Time Table (Revised) May19, ET1.A.M\94i[ V
Mail and Exs.--.. 3 50 Mail - 0.1__-_8 M agiecent gift from or (look Department. Dinner Set (Ilaviland's Best Decor T. 0.
N. Y. Special-... 5 00 N. Y. Special.... 7 30 atrd Chinaware) mill be given away to purchasers in oar (look lDepartmn et for d
Eastern Ea---10 12 N. S. Limited.... 9 25 7 days, Nov. t6 to 23. Sld1
A. M. Pacific Ex._ -11 57 M L V X 0 M F L and lbo
Atlantic En -77 dPeM. sota
D.N.Espress.--.. 5 40 Western Ex____2 00-
G. R. Express ___11 05 Chi. Nt. En.---10 28 ______________________________________
GREx ----- 7G e ,Toledo,
0. ES H. W. HAYEO, T The S'' '' St Tailor. Fn
G0. P. & T. Act., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor:a t."J. G", u "ae~j i
71, g y ~Thatwe c-ansave youfrom$3to $10o everySuit or Dveercoat bought ofus? We do.
trz c ~ewescre bronebe up n pthe business, and know swhereof we speaks. 'Twill pay you to look at
Jour samples before buying esewhesc.
7:37 a. m. *7:10 a. m. I hosc coipclilli for itie $2 cash
*12:2i p. m. 11:30 a. m. Program for Tonight's Meeting Trice offered by- the (ostotliali fora
0:15 p~m. :00 p~m. and the Preliminary Debate. sotoe fteDiir fYl
All trains daily except Sunday shatsorfhntreoYl
*Trainso run betwetn Ann Arbor ssd Toledo
only. ~S RN9DIAet The iruitramlior(ticeiiiJsffersoniln i or 1I'-ilnioll stoiries 1111199 have
R. SI ENT .P . GETWOlD Agent their lprodulctionis ii hy totiory 7i. Asid
W.__11._BENNETT__G._P.__A._Toledo_____ society__fortonlglhtithellrelllltl y T15 Poewfst
1111 ~ QT dcl~ite 01 tihiers1111 11:- he iiiaiimum For numtber ifrllilli es el.fu
ANN ARBOR & YPSIANTI ST.RY1 eaetedbaesad31i(1 -250.Frfute ifraioSd icA
L____ ionls lseing :as follows: D119. 1 rugll, tress, TItt CAOT AIAAN.
______._ A. PI
Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Roy II.l illiaiiis, A. J1. W etherisox, (lie lia t see silsi foerlldjllsllellt of
Lesve Ypsilanti from Congress it., 7:10.,0:43 A. S. Kepnier, ('C. . Wite, 0. Huoff,. Ivlancied. cseit, ill ileroisi: will he-
and 11:00 a. m.; 12:d5,2:15,5:00, 0:45, 9:i5 and
10:d5 p. m. I1- Block, 1). S. I w-ing, C. It. t8raiii- heldi ii oon B, Satulrda:y, Dee.. 7,
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40,9:15 and
11:30 a. i.; 1:15, 2:d5, 5:30, 7:15, 0:43 and 11:153Ihan. The- judges :are brefesre (from:11to-132 1. 111. All studenitsAwho
p. m. 1 wmBul n ~Ie. Iish to obtlt stuti iredibt l lihase TLb
SUNDAY TIMlE. noteii ltts 1(1tsgie. iiyet alid:tshiouldtpresent, tOlleIl- W
Leave YpsIlanti from Congressnst.,1:3i, 3:30, AtheGadOraHue elenttish.
:00, 0:30 and es tthstil.
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00,4:00, 5:30, ,l700ad :0 .m."91te ofotto l1-" 3 -G:O~ ItFN(lf . W
Cars ran osn city time Pare: single trip 15 , - --- -a
cents; round trip tickets75 cemits. liaini (illettt's n oliit liae;gttlec oii::sy. ( ittnsirtl -I'. Steiltno, N!i'si i hi.
bls. P.\\-sllbeseenp at ithe(xi-id tpra ':t)S ID, 1:1:-lit-cof Il:lijca, 'Man':tdolin
ssilas~ iisili intd(iluitr. AiinArbior tOrisan (
S ILK4I FL~AG6S ii~..... hoiuse, Sailnrilay. Diic. 7, inlrilill--tIis. pronounced. Ii-:ilsle eni>:
For thei M~inesoita Came-at Octroit. I~ lilomietentjtlitC5liili;to lii-the very vi cts., ttlnti- lesion 55 i-s. C
Lese odes iili t/^tsii kofli 11110 u lii 1 Oneii'stiit e and iinoisingle roiiiii til-
J01ri.E W.ZY& '0. , s iii Sei-ritary " ndthii: 1iore i-i-i-i-lt nisile~l itliht mu sid tli $2 lot 01.2,5
70S. itste bt., bSager iliock. nilci--i-se.'iiiioSMuch .t::liii:n." I-s te Iiiper sseek- 20 S. Insg:illnsI. 5 0
list a od,,ris at All Ites. thi resr th atliiit has-. ii 0101ar ipartsiaidh
P0111se "11ItinLl a~stin: iseitilg) wsill tii
uiisL Z;
&ScC. By. K. &M. Ry..
lironcah trinse ttreesl Toledo, Ohio,
orlesion, PW. Vs., viaClumns, the
id only direct roste4 ,,
.dlay,- O.
Kenton, 0.
Colsumbus, 0.
Athens, 0.
iMiddleport, O..
Pomery, 0.
;asant, W. Va.
cihnond. Va.
Peternburg, Va.
Old Point Comfort, Var.
Williamsburg, Va.
