CUSTOM MADE PANTS Noble's Star Clothing House, s. Nii~ Nih"ls
$3.50. N ic olS
JoA new Kollaufl S W E A R, large Sailor Collar-Blue;,lc
and Red-$3.00.
Merchant Tailor,
has on hand the Latest Styles UiNID IBRiWEAiR.
in Goods toselect from. Gall Speeial lot-Silver Gray-$.00 per Garment.
and exa mine the same. NOBLE'S STAR CLOTHING HOUSE
10 E. Washington St.,a
4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - - - 5c
* 7 Full Value Cigars for------ ---- ---- -----25c I
Emly6 Prodigy Cigars for - - - - 25cW
I~p4 Owl Boquet Cigars for----- -----------25C
S Young 3 Royal Banner Cigars for25R 6,
C% Men Lowest Market Price by the Box.
aesis ~ ~ ~ ou advas sai0fe etie-titv44 South Main Street.
Monts n partpayme t fr ieh grade Acee
biccle, whiwe sd theon eappervl. Nof
seeatsuai iobicle5515 stps UNIVERSITY NOTES. CALENDAR. MOORE & WETMORE
sa adiessn Iipeton0Dc , rne' cdm
Younig Ladies Angell lec tres tri. Dec. Ii (INg' ~cde 6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST.,
if boyseor giris appy they Msst bewelrecom- Prof Ase otial.f
amended. Wrie irparttininr. ('00d ice p ltda.. 1riDe. (,. ,8 1. Ili., Acliillan 11:11-- CORNER OF WILLIAM,
ACME CYCLE COM~PANY, Tefrtya ishv twitI .A .Bbeisiue odce
ELKHART, IND. by Proriyfrlw tot rt t .2. '. A. Atii intil, f ifui Chicgo sae aOOMPLETE STOCK or
. ..a...- a-..--- ('Xmitontt ini Ttrts todaty 0a(1 li- t ir .W ~hl' 1 'io
A. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "t Goc SPAOIN 8e, BROS Tnl.,lieo rt lili Roost 10, en- UNIVERSITY _ TEXT _ BOOKS!
As i G SPLDNG ERS, Thelai 9nil~yt fom lheiti egy," by Tt.Gihe. latter the jkah. New and Second-Hand.
Football Supplies a plot itt Ntewberry Iloll yeolt'rtly t1 "it ierrittg Soeiely. Note botote ad other Studes' Supplies.
Specialty. I t. t. tr itlttl t if krlig Salt.. lDec. , 10 at. it.. -McMillani Iall Ftutsti leers, Hine Stationtery, sporting
=1. , i. fr te pupos offor ing('ode, etc., whlichl thtey ofeer at the lowest
it Every reusite for ttte their clubl vottr. -Bilit intlitute, ONlI 'lestitttt'tti ropll- pricet.
gamee. JackvetsPatntsTer- ey .i.OdTsanttper
9' 1 teyc, Sweaters Sthoes. Ctaps, A list of suetsv' for Iesee sita biton~.II. t.(lIToilelllter
eI'telts, stokittgs, ittril's S 1. mt.-QttCle tto tntttoweretl. Call and see us before Purchasing.
ata Nte Mso, iubier Montih- nade ot by Ite 1]1 i tticuly forthi ie Siu., lDee. .S, 7:30 It. in., A1. E. litirelt
y , efec, Shin Gutteds, Head -___________________
Ia iteto. s tsidlege oilite use o1' lt'e tit~nitui' is autd ft miiy -Y5. A1. [ . A. Bible litlitut', lenf sto-
lac . molgsut fiilFootbtill
flus. Prue,$5 00. Su. c.41," a n i llat DO YOU DANCE?1
1n eth ue I tbll itt' ota i l itso iltrorto Arthur.
