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December 05, 1895 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-12-05

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Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during
the College year, at
OFFICE: Tines building N. Main st., opposite
past office.
J. A. LEttow, '96, Managing Editor.
G. R. Sirs, '99, Assistant.
C. DS. CARY, Cr. is, Assistant.
J. F. TesoMAS, 'IC, Assistant.
S. E. KNArron, 'lb, Athslctic Editor.
L. C. WALKERs, '96i. Business Mlanager.
it. C. F+AtLDS, 'OilIl, Assistant.
Ansociate Editorn.
L. A. Pratt, 'It. A. iK. 'ctrie, '9b.
C. A. Bioughtos, '96 D. 0.Al. Ileath, '96 P.
Katheriog Rteed, '17. 11. B. Camoson, 'OSSI.
B. B. Methseany, '9S. tR. R. Reilly, 'Sb.
SR. C. Bock, '99 M. Susaonah ti,'h'dsoo,'98
F. A. Miner, 'l96 II. FE. L. Geismer, '98S L.
W. W. Hughes, '918.
Thse price oP the lllaily will recoaio as here-
tofore, $2.50 a ycar, inivariably in advance,
notwithstaiidiog the gacl that publication1
will be costinueid until Commncement.
The roll of thie S'eiisy lvaitia Aiti-
letic Associaitioii lee 1694-5 showed a
nlilbh'lligl of' over 7(10.
l'sifs'li' halos lbein floodleid iiie---ill
beised t is iwinieras a skting inkl.
of Itoghy footbiall inlabige collegi's, in
sirder Iso.g~\e liiilmof iif lght weighbt
a clhsuce lo shiossthir ahility.
('lornell is consil-ering 1111'fai'illiy
o1' establishling a coimpany of she Na-.
tionalt Guardiatitheis' Iv -i soy iso'
ssssste'i',t11e'direcos')i ro)llolf Ills'1G115'
ersior of 5sN. 3011k.
Yale''s t5BAliliary I Olilogu sos'
She facuilty (0o illlii r 227,-illin-
rretss' of 11) over las1 year. Tile si-a
tisties for itis' lca lelilo sitinilil
:ire: Seniliuie, 277); ,liliiiii.'''I;s1 7sotilo-
lilores, :(20; freshwii.;10. 'T'ital, 1,-
21 0,-ail inicease of 14.
A johnt conceet. oill bhi'given iili
Mnpiie. 'lii., ion thi''216t1h of IDi'
cesiier, isy the' Yale 1a1dllSeilccloli
(2is'e aldsS Shil luDbs.'liis isliii'
imijt tine thail:ills otteillt lhis ave

SHIP DECLARED OFF. W all Sortsfarsokf
Chicagfo Gums Cleared the Socit WRITING TABLETS
$1,819-Manager Baird and Consh
McCauley Tendered Votes of which eon he closed ont as
Thanks-Dr. Nancrede Also Re- follows:
membsered.___ MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C
The Athletic Board decied hid 000 RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR 0OC
night thiat there will hi' 11 finiol iiiter- GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC
class~ foolhall echsampioiishiip goicne, buti CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 150
She chiamplionship -will lie left moleci- BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C
oilPitS~i' 'OSan '(i ,.Tli' sisvWRITING. PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB.
ecl bTtweenstock will not be replaced.

f rand Opera House.!
all Comedies,
AfCosintloar.Side SplittiSituations.
ItRecosd 4Ws1Nj-hts in Ne- York. bunn ier
than "The Prisate Secretary," f'harley's
Aunt" or "Too Muhlohsono." Including
*the jovial little coniedian,
Prices: - 35c, 50e and 75c.
Advritise ill She Daily.

of, present on the field Blakes anothei'
fgamie inipossihh'.
'The repiort on thie 'hieaigs giiisl
lisshwdne.il oc ,,, oflc S1_s' 19. soc 'I'S:i

Come quick for first choice.
Argus Printing House.

