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October 24, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-24

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' ' 'yi is a danger under the method of in-. The Webster Society.
~'' ' ~'''~ struction pursued in the past, that
-S II ar(aantneeeti ai principles of law would he learenedil The following programme will he
the (nollcce yeas. tay at the- expense of actual practice. rendered hy the Webster Literary
i E U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION If this is the ease, considerable Society W ednesday at 7:3 p. St.,
Sin-Ic ,. es, ci ~ ltie would he required before the '(let. 25.:
esr~nesrilcpies a cettts. atscip- graduate learns from aetsal prac- So.............................. ..OnGes.
tas ta ltsatasatis t heOs 5 tre a'after a dlearly-hought cx- 5ladn . ocl Sttla.
Rt Sttttlets, twithla ny ofttiteed as s- atoe
xathneiceit soicitori. lrL rietiee. Nosw tat sue have a -ttstoey°'.......... it. SW.iBetntIl3'
d~aamaactaaasahata esel ti eitey patier cotirt whlere cases are tried tn 5des.
7 oclock-et,. it yare to appeat tientest Diebate.
ncr. dttess nl mates nesald ttt pu~es- iniat hal canner, the lass de- ttateiClnitwatliseteiatoi-
ta.Adesalmte neddfrpia- etat t -Tat itenseldmbas esissia r-
tots in the Managing SEiner. All paraisistof iseUniversity ofMics- llittyhesivcine515"ae.,aw5m. Oawsig il
omeunationss shotullhe stint to teBuiani-~ rirt E3" alW Dwin n
an sstataire.gain has taksen a step swhich places ii. F. Dishey; Ne-., Jothn Vauct anal 5. x.
THE U of it. DILY. it far in advance of any other lassw sittsnat,5.5.P ensiis
Ann Arhes, Miich.
school us the laisd.
EDITORS. _______ The freshmnan class at Cornell tans
N.AlFittaSON, >as"J4san ainAs-dintor (To i ie tipper classmeuo localms-'adopted thiefollowinsg class yell:
lI 3A.0 Stat INiati. °94 Assistant. 1),5vi55 the Itreatened disra Stio in L --a./i--a
J. L. LU E, Lit. :,-, Asitiiit. set1 P~
JA.Llo, :its.516, iAtletics liitoa the freshantclass, it seesas ait tihe Bioms-Ha-Ha!
S.N.5 UTIS di I '.sGt it.,at Busiiiessnagitaea.
St...~lxat iii aAssiali. cunes attendcling tise electaon of lanst Corisell, '97, Rats Rah' Rah!
$1.faaiata{ a tils 1 tlS -cIryaTs freshataai class are to be rc- -
ia I I c a ra 1{ l I x : I- -- - I
entaci. teal. An elementeist 15 nt'in- - -
tiruealitnto collreeaolitcssetitch
na aa, aia~ ,Iai. ascecrtasinly tolie depretceinatthe
- a_.r pilical sclheminat nsa ssre-pullata,
ii hetair' of i u-tic tt tt a Oi tlcIss ah i lacsid ut te "profes~lsiial
alt pottt 5, w licieana tosshtanmc.lihelitte for Fese-isAi hsht
a tahti, tialatnosn lii'of tice is frrani5hoinest andclfair , ai..7 a i t

I m Worl's I-air offers a gout1
oppalortunaitv to add to ouir mtuseum,.

electioin. I nasmuche as thse seriodl
oi claiss electioits is at hsandl, sse
utrge 110 all the insportlance of male-j
inag te electioiss a fair anad honest
eSian o o tetrillio the mir-

fine mainy of the exhibits sill not be ity. Those whlo Isave swititessed the
taken asvay, especially those front a acenes atteinding receint electiois
distance. The University of Mich- sill unite sviths us in deprecating tine
ban svas favored at the Cotton Ex- evils (If political scemning. Let
fositioti in Ness (rleans~a fess years cevcry "agoodl ansi tree" man see to
ago. It is knon that effonrts have it that these evils are remedieed and
been msadle linoking to tine securingi the systemis of electiotas at thle h?. of
of some oif the exhsibits as the ('t. is puarifiead. If this is clone,
World's lair fano neour ttasetiia. jpgnod results wiii certainly folloas.
Ptresidlent Atngell is is Chic-go lool-- - -
lug after the interests of tile t- I ainothier coliman of todays is-
a ersity, aiti it is to be htpedaat iit e wse have endseavoredl tnntrace tine
hte atay be utile Ian secure cansiti--r a (spu ltlnmiig the fratlerinities to its
U e msateritsl for tine mtat t.soree, aandhasve presentedlthe facts
ithe case ian as tinbiasedi a mnna~er
Ax ileati silied into --aiurdsa s poss 5~5~ie. Ilie ID)S lmt, us anitna-
PIt N 1 5beariing, as it seems in oi-daendtaetap ner canniaoltimadale in
a:n regarinag tile senlior lat elee- raternitly tilities, anin i all troubles
ioin, swhichI the itansaging edlitor an this soretsee endleaivor to take a
regrets. it is limplosslicliafr Itcheaetrali stait andata to tpresemnt the
maain-g editor Io give his psersonal facts aliegedibllay ifacins as fairly
attention to every itema of newss as polssible.
which rechles this officee, or it sholdliI Cte sislit that has resculted ocire
never have asppeaaredl. The writer, the elctIisn of the freshmisanto ast-t
hiowever, wiiilie called oti to ac -amaster is as serioass a one as tan
couint for this item1, swhichilooked ever ibrolketaout its I". of 1L., aind
asion its lace scs inocenitintl the bad lbloodlthsat has beets stirreal
whiichs carries wvith it ait expsressioni up sil exist for iiainy years, atnadiin-
of opnioinn aetrimta to ta he a hlstxleicss the tiffair is compalromised ini
interests of tter candciedates. I lie ssme wtia wimebetmose far reacinig
1)his,s aimas to be tneitral isa coilee-n -u its resuilts thian the users questiona
plolitics, ansI no utne regrets the ll- of wvho shahl or wvho shahllnt hase
feeling whiicha thisit ishas cre-ited theihoinor moflpresidinag inser the
mt-re thtanthtie maiaging editor. freshatn banqiluet. We thinik that
-the fraterntiies sVouldl can sell to
Tiir: pracetice court, xxiiii s conrsisder this msatter is a calmter
been establishsedlin tie lassidcpar t-rsooal than tielysaseeri tin leldoiingill
anent, fills a loing-felt wanut.I ahielpresent.



(( ali eieedy Iiitssxsfeilis for
preventng incdigeastion,,asod re-
lieviiiiethose'iresetus arisaig
frii(-L adisordered soimisch.
D~r. W. 'W. Gardner, Sprintgfieiad,
Mass., says: "I talus i saon excelenat
pcreentativetotaid igestion, andatpeaan
watertand taletealnutah
Dot'Iatila a- llalta I cccvii 'tap ic i: a l to
Riumfordi Chemceal Worse, Psas icenseyt .
a3 tt f n 1itt t t t tn II t alttali t- .
For Sale by all Druggists.
7e aecttaJ)ICTI 4R c
Teit'. - aat-cua- t,
Fsvercbod v
f AMiiiva IfeT10m1] m air t
- I t iat- tillr . an
I it-' mail, a, Jut tlltte t
D'Int C~ TION. ant

3 3

(0 1NES5
tat SH-ORTHAND, tgik atouidinglaniane sa
uatensf are attenaance; gooamdiscilne; asa t e-
a r\ rt t l isummi,a tnlusom aiy lslctitsx
---- e uitn:; r 'cIiic,;' l lt- , nt ie ye-ea
t ,l! ia,,rm ilitiustaut pinisandaaemus iiopou-
tnt~~i --a- iso 84.tst perac, ad itesa n epiaefcii
P. R. CLEARY, Pas.
tt,7n0 y °A ' AtCIT'
,' situ 5511 I
s t TOED
S f "tuusEO~ I u--am-aa sJ tir imat
So uthu l auuT OLEt O.tui
'I 51:? 1 11 I NI t1 11 :nt a 1
.1(]_7t.k74 1)T:I10 , ill
TVU2DA Y Ean,4x77E;NiG, at : OT. 26.
7. la (ai. :ut11at(iE l17YI.
I on ad t auon tti n.-em-aa ts t i
' ri"r il ti t -e \l iati in( Tat. k
I' iat u i l ai I tu s tt s c t.At n c';tAla l s ua I
h ( L!JlJ1_ 7IUDRY 77CO.
I A' IS-i I , II iti(ie.1": ' taut m Il i t as er intl
a ruuaio~ Cti ua miilelititteisati
'15'.' tal'i i rcdnitalembmawtao satir t m atis-i'.
G a I Ill rinae y-an-,uaarine gl'

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