THE U. OF M. DAILY. AI~mIA~TCe) ryElA19LEVERY TUESDAY Q' Mall and Ex-___3 50 Mall__ ___H4 Mr. A. R. Rose will he at the Cook House withi a Choice TN .'eil__50 N .5eil__73 Eastern Exs-__15 12 N. S. Ltmilted.___ 9 25 Ln fW oesfo A. M. Pacific Ex---11 57 Lieo oln rman Atlantic En_-_7 47 P. M. s D.N .Express.... 5540 iNWestern En x..-200 EGO D N A L Cini , flETR IT T eG . Express __- 0 hi t. E-__.10 28 Uli 111 G. R.Ex. . .THE-- GO DE57 L C I 0. W. HIO~r, . W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor pine Diesseis it will pay yoo to see the lisne anti compare _ -CLL Oprices strictly first class work. Up-to-date styles. Low- e est prices. ' __ Baseball Season Next. At the Grand Opera House. i' RAILWAY. liTe c-ominig ba1301011 Sea's)on is ap- lOnt of thei gre~atest dramal~tic effotfs nvOnTO. SOUThl Ilai-ulie iand it is liedithai~t Mich l ldel history is the WNile' lie 7:37 a. m. *0li a.m.ii N~eril -y m1h cspl r T12:25 p. m. 11:30- a. . ig-:ii cao equal hei spledidl rietord of1 iu e- ,-eiit'bs e twru 4:15 P. m. 9:00 p.nM. Sut-cess iud b stecril lilrllig tnitc All trains daily except Sunday last y1111. 'T'hi olliteid icr this seasoan s-tiii iaoiwh-to la eie j_ Trains ran betwccn Ann ArborandilToledc vt h ar~gieto httete only. R.S REWOAetwill be P. C. Shields, iilainiilS a111d l". it. will bei presented~ at thie (Granid opt-ra W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. V. 1)iaiis. ieiltiain. C(Snilteis fur thie house tDe. 72. 'flie W ife' is i play d N~ ~ ~ ~ iiii YS iNIS B.ta will iii all proaobility lie lilt of gt-uli .iiuiiiau ilerest itat eis it a hotid iiillilopular fasor whitu is T ANN ABOR YPSIANTIST. B. ilroughli cot-iaes of t aiuiugil the10 ~ i-ioo t 01-oi-iso Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. g07 liiittili beore (lie itdoit i eil l sotial aid: lisiness foils aid folli-- Leave Ypsilanti from Congeos it., 7:10, 8:45 open., Tfhis traiinig twill c-osist thief- it isill i ler(-si oil ciasse s siotl will lisie, and 11:00 a. m.; 12:45,2:5,5:t0, 0:45, 9:15 and 10:5.m 1,Y of sli:Iing, staitiug, lundthilrowring. ini ilhs iieloly (f til swhoi si-i it. liii Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7;40,s-Is5adcoeylnet iofa ew rd 11:30 a. in.; 1:15. 2:45. 5:30, 7:15, 9:45 and ib:15 lhi- is snic tal111 of oii Passer --ril.l, liyie~ii s ftis cl-- SUNDAY TIME. wshite Mii. 1-':ai ((1111's tcompany1 illS it Leave YpsIlanti from Congress st..:30, 3:30, .actionu. (hiciage is geting her "I ciivsedi lt.e reitIss praise for its finiish: L eave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:0 iiy11(,iii(111leosli11ifltilellaciol11-ri--li- 7:00usnd 9:30tp. m Cars run on city time Pore: single trip 15 Il ist ie relsgiisiiig to 1t111 of stirtiog is'(lis. cents; round trip tickets 23 costs.I Wu. P. PARKER, Sspt. wo11rk. 5IO3E-SEI-KERi EXC7RSIONS AtPnslaia. 10 V'irinia intl the SouthI Nosv. 1, SILK FLAGS.d ...-. At __ Pee.nssylvania,0. Poe the Minsota Gamei at Detroit, 'Ihe l'eilii-anliin sf iteI ivesr- On thie above dates agi of the Leae orders stith . . . sity sof C'eilisyillaiia says a. ften- w5ords Ohiot Ceitral Lines0 wsill sell Exctirsion 111( li adt-e l'hica-:go c-sme: tiikts at oneC fare foi- the roanil trip; JO IL..-I~Y & CO'S (If(iN limit for returnl 30 days. ,5S OticSt. Sige Htie:. fli- llylsl 7 If i eligi: d flil~l Conullt 0. C. Agents. SUlt Sant Cold Lo,,rh. s at All }lours. lie IUnivsersity iof I'icago last Satl u- - _______ NOTICE. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL dyb h wr f1 o0ttey Toecmeigfrte$5cs w(inn~inig tie cbri~rdoislilp If thie WsIti prict- offeieiiy the lii astliii for a WHOILESA.LE CIGARLS 'liie gailie .... 1hard fiiiighlititighoiitt sh~ort storfy of itie niatilfe of Yali- J TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. aiiii bsth eei-icn'si showsed. gocd teal'i y*1f125 of Pricetonl stories muilst has-c Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. sr-i, 'T'll Mich-igan ea hiiIls ye(if theii prfoducltions iii Sy Januar~y 13. Moniey to loan in persoital properly. hias beeni molist siltessfuil, scorinig tl26,41 . T cr ftlftlit'I n umefnia 1(11s is(1 point 101to l hr opponilhents 14. liiie oilly tiress, II3l C 1SAIIAN. R AN D1 I L [ ,:linie sill lost wais wtithi l:irsaroli-l, Stud-int m~ember(-ls of th IP 1olitical MiAC KtNTIOSI-IES Scienice Assoiaition clii get ifilie pult- ~ hot. gra 1her twe have seculred the ageucy for 11cat10115 as iliie vchlI olt Sy eillihig vi1 "Thg rRo11 ya011" Mac-kintoshi Coats. Itf at foomi 11, Tapahahll1:1, st 7.7 a. mI. 15 Washington Block. you n1eed a miackintosh ask us to show oil ally ldly ixcet-- Saturdayl. live ________________________________ you__ 551our stock, they Sf0 splendiid ccats 1uirle- sre 1n0w oult a11:1 a siti, de Tolf C-l 511( ,stAEa ill hot cost you aiiythiiug to 911 totedl to city soie iint, is prlitilig. thietii.+ lx Wailir's 'Unisersity Booskstore Mlembder-sh~i, Wihic-hi includes1 the1 pub- 20 S. State si., A-li Arbor lili.h lesticlis, is open~ 1o ill studients