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December 09, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-12-09

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fAfter Michigan, Who Then? Bachelor of Arts Saw the Game, (vi e 111 O u
min I 4 1 t The following editorial appeared in The Bachielor of Arts, a new mootli-
Pubished Daily (Sunday excepted) during the Northwxestern: ly maga<zine publislied inl New York We have left a fair stock of
the College year, at "tAitli Tianksgiv-ing Day, lie fool- (City, has noticedl the excelleiit work of all sorts of
THE UNIVERSITY OF MCICIAN. ball season for the year ractically Mlichliganl's; tearn i bSeaoinitndsays - - WITIN TABLETS
GreeCE: Times biding N. aist., opposite closed. By defcutiiig('licago, Micil- of flue larvardt ganie:I h~l
Poi ie.guan holds clear. title to the cluauiipion-i- .The hue feaiii of the Unilversity of which can be closed ot as
EDITORS. siip of thue lesi, and by her close MuN~ebuganl held Harvard dowun to T4 follows:
J. A. L RoY, '00, Manuaging Editor. wore with Hlarard iholids iigihora points, Novemuber 9. The tlay was MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5G
0. R. SCius. '50 Assistat nl heclgsofhehast. re fast tiid furiouis, aiid Harvard )lreb ALT,'yP.~FR'
C. I).CAY, Ge. L, Assitantnl.tte olee o li' oi.' 1eGODRULED TBES P. O O
J. F. TelnIAS, '57, Assistsnt. fotalsecasont has bceei full of sic- escaiped defeat. Tue saiie daly the GOOD WRITING TABLET, 8 C
5.E sre,'5.Ali"edtr seai foo s alone are l len Slate.College scored iaus cue RN IE ALT 5
It.. F. Pns, '55 A, Assistan.ant accounti it is inipossile -to icier- vaisia, 4-35. At the tiiie the latter BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C
Associate Editors. nricewitith y dieree of accuracy, f eaii were playinug a lite tlelioneiz WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB.
C.. . A. Pratt, 'i. A.. Petrie,''9 I the raink of aliy given lcaii. Next to lhauniHarv-ard, hot the lattet, teatim hs tc ilo e elcd
C. A.lougliton, '01 D. G. Al. heath, r 'tOtokwllnt erplcd
Ktatherinec hoed, '57. Ii. IB. Gammon,'9i M1 -Michigani, Chicaugo lhts caimeiidtpre- offer the liriiiceton gamiie etered iipoii Come quick for first choice.
h. B. Metheany, 'i9.l. It. F.Reilly, '99. inice over all other sveseriicoi-la oic~yrc systeuli of coaclin'.g si-hicliAhl - T
R. C. nuck,.'99 B.. usannahi Rii'dson,'98 rgus rinting H xouse.
F. A. Miser, '96 H. E. L. Geismer 5'9sUL. eges, bt Biin the licti1t of recent si-ore ,tioldt Veiy still iin tin'gamie il Noviuui
W. XV.hughe, 't8is ihird to justify hiir cisainis. Iiorhei' 23,_ inwihichl harvard trovediier-
The price ot the D~aily will remin ashierei- listace, C(iiag-o beat Nothsveslern seif equalill Pennisylv-ania in everyGad. O ea'~ue
tofare, $2. 0 a year, invsriably in advaiice, 1) a losi' imargini. Illinuois ilcal way excepitkickinig giias. ONE NIGHT ONLY,
eotwihlstainding the tact that publicationn
will be continued until Commencemient. Noriiisvesterii tiy a miicl largor scoei ARABIC. THURSDAY EVRK DE,1
tdoil i Tiikls-ivitiili'iiduie'i'asily Dtiiing ihe secoi iIOllsill 1liiiEVENIG, one-I
Minnesota at Detroit., idefeated till'Ciiatiipai'guni gints. Now.iiiiuii-coursii ill bei s'offerein Araici
The Ar eiilain iai, (ftill'if liie'latist, g"llies aiit0eto tieas (re 15 U1 iioii'eiitl . 14i).It. is o~tlr-Custave Fr :ohman'e
i'dlfor thiii rst tiiiiianlull x ielolll Superh Slock Orgaiization inDe-
t'nive'rsity of Miniiiesotani speaks s lft- icriteria, as I 'till-glI hal iinil lidvociitatfed, Mdsi~l ille and Bl-ascos Masterpiece,
loso iiMciau gi"l'a Dlloi: 'rdni' clearly staiids ahlead of Clii- iill vi 'Iic oIh i i s
The football5lseaoinof Itie year 1Ff)95 llgo, i'5ll'tiii'i'll l'eniWihilli I' 11e (or yrau.Si's enol stuiidints hii is IW IF
lO ii5~iiii lii'Woviiues 11' bli clsiescorie'of thei c1ihii1ii 'chll ' I ue lready 'xilri'Iil'lia idisiii IoIjoinifu ettiher y ruren ii
1)11s of 1111'Northstx. :;alie' with hieliii' 'i iii- a in' at ilass. All 5s1itu1ntillho5wishi tll:liii managenienit fltheNew Sorl Lyceuo:
Twotu StiR . liltodaiily lit hllx(ll' l ilcao. Asidi' front givieg ujehigaitill' ilass (ci'eCrlqueiste'dto '- 'ltticllI
iiaiill'5tol till'ilinhirsignil'l, as till'Prices: 35C, bOc, 75C and $1.
tail ithatiiuir men11pu)t,1up thii si 1'xIlistiOl of rc1auln.ioing fourcor ice iays. JA~MES A. C ('thi O. Y T 0 AT7VD,0
gihlle'MinnelsotaliWeiii Illliulbe~famI westecii uuuiveus-xiis is mo) t ifficltat 44 adoiisoni5st. AtVW. S. K R
hll e iiavie'rilopoentls with asci-oho to i'(idi'. N(ITICF.
21 l ri. li5'glhlIonesa ls'lii Claiss Cannot Organize. Til eiigitlliiii'xlaltults and11four cotiu-
front1 start to filisbadrmni' w11Il~ 111iere Iuittileluufromuithiii'tour ellcirtii'5 areC'd
cheaicy ltuilyl.li'lcl Ssilh hefrtyr hs hlthi liireuse tome.iAebtr al. Wwlcoiie all. lire 11011 every effort
- utlayd.I'h~feldwa Ind-ililitilig for the' purpose oh Illslilig hair Bulilitig Sotlidaylat 1))o'ilockI to eclipse tueequality ot our can dies
dy, ludshliis galve 1th1' Slicihiga aiililieachi due.Every effort means success
thuh class olicosalurdly a lt 111111.to iir''anuge foru'heliiinlual preliminary tonus.
whic-lu uiir;'l iit) iaill(1 ter ratanlicei~est. Let. all hi' presenlt. Fresh Goods and Low Prices,
he~irthllUr l I121ne d t:andl for- liii'third dinse thie' li-! sil____________
tagi. 1:111huegrlluul (Ir Il~higlt (1 lhl~lihiiiiilI~lt llillig Pu-Ifi'sou-lhilsihl('hals just entered i our nmotto. A trial ot our Candies
te.Hdter lil'I'ell A iii ~i'ih'l. Slli'cug' iryile-tIllihis lnilli"i de ofl etlurevI's will convince thie nost critical.
tsills iiigilt havll 'l 11diffc'eI'.lI.let'titll, "'he'Infuecel'of t'hristiauuiiy
taasi la'ou el < nt iUpnAcetadMdeNl dut-ihhresulted i 1in f p -Coy. S. Stale and N. University ave.
fnhos~~bllEt(ofThalilif1Pr wh i oini.' 111'iwlcurI's ion uu'llsday,



