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November 20, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-11-20

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Time Table (Revesed) May 19, 194
MallandEx--3M50 Mail -------8 43
N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y'. Speclal---- 7 30
Eastern Ex----10 1:2 N. S. Limited.--1925
A. M. Pacific Ex---1 7
AtlanticRE--- 7 47 P M.
D. N. Expres---- 5 40 =Wetern Ex--2 (M
G. 5R. axpresa ---1105 (Chi. NI. t. ---1028
GR.Ex .-----5 57
0. W. RULESnn, 11. W. ilAYnS,
G. P. co T. Agt., Chicago. Act., Ace Arbsor
737 a. m. *7:l a. m.
125p. m. 11.30a. m.
4:15p. m, 900p. n..
All trins daily except Suntday
*Train0sun beteeo Ann Arbor and Toledo
W.H ENNETT G. P. A. TColedo 0O.
Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895.
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 7:10. 8:45
and 11:00la. m.; 12:45,2:15,5:00, 0:45, 9015 and
10:d5 pin.

Mr. A. E. Rose will he itt the Cook House with at Choice
Line of Woolens f roml
Fiue Dressers it wiil paiy you to see the low mu Cld 0l1lpatle
pricos strictly first claiss work. Up-to-date sty les. Low-
est prices.
Tho Amorican Athlotic Union De- The Students Object to tho Hor-
fines Amateurism. vard System.'
The (s'hige icorteoritof *yesitordliy 'liii'follow iig dfIl {ic ili ilc'Zred il
eiis lieifiliowilil"chiolicil-were tSli1t i;ii-:igsinies 1:7:3l 1:1 Suday:
tidoepted by lie ii aistti rAt~liSeI t haca, N. Y., N.\e t15.-Tfino is
Union of lie Sutited Stitat ifs i 1138- tole bit ie t heS33 33:ttii3 a of lie
i leg iiNew Yes-k (icy Moniaty: Conl ush c5:1 orb 311tillo3133of Sihe piro-
hleii islai(Sii issed ili l etiil As's~i: f5 5503 33511r 15:'e 511 S52313&SS.33 5o1 lie
That no sientesir crt si-cefer i tit p Irse 1 r tesd sysls lit''fitt elng. 'The
as5 .t S('sftin il wit~ I hout lS~ot.Sli zip 3- 55'lic~S tl5 S bi"5z'a1)3,3,11 .3,133 (,tS it' So

DINNER for 25c ot the
Woodward Restaurant*
108 Woodward Ave., Detroit.
T.0. &C. Ry. K. &M. Ry.
PSlid tbroupl i ratiic between Totle, Ohio,
ond C'lirireo,W.IVa ~., svSo Coumbs, theb
short ansd only direct r(30t0.
Toledo, 0.
Findlay, 0.
Kenton, 0.
Columbus, 0.
Athens, 0.
M~iddleport, 0..
Pornery, 0..
Pt. Pleasant, W. Va.
Richmond. Va.
Petersburg, Vs.
Old Point Comfort, Va.
Williamsburg, Ta.
Newport News, Va.
N orfork, V a.

