pub-
20 S. State si., A-li Arbor lili.h lesticlis, is open~ 1o ill studients <f.$1
('oil on them for -a yeair.
Fine Chocolates, CENTRIAL MiILEAGE TICKET. 'freasurer.
and Baked Goods. Corers m~ore miileage thiall ainy ticket
Try Our Lunches. in the liarkeit. The onily book good Coulrse II (hii Lati writinig) will be
on1 eutire B. &C 0. Systm wcct of given Tuisiday anid Thuirsdaly at I
!!LG PN" S UUL Pittsburgh. It also inluides the Big o'clock instead o~f it 11.
,,LG PES A UUL 4 Sstemi. Gtit slid hias'e anever Single floom alid hoarid to be had at
- - we also have a line 115e realdy ticket over all impliortant liues No. 17 s. State ci. Oinly three doors
~. of importcd
t rice $20.00; gooid one year. Apply froim camlpus. Hat ad light fur
S'T EgiB to Ohio Cenitral Ageuts, or address uishied.
W ARNOLD'S Mloulton Htouk, G. P.~ A., Toledo, 0. Guiir for Sale-A Granild Cocrt
Jenelry stsre. TICKETS TO CHOtRAL UNION. Washburni Guitair for' saleo cheap. For
Heiret-fer inl the Chioal Un~ion coll- fuirthier pa~rticularhs apllly at lie hlh,
HANGSTERFERI CATIERg cotriopl0(1 will he obliged to shiw adsi.rahigons
0 ton st. their tickots at thit bottoii of tihe llh
ltairs before they assend, but tickets w l
NEWN M~ACHINE SHOP 0111 not be taken, un11it ildoors are
rahdtaaditothell 111. - mpfoy,
ANDREW HUNTER, 9 E.Liberty st. J. iGit hthClht5 . WINE. - Young
Bicycles Repaired or Rented. NOICEl '"-:gpMen T
Dental Instruments Repaited. 'tI ho 'stlalialt swill (1ffe eihe 1-11- h____________ 15 diostiute
. _________________________ cashil Price of noit li-sd 011a11 till ilollicO meals in earl payment Ior a hg grade Acne
bi Suee Thhd we sesd tnem on approval. Nic
or t series of bsooks (If 1(11111 vale ort done antil lhebicyle arrive and heaves
R equsest for the hi-st 1)0011 subihttedl on or satisfactory.
blefore .slllhly 15. Poemls pertalinhing IYoung Ladies sae erms.b
Readers of the Daily wil1l 11c oleeoien-fefd If hays a lIIs applylcliessmust be well remm-
far a favor on the Editors by men-. ________504 ilpelsas
wit aderises. Pper 54 E ELKHART, IND.

1% .&C. Ry. ..& M. Ry.
Solid throuahtis beiteene Toledo, Ohio,
sid ChlstonI. Va., vlia Columbus, the
iort and only direct route2;.
Coledo, 0.
Fiadlay,, 0.
Keaton, 0.
Columbus, 0.
.Athens, 0.

Mliddleport, 0.
Pernery, 0.
Pt. Pleasant, W. Va.
Richmond. Va.
Petersburg, Va.
Old Point Comfort, Va.
Williamsburg, Va.
Newport News, Va.
Nforfork, Va.
And ail solthieaistern poiiies. Eleganh
eleilig eroom lcars (1n all1throuighltrails.
For foether inlformatiion callon yoor local
ricitet Agent orrite,
MOULTON HOOUK,.Gen'l Pass. Aft.,
Tloledo, 0O.
W. A. PETERS.,SMichigan Pass. Ag-ent


The modern stand-
ard Family Medi-
cine : Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.

Lowney's Chocolates.
Hot Lunches.
'UTTLEYS, 48 S. State St.
We Don't Guarantee
to give you an alrt supplenment
with thie U. of M. Dlaily every
day ill the wreek, aud we do not
offer auy forty-eight psge edi-
tions at ourf present rate of $2.50 a
year. Wte ai1m1to give a thor-
oughly represenltative, up-to-
date University nespaper, coy-
erinig all departments of the
University and all the stodent
We Go 6uarantoe
regulalr delivery of the Daily at
your door until the eid of the
college year, furnishing you
prompt, accurate and comuplete
reportIs of Ulniversity evenits
faculty ood class niotices, a bul-
letin of the States of athletie
games, enltertaiunments, oe-the
news of your owni sld the other
departments in 'such a manner
as to enable yotu to keep posted
regardiug everything haipponing
or pertaining to the Unhiversity
There'sno contradiction
to the fact that the U. of M.
Daily is the only paper which
can mlake you this offer. It has
n10 competito~r. If you feel any
interest in the University you
wyill receive nmore than your
money's worth from your sub-
scription hefore the end of the
football season.

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