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October 24, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-24

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TYn i nrar in Prnnt na

r 1 to IT z ST., Dircotor and Noooooove.
N0 E.1 T t tIItlN STItCET.
Good W.tork Guarateedl. Go o caledtfo
and deiverot.,R A. F.COVERT, Prop.
EE to T?, 71t~o
22 'y earsiW the tut~o~i
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave.
KEEP 0001 Al COItN~ tt PH uTHE
Cor.'O too oandt%'o-.rlootretsot.
A. L.NOBLEtPretooti(oooFooCTI ttttto,t'ahtr.
Trhe 13. & M. Prhg Store
,16thetpaceto 101y Opthin000intoe tt toh~
J . E. JOILL.Y & Co.5s
WhOI to 'to .oaopurtflootsoof Fine (Socol-It
R'dies. 0tl otly 00t'cos't. bob toaco
t~i~fretts an th 'ito t Stock of C1 'i -. toI
R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St.
4S.State Street.
I)t. Il. G tlot o001 '000000 to t
'I tT Fill t I11 . t.o. Octl t to-tos d~nci
It [1toot. to -"000-- Ott ant ingttlttt to
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
10000r t-troto. MNoito. C tattl toot,00,00
;surplutoo, tt.Ooo~ttot.
torotooto ttttt'ttn o'er tth t(enralttBanklinto tts
of thistaote. teet'ct'tdeotsbysnt
otto exolot-o n totthe. tproic il ctso f the
Unittedottesoc. Drolt. cashed pon oo toopto
oolcottititont. Potty oepo-sit boxtesotooronto.
t'ltt-i m .t: tttis tian b lc ,, 'rs.oo t '. t.
Itorrtoototo.viice ry :ota. H. lttbttoclo0 to-
sttoero0.. Inrto. Asst.I'castier.

for lte perfornoance of doty as jur-
ors, witnesses, cort offirers and tlte
like, thus givinog rathonoe a grand
opplortunity to to'qu~ire practical
Iknowledge of tihe actutal conduoct of
'Tle renmaintitogmetmblersof Otite
Ifaculty will sit fron timae to te as
ato appellate court to reviewo erroro
of loot cotmnitted u1p0n the trials.
ltbisbelievedth lat tihoseostuodents
toowill diligently avail themsnelves
of thte opporltnities affordledl by tisl
systemtoof rou~rtoswill be able Itor-
quoire a practical knowleolge twh ith
«-ili be of inoestimooable ovalule to htimlt

Tu000soday . O. .'t6 meoditocaloassle, -ito-tot
TO". OtO-0.-CoolCoo. 00'. Bain, to "Atton'
100iteMsse., or OTraits of Human o t't'oaroott-c."
Inltndotut tote Serites.
tot., Oe.-R.'Oiley oand Slot cc to S. .. A.
Satt. Oct '8-l Seo-ot 1;mlotelectoota-.leturet
Sotrooov8.1Ot. tt, itt-l 100 0010
Itoott A, 9 '.tin.
Saoturdaoy, Oct. 2o.t-lo to to -. Ottoocooot.oat
athltetc tteldt.
Ilottdty, Oct. it.-Ie000lto'otclbelci-tiono, to
tto leeturooto00m, oat 7:010. tnt.
Mott. Svc.,(Oct.3l0.-Earle1tWilitey itodoamotitt
sontiontst. tttltott LeagueoSeries.
Llterary tCooment.
-Sont1000sicCe r alledl thocat-
tenotion of or readers to a finoely'

theoneesot tooptcil tirs, .nI incidentt-
ally got tlitottselvtooilkd b 000o littiti
woitho tt ai ot tojt. 0 t 01'. ol ospcial-
ties, itoollti too 'tl 111'tog t t t Otti-
caltiteotnt tot .Mir00011101 . 'follcot.
conocluotintg vtttlao totvlotyiltesha011
twenty 00 ciilofotr010001 oototoclval 11
thle 'otottootos todol 01010(10 dtot eritti
colinltr'ies. too tocoot to ttt ooil odrilleol
00 Ill 1ions05,It iso pt tyo oto-d, ato
boto o s ott t-t''. neotioto tooe111n0 touiti
'' toz~l 1 o b ie'.' 01 totol. totiO t
cott10ilooie. 'lot' toorioittoot ltoo es-
wvit-It0 toeevrotcvo'oofol ol nit' 51001-
tcle "Obd-A go and.IYouth."'
l oar.- - 0t0.ltl:too attortlor, (Ot. ",1,
tt or itcryathticl 1groundoos. tPletao
returot aondlrocoivc lilteral toward.
1.. V. IDavois, IWlI. WOsl ill -totll street.