-vvs aiiplied to payylng the bills of lb-m%
ssoeiltioll. A rote ISP (minks lwao ox-
linded to Itliliger 1Baird 11y'the iboardilUR L b C H N E
folit'hi eflicient5serics's, andiSa, coiii
llte 8aaiintei(d illoiite a l'tti'r Positively L.imited to D cem ber 24thig
to ('oaci c Oeauleiy l'xilessillg thn' Nevr eagain will thereIbe anther .Special Offer maeonrtss gi reat 'tnadD101tionry'
aind Encerrlopiedliaof the Worhl's Knwledge We fuy nlo dt aanceshe51ice on cietober
hoard's apprec'liaitioniofllis 'servites. 31st, bhal thousands ot Ceoclin all wa50lks or lifeaverseiiuested anextensioioltie util Cheistmas,
Aftlee earetul consideraion,sseiiaedecie taootiueour SrpeilOffrunlllie olatelil. 'ris
Dl' 1at1 lE~d snt 11li bll f .) is done simpl~yaiidionlyosas ams o aderisioghsl o deful s o ehourssenofinfo~rmastin.We rd'
I~r lis'ioll ol ii hs ilisi $.1not earect to oake money hr ibis offcr, as 5he very lossr ice con extreely literal temsilli or h~
poys tor ere, preintingoand binding:but thetremenosa mount oftaikOcreatedasill hellstoIsvriaset is
Isis prcofe'ssionaliisccvcsr s's'sshc'hes'l most moidern andop-toidaite mereferetce librasry. N0osdverticement casn110 tile wrJsse ti5cr: lin
itsownsmost eloquentcadvocate. Reetlyidopeiiby theoschools oft. LOIS, Mo.,ndilmany other cihies,
footblsatleam niisd aittached'(h Ihinlo in prefeence BtoSalbeedictionaries mid encycopoaedias. St ho equl to 5arcoge education.
Assas ar retesipt isn frill, Iaimethd of pro- FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFT NOTHING COULD BE BETTER. I
Your pastor, teher,friend, prrsts,seryoureclden willinpecilate thigreatworkibyonld epes-
csi1onwd.ihss sciii'a si t~05Itwllhlist a liftetime ansi alsays glee satistacton. No busiesiserprofessiniata, teacher, stu-
hdent, mechaoic, houseiforic any other pecrso who wishes to kerr abheast of Soc tims, or who s itr
ested inothelillaablterpriee oftself-educatio,ecaffoto a ollowethois rare opportunlity tolpss without
thi' soclioc's. A sole sif Ihal5 is OX os- carflinvshigatison.Uderttandthis geat worsemebodiesnil tkhe atur's ot1.0omphl50etDictionary ad
teididloil IiiPii. athoroughlEncyclopedia.Tbe siw ad e511rely up-to-the-times
THE"GRMA."Ency:C1opLLkdic Ditionaryd
211'. aIl I O's. I~ooS G1llhiel' hasveIssnow offeredsallreaders ot this papratntshoeicrt e7.pee tinIsmosthly payments t~of 200rack
siseatlhslclvl's vin filgillI'siof Ills' until Ike sam of S~fi.C5J is raid. Thit it hot little sore thain soe-th ierergularhprice.
'Ibis greates ofiall icionaries 0nd Encyclopaeirsasloeditedbyysuch worid-enoowned scholars
"(liiliii" Ithoyswil itroucestthe'IsircDr. Rub't. Easter, A.M.,F.G.S., Profs. Huxiey, Morris, Herrtage, Estoclet, Williams, etc.,
hlSew' e7 lhillihz".ys. f17e1.1asssteidby tooreof oth0e00specialsts is ar.icusheranches of knoledgeS . fre
Ih~s 55511o'iiii' piisae sr elisoii -~ this special of-
-Ol = i-tIls lis 711 for holds good
.1n11 procuresica'd(otiS Iiliiciirl. Niw ~nlIy un tilI
is th'e111115'o join011 e liii' {tei -a-'. 24Christmas Eve,
LADIS' AC~sN'fSSSES. , 5s a atwhich time
LTdo'bg Hi rilpi lilal li~ ~ ,the price will
los, n isi-Pilek11113, 202 Sils 055 u,0 0ctaC n V be dvanced to
to $4215. blue-black'oll W Ldiesack bONAR1 c042 to $10 per
.$11, at$.0 Ldls l oo ir set, and abso-
istosheslite$. tlig Sargains in Ladst' ltE i Y° I e y i flutely no devia-
hald Gent's Sills Ulhibrelias. c 151 sU IN O LUEI1 5 onfo hs
MACI & tt12S5AN. s prices will be
hIO rIDAY IA'htX 'SOPN OHtIO ('17 made. It is not
'IIAL TLINES.1 for sale in hook.
T'ielsionSaiwleDe. 241, 22 11 d11.(1 'S, "".- , J225.-" stores, and can
Also oitnn'y L Ililt frereturs-s only be obtain-
Jan11. 2, 181)0.Slate O'e ii'relcnd , ed from us or
Thirst for sound trpleshtsweon all sta-Our authorized
tions. Soe Ohio t'Eintcal Agents fis h abov eiii sa eactsoeaproucin' of oltihE d usiaORDclDICIONARYb. rprsentatives
1ue msosie isvouesein repnodnelim eofTpoliYsdcwod. 11nrc Saot1'0 tbsR.reo
full partieulars. - Over $750,000 Required to Produce This Magnificent Self-Educator.
a~l~fES'RATS I tis a Complete Ditionary ottheoEnglishlauge.iEvery wrdisrsxhaustively treatedmasto