Newport News, Va..
Norfork, Va.
all southerastern poin. Elegant,
room cies on ollthreoghctans.
erther infiirmation call os ouerlocal
Agent or swrite,
OULTON HODURC, en't Paso4. Agt.,
Toledo, 0.
'ETERSO, Slichigal: lass. Arest,
Ileteroit, lck.
The modern stand-
ard Family Medi-
cine : Cures the
1common every-day
"ills of humanity.
TRDE i'ap
THE KIHDERG&RDEN BILLIARD HALL 1r::11i .1::-aagi- 'anilexhaiucesic l:r is-eln uesd:: lllTlanlt tI - __________________
lilly, it 11.10 neier been1111ed 1inuh-u oclocks ist-ad of :a1 11..
WHOLESALE CIGAR.~S iiitstiite of .-NowFor, btithl 111r9ei-01:t Wlll--ul Ann thi-:-ti~-s.ii Aplyl7Lowney's Chocolates.
TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. ptodcionis .ain aifullianil:: :iii- to 311-n. II. C. E15:01:s, 7 NState ot H tL nhs
Rlairoad. + Ticket + Brokers. i-iit:-s liii,:::tisi-uof thei gii: -:incst Flii: Ilrnt suite, hea~t andi
Miisey totoaoniipersoinat prop:erty. sstwhen Ii: i i ciienoyeiiiaI1l11ti if ~o-er ti. l17strditifdiesiri-i. *37 9-or-sb. 40nalt iNo Yrkcy.T T ', SteS.
R ANDALL sicinesryiswhichi i::carriid-it-iire- ty in i~FLAG PINi AS" AS USUAL.
ro' 4t peelcmyl, aiiid allIcthe Pe lWe al- mso-avfainie W iso uane
h Ii gra I e r 101 t's areinow, 5 sil lley hisin hut ~ef mpot/
16Walintn ok t u spaired iiiinakigthis ne c f btheSTE NS to give you 00 let supplement
15WsintnBoc. 1otaitli ldramal~ticevenitnsiof 111 sesinl. 11W11 Af lh fl withl the U. of tA. Doily every.
______________________ a lIULU day itn the week, and we do not
52. Th your~g iiiliiillof Laikes 1-Sor~ir:-"t Jewerlry Stosre. otter aoy forty-eighit pasge edi-
N. Co;E 'tSTATE ________do___________ ln at oulr res-ot rule of X2.50Oa
STREET____.__+__+_I'llirnity haivi f'oii hiltsl l sittti iy-iar. We i-rniito: give a tilor-
,alontemfrssociation, I il-h are:, i-ibihfor(in NO. 30 olgllly representative, tip-b -
Calo hmfrJENNINGS ATLBET T Univesity Inewspapier, cov-
Fine Lunches, i Ilseishilp sll fiemiale nsihhes nofEAT LBERYtS. all departmens sof the
Fine Chocolates, liii-'lnis-eisiiy :and:1all itlsi-iiwho: ilay 1-JHot Lunches, Ungiversait n lltestdn
and Baed Gods, hbeI-eoillnl:-l by-heli:-stanling cel- Chocolates and
Try Our Lunches. liitti: bIts obijet in to hiuuulisut- ath-f Home-made Candies.
~ VflhI I youngl « illine hiill c15 ctio kicb h theie UALNflTERflrn .CATERSER,
uu Buox? 20iu ~nrnStE wsvhing
UseI IIg nllllllniiwosrik. tn I regular delivery of Ohio Daily at
- your door unbil the cod of tile
0 A Set of Our 31AC0KINT.IOSIII7S. co ~ ellege year, fnrnishiing you
W'e 1hav-e secre 1bilen~icy forue LW .MACHINE.L. SHOPij prompt, accurate sod com~plete
"j Thse to ysil Mackinthi lCoas. If 51. iueys reports of Universiby eveuts
EA 1P1ANDREW HUNTERi ilryot. fcolty ~dcasIoieabl
sillflh nied s liacklil~hi k iO I: shess101101 of te sites of athletic
you 0111 shock, they sre splenhdid eosats -Bicycles Repaireud or Rentedl. games, enltertainmnents, etc.-theo
Good Kid and Curled 11ir, and:1wsllh noit cot 7you anythintoig see I Denital Instrbullents Repaired. dpnewso ornt s id he other
111m10 f' hres Unliv-ersity itookstore, , __________________ as to enable you to keep posted
YO*OR c Q 20 S. Stiat b., Anl Arboe 'Mich. RENTSCIILER, regardilhg everything liappening
Money refunded to you1 for NOTHIING LIKE IT! THEbiOITO' or perbaining to thio University
anything not satisfactory on CENTRAL MILEAGES TbCKET. PHOTOCnAPHEZn
inspection. Covers more mileage than any tickeb pf's~n olaileo
___________ in 0110 market. Tile only hook good ANN ARBOR. MICH.
on entire B. & 0. sysbem wsest of
T .B A L C .Pttsburghl. It also inicludes theoibRig u stto thle (set that the U. of M.
4 system.o. Get it sod lhave so ever Daily is the only parer which
DerotMch radicket over all im~portant lines. Readers of the Daily will con- can snake you this offer. It has
Price $20.00; good one year. Apply nteromest intheIuversityo
S IJDI N T8 T 10 Ohio Central Agents, or address fer a favor on the Editors by men- initrecinei rt your
Ifyo an go rlibe if nssac cllMoulbon Honk, G. P. A., Toledo, 0. Clning this paper when dealing mnoney's worth fronm your sub-
on redT Mlm,ovee s.1 . Subscribe for iho Daily, with advertisers, football 50ea011.