ito hoit profeitontoal life. iiltstrated oworklohicislobeinlg puob-0os a ttIJ,; pertit ii t aX- r000tfo o bc-I
'lleitC otreilnIith iortooglo oaodlilspoedlby tie lianctrooft compano tietno .. -~eft, ,i~
t'ttttt . elsiC tollre of insotruoctiono of Cicago000 nderttt he 112titleo Te Ott 100 0 lb i.,''. .I 1 tt 't o. ll .01
j ,It it inttil:Depat~rtentl, Ostile'-Botoklof tl lt' Uair."' Subsoequoent 'tt toile o%t'TheItot1 ttlvct-
n :it-tl 1by- 0lojo rac lttial trotot C II t 0 1 - - orttt lt' intthoc
001011,toiss000s20 lrote iteexo'.olenclo the
seems 1> toleloothingtodto Ibe olsiredl ootrk andtotlIsupIjerority oter ot a0100 o ill o'.t'
f ttre1,lrtlil ftor file leO t tootoreott -~t l'Paias1 t ualy 1 os slo ,,to tlt l it--I t. - 001,.i 5 o
impt~ortatol bollponslooible dutoioesofl ni t at, is o losee it pic- 0'cltotcIt.tmt
rolthtoo 0100 vt oreetedtinitohlisartistic Ihbnoy ItloofIIIDetroittdirectttr ott
ttfi o'fl11 . anj01)Clu ,loo 1ol accept
j" -- owork. IThe Btancroft comtpany loave atltmitd 11eoOto ttoo oOflpupttls1010 Sittoot
A MusitaltEveningtt. stparedonthtler boinstnor mooney to day0)fr1001 1ooltl 4t1. itn .00100eoO'
lets t 00 loot - St-te Street to-.ie
noake it comoplete by adding to it, St.100Intl tctiool 0m1andotolioo, git
Ilt 010111otid~ ociv to cole-whlat ao large tnmber of like illots Itttl 101
ltnnt ttootogivoetnoboothe0011)' Clobth rattol wor ks fail to gioc, a thorootlotgh ' to" lto to t Ilotteo bto'
ILectuoreouotrse orotorreod last eoeno- history of thte Fair from beginninog at the111' II 00 0o~o0tO0000f 01 wsht otto It-
ing t lthe t'nitarianichurhlwhre t ls.Tlooki eigise ot Cost.
the otoert 101r. litrcl, t cloe. Ili ovrk o bloo iooocB aIth lot.at1. 11. laorber Shtopo.
tecnetby lr Robert Ludcerer, in 25 parts, conttainoing over e~ooo Ladtieo' 00001 t-hildtren'-. hair-cuttintg ando
baritone, of llcrlln, tGermtany, 'Ir. imperial folio ptages, or mtore thtano ltoilootttt i etootte A. F-reemant's.
Itilole, violinisotattndoio 1ittiss 40 MIntnie. I oo 1102201' .0.suite of roomsoower otoc
4opaes to toe 1part. Itis tosuedocoo11100.forttrec; or echloroomttseptarate-
atalo pianist, owas giveto. at te rate of twoo lrto pr mnoth.ly: 1)2tolccoaitbte. 27 Chturcho treet.
-Mr. Ludterer, twhn o is satdto sitog Thte priceltasbeetn fixedl at tbe ino tWA N0'1 i]. S CI t ,G.-'lO hilt -r
otin thte R alCotort at Becrlin oals f N tlotte V.of M1 1Dail' lto subscribovrs.
suRo-alpe ar. o(nbwo On' lytroot eiergetic personso noetolaIt
tielatio iat 100Ioclrgrat eseires to keep before ttemothe101? b " too J '"o
M0 ot of lhis nutmtbers owere givenl itora oldsClibinEioi- Bci- [,ooo With0 a01100 iotodoaitof ol ootti-
great lncrlohc(holhtwebdathe woos-eorlyderoo'iccos. A Ilorge stock ohot lorices-
I'.ertoto, tlico lotvel lo oottlr-tiott, twhithosoonootisoto disapopear, i001 liooooo'olDrugot ore.'A feyt-s1101
jt fi100000cr of ltis voice, boot beletooooodItiltoetwtoitworrtni 001 1 boo otstilt'o.
ou h othat plueafter celicoot ooork. G0 0 010 0 to tot di 'C oie)r~ T 1,1'i's.-Toolt
t1e1 fortoh110numttber' 10)' inging; atoo itr Ort10tI t 105 i lvtto lo t10(it-eilloto itl