11T1N TERSa RATES. Itsorgin, istory, developmenIt, etymology r, eosnciioni osdvaiumengs
Age'ntS of Ohio Centrrol I.inoeS are Itgnis a Thoough .ryrlopsriloftaoatomy, hotanoy, chemistry, o05100y, geology, nrt, music,
arcluephscpilosophky, mechanics, history, unythiology, hiblical knowiledge, rtc.
sollingsug sntolso' Ticke'ts to all polsuls I s a$Sprb LibrasrllBook, subsstantlily boundsiSCln'tefom new photos, ho large, leor type,
p to eay ishitle aer, hod illtsrated with thosans o ew i tusres made rspeilly ior thut wors.
in Phe luontisig territory at huontero' It isbetter thasns all othser ditionares, beccascthlatest oeditionof sorsercteains buto116000
worsoatid 212 alas he ictest~chite conanos bal 14000 woredsiiniS2,01 pogeol the Sandurdconthans
rates. Sue OGilsCossral.l Agienta. 102 bhatl itleiovetr200,0c00twordsanotd ,315 pales, oand eveu Tke Centurcontatins~btk225,s0o worde, and sellstfor
r______60___ to so1sushiEncerosruaas e ofearous kinds tell for 5:15i) Shoes0,Tkis grecat ENCYC'SOPASDIt( DIC-
5'IONARc ostlliig55pgeC1ros, ove 3,000illostraltions, bond iorhandsome volomes, kmas er
Gusitar for S alo.-A (tlru'IB Conceort 250,000 words, 50,100 encyclopaedic subjects, und is She accepted nuthority ofthSe Englishhlanguuge.
W'ashbsu'sn Guitar for sal1e cheap. For Nine Opinions-"Thousands More Equally Good.
fhurther particulaurs happIhly t li' t seHu, TbeEocyclopa~edihitonaries ordered tornie In St issthe greatest tume-sueramosng allmy heeks
t he lpubliieschoos aregivingexceluent sisfactio, ot eeenhet reso ibs15nosheewobkof many timos
3ansd 5L. W'ashinigton St. Ateria xastive ehai 10ilos of alllbhr loig issire asd cost Shotatfor amoment oompare
____________________________ CditiSaies, your' was selcdin sprecfereice tit ay with t-Stev. S. W. Miller, D. D., Sahsburg, Co.
o1theer. n unabideisd ijitiocary, Cyi ourtwork sItll rspeetssuwork that everystudentanud home
leves nothing so ho desred; aout he profososn00f sholdpioss-G'ov.Geo. T. Werts, of N.J
PA R K EII MADE fCANDYl coering thousoasof imprat~ics. saes any The Enoed c Sheictiosaryoponsstho dietionney
Uf U a hong a erch through the mosraeoumbersosme eor- ease lwhily invrolve thS Century, tS nar
rilsuiewhii.-Elmser E. Fare°, Chirmawouseoaf and She Intenaioal,-New York World.
Is fresha ad pure, the price is Stilty fCsm., St. LouiesEBoard tof]Education., 01toamsia prfeect sehsary 01 keowledge and
within the reach of all. A full PtIs'ave ester, W,'orcestee, 0a0idt'eturyandsesves the puerposcs otoon eneyclopaediauasswell tas
torEniocycopaedias P base the Brtannica and Apple-itihotniry. Seod flee more tit -Eev. George
line of 18 different kisids of pan ton's.Terccl i , 'Ii eliIicioasryisa magsiicoot Fattersn, ID. D., New Gllasgow, NosisScotia.
good. Hand Made Chocolate substiltteftr all ot them-I. II. Atwood, lisq., A marelotfcondesaton-a boos to every stu-
CemTuirkisha Nige n Attsreiyi-Las, Leavcenworth, Ilano. Sanl.-RervOliverCrane, D.D., LL.D., Boston.
ramndTafyurek allhfNgetgood Seec's lteepurose ofacosphlertferoncei 0' Extensise ho infortosion, snimpeaohablehc aces-
L r ra~y-'iseian tileraad, New Yorb. rucy.-Publie Ledger, Philadelphia.
which I make but cannot be ox- Shoks guaranteed as represented or money refunded if returned within hen days.
celled by the fine HOW TO GET THIS GREAT WORK.-Seo $2 by posl-o~loeorder. espressuedee, or
Q 1'. A chek, andiltheentireefour handsiom~e olulmeil biaokrdhe w Everymsntth thereufteor setd $2, inthe
sammoe arin1-er untilithiteesiho Y$isthhs fd.aUndrstalnerstand theoholensestso h omesIs ist whentrefbs t
S PE G CREAtCA AME ploaidtlths cyl ouiae tiee toftemsh ile raying 11he balancie,atth1e10rate of 7 cents per day. All
freiitieoroepeschairgeslcmustibe spai byipuchasser. Auyoewishigto payecsthtor the
which please overyone. Don't IACEN1TS eolic r.ompetmyddcitS ipent.,l an shod 14.40d. This aloowance he pracltily the
forget to call and try them. WANTD 0c.,,or 10n' batik isnOPhiadelphi.Addlress, e tionthis aper
t=T a Pamphlet of 8o specimen pages free on receipt of 6 cts to pay postage.*
W. S. PARKER, ydct ulsigC. HLDL~IP
Coin, S. Stale and N. University as' bYlII si aI I~I1~ CO ~PIADL~1P