G uitde-Netw fules-Pie'set , C ' ha.ltl 5'. MI C. A. Blibb'lealsift Ole an Mrs 01 s Gtratnttger ivite those
of all th I Lending. 1Ilaytes. 'l'li iltlott , 1 , I ttor:e u of tt t he
r FPict' 10 cts, handsomttely stte itt t tt' 7 i.'lo til udry ofI' s le ltter tt lt'e lIttan'S. teonoidei.nsg tt settiot oi I t tti s- t vail at
Illustated FotballCataloue sen Free. Lll raer 'f'lm's o(itt.2AetAi.ltstyp tth Acade y, tiM r d et.,d ot, opppsitSeeScioo
Illustrated~~~~~~~~ Fuplsl Caaogetet-Ft. I 'ris tii litetutte of the Nt'w
Ness York, Chicago, Philadetpha lta anenc'o h 'lt f tuir fMscbulig osar omut
s________________________ _ ottn & lThompsontti Itt'tittl nt (Cripplle Tetm n Otice tisd Dancing ettum on grosutit flose.
F"IRST NATIONAL BANK. (Ceiswk ('t0e.. tilt is suitlking a slck 2ltti.. Det'. 9,. S i., ii. O'itiii ______________________
OFlt ANN Amfningf law ' hu tcitht Rt. Johtn Snydter, of StC. ii
-OFANN__ARBOR._- lots, o "Thet Eroltiitt of Ainteri-
Capital, $100,000. Surplus asS IPefts, W4000 A ntew, motdesrn tdwtellinig iotiot, tiel- NWt't, Dtec. 1, (siniiger's Acaemly- 0 " EAH UEJW LRi
Trasacts a gentettl bankietg businss. itslitt or tiiifiritioltt' tot' Ptnt, 10:; Soitliotr' ]lotlt.L L
Rbu;tnsl.FrihIletters of credit. s Pcttkardci.- Ote'. 01.. l 'iisesile I Ittl x fo PINS-T. of M., A. A. H. S.
P. SACII Fees. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. - 1(15'. 11,13' Ittitt AI . Fosoe it S. I,. A. cetitse. The fittest in fte city. Comte anid see.
THE ANN ARBOR SAVING; S BANK Itis,abuNo.1.Fmewili Hll1-e.Jh t oscS.L
Capital Stock, $50.000. Surplus, 110,000.
coeneral tlastktusg Laws 1 wotI 'ltttit 5.,b antd' 02,(iy ie 1. i. lo'itt SHAVE YOURSELF ?
OgnzdudrtrGe)edBntLas es.- __ -'hlis., D)te 12.i 71) . il, itirriae
sells eschttnge as tepetnciptl ities of the Lt tot Soltty, NttV. 10, tia hei ltl-~rfltlte llulith r'et~i us h tsuptiply you wtit a raortt,
United Sttates. T0rif t casted upon proper 00,1 Fitt too r etuC reetontta , br tt or, soup. A
Idetie'tsroa Saetytlt o x to s to ret. pocktbook t'ottttittiig aot $02. ''htiis., Dec't. 02, S p. iii.. fisple i~s' good as.sortmet sat alt pices,
Oreitnste Chistia hlack F re. W, 'V . 1. idettr ptttie rtunt lt Ettliti i,''
Hareria, Vice-P'rot Chas 't. Ilisceck, churcht-bInlandof fe'tgiit cortse, contere. PALMER'S PHARMACY.
Cashtert M.J. Feito Assistant Casiee. Reed't, 4 N. Stait si, o~twtti'l. ~ ttieli'e'Ittun of Ireuf. FeItrIisi York. 46 S. kte ft.
W tutotI etfitti s'otiiu ltity to tt' Stt., Site. 14. Rp It.lit. Ui' vrsity' hail 0,aes yo01 ordees here (or ittick
ihaitg tiittiittfii'itt'teit'' ltt hus. Dte.0(, p ii.,l'tiotloie Ltvery Youan depend Ott thea.
it refiniedt ytttitg Iltw stdent. Addtress thrcrt-tPref. J. WX. TItttigity, of Ciree
We are u p stairs, asd tw' sre up itt all ft or ctall at Datily tticet. .tl "o Elecctricify ini ifs hInftniy?"