11:0 a. in.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:30, 7:15, 0:45 and 111i:O 'I " th t ngill'; 313 u) 33: I-r b s tsS -l.3 Sli t'e ftlticiIS anid, t33 I 43:351 IS: 3.13, 1311. AndI l~soli'tisi -s:t' i-ant
p. mn. tgl al li 317.p :lay 3 tlA I profei ona115l l io 153313tionh s hoop31 Sil ii 3331n3the3.3333- Fuerflisrtst'r inforn'tict-scall of)(Sti ssr local.
SUND)AY TIMF1t. Tis-Sel Ageor rit
Lesave Ypsliantifrom Congress it.. 1:30, 3-33l: S ss iiiitsi itf'e :3- 11:3:35 "13 tltS3l fis lis'ti f) 11I' ISIT Notlt O't' 0's. ., .
:00, 6:30 and :00 p. in.'f iit0
Leave Asn Arbor Joncirton, 2:00, 4:330, 5:30, S'32 10 13 atnoi bll~l trhcll 0111 333 3033 :5SeowiteS to 133 I 'iiveri'y sof .h -i- W. A. PETER~S, A lhigan lest. Arest,
7:00 asd 9:30 p.mt. lEros-t, i c.1sh.
Cars ran on city lime IFare: sisgle trip 15 a liproessiona:l scsachs-la1:3-wills i; thai gt 13o23 1 3153335if t1503ca-liiiilislih 1i-i
cents: roasd trip tickets mIns' seac ft"Bil alsb ' oretef.,adb aIiltl
W. P. ARani,OSipt. li'l:iiici i-tof3-siis Issc 03 i -sis 333- 113 3'. 33Ss OORE & VVWE 'I' XOE,
c-ltbshouesld.seiosillishied, iaind tha~t inili:.
S IL.K F.LA..OS slil- :111:1 lrirc"Elltg i'xpense's rsoildsl ' (11 1 lA316 S.MAIN ST.AND STATE S.
Soth lllsn ea ~soc t leeo'.Ilitbi slisrisl 393 (ht n 1331-3- "Is rthis sri-tithe s'Ann A I 30 2till- CORNER OF WILLIAM,
Leavseorders with . . . iii novisilels al' of sup 1o3331(1d 93111 1:11 a Ispe i l ra in hogl ln >~A iciMii 1151 5S33(K5O0
.. 1 Si.,Le St, SsgsrAS .i,4 iotil li .iiiairicii. 13o('Ciiesi 1:1.911via-in(133ls:'isg lt'e IEBSITY - TEXT - BOOKS!
Hicok isoSt 11 Out. isve l::'I f Is llI'i Te dSco-,ud
tooit andlColditi Iii sib at Ai1161a1's., i -tr :ar f te A llti 1Twa dScn -a d
THE KIOEGARENBILLIARD HAL Al he m' ee~tiin sf Ithe'A.A.I 3U . X ssciaiions), pidl5lil 00 23311 SNo te b cli s-i aniid otStll <' mssits' siSulies. H L t r od. " l,;Jo h l ~nan 1EnFn itLi3EIy Trlr
Aewis' rk, 31 i d. 21 t11:3 1 ussvoed tha1t:13Goos i tsi.s'whichi thiiy offesr aitheiloesst
W_ H 13E C A' 11 e55' of t: roliii(t1ti-.u s o.1S'. i t l' 1-Prices-. ____
W tI/OLESA..T.JE 1OVIAMRS lickokthe lii grat NYalesotlig'-thSil i--cuos]o ttodpt t(~
TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. er, whotssvas disquloifiied fior i5533.ln 1333ouse, '.allr'-s Still- st. 3,:tore, or 3of Cs-li and see us before Purchasing.
Railroad+T'ichket --Brokers. h ii uilsaith3onet 'si silis, 3:hiiuld Ise 3Mr. ;SatiS, sof 3113' 5t1:1eti e '
Mlosey 10 loanis opcrson:Iarloly propertyi.yiiisliss sis si1uui -s l r111s'lis) s s i121fu3CiSAN H U S
° ur hs1utllsvioli i at' iSle) linal Ns
FALL G EET' ." It1. 5. (3131Ii.N9 (Of)D, et t li havlinIin is-s tekofbeautil
t-iitlili isllis. -_______ .- (hrysat i snwi nl lo .A l
S l e eit oderx13.0 tisp; Overcoas sto aeivtdt aladst h o
oids-u lao lip; Ii ies 0 ,t le c 8'3:.75. It w~3 ilS lo),Tted t l o sne 1' ts;,t}1101113(12Ills1 - ii t.
Us- iili, DyinigtiPressigsndiRepairiingf 1 i' (130 1511 AIlwhays5 ltllendeIlls'e OhioCetrl iS SIN I& HALLs