E-is a llooaoolot lit ttuchosoteeltness tMtasonic Studenots N ottice o.0 . 0 loot Ioloto ltoo ispogriO otoTto 'oo-.
"lay 01 1000)'. - -,_'-t
'M1r.Ci ibtie toos at lhis otsual betoo Po'gaolioorrtttt ol0 drSo t
M0r. Arltur I-. tloark, toill e , pi,'10001 ) . T(1 - t o tlt icil 1 0ather'tito' treetl
1001tili ohot totorespotodeodto thelth'iellote lodtge twork Wedne~tsday, lIt-11>
ooi eonctloreof lte evening, tohichoandtheIlchapoote~r detgrees, 'ltursday0)' Il 50 00000m0000110to Iolitt oo's 1111-
eto odetototooeodafter tho chtorootito g eteotitogofonex.ttoeek 01tte 10000 1 ii tod It;111 ott? I-toot 1 1000 iltoe.loobo-
little song0"Icht Liebe IDich"- ndo'' ait ontic sltoldonts atoe cordl iltty tt t~ltll ~o0100001O
li iti.o S o.' tttb o leol o t 'to b'b 100101ti t d itttttttitntot ltt Ol'
1 _ o000 1or lt It ud t s
the o icot itntu ober, 00Raondlot Bril- - II -o"t tool0'supltiesioo )i'oetiit, tso'-.
110 Icnt, -u'v10'on 000 eber, andolshoooweol otto 00' 0' 1ND2C11 l0 01" a Lt.or ~t oo t.00 1 t'0 ..
ealtletot00hoepiaoand ipe- tnTit'. J .1 oskootest t'tbi ttotioni, 01hoico. 'lott, o, 1CigarstonotPioes ;ltobo
cobolti attol 101100- thlt'osoite-db1111)-Clay anodtob}Idol.tget'f'00110 0'-ioilo's IBilbi-tol Ibooll, Noo. 3b North
.011a to-bitcto bost owoso tseod Ili the 0Yo Iu ootoott o' 0' olttlities, otill ill)- 01in0010e-.10101-07
lTe'neoot o' -otooliolottol 00 eoos, 'a1 1 o 1fi to toll ' Ibo 1) t o lto.at t 4'0-toh
been twotootlool 011)'suedtoosful. It g110s Ilt Oton t -.100tI' S1'' ioo ott tet'onoto gi 10
00' 01 li itg'.oot, o B. II. I-' It ito lotigloo, litvely sowoo, tollol iott'tinttool too el' itn -0 a0111tI o~pt irc ito ts . I110000
andoluubotttt, )y'eto-e frooot ony tace o o u'000010 It tot tsll oh tI. 1 7
Co. ittroit, will ho ill Att1111tArbor, it tl ittti')2 lt ittt nottt' 'o0 1ttolc - To 00 tol to Ito
tit' ook Itouseoi 11l toio yT uesdalotoby t'oo'oo'o'o, ';tool I b os t otot'sof btp o tttoer-o oo Ot'-r olot i
tiOe 'lt''oi' Ioottt 1,2 tto -, 1 o'ttbotolb~tbtt~t t t hotlto'totto l~ld,-. T }n oot he (it te.1
ottO(10will too' pleased'tl 0o sowoit'I.-of 10l toteocinaoftotcoellttie tortce, toot ousn et~ ea-e 1ie.t
-. s otde.n ts l l ii' c of sampttlt's of' tit oo lit-sof speciatltiest art addtot h'.i-.B oil s toct. WorksIto 47 -51 0W.
th hIt ooot 01101t'opoloittttt styles of'booies' osuredl. lirttonotte protgram is t0''lttiOt.
00101 gott loott~ ttO o i t0110000101000 otilo' o'osttitledtb urolettao, bet'trinog te
001100' 1000to toto ot'io' ooots' oi~' orta l oitttt 'ltl of"it'I h o ttheoboioooe .1015 - .1os tt ot ooin btim 0000001nio toe" oot
tooptos, otoers otobrubbrs, amongtO toandt'koeoonttsed tthelt-toy tol'tof ansoe oirs Attkto dlc~il mita ul
r t Itototo IIo'otlttttob'lif-oto- btotooof jtantEaosterntil olet', spyinog alll II ' '110-ri lls; toott 10 Onoatly)reairtted.
Ottoolt'e. toe ltettjokest tandl oittiotoous, sing01-0 Mt,0s.Ib o.\lb0 0' 0, 5o I. Atoll St.

N li e1;ll 0 100000 0.00.:.lti, i:3
PR1' INiTING... and4515-- M
Sb;tipent Work '?C tia Sopelt..15
-t~ t o-'-. 't'OO'5: t7 I''bc oittn' 0 oo ,.10 )
'G. R.ooolob'btttti'bt tot O1l

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