wax. 1111 Michiigan aii idIalli e aditillg
ousliiv'ery-ballot Saturdltay ivil in ilthei
'%veak. 'l' he Hl'liri'l' iciio'un ti.lli
e'tictl~lie aul lt ~h115 llyhil ea lsternl ai da~i~lte', had l. ().1 tll'
bustldamailtsgainsiat1110mostiany'S is cc
l~ulhh lillyaftubaltotill'akeninewganamhsne oh
theysttied eanc whientocruuheilll-)tithe
hallthe fo nd: he ichgan.lin < i XI'ot fol-ut il ein blie",lug t i t i
io-yau'il utuu i iadi'tiyoble. l ul layed ir h h t S~ioi 't ijlilt tiiii-l assericlil go
111ta rsi hineatt as concedi e b i (h
20 arls llltii~ rghtelllsice il ' i ~la ll'it It is ' liet 111sioll ofsi li
hongist cuuuis illuilterysent.iiios(iltc Ilas
111 'teitenierii-i'rsoipposestill eveiiifai'
inghit gaae. 'Iire oflii' hicliglulIfilsd orihi et luluescto coulan ilco-
'10 a~-rsc ecu emae yhuiuiiu s ohat frid uotiil oh lrotbiu t. tt e ls Iilr
the firt uhalcefu'ndiiunteibiit ssiiunoftic lglte frtY a vih lt en
i)0eYardis aeoul)d'ai ht u eacweopho oreHop
i~li' aull'oil'1'iaiksiuiigt):~ ii. Th eect licers l tde 11011 chiliulillt"' cii