iseesnimade'los 11a11' isjoiult cosucerctof!
the clus soh'twosoif theloharcge' unives'i-'u
D~isshatisfac'tionl wisiso rife intsho'
Ea;t (ossr thei rs'alrsl-l'en11153lsiaI
game511,sshsichu restlul is a. seore'of 17
to 14, tOait hs'ellchimanlof theo'athlectic
boardtsit eaieli college havcse issusedSa
lottor say'ing there wsas 110 fossl plhy
tad tlastttensylvoia Nvson !tl a me155
A consgress of G4reklehther fs'atersiO-
ties 5wais heil t hIe117AtlaintausExpossi-
tionlst Monday: '.Abautos30Idiferents
ftatoesiiecss'o'u'erepreosenteds, ihue ohs'
ject of use csnveuntions be'bngIsfocrs
a consfedeorationi. Ishac S. Hlopktinhs,
priesieo'lsfthue PGeorgia.PInstiuteof0
Teclutuohogy, deliseredo'thue orstiuonof
the day.
16,000 MILES.
Always a loader, the Ohio Central
Lines imileage ticket, witbhlalest addi-
tions s the best. Covering the ig
Feur, B. & 0., C., IH. & D., Ohio Con-
tinal and innumserable other systems, it
Is the favorite Travelers Companion.


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