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October 24, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-24

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VOL. I'V.-No. 21.



sentds election, Isis suppsorteis say A Practice Court Arranged for!
3ut Zeta Psi intends to Stand FirmI that there can be no question about Wherein Principles of Law aire
and Fight It Out-Origin Ii.Theindpedet hveth put into Practice. ERIE -PI.A NOS
ofteToube. iht to elect whoms they pltease, and Thlose wto graduate from ttse law ~ RCCit
5 --teraxsa ptitil ane by au th Towvnsend's and Hawkin's ;riass of '9_ ,should niake a recoird sc s arMm-c ~isaisdiick
nanies were presented a th l s fr tem lv Ol tati o t 'LO ac t;' is's' Sale. CPrices- Isi . Thai's fair.
ist fraternities, wspieseited sodattecas rtimeses iitrigou
iseetisa resultinsn an vw- raerta ta f thrcass,
Z,1c1-1 Psi, asting-that Towvnsend xxho s- In a' osrvitii--raertintbi o-ssoterc

-a eected frcshmn toatmater s hiritrt fr Tthe eta Ps e)sais, ~t ore, tii latts la sse fomany S v t'
a a-stiadraws. The petitiosn caused i h 'aosatcscic.
'a sideraisle am usemseint around atsieo-c -casatatos iita'oaprsitsfrtsrssc' 51 Sonth M.in:
1'e a I s o-i-,i andito ils sc sit i -hea
rssior of oine of t',,--,is-etas.
;ls a etril ela outa I-i -l a ser. is'ss e-asl 1 sosaed -e sill Isi
an l"tas's- Ir. ow-srsct _!is an c o s I rl cds 0- ontonthe o os'tv''st is s-.eli
swsthdrawnscctilt threwil e- 5o a tei neo - lcalliithol0hth
i-itsplt an-ios' the fraternsities I
( tha-t tic tr ousblea ill nted hr.Ciurt iinIdvss!tis isa 'aourse os esta-
_toastmsa'ster dates hark to last !;-6----lists'Isest. liscc h s 'tesn
i_.Atiat CloseClii Psi, the Tennis Tournarntes--fsls aeaeasbtso
s es tarefiratersasties, callrd a'weynrnIte1"t1Ft
l'm n tl thelast iltetiig Of llisasca it ";, '"t
thThfarrsse o o-i ia ceiissasrsrouns id c ~teia sts fits" lee of - 4 o ;5cc-c's-atsee
oasssssti I01t f tr~ ioubsses tie lsreliisia roundill isastelsnatr iprovs iosssmade for t
a lsst uo iu rsiosdet ndthe first -ls-isssiges antispastof Prof. Atechess ciiwisae cu-isge ot it.
a egl uoum rspndd nd1 "tiha firat iround in tha seconsilclass tt xwiii be cosndisctedtsonmewhalit rspoia9
seete I . Ifl-ars BPisKata lf si
"r o te oretrsties bcas sgirls uwere lilaednisetershy after thsrlhnes of the Afoot Cousit ol a-ttian ci lair -v.
noonss. x-tite o a a is 00 Tue do-sblesrsulted ai fltarsty orga-izeti by lsis last yer. e 01 1 stIT -
cs-racus, hasdsttiae ChaiPsis call iaows ct: -:rnat-NttiiOTICE ~I
tie atwhch laisei jc-Osi DiotrilrS. lac school has attesss stealtos conduict 50"s s ci ~s s
t'Ce twihtaey-aiedthat t1' -Wio'sc c --Ild to stay.Hi, s-a'
s-unisa Dletas, ose of the eightWcsas iiiSiiiis5s- ecut xiliholdt naity sessioshiese ad nota excle anyU
a t calicus, had inoschsarter; , wairousaa Stis i c a rs - 0--- 5 o 55lin5r as 5 5 5'lei 5 -s'> e n
sirs--ru asid Rolfsc - 5 t 1 5U5U 1 51 U l5t5 ---}i iduring thec secosnat senaeater, -asi isese it50seas lc ti asi
9 5 struslid S5 mtrs- 1 0s a 0is13 0i1550-0ievery sesnior xwiiiltic expectedi to take
-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~at '-ras si oeeto osbe lsl'sisisie ~ It is the istesatiosa to gsave -
Tiaythens proceeded to set aside Iia the firt-class sin-ges, Alac- every isensher of the senior class ass =