a lt .li - SLi'e s iile tics'hsks-t, 51 illts tdi- r4 hu -s25 1, licersily ate.
FORDH 3IAM os8LGLEN, htdplyherhr fohrsC
Sec~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~bn isnt'1Sot2heat -A b -:,it.11 i 1th 11-5-It'Sss-iiisill15:15(13: 1:1h,2::
3Vethn aio,20saat XXAnAbo.iS ,thei' Clevelaind sisih' lleIi1331 Cl-or1'. 13. 0.,.,It.i. & es - ((Isot-iN WbACHIE O
-i--it ~ -u -e 1 1 sst s o flinierco l ii tioll 31 te1111a53d31 iliiihiriS'i1 oth1r. ((3133 i S3 it3i', g-t1
itsA.ale i...4i..4 '-is- al-tss'heii' liiias-':l is th130 lvhssrie 'j'1-<lv-:ls' (t33oS iltlut A RE I1jI E, ! Iis- l
- asr:3 umipuireinithe110NaiolshlLetsgiic. NOI)''1(''. if' cy c Rpiiht31 (t or iirtosl.
_____________________________ Yesterday's Practice. fl'si-' sill Is:e:a :3 lteile sflt-e wit's Isruints liepzuirer.
I ('Iris of '.)t; tt31:1 p. :., WSll'g13, c ill
15 Washington Block. T' Y'Vaistly teails heldsI93'ses- us-sic- thsi' 11C1135'33ic .ihiO 1:'lii 3)1'.e-pJ ENrPS
tics'e c10ye i'siedy tthliiiahllt'ic ieli'hi nB 1.181 Pr1,les. Take ycur ubidkit Wos-bto
lO P& C . I' t sid ,lef liii'he ntos-uly srei'11cr ll iieNs-C0E. B[heYM I I PFIH I i t l[{uini(
salo hmfrUe iors g"Vain"g.intS) giiodl ssa1taine12:1 Ihs'B secliis1tiiifor this$25 icus-lh PDII
Fine Lunches,, :nd wsiill withisot doutili be i condi- prit'etoffe'redl 513-t1e' '5s3:hliasusf'ou i a Stisfactieon uarsinl i'i'l. 5E. lHussis St.
Tine Chocolates, ts ss i'ssugh's-ls2i~l1 s hortl. v s ory ls-o llthesrlIss iiof 'Ylie-
_______________________________ at___ the__ - tIhiletic f1el1 againu Ibis afte-s- The uinaiii u hussshncs- of Nwiisi n
f3no.2500. l For-futsshcri-s ifos-nsl:iln ad -
"FLAG 'P1&I AS- USUAL 1131 _____ driss, Th 'II{ASIA IsIAN. CLBTDSA
We al' e aieseline NOTINGSi(,LIKE:IT! T1I110CEBRTDSA-
s-Sl - ofinmported (.1NTa AL 2111 AMIE TICKEr. 101252-~SISE) SIN
166 - T~~~o Vir-giiasi eSuttNo.1
STEJI4IS 1.C5010rsore mlilege than any ticket 1Dec. 31111117i'Ss, Nv. 1S),ty R azo
WM.A 'OW in the unauket. The oily book good O i bicdtc 1215 fIi
cubetie B. & O. systemli sest oflOhiio(Cnts-al iluies swill sell E3xcurusion ti you flr $1.20. She Strapping
It lsoincude th I~g tckes a on fae fr te rundtril;Device $1.60 by miail. The h-ayS-
-1. 4system. Got it said hisve an eves-lr i orrtary30dys iRvIazor, nothiing fines-, to you
JE NN S ATLBRYS.readiy ticket oe all imuportanat ines lmtfreun30dy.$50aotof5c
$20.00; ApplyIBRTYSTConsult 0. C'. Agents. $.0 actofe
IotILunIches, -Is Ohio Central Agents, or aildress Single resin and boss-I ho be liad at W T O E ,OM.TAE
Chocolates and MloultonIHetuk, G. P. A.. Toledo, 0. No. 17 S. Stale s3.Onlut~yhss-o ioors-
lonme-made Candies. Watnted--A woll accredited young from campus. Ileat and ight for-C.B;RA L "
ma1n4 to teacli conversationual Germauf nished.
A verti e YorWat e01-half bour i day for Iis room --]Detroit, Michi.
in..The Daily. Washlenaw ' igtav rnshd, HANGSTE FR or t. U, Subscribe for the Daily.


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