1ewsd Stand~ard ances. SPCIL
UIEST SCOLOF DANCING ane S~omone tto play fordone- l~ri ty Clubcouarse. itSPECIAL.'z' ~thl
a 44 AND 4(1 S. STATE ST. it' ttf 11110t. 45 Wttasbtt'tios tat'. --l"tteuity cnt'ttif " Mh AlRTEN, Funieat iretetor, Cothi
______________________________________nd M..iOhetuilie Caskets astd Comons
__________________________ Sinigle roomt andt board 00 bec hod at Fri, Ote'. 20, rs'roiog-Chistmoas re- Colis. Emblsming a Specialty. No. 12 Ef.
No. 17 5. Sttle of. (Only fhiret dor4 eo0 bg0t.X]stltte9f
f frm amus feat atid light fur TitJut. 7a itnisersity' opetis atfre U OF O. SIIAS'Nt tARIOt asS lftti-
Ima t a isid hitrluto revese. U roomos All rppointmens first class.
I 1lp r ia1________ Fri, Feb. 04, Wititeon llytitas- lmtuoeredsanddomestic ca as. Ladies'ats
Sftdent tittiietes of ft' Potltil tic'P'nfri Ahu Boll offltrToesin a0n. Statin of. os.J.R
TESTS have demonssorated tht mmrue Assovialio eatua- Ball hr. tuft'. Tr'ahiatlinm fenlrifsts.
Victer sportisg acidttletic gueds lcations as tey comettten by iethhitg 'IAtBEN YOU WiANT your etlthes eletend,
are superior to ait othters' See flit at roto 01, Tappant 11a11, at 1.1 n. in. ROESEES XUSOS 1+' loed keS o eondg oMs
Fisgereover Stictian's hbtok sture. Lab-
VICORFot all, oo Bll oti any doay excet Satsu'tday. bloc To Virgintia andti he South, Nov. 19, oratory aprons mttde to erder
VICo tFotttiFoIll nunibers ate nose out aitd a Sixtht, r- D~e. 3 and 17, 0895.
sits, etc. Beuter qtuality for less soted to elfty gttsrnmenitt, is Printitug. Ou thue those dates agents of flit NEW STYLES IN COLLARS AND CUFFS,
mosney than any ether. leibersbip, which includes ftce pit- h. iuo Central Lines will sell Excursion Especially steiking is thteir sneonveantiou-
tiektS t on fae fo th 7'Ond rility ate the new high-hacnd totters, whith
-SOLD AT- licatieno, is enuto1 all slidette so fiet at. oefrfrthruntiP; aresnow all the riser The "tKeteta." fee that
limit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fl eur 0d1 it name of the fashonahle high-hand
a year. Iultfrrtr30dys tolear, is frtorn Earl & Wiloon. The 'elf to
1 r IIALES14, OOLY, onslt O C.Agets.correspond with the "Keta," is called the
CISAILESII. OOSE, Cosult0. C Agets. Citenosgo,"aust is alto set Earl & Wilson
MSJAEBL[RBS yCI1 Emporium Treasurer.SubscribeortheLaly._stle._heharmonywiththe__gh-______
__________________________________________________________fect is in She tong, deep, gacefal flisp,. with
Its slantin,. edge. The high-btaed esther is
11 W WahintonSt.Are Sole State Agents for not yet woes with conventional1 evening
WR(GHT KAY & CQ, Ses. -For that purpoe this Seam makesa
11 W Wahingon t. W IGH, KA & O., Patek, Philippe & Co.'s Cele- cosed-frost tillar abotut two incites high.
APIN ARBOR. knw sth 'aar. o evene wear
_____________ eriMc. )brated Watches. ctefproe aufi the Earl & Wilson, patented