tvi'ilui'sday tinAT'Ihiursdaly, at 31 o'click
at Tauhl Huall. RENTSCHLER,

1110strililly, Dci'. i, oun Washintgton
or Stati' st., a poi-ketboiok ctinlinilg
aibout $5-. 'liei'findiecr Aiill pleiase
heae-i at Wal's book store'.
Onte suite aud onue single room, fii-
nishiedt,lighit uit bathl; $2 anti $7.25
per we-ek-20 S. hulgalls st. 58
Wainted-SomceoneteoIIphlly for dane-
ilrg a halt hour a day it exchiange for
use of piano. 45 Wastiteisaw ave.
For Rlent-Fronut suite, het and
bathl. Board if desired. 37 Forest.
We furanishu t110best
Handsome Embossed Poker Chips
(or counters) the per 100. Noise-
less Poker Chips (or counters)
$1.50 per 10)0. Extra qnality
Dominos 25c per set.
Detroit, iMich.

It you want sood reliable life lessrasee call
on Ired T cOlc 0of1c 7.I, 1
Fourth ave.
00 YOV KNW ?
that every maker of Choco-
late candies makes dif-
ferent grades at daffer-
out prices? When you
hny5of us, every piece
wilt he good. That 13
the way we select them
-only the host and most
expensive kinds.
60 Cents a Pound.
Advertise- Your Wants

lwueit Ain Arbior ant'iiChiao olil- !
firmed 'it ic-igau's right to *tihi'titli'
Cuhmpionls iol'thurichwoest.
Institute In Cloned.
T~hemi,w'ore Itirie se, siohis of thueY.
M. C. A. Bibiletitute uigli yester-
day~' At 9:15 a. i. anid at 3 p. im.
Prof. NN"Bite couiductledtshiourt ecshious'
of the institutie t NMc-AihiuuHtllh, 11111
the losingission sras heldt at tile
Methodist Epilscopal church last nighut.

decitd to ihiarge',$3 for tiekets to the
floor ant $1 for shecttors.lsThue parut'
siill tcomenee promptlli t 8:15up. il.,
.and1 fromiitihe' latest ureorts msi-ll hut'na
utecidiedtsuccess. Anito;igtue hsurol-
esses is LSti. Preoiilent, An-gell.
A new,, modern huouse," funished orI
unfurulishued, 103 h'ackard st. A goodl
house for a society. 561
Wanted-Anothier steward, Apply
to ire. I. C. Eamnes, 7 N. Slate sI,

in The Daily.

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