tefrtcaucus, and hsavinggpi-r sale defeateid Ctinming, 6-1, 6-3; opportuityus to brings to anl isse of }
<_ everal of the smaller frats and ieninett defeatedt Jones, 6-3, law, and disposes-if, a case on agree
-o sving around, by ttie pronisse of 6-1. Only oine set of the second facts us lawe and also in eqiisty.
ratatthe banqunet, sectired the cl-iss singles was pltayed, resulttinsg This issue wiii be reachiert by-plead- 1I
a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i araiio r olnPi' victor)- for Mfatier orer tHutch- lug, iunder the Commnis Law or ti-ic
s-isrI caucus was of course calledAristc505s 7-5. Cosde, as should be deternasned by IAlsicPhotiographer, 6
cci \tcHarg and his supporters pro-I lie tournament wiii be casntinsied ti-icsy'stems prevailin-g in the stusdenst's J. jiJLUNC'H]
si nafdvtt h fett-ttasafternoon, state. 'Tie issues arising oin the
t'(-ni-a elawsan h-di pleadini-gs wilt be arguesi before the Lo wney'I (ghocola
a - -- in existence here for seveiral a No Local Grinds.
ye~,ti-is remlovisg the os-its 'aos- 1 Thestockhoiders of -h-Win l rfslriaxia ha rscs i A's-
i's' a ise oftisc Puiriltecharge, i.- e., equsity, before Prof.I - T T L
groii n vira irss ociation naet last Isgit, iithi'Thomupson; comianon laxw,Prof. GCi-sfI ~ SS
t coul osibte set asiderThe rle- 'eesidets'-tDrakre is- thse chair. The fllii code plieadinag, tProf. Knowlton.s
-asthaat iAr. HollansisfSrsiensi ,lost inmportanit alsestionadiscsussedh is stitoa oths,-ctsiir r __
Iis esnorsemnat liy thein iiwasthast of li-isglocal -rindtss i-i; offc.xiiia'c-se'x d x iia
- s.llet caucuis, andrilas election' thaetaller, anal it xwassdeced sithaitassignses to ti-i stiudeiats to coiaidsct
::class osn the inadeps'ienet thaere shsoauid be inonetsoiisalterstg.,iatssia
The associatioss alsotiac it i li-it triali by juryansa an apspeal to the
itrthis experiecec of list yeasi,1ino shares of thse INsills stockj supiemae court if desired.Thie xxwork'
raernities w-to sufferred, felt shsouldutbtachaelatby ails- (sic -ot ross 5 otattorneysxvitnesses,ijurois, iclerk TrT TR E
s~ii looking ouit for thaeir oswa iettes tthue tni -is-ittandsteiesff1,xili-iccornductedl as in i
I1 1ss at whatsever co-it. a lie --- - " --
/} sasytstteohrcrb- ii xcsl naiiste i tuacital cases. It is expected that inl BOOKSTORE.-
Z-1a Zsissaytha th oter omb- te eecuivecomrliteeof hethis departnient eacts studnstxiii
ntoboasted thsat they hart votes' State Teachers AssociationsinIletin1 ti-ie an opportunity to peirsonall-
-cna-'h to shut tiaeir opponents outtLanasing Satsurday anad partiahhy tons- conduic-t at least one contesiesi case
fcollege honors controlledi by the pittedi ti-i programmne for the as--ui-on the events. -otir stsidenatsI
frarities for years to conic, a fact nuatlnmeetinig to be hselni in Decens- stilt be assignesi as -attorneys, taco
whans- only strengthened thesen l ber. Prof. Demmnl is doswn for a on each side. Th~e renmainling sttu- IfHsadqjuta t e s fo01
thei rdrecisiorn to secure the elections papser and Pirof. Al.. Cots-cy for a dects still be d ided into sections
as tieir candidate for toastniaster. italk onsi ning. Icanliescdoasthilid ae.)ium sGoods.

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GymR s t nys

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