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November 20, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-11-20

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fI+f ? They Hold Us in Respect--The-West
Not to Be Despised.
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) daringi
the College year, at Tehe Yale cor respondent of the t'"i
THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ver' ity of Wisconsin Cardinal lhis tih'
OFFICE: Times taildieg N. Matns t., opposite following to Oly roiis'ei'ning) Eastern
peost offie.feeling abont western titletes:

J. A. LEtioy, '9t6,lMlasagilhg Editor.
G.11. Sirs, 'it, Assitaat.
C. It. CAtty, Ge. L, Asistant.
J. F. 'THaMAS, ':i7, Assisant.
S. E. KNasrex, '98, Attlettic ditor.
L. C. WAKER, '9.1.BusixestManager.
It. C. IsAUoS, '55 Al, Assistant.
Associate Editors.
L. A. txeatt, '9st. A. K. Petrie, '98.
C. A. I oug htoa, '596hD. G. 1. Beath, 'tt6iP.
Katheeine Seed, '97. It.IB. Gaxomox, '15 M.
BI. BI. iettreaxy, 't9t. t.tR. Rtilily, '99.
R. C. Boct, '99t 11. Susana r~xiieir'das,'98
hF. A. Misee, '96 II. E.. k etaxae, '98 L.
W. W. Ilogires, '8

Tabsresult sit tire Mliigan-lTaxrvard
.iante was lookedt 111)011withi great in-
terest by both this'011sft01n( West as i
offering soe ,; roliuds of roillptrisol
befwt'en Eristeri nun Western foot-
bill. Threr is a aoinewhat erronxeous
imprlessionlini the West that tire t:ief-
ern eotlege Hoan looks uponx tireWest-
enll ege atthlete as of a very infer-
iore grate.t'. here l it)notdoubt brit
that this otpinionl wils it one timer heilt.
bu1t of r''rent sars i sl rx 11r1r,a1111a

Tire prieftr'xlf 'aity xwili esrusuras here- "I lJ% l1
totor', 51.5 txyeae, invriaely ins advancerre miati krtde eliaige.\Nar lkc so
noti traaiiiiiithteufait tha~t piation u10 lponti 111111 i grits of uniknown'i
will Ixe r'rrtt'ra" lxrrtil Commneet
strengrth ildsfsrtitrurdr,.rattrlerldr
Literary Societies. civilized ixo doiitt, but still svorthiy op-
1r1511'lla1(o1'the mieir cusiltiirt'dt ilirtbet-
Tht' Asinlpilptreliminar'y'd'erteilliiteerrnrrl4eathilelte of the' Last. s5
be lusel Slatltudy 55llill" yNov. at3 Illne(If tiell' oslolli1aprs5't5 ixit, tilt
in tRroomxN, at 8 p. i . 'Ile trcograil tteitg ;riitealli rals 5'colpose'dotria
will to' as follows: rius'ic dea lotrrof ytrlllnggIint.Wi11 11ave111a111
'Pb olvd, 1'luif in'allis o IIe thetrinaiscle by we rkitigixx tiereaixca
Union shxould traise their leveliits byc'f.Arizo rli thxe ijorr kuors where.''
11 grrlltltd 11prorty tl, f'.So tarvard-st aprrrpare'dfoi'riastrlig-
'ssr'sIathxers, SteadIt ieiclil eg g'"0 lelull 11'0irettllg0111110 l'risxiltcas.
Mea'ss. 'l111111 5. llai'i is i ,I trlot ii irxi ean. 'l'110gasexc101oxutOny
Illowert Mlitgaix 1to Ie very stroxug
muict. Tile Ijudt'e.cwill betie Mrs's .I fall.bt rt civ").in trit eul, _:
.lxrinssri, Dotrrand111(1 let 's'peil xl irs ItIe ''titgfour" in t veslscoli
sie citt be lrrric'l l ak.1111e a it iiildstrullggt'w\iitlis ie 'eades'
'file follrrlxg is ltxe ptora' oflxllithtesill till'l'ast.
jx'ffelrsrrlrialxsociety forrthils wosl: ''HANKSIttNG' VACf'1'lTO.
:Msic:, 01 tr'lstgrri tler'clxib; r'aing, . (. oer' thr' rbove recessa ihs'Ann.xArbr
Et. 'Illlinlall; essaxy, i. ft. IWilticixis; lRailiroad wvll s(11 tickets to stud~enlts I
speech'l, ('. t. Straiisill; illstronlll)tll amt( teacheisrs pre'1setxig propler'certifi-
icits's, aft011e11a1d one-thirdt fare forrthe
elir-~ssol, sff. lix. rie, 11g, r.roundx ttrill, ~gosgoilig ANv. 2, land2.
Rice; diebatel, ''IR''sr've's, 't'lhat Ilaililil' aithi liuiflIlitil Decc. 2. Tickets cwill
ton'sinilixeixce lll)(rtil r'ouirilty .s ibeh' srlto sll lpoints ill Mtchigrxnixatd
tre'aterftilx.lv'tfs'asli's''aff.,. Mr. to all pts lon tlliii lixorf ourc.Toledtt
Witels'nd11 Mr.le.itallsoll, lug., Mr. ('lrnxectiolis, ccitliiithis'C'sntral 'n-allis' I
t'rub aist.ctr islilill'erlc aIc- It.S. (lItEENWMOOD, Agent.
Ths' Alpths. NuIprograixlftr this Grand Opera House.
cexekL is sfollocvs: ioliili solo, 7du. ____________
(trve ilrlesexsttolTh. irIhil MONDAY EVENING, NOV, 25TH.
reriting,,iss Otis:c debate, "Rsoslcvrd, ____________
Thatsi labor diilcultieassrouls- be' t-ti- + + THE + +
tlest fy arbitrattion," sfit.,1 1 Prn AU
ieric ks and r.Islle. Shil Cne.t.;. . Mr.j
tBrowcnrarid Mr.tOstborxn; cvol duet:
Mr. finellaln ilu-1d Mis Spenlser; uxli THE LILY OF KILLARNEY
tilolxlltull r. Englelurratxmusic, Mr.
(rove; t'itit's report. PRICES,' SDC, SOC, 75C AND $1.00.
Heffelfing Is Now at Yale.
ttrffr'lfiigrrleft 1Miolli plix after C lositigl iiiOu t
the \Viceislr-Tlixncets siur est We trove left a fair sleek of
Satulrdauy-111an f i nocc'aifNewarrven, alt sorts of
Wi terhie old Yrle tackle, lies trikexn--IU IR L I
chrarge' of thie Minnesota teramlianlswctt cih can he closed out as
coarteli re t ame at iDetroif followns:
Thiere' citt be a wieenilegef the fresh.
lnan lsixaIll4:15 p. ni Thiursit'uc'
Nov. 21, in the lilleopathic ampuhii- BS RN LNNIBE, 35C
Robet G Ingrsol'slectresand This stock will not he replaced.
htohef , taersll'xlecuresand Conme quick for flesh choice.
works may he had at 14 Maynard of.,
JA. tRosen, agent for C. P. Farrell Argun Printin g House.

'taml rsietgufrom ur tlxaklDepartmntiinnesrrxel auf itn tai Idl
trdfr rrna~ re) ill i venxa wuaylaoprchserixluro.ifloakl Ipr iuet.r
GREAT CUT IN CHICAGO PAPERS' Lowvney's Chocolates.
Call andf get piices. Hot Lunches.
U~niversity News Stalid. TU TLES, 48 . stte 5t.
46 E. Williiiam f. . "
I yeu wat;'x elbnlfei cxi e ath Pn O TOCR AP HE I
tnFedST ft Obe,ofc e'No., S
F'oxi-tsre. I ANNI ARBOR. MICH.
Positively Limited 'to December 24th,
Never, again iliiitere be anther Special Offer made oil this gret Stada~rd Ditonar
aned Encryrlopaedii te lo rli's nleldgr. We flly itaded tox asaceethr prie o xx te
8st, btho luxsndsaofpeple i all rwalts of lifehaveare rese exlx tniaoi xftime uccliiChrieixs.
After caretl onsidetio, awe ae deidrd) to coninueour Serial Offerutiteaobsdexo This
isclone sixmplysrrnd olyccx amensrofidetisig this wonedrfxl trhcceof infori'mation. Wcoo
no1 expectl tr sate money hsofer,usthvery low prieoext~sremsyiberl trm lilte coreisan
pxy lee pxper, pritin acd idsig; bxt the tremndoxs amoxt of tlk uceateswllciihelp to adertsr ths
musl moderadprlatsihomec refernclirary. No arlerticmrteandohe work ustoiera
isc own mosroqetavo~xcate. ecnly adptd he theshos f ht. oi, M., ne miny ther iie,
in preferee to all xther ditioaren and eyopiopsa. It il l to xa cllg edcation.
Yur pastor, techer, friend, parents,ne our ol ildeswill appreit this gra ork ber hyod xpe.
sln. Iacwillast a life imo xssl xrcxer gie satifatioa.,NO ebhxiesor pretrionl-iman, tehee. xxx.
Oexut, mehaniclroxsewieor anyxlher pesonxoo-wsiherolu!,opiresteoaflhetimsor oxixlnter
es1ed inxthlaudableaienterpiofof ni-essllto, en alfrul to allo tis rare oporuniteopxxsrwithut
crefulinvestiation nCxsdlcCtisgetworkuembodeall thfxesof acopltitixnary ad
x thoogh Eayelxp edlx Thonewandoentilyupto-h-tines
1incyclopawdic Dictionary
is noofered ol redes of thin paprnt11h0 rae of %e. per dayis monthly pymnst of E2.00 eah,
xnil thesof1u1.00lIsOaidpohs ias bctslittle moec hina ce-lsi te llcreglr pice.
Dr Rolb't uter, Al., Fat,., Prfs HuxePMoriosertag, gtolet, Williams, etc.,
anisted y srores xfother npecialss lxix'earios racehso knwledge
Don't forget
I . i" this special of-
- - - = for holds good
:iIIJ lChristmas Eve,
as l~ Iat which time
fNCYCOrx I sCY e taZ: -. - the price will
ios 01 1 l:R T ,p~tP ~Cpri 5Oe e advanced to
' 'ZI I Teas 011Cif N, l$42 to $10 per
set, and abso-
'y cot 01 ol~1 p s_ a ltely no devia-
_sr~t . f xx Mat VRE-z.tinfrom these
pies, will be
made. It is not
for sale in book
I; at~te. I Istores, and can
only be obtain-
ed from us or
our authorized
Theabo s ane xaftso retrpdctles f TTT1 ffitf'7LOrzTDTC hitTIOfAll eprsentatives
Plsxe mrssiev olmsnaralxhandmaseoofpolsed wood. Weictabout repros
Over $780,000 Required to Produce This Magnificent Self-Educator.
It is a Cccmplete Ditioncryeoflthe Enlsh langagre. Erey wod iexhxstivly temted acm
ltx ngil, history, decriourlcoxl, etymology, prnauniainand vxrious mexnings.
t is a Tloceccgirlacryrloerdia of anaomlcy, hotaly, cesriy eailogy, geogy, nt, msic,
agiculuxe, pyiryo, Pliloophy, meshalc, hitr, my li ltil no leedge, 010,
Pt ta aS.prrb Library Soack, substanialy bhard, pinxed feoa nes plae, lx large, clar typ,
ox eayewhrie pape, oand illradowithlthouxnds o1 nwctupscaexoesecially fnc lir coed,
I t is bttr ta.nall oterr dicticnaris, heaselaoleatouo ediian of Wresterontinasobt 1i6,t
words nd ,xat0 page;:he 0(st sletcer contcasoruhot10i eirs anlrd $0]}.pgs;cthe Standad cotains
ht a lttlexoe200,aox0uood nd ,31 paer.xand eesa 100 Cetuyxonaisnst t 2ll00xodr'.andseour f'or
$ie8I LOli0t.Erieelepsesisnof varoxu s11ndsell fr !f.i0to lasa. Tis gr-eal NCYCL.OhPIDIiD IDI(-
TIONAIY, Ininrl5,3ucipage. ose 3,0ilsriao,hond Ia texerIindreol aue, han nvto
20,00wosca, 5,x eylxpaedinahbjets, and i tre xcceptdxuhoity of the Exglsis.,naao
Nine Opinions-Thousands More Equally G.ood.
The EnylopedcoDicionineeornderel foecco in It is theretet lmi-sa mongcell my oxnks
the palischoorsregiinge-exellntsaisaon.s ofrefec..eheinaxotherxnuaoelanmnyb
Atea sxetuive examiatioofllteleaing issizeoandostatenfr a m ent 11ompxe
dictionarie, yurs wts selctd n)peteence tancy aithIl -10e. S. W. Milhle D. D., allcha g, P'.
nther. A ax xxrhrirndged ,,e-orar, yorwork ca In Oall repetsxawok that evry lldnlnd hom
leavs xnohing 15 he d~esel;Oid the pofusioniaxsulialdIparesx.-Gio. GeT. Wrtc o N.
oxreclopedc mte re, tese, ceetesompchnoie, /
covceeogthuxsands of imprtntpis, sntsmiary The neylperIFictionanny openxhe dieioxry
ailorgseachltheoxghtheoaeocsmbrexme ea- war wimrinvorle thrCetry, the tandaerd
clpeisssi.-Elmer . Lare, CfirmanxCrseac of aol teIntelrational.-New Yrk Wcld.
,6s110 fOil.,, St. Lcui Sceed fhdscatiux. I fo~rsxapefect texsray xf knxwleg nd
I taoe Webste, Woresere, ansthe Ceturey cd eveserthe puroeseof n nyopdiam coll a
oo Kicylopo diux I haxeo the Brtoisea ad A' c-ditoar'-, id ie [om sts-ae. Gerec
lonx. The EOnyloplei Ditixar sa x u a mxxm eoros, . D.,NwGlso, NoaScot,
sitcsllxor leesliof thm.-. lI. Atwood,hss-, A -mre l fxcond catio-n boxn to eery s-
Atmresyat-Law, Leavenscort, a, dent-tRe Olier Cre, DD., LL.D.,Bosto.
(eves the plirpae ofaomiplete oterenee II- Etense iin formxlo, unimpeahbleia o-
braiy.-ChrxistiaxtHrald,ONewc Yort. ray.PcilirLedgr Philarpla.
Bookstguaraneed as representedi or money refunded if returned wihin en day.
HOW TO GET THIS GREAT WORK-,send tx by pot-offierde. expess order, or
lhckstudltheooi llfouxhandsolmevolroes'ilihl orwarrder. Evcero monhrafeoend $, inhe
sae xxiutllithe su~m of ls is aid. Understac(Ihexwohle set olu omexlcs sextahento firf
h2isnpad, Iixs yohe ith Ilse ofe hcnale payicglie alurreoxI11thexe of 7 retsper dy. All
freigtloreoxpesexchaesmmone pidlby purchale. Ayxexvihigopaymnah frthc
ACENT9S eomplete sm, may dxloriEil05useo rtc¢, adsauld1011 R4nThi lloaxoo s ponolioxly the
WANTED. cot okeepixg th ouonif purchedonseasylterms. W refe S nycoemmecil
agency, oany an is -Piladelphiu. Address, 15Pemiluoc thi ppcr )
Pamphlet of 8o specimen pages free on receipt of 6 cs to pay postage.
236 So. Eighth St.,
Syndicate Pu ls igCo.) , PIILADELPPIA